Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Beyond Ai by mfarnold

Beyond Ai
By mfarnold Nov '24

In a world of contrasts
Lies the value of unending constants.
Prejudice often constrains
Powers that contain,
Wonderful new domains.

While the fight against Islam
Since all Eras of its Command,
Never obliterated its Profound.

CHATGPT now with glee
Elevates Islam as the only faith to Be.

The Reality is clear,
As oppressions draw near,
Exposing western fear
for humans and the galaxies
Irrespective of disbelievers' fantacies.

Modern Science and Mathematics,
Chemistry, Algorithms and physics
Truly rests via scholars of Islamics,
Without which no logistics
Will cause fruitless economics.

The west dabbles in senseless logics.
Impossible for solution for ailing academics

A local education, Holistic critic,
Created from out of Qur'anic
And Prophetic Lyric
A new infinite
Road to erudite -
HLL(Holistic Leisure Learning)
Answering everyone's yearning
for a qualitative, creative, 
non-restrictive Learning

Making Real Progress Active,
and truly evaluative,
For all times' elevatives
Towards successful initiatives. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Demasculation The Poem

Demasculation by mfarnold Nov 2024

Strong youth sacrificed at altars,

Western education's deliberate falters,

And WOKE, wacky cultures,

for legal family ruptures -

Aim to demasculate society's protectors.

Open your minds

and become conscientise

That those who colonise,

Economise on family demise.

All this is possible

When secularism

Replaces spiritualism

and the masses fall for political sloganism

That only entrenches nepotism

for prejudicial "monetarism".

Establish regular charity

And see with clarity

That political policy

Aims at mass, male exclusion,

To cancel out strong opposition

Through docile, educational illusions

with oppressive women and gay rights

for family fights

to remove father's Light

That ensures his fight

against prejudice

of the elite's influential injustice.

Take Back Sincere Masculine Practice !

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Purpose of Learning


The Purpose of Learning

This is a question not often asked, but so essential. It often happens that one has an aim but fails to think deeply about the purpose and impact of the aim. When one is not grounded in true faith and Know not The Presence of God Almighty, it is often that one misses the real purpose of learning. With reference to truth and not self-actualisation it is possible to find the correct purpose. Without Distinguished Awareness -'ILM, one often faulters in decision- making. With Artificial Intelligence AI, one can assess the general world perspective on something and then re-define it within a context of 'ILM

So What does AI say with reagrd to The Purpose of learning?

I posed this question to ChatGPT and the following answer popped up.

The Purpose of Learning:

1. Personal Growth

2. Adapting to Change

3. Social Connection and Contribution

4. Cognitive Development

5. Economic and Professional Opportunities

Assessing this answer from Chatgpt, the following becomes clear:

1. It does not promote creativity 

2. It drives the individual to fit into an existing society

3. It is individualistic within an existing social context - fitting in

3. It is thus stressful, because it forces conformity to the existing status quo

4. It has no Divine, Truthful guiding principle 

So, How do I respond to The Question on What is the Purpose of Learning ?

From the platform of the Qur'an-Based Methodology, Holistic Leisure Learning HLL, I devised the following as the answer to the question above.

The Purpose of Learning:

1. To Develope Gratitude to Allah SWT through deeply studying and reflecting on the Miracles, Marvels, Signs (AAYAAT) He SWT Calls our attention to.

2. To value everyone and everything in and around the self as miracles

3, Detach the self from external attachments and identify where its limits are, while attaching the self to the Awareness of The Presence of Allah SWT, which ensures truthfulness, honesty and creativity. 

4. Connecting with the Divine Spirit (Ruugh) which energises and motivates towards Goodness and Clarity for successful decision making - Using the Question "Will Allah SWT be Pleased with me if I do or say this".

5. Finding Peace (Islam) within the self, in unison with the Guidance from Allah SWT, whatever the circumstance and trust in Allah SWT for the outcome of learning and practicing what is Divinely Guided as Good. 

Assessing the Above answer with reference to HLL, The following becomes clear:

1. The person is connected to Allah SWT in a profound way and hence connects with nature, people and things from a perspective of gratitude, that fills the heart with openness and goodness

2. The person is less stressed to fit in, and ready to be creative, within the context of what's best for the self in the world and the next

3. The answer is rooted in truth and thus and an inner happiness and creates a stressless mindset, not to be competing, but rather to creatively help the self and others. 

And Allah SWT Knows Best. 

Alghamdu lillaah

Shukran Jazeelan

Mogamat Faadiel Arnold November 2024.