Awareness by M.F.Arnold
Critical Skills, without interconnected Value,
Is like isolating ingredients, but Missing the Meal.
Duality, without Complimentary Necessity,
Is like a Mother and Father forgetting their Parenthood.
Science & Maths, as separate subjects,
Denies their Interdependent Processes.
Multiplicity is Unity
And Unity Creates Multiplicity.
This Awareness Builds Communities,
Through Individual Consciousness
of Divine Connection,
Who Grants Personal Growth & Social Benefit.
Schools have longed to individualise, to create
Competitive animals for cut-throat profit drivers,
To serve rich manipulators.
The market Crash in 2008/9,
Demolished "It is all mine !"
Ushers in the Need for The Divine.
Charity came to Save
the Chaotic Waves.
Research now proves Divine Order.
Submission, Attains Permission,
Refuting Evolution
and Establish the Ever-Present Revolution:
"all for One and One for all".
The Prophets, be Blessed,
who long taught how to Assess
The Value of True Success.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
The Value of Faith
In the day of open communication and extremist behaviours, personally confused readers and listeners are swept away from faith while sincere seekers enter the faith of Islam. Evils are veils to truth for the ungrateful egotist and openings to the grateful seeker of goodness. There has always been a time when enemies of God try to discredit Him - at the time of the prophets and up until today and it will be so in the future. This is understandable, because the ego of mankind will always exist and that must go through stages of questioning and arrival.
Good intentions are the key to truth. Evil intentions naturally lead to confusion and evil actions whatever the sources of learning may be. When so-called liberalists and secularists try to discredit a faith on the basis of the evildoers it is obvious that they were looking for a reason to excite their inner agitation to be a disbeliever/ ungrateful human to God. Any human who refuses to believe in God as his/her Creator is obviously oblivious to his existence as a human body, as a creation that does not operate by its own will, but through the Grace of God.The "involuntary" God-given functions of all his/her organs including his/her brain (he/she wishes to use) to refute its Creator, are marvels of God's Mercy. The human body and the universes existence are the proofs of the existence of A Supreme Power that regulates and moves each atom. The simplest question - where do "I" come from and where do each predecessors come from, will naturally lead to the Origin being from One who is Infinite, Uncreated, All Powerful and All Present.
The actions of evil-doers are fuelled by ungrateful, egotistical self-absorption, which stems from critical thinking, which has its origins in mistrust and doubt. For a believer he/she starts from a position of faith, sincerity, certainty and learns to integrate all existence into an holistic appreciation of goodness and thus increasing in faith in God. The disbeliever's time is spent trying to convince himself/herself that he/she is right to disbelieve and in the process alienates himself/herself from the people and world around him/her while secretly feeling the agitation of inner faith which he/she is trying to quell. This results is an accumulation of dissatisfaction and disharmony that translates into self-delusion - deaf, dumb and blind to any form of truth - a kind of empty peace with no-one to thank except him/herself for being arrogant. To the believer, he /she basks in certainty, which translate into discovering of new arena's of amazement and extended feelings of gratefulness and appreciation for The Creator. His/her world expands into multidimensional universes of experiences that leaves him/her in awe and wonder of the Magnificence of the Creator's bounties. His/her life is filled with nearness to worthy people who are quietly enjoying every moment and not spending his/her time arguing with people about his/her personal view, but rather joining with people of certainty that enhances the value of goodness and creating harmonies through which all can benefit.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Comparing HLL with Conventional Schooling
Comparing HLL (Holistic Leisure Learning) and Conventional School Systems
Core Issues
Holistic Leisure Learning
Known/Possible effects
Conventional Schooling
Known/Possible Effects
Central Focus
Holistic Student Development via integration of subjects and grades in open interconnected spaces
Sees the value of self, others and subjects in broader holistic integrated context, seeing the value of young and old developing a sense of extended family values
Capitalistic Career driven via
Fractionalisation subjects, peer groupings
Individualistic competitiveness within group mentality creating the basis for bullying and gangsterism
Position of the child
Child Central with regard to personal interests, talent, skills, knowledge and choice
Positive self-esteem and self-image and value of others’ talents
Grade and prescriptive subject curriculum central
child’s personal interests, talents, skills, knowledge oppressed – only academic skills determine pass – loss of self-esteem – increase aggression /inhibitions/ disengagement
Integrated matrix that give value to continuous learning
Holistic value of all subjects
Subjects fractionalised into periods and lessons and the holistic value and no integration with other subjects
Students and teachers lack knowledge of the holistic integrative value of all subjects
Learning exposures
Resource driven – summarised posters and videos covering months and years of work in one day exposures, student free to engage with the resources and teaching is on demand when students have difficulty.
Each child gets personal attention. Flash-drive lessons and cell-phone pictures and recording are constant references
Self-motivated student that takes responsibility for his/her learning and developing a confidence in approaching others and trust in being assisted when needed. Reading and critical skills develop through interaction with resources, performs well due repetition of the whole through the year.
Supply Teaching –centred through fractionalised lesson presentations that stretch small amounts of unrelated knowledge over a 10 month period – often teachers do not complete the syllabus leaving the rest for homework. Even technology use is restricted to period availability and teacher skills. Child fades away in the group. No personal attention. Class group dynamics
Students become dependent on teachers, losing their self-motivation, forgetting basic knowledge over the long stretched-out periods thus not being able to perform well at the end of the year when all the knowledge is tested. Learner reading and critical skills are lacking because teachers drive the process. Student become a passive learner with no confidence to ask questions
Needed state Curriculum completed in 3 months. Flash-drive lessons available for student’s interventions 24/7
Allows research. Time available for students’ personal interest development as part of student’s contribution to school content. Students become personally motivated to strive.
Curriculum needs take 12 months.
Students no opportunity to follow personal research to add to the content of the school. Frustration sets in
Freedom to study, explore
Little time to study/explore
Holistically integrated
Personal transformations
No discipline problems
Spiritual deterioration, school crime increases
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Understanding The Structural Problems in Education, Unemployment & Health
Understanding The Structural Problems in Education, Unemployment
& Health by M.F.Arnold
Education (secular & religious) is primarily seen as a must for progress,
yet many people, including the Prophet (Pbuh), had no formal education. He
could not read or write. He was as pure as when his mother gave birth to him
(Um-mee-yuun). Thus, he was absolutely pure in thought and action, because he
was unadulterated - uncontaminated by outside influence and indoctrination. He
observed life and appealed to the Greatest Truth, Allah SWT, for Guidance and
he received it for humanity. With the Support of God, he acted fearlessly and
courteously and Arabia was transformed from a barbaric existence to the seat of
is understandable that every effort will be made by people without faith in God
to try and influence people to believe in human systems and constructs to
survive. Their systems and constructs create fears in people to give of their
assets to them for securities. If fears come from satan, then anyone who
succumbs to fears will become a disciple of satan, because he/she will promote belief
in fear and lose the strength of positivity, which is faith in God, Almighty,
as Provider, Protector and Powerful.
create fear, they create systems and constructs that break down the self-worth
of people:
Standardise all through
“education” and give no credit for talent and informal learning
Group the masses
so that competition can thrive and cut-throat tactics can be employed
hierarchies that create red-tape that saps the energies of people in education, business
& religion
Give titles
(academic achievements) to instill in people obedience in hierarchies
Control people through
consistent monitoring by the management staff of hierarchies
Sponsor aggressive
team sport that foster group mentality and competitive natures that builds hostilities to divide people
Create policies
for external assessments – with curricula drafted by the enfranchised - to drive
acceptance to conformity through fractionalisation of knowledge that drags out content to frustrate students and ensures a lack
of self-worth in individuals, controls the job-market and creates a pool of
unemployed to ensure exploitive wage offers – modern slavery.
kinds of systems and constructs (the status quo) create structural educational
dilemmas, unemployment, crime and illness (of those who feel the manipulation
but lack the skills and support to make qualitative changes). When one
understands the origin of social and medical problems due to all the stresses
created by human constructs, one sympathises with the victims of social, intellectual,
economic, cultural and religious abuse. Abuse is a result of fear and control
mechanisms that feed on the lower ego of man that wants to be in charge and control
others. That is why slaves often became slave-owners and the abused often
become the abusers. Fear sells products of “security” –interest-related loans,
insurance, credit, education accreditations, burials, products and services appeals to lower-self fears.
This creates attachment to materialism which translates into different forms of
arrogance as a camouflage for inner insecurities. – This makes people aggressive
and oppressive towards one another and forgetful of The Divine Presence and Grace.
people realise that what they possess is divinely entrusted to them to be shared
(only 2.5% per year on savings) to support others, they will act differently.
The will help each other achieve success without fear of losing position or
safety, because they know God Cares for all. These simple Qur’anic Guidelines
free all to respect each other and progress together. There is no better
feeling in life than to know you have helped someone reach his/her dream. This
is how each one becomes Blessed and feels valued from within and then need no
false securities or tricked accolades. Crime and exploitation will cease to
exist in a supportive community and health will improve- In shaa Allah Aameen – because no-one will
live to impress another or be in fear of being alone/ abused, because they experience
genuine communal support (Ma’ruuf).
young cyber success bosses, without hierarchical university degrees, and the
gifted children who give scholarly lectures in Qur’an are the Divine Signs
against hierarchy and human constructs. Let’s value each other, to ensure our
own and the community’s success – in shaa Allah – Aameen – It is possible – Make
a niyyah (sincere intention) and Allah SWT (God) Will Make it happen. Let’s entrust
our work with Allah SWT.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Mathematical Equation of Faith
The Mathematical Equation of Faith and Trust [Eemaan] -
by: Mogamat Faadiel Arnold - PTD III, B.A. PhD[HC] - Bo-Kaap Cape Town
I = C.P.A.W.F.T = CTh = G = Gh = IP = S =1I - Islamic Faith (may also refer to the self-"I" in search of Guidance through - I=Imaan)
C - Contemplation/ Reflection on the value of things, persons, situations and occurrences (Ta-fak-kur) as the Marvels of Allah (SWT)
P - Piety - staying away from all forms of Evil, because it is a hinderance
A- Adab (courtesy towards Allah SWT, His Creations,which include mankind)
W - Work - sincere application of knowledge and skills to transform self and all environs - inner and outer
T = to Trust in only Allah SWT as Provider, Protector, Powerful Lord and Sustainer
F = Requesting Forgiveness in admission of imperfections
CTh - constant Thikr (Remembrance of The Creator, Allah SWT every moment
G = Gratitude for every moment, opportunity, Gift, creation, life, honour and faithfulness
Gh - Allah SWT Grants Ghikma (Wisdom) to the seeker for His Countenance/ Divine Presence (Wajh)
IP - Inner Peace = security in faith in God's Ever Presence, Help, Wisdom, Protection & Support ( thus absence of Fear of anything/ any one/ any situation - with secure consciousness of Allah (SWT)'s Nearness - and carefulness not to sin.
S - Success in this world and the Next, due to Nearness and Experience of the Presence of Allah SWT at all times - thus free from worldly attachments/ meaning to strive for worldly positions/ riches while forgetting Allah SWT (instead of appreciating the worldly Gifts from Allah SWT as Signs which reminds us of HIM and to be constantly grateful to Him for Granting us the Rizq (Gifts)) - this state of freedom from all forms of material enslavement, is thus total Freedom ( those who do not fear nor do they grieve - the Friends of Allah SWT - who are granted miracles - traversing the earth, skies, walking on water, the universe feeding them - The Perfect Human example Allah SWT has Sent us in the personality and practice of Nabie Mughammad SAW - the Is-raa (from Makka to Jerusalem) & the Mi'raaj (from Dome of the Rock through the seven heavens - Alghamdu-lilla-hi Rob-bil-'as-la-meen )- from an orphan to the leader of Arabia). Nothing can stand in the way of the Ibaad (sincere worker for Allah (SWT))
1 (One) = being in Unison with the Creator (Where the Ibaad (the adorer and worker for Allah SWT's wishes becomes The Wishes of Allah SWT, and Allah SWT does not hesitate to Grant him his/her requests and Grants him/her true vision, word and actions)- The Equation's answer is = The One and Only God - Allah SWT - Who encompasses all creations which reflect His 99 Divine Attributes - of which the human has all the 99 Attributes of God potentially in the self - waiting to be actualised. Its actualisation is the application of the Equation above - in shaa Allah, May Allah SWT Grant us the Strength and Wisdom to traverse the Path of the Equation of Faith.
The DOTS between the letters represent Multiplication = The constant improvement of the application of the inter-related, holistic improved application of the equation creates a multiplier effect on the soul that allows it to connect with the Pure Frequencies of The Spirit Ruugh within, which allows the person to holistically transcend time and space and in this way Allah SWT Reveals various Divine Secrets to the traveller towards the inner Truth which Allah SWT has Granted all of us in His Love and Mercy for His Creations - and the Recital, Reading and Reflection of Qur'an - The ONE Resource as the Guidance to humanity to start the Process to Success in this World and The Next - in shaa Allah Aameen.
The above constitutes the Road to the Lord of Power, which allows the individual to be the representative/ vicegerent of God. Such Friends of God traverse the earth with or without vehicles, will be able to walk on water or fly through the sky at the Will of The Creator's Wish, because the Adorer of God (IBAAD) will then reflect his/her divinity inherent in the human to transcend even gravity and other natural laws that restrict those forgetful and ungrateful ones. When the seeker of God's Presence acts, he truly lives the Moment of Divine Power which overpowers everyone and everything with Peace, Harmony and Reverence.
The above equation gives sense to all acts of worship and existence and removes many doubts and allows a greater focus on our purpose in life. The Equation gives direction towards success in a short but absolutely profound way - One Ayah of the Qur'an Can lead us there -
Verily We have Created Everything with/by/in Qadr [measure, number, proportion, ratio, strength, power... etc]
Alghadu Lillahi Robbil'aala-meen.
The Above was inspired by the book of Ibn Al-Arabi - Journey to The Lord of Power, The Qur'an, Aghaadieeth, my personal reflections on the features of the book and some poignant questions from our (ICRA Comprehensive School (ICS)) Grade 10 students at our school, on delivering the lesson to all on the "Mathematical Equation of Faith". I am truly humbled by what Allah SWT has Granted me and the children of ICRA at such a crucial time of many core world changes that have shaken humanity. I have hence, based on this Holistic Knowledge Written One Textbook for All grades that unites all subjects in a reflective way entitled Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections- Alghamdu lillaah - May Allah SWT continue Guiding us to Him - in shaa Allah.
In activating this Mathematical Equation of Faith over and over one is able to experience higher and higher orbitals/ levels of consciousness that draws us nearer and nearer to experiencing the Presence/Face of God - these are the people for whom God Becomes their, Eyes, Ears, Month that Speaks, Hand that touches, Foot that Walks and for whom Allah SWT Grants all their wishes and If they Ask Allah SWT for His Protection, God will not Hesitate to Grant it to them - as He hesitates to take their Soul at the appointed Death for He does not want to disappoint them - WOW - Hadeeth 508/9 Shagheegh Bukhari Vol 8. Ghadeeth Qudsi. We are so fortunate to be Believers in God, to an extent that the disbeliever is envious of of Divine Connection and their own inability to transcend to theses levels of experience due to their own barriers of arrogance and self-glory they are trapped in - but as believers we must still pray that God Guides them - in shaa Allah - but know that to Pray to Him for others is part of our true faith.
Wal-laa-hoe ta-'aa-laa "a-lam
and Allah SWT Knows BestSunday, May 17, 2015
Saving Bo-Kaap Heritage
Each of the following poses a Threat to the Bo-Kaap Heritage
1. Some Tour guides and the Red Bus tape recordings mis-represent Bo-Kaap (descendants of slaves, who when they were freed were so happy that they painted their houses bright colours - Plascon technology only succeeded in these bright colours in the 1990's !.)
2. The Many Euro-centric Film Crews negotiate with self-interest individuals and organisation, against residents wishes, the use of the area as a cheap film location to shoot ads and movies that are contrary to Bo-Kaap Islamic Culture - with deliberate, yet subtle background (obscure distant minarets of mosques) in murder scenes. Often oppressive individuals of the Bo-Kaap community are used as "security" for film shoots in Bo-Kaap - to keep the residents away. The congestion of traffic in the small Bo-Kaap due to film shoots that block areas of access to schools and homes
3. Cape Town City and Heritage Council dragging their feet in declaring Bo-Kaap a heritage site, because of the increasing property market values of Bo-Kaap houses.
4. The fast influx of foreign buyers and renovations for sale purposes, thus Bo-Kaap becoming progressively empty of residents that stay (Ghost Investment Houses)
5. The increase of wine bottles dirt of non-Muslim residents
6. Increasing music played by non-Muslim residents during prayer times
7. Consistent change of renting occupants that leave their moving dirt in the street
8. The newly South African colourful painting of houses to draw attention of film crews and tourism that allows anti-Muslim, stereotypical individuals to continue their stereotypical agenda of Bo-Kaap people being :"Colourful" their pun for "coloured, uncultured, mixed people"
9. The Slave Route Run that succinctly projects all Bo-Kaap people as descendants of slaves - which can historically and currently be proven that the majority of Bo-Kaap people's ancestors came as Free Burgers, brought in as Craftsmen and women to be employed by the Dutch to build the houses and make their clothes. This allowed them to become property owners, a privilege slaves did not have. It thus currently stands to reason why the property owners can now sell for millions, because they possessed a business sense - unfortunately to the detriment of Bo-Kaap Heritage and the sublte slow removal of the older generation through high rates - thus forcing them to sell - often to foreign bayers who get a good foreign exchange deal.
10. The split in the community caused by those who override property rights due to the issuing of filming permits in Bo-Kaap without the affected residents signatures.
11. The Film office not abiding by the no-filming red areas agreed upon with mosques and private property representatives.
12. Bo-Kaap has recently been used to promote a film that promotes "gayism" with a low-level, skollie element dialect in it , subtly giving Bo-Kaap the "desired image" that stands against the Islamic Culture from which Bo-Kaap originated.
Each of the following poses a Threat to the Bo-Kaap Heritage
1. Some Tour guides and the Red Bus tape recordings mis-represent Bo-Kaap (descendants of slaves, who when they were freed were so happy that they painted their houses bright colours - Plascon technology only succeeded in these bright colours in the 1990's !.)
2. The Many Euro-centric Film Crews negotiate with self-interest individuals and organisation, against residents wishes, the use of the area as a cheap film location to shoot ads and movies that are contrary to Bo-Kaap Islamic Culture - with deliberate, yet subtle background (obscure distant minarets of mosques) in murder scenes. Often oppressive individuals of the Bo-Kaap community are used as "security" for film shoots in Bo-Kaap - to keep the residents away. The congestion of traffic in the small Bo-Kaap due to film shoots that block areas of access to schools and homes
3. Cape Town City and Heritage Council dragging their feet in declaring Bo-Kaap a heritage site, because of the increasing property market values of Bo-Kaap houses.
4. The fast influx of foreign buyers and renovations for sale purposes, thus Bo-Kaap becoming progressively empty of residents that stay (Ghost Investment Houses)
5. The increase of wine bottles dirt of non-Muslim residents
6. Increasing music played by non-Muslim residents during prayer times
7. Consistent change of renting occupants that leave their moving dirt in the street
8. The newly South African colourful painting of houses to draw attention of film crews and tourism that allows anti-Muslim, stereotypical individuals to continue their stereotypical agenda of Bo-Kaap people being :"Colourful" their pun for "coloured, uncultured, mixed people"
9. The Slave Route Run that succinctly projects all Bo-Kaap people as descendants of slaves - which can historically and currently be proven that the majority of Bo-Kaap people's ancestors came as Free Burgers, brought in as Craftsmen and women to be employed by the Dutch to build the houses and make their clothes. This allowed them to become property owners, a privilege slaves did not have. It thus currently stands to reason why the property owners can now sell for millions, because they possessed a business sense - unfortunately to the detriment of Bo-Kaap Heritage and the sublte slow removal of the older generation through high rates - thus forcing them to sell - often to foreign bayers who get a good foreign exchange deal.
10. The split in the community caused by those who override property rights due to the issuing of filming permits in Bo-Kaap without the affected residents signatures.
11. The Film office not abiding by the no-filming red areas agreed upon with mosques and private property representatives.
12. Bo-Kaap has recently been used to promote a film that promotes "gayism" with a low-level, skollie element dialect in it , subtly giving Bo-Kaap the "desired image" that stands against the Islamic Culture from which Bo-Kaap originated.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Solution to the Educational Crisis and Unemployment
The world's educational crisis is proven by the crash of the global Capitalistic "Free-market" economy in 2008/9 - when large American Banks had to be saved by Government Bailout - yet these bailouts were on loans from the international rich, creating further government debt that cannot be paid back except by fictitious printed money which is not backed by precious metals. Western Governments are in a crisis and its educational and economic failures prove it.
Arab countries succeeded in buying many western banks and businesses but are now tricked into wars to destabilise them. What is interesting is that Eastern countries are now buying failed western education and business strategies under the illusion that it will bring them the lost power of the west - they simply do not understand English and are blinded by western military - "prowess" which showed its weakness by not being able to topple the invaded Islamic countries. What they are hoping to do is to leave their disruptive ideologies in these "backward" countries in order to make money out of their ignorance. Mass ignorance is economically viable for the individual "intellectuals" who first educationally deprive a conquered nation/ indigenous people, then exploit them as cheap labour , then allow a small minority to taste the academia ego trips, which protect their skewed ideologies of bureaucracies and control through "strategic management" which is entrenched by educational institutions. The core analysis of the failed western education and economic models lies in fragmentation of knowledge and its management styles.
Education cannot thrive through periods and subject differentiation by disoriented specialist teachers, managed by monitoring systems that drive fears in the hearts of learners, teachers and principals. The large unemployment rate in the modern, capitalistic economies calls upon business to reject state education and consider individual achievements formally and informally for recruitment and to train on the job - a much more economical strategy.
Education from creative individuals and communities must then be acknowledged by business and standardised formal education that traps the creativity of a young person must not be a criteria for recruitment. Communities need to be encouraged to minimally contribute to the employment of their youth into basic services such as medical care, safety, food production, cleaning and maintenance, and personal tuition services etc. That does not mean that state education must be ignored. No it should then be helped by the creative individuals and community institutions that value people in general. This creates jobs and creates a valuable society, without the dependence on exploitive systems of education and economic management strategies.
Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) and NoDebtyouth (open these in this blog) are the answers to the education and economic problems of any country, only if the blinkers of brainwashed members of society can be shaken off and their self-worth be revitalised - in shaa Allah.
The world's educational crisis is proven by the crash of the global Capitalistic "Free-market" economy in 2008/9 - when large American Banks had to be saved by Government Bailout - yet these bailouts were on loans from the international rich, creating further government debt that cannot be paid back except by fictitious printed money which is not backed by precious metals. Western Governments are in a crisis and its educational and economic failures prove it.
Arab countries succeeded in buying many western banks and businesses but are now tricked into wars to destabilise them. What is interesting is that Eastern countries are now buying failed western education and business strategies under the illusion that it will bring them the lost power of the west - they simply do not understand English and are blinded by western military - "prowess" which showed its weakness by not being able to topple the invaded Islamic countries. What they are hoping to do is to leave their disruptive ideologies in these "backward" countries in order to make money out of their ignorance. Mass ignorance is economically viable for the individual "intellectuals" who first educationally deprive a conquered nation/ indigenous people, then exploit them as cheap labour , then allow a small minority to taste the academia ego trips, which protect their skewed ideologies of bureaucracies and control through "strategic management" which is entrenched by educational institutions. The core analysis of the failed western education and economic models lies in fragmentation of knowledge and its management styles.
Education cannot thrive through periods and subject differentiation by disoriented specialist teachers, managed by monitoring systems that drive fears in the hearts of learners, teachers and principals. The large unemployment rate in the modern, capitalistic economies calls upon business to reject state education and consider individual achievements formally and informally for recruitment and to train on the job - a much more economical strategy.
Education from creative individuals and communities must then be acknowledged by business and standardised formal education that traps the creativity of a young person must not be a criteria for recruitment. Communities need to be encouraged to minimally contribute to the employment of their youth into basic services such as medical care, safety, food production, cleaning and maintenance, and personal tuition services etc. That does not mean that state education must be ignored. No it should then be helped by the creative individuals and community institutions that value people in general. This creates jobs and creates a valuable society, without the dependence on exploitive systems of education and economic management strategies.
Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) and NoDebtyouth (open these in this blog) are the answers to the education and economic problems of any country, only if the blinkers of brainwashed members of society can be shaken off and their self-worth be revitalised - in shaa Allah.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
ICS Poems
786 : ICRA
Comprehensive School
Curriculum Related Poems
Written by M.F.Arnold
Help One another, to have the Strength and Wisdom
of The Elephant, with the Control of The Lion, Through the Speed and Agility of
The Cheetah, While in Camouflaged like The Tiger, To be as Huge, Caring,
Cuddly, Secure and Powerful like The Bear, Topped by the Healing Qualities of
The Camel.
When it's inside it wants to move,When it's released it can be Proved.
Energy is Heat and can Defeat, Transfer from Here to There. It's a Force
without Compare, It causes Changes in The Main. Without its Presence, All's in
Resource Use without a Thought, Can Destroy what can't be Brought.
Trees, Rivers, Animals, Are Precious Gifts not found in Malls. Save the Air and
be so Fair, For Generations still to Bear, Conserve, Preserve And Find Alternatives.
The Glut of Man for Money, Made Factories Dull the Sunny. Poison Gases
Increase, Melting many a Freeze, Sea Rises People out of Houses, Animals Lose
their Way, For Climates no-longer Stay.
A Cycle of Carbon, for Making Food.A cycle of Nitrogen, for Soil so Good.While
the Cycle of Water is there to Soothe. The Cycle of Life, from Birth to Death,
Relies Entirely on Clear Breath. All Cycles Integrate, at specific Time and
Date, All Designed by The One So Great, for All of Us to Appreciate.
A Balance Diet, Feeds Body and Mind, Makes Good
Sense, to be Fine. Lots of Fruits and Vegetables, Give Needed Growth and
Minerals. Some Fats and Carbohydrates for Energy and Needed Weight. Water is
Essential, For Transport of Solubles.
HISTORY: The Khoi were Here, The Dutch They Feared, Who
later Shot their Spear. The English Broke the Dutch Control, and Later Gave the
Boers the Role. Apartheid Fears by All Dark-Skinned, Turned to Fighters Highly
Skilled. Democracy in '94, United All, Not Seen Before.
They have a Voice, That We Must Hear, For Safety,
Care and Nurture. Education is Their Right. For Freedom did they Fight.
Association is now Free. Apartheid made many Flee. Refuse Abuse, There's no
Excuse for Adults to be Fair.
Read, Peruse, Study and Teach, This is the First
Instruction for Each. Poetry, Prose Stood for a While, was Totally Deposed by
Qur'anic Style. Arabic, The Language to Refelct, Develops Acute Intellect.Engilsh
sentence Broadens Deep, Through Arabic Roots, Interchanging Leaps. Word,
Phrase, Sentence, Feat, Bring Messages from Many a Seat. Learn to Earn and do
not Spurn, The Reading Power of Constant Churn. Language Builds People's Pride,
Who Stand Firm and do not Hide.
Die Taal is Jonk. Het nouGeenPronk, Want Staat was
teGehok. GeenWetenskap het nogOntbloot, want Engels het alsGesloot. Die Bo-Kaap
Muslims het dit Begin, so Het Dr. AchmatDavids'nGraadGewin. Met Arabiese
Letters in KaapsGeklank, het Afrikaans veel toe te Dank.
WaarGaanditWeessoosjare Sleep? Want Engels is in Elke Meet
Entrepreneurs take some Risks, Well
Calculated and often Swift. Initiatives they Take, For Product is what they
make. Price-setting, Marketing, Personnel and Packaging. Management Accounting
Makes Profitability Exciting. Unemployment would have Been, If Businesses were
Never Seen.
Everything is in Number, Used by Everyone,
Even the Plumber. Multiply, Divide, Add and Subtract, Create a Science that is
very Exact. Arabic Numerals we all Use, for Qur'an and Science are Holistically
Fused. Shape, Volume, Depth and Height, Bring Capacity into Sight.Algebra and
Logarithms, The Arabs Brought, Allowing Balance, Harmony and Critical Thought.
To Plan cuts Costs, You would have Lost,
by being too Carefree. An Overview is all it Needs, To Start a Process with a
Speed. Creative Juices start a Spree, With Aim, Tools, Design and Make, Review,
Report and Right Mistakes, Expose Ideas from Thought to State. Let's Not Delay,
What we can Say, Through Work Well Planned is All Child's Play.
Discoveries and Inventions, Use Materials
in All Dimensions.Plastic, Glass and Metals, Composites, Ceramics and Whiskers.
Carbon Fibres, Nylon, Bakelite and Teflon. All Combined and some Waste, Cause
Environ Dangers in The Haste. Care is Needed with its Use, To Prevent a Human
Creative Edge Presents a Mood, Through
Colour, Line and Pattern Smooth, Tone, Texture and Design, Make Compositions
Clearly Shine. Dimensions, Angles, Pitch and Plot, Send Messages to Audience a
Lot. Displays, Ads and Promotions, Bring Response through Nations.
Centred, The Nucleus, Electrons around,
within Energy Levels Absolutely Profound. The Octet Rule
for Electron-Share, makes New Substances for those Who Dare.
Elements so Pure, Molecules a Mix, Give New Materials
a Compound Fix. The Atomic Orbits, like Heavenly Bodies -
in Total Service from The ONE, Who Loves, the Needy Humans and The Doves.
Flight a miracle to Observe, for those who want to Serve, The One
Who Gave All, Nerves.
When I read, I shall feed, The Best part of myself. To search, To delve
through words and style, to Reference for a while.
The Grammar I might learn, To analyse and churn,Some new skills of
analysis. But what is best for me to do, Is to write a sentence of my own, or
two, to check my own consciousness.
Work, is true, is what it will take. Instead of giving sport all
stakes, What benefit will it be for me To read, understand and try to see the
new worlds that set us free?
Don’t be captured by indecision, because you have little provision to
know the difference between right and wrong, because your reading is not that
Start the process, with urge and vigour, So that you can be a new
trigger, That builds a world of peace, Through understanding how others feel,
while you have been part of deal to encourage reading as a nourishing meal.
I could work, I should work, But I often Don’t. What am I doing., when
I cannot decide? Am I on my own side? NO! Surely NOT ! A second it will take,
To work and make, What will surely Bring From it Lots of Benefit.
“Work now, Play latter” Says the wise Investor.
It is understood, that work will always be good
on Dr. M.F.Arnold's CURRICULUM POEMS (By Prof. Y. Mohamed:UWC)
The Poems Capture, The Essence of Each Science. They are
Suitable, for Young and Noble Minds. The Impression they Make, On Innate Human
Nature, Will Ultimately Lead to Knowledge of The Creator.
MisPlaced Art - by M.F.Arnold
They Celebrated, Colour-Art
that Fits.They Lauded Political Entrenchments.ORLost Love, Loneliness,Suffering
and Death -Topics for Literary Analysis. Dark The Mood,,Heavy the Tone..Light
so Needed !Happiness Seeds !Faith to Hold !Well Foretold -But Less Uphold,Where
Bitterness Bold..Unleash! Break Loose from Fettered World Views !Make NEWS !
Analysis of "MisPlaced Art"
The title suggests that literary arts were misplaced - out of the context of its real possibilities. The poet refers to "White Supremacy" in the literary world, that only published (celebrated) arts - poems, drama, film and media - that give credibility to their notions/ preoccupations of/with race, colour, or creed - which serves to entrench the cultural divides/separations (Colour Arts that Fits/ Entrenchments), and place English as the supreme culture. The poet also bemoans (OR) the use of poetry to express loneliness, loss, love, suffering and death (lines 5 & 6) for literary discourse/ discussion/review/ critique etc. There is a sense in the poem that darkness, suffering and disappointment should not be published at the expense of joy and happiness (Line 10 & 11). The poet seems to disregard that poetry, film, song, and general negative/ dark arts are often personal outlets for deep depression of individuals/ communities - a positive way of giving vent to(expressing) their frustrations, heartaches and depression - instead of murder, suicide, root or destruction. The poet's appeal for happiness and light is a call for positivity in the Arts. The poet reminds the reader of the Prophets (Peace be upon them) who brought good news and hope to the believers (Well foretold). The poem has a motivational tone, because it encourages the reader to "break loose" from the chains of world obsessions (fettered). The poet calls for creative work - "Make News !" that will benefit all - instead of focusing all efforts on lamenting over past trauma's and hardships. The poet calls for individual strength, faith and hope (faith to hold - line 12). The general mood and expression of the poem is positive in that it gives advice and critically and constructively questions existing literary genre (types). It calls on the reader to think out-of-the-box (Make News!)
Life Orientation by M.F.Arnold
To be aware, what skills and flair,
Could make for you the success you dare.
Life roles rapped in decision-making
Calls for solid foundations in your taking
Stress is sure through life’s curves and
Develops coping-mechanisms and new worlds.
Self-control and responsibility
Removes abuse, stereotyping and gender
Environment does form a part
In creating Everlasting new Charts
Benevolence, Equality and Ethics
Create a Pluralism that lays the Basics.
Consideration, Tolerance are High on the
Of Solving social issues that could draw
Assertiveness prevents abuse,
While giving quality to careers you
Transformation of Self and others
Saves The Bill of Rights from smothers
Body Fitness and Health concerns,
Bring health promotions with its Earns.
Re-dress through Media, Law and Sport,
Builds a nationsthrough Safety sought.
Finance is needed for Market Trends
Where learning, tasks, jobs will Mend
A Society that Controls when on a Bend.
Your Contribution as a Prospector,
In Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sector,
Brings conditions in Sight
For a Nation in Flight.
Use Power Wise and you will Prize
Values, Commitment and Knowledge of how to
Flexibility and Multi-task
Will Surely bring a Life that Bask.
Mathematics by M.F.Arnold
An Exact Science.
Is it Number, is it Shape
Or Relationship?
Formulae create Equivalence
That Draws the Platform for Excellence.
‘x’ is equal to What’s on the other side,
Divided by What was next to ‘x’
Is the constant issue in Mathstext.
Finding a sequence allows predictions
To Solve a Problem or Prevent Afflictions.
Graphs from Data as quick glance Reference
Can prevent Predominance.
Change is inevitable,
But Algebraic Balance so Comfortable.
y=ax2 + c, the Parabola
While xy = k, the Hyperbola
Differs from
x2 + y2 = r2 the Circle
and y=mx+c the Straight line principle
On The Cartesian Plain, they all reflect
in symmetry,
Translate and rotate
The Science is called Isometry
Where areas change with ordered pair
Scale for enlargement and reduction
Bring the photocopy into production.
Probability is chance clothed in
percentage dance
Complete the Table,
Find the Product and Summarise.
Topography of Fractions for Expansions.
All’s but Practice for Brain Growth
To Prevent human froth.
Investigate is the Core Agenda
In Real Life Context Splendor.
Math location and production,
Give Measured Opportunities
For Positive Communities
Love by M.F.Arnold
Love is Divine, Challenged by Evil,
Strengthened by Truth, Shaken by Deceit. Healed
by Openness, Built by Giving. Drowned by Silence, Enhanced by Exposure.
Fixed by Hope. Aimed at Tranquility, Focused by Spirit,. Wholesome, as Feeling.
Oneness, The Reward – Valued for the Joy it Brings.
Educational Crisis by M.F.Arnold
Learning is not Education-for Education Control
Calls Monitoring for every Role,
A Mistrust of the soul.
External Assessors "evaluate" what markets Dictate
The Place where no child rate
Only investments instigate.
Learning is Freedom,
A Divine Gift for a human,
Often resisted as - "informal, mundane, no structure"
Yet discovers New Raptures
From which Progress Matures.
Learning- Trust - Inherent
Assessors Redundant
Progress a Given,
Respect a Proven.
Education Group Peers,
Creating Fears,
Letting Gangs be revered
Education, a human construct,
Bound to Destruct.
Self-learning Enhance,
Prescriptive Schools a Dumb Dance.
Periods Fractionalise.
Holism Revitalise.
Holistic Leisure Learning, The New Paradigm,
HLL, The Solution Sign.
Design - by M.F Arnold
Deconstruct to make a Sign,
That is part of De-sign.
Ideas, Shapes, Colours, Surface, materials, Font, Dimensions,
A Challenge that requires Attention.
Inspire, Delight, Appeal and Feel,
The Brief to Capture the Deal.
A "Problem-solving" - so analyse, select, critique, revise, reflect, produce,
From sketch on instinct to infuse
A Value that Imbue
Iterative Process - Judges variations for intended use.
Worst-cas-scenario, parameters, gauge, expectations - not a cruise.
Is it Bold, Vivid, Unusual and Clash ?
Making it act like a Flash?
That illuminate, reflect, inherent beauty - divine,
Making it Shine.
Inner Logic to engage
Creative Freedom without estrange
Appropriate attempt
For Novelty that exempts
From boring, over-indulgent, sloppy Pre'sents
Success has Limitations and Freedom,
Guidelines and Rules,
Exploration and Expectations.
Design that Jump out at us, Sustains Multiple Interpretations.
History - Who Knows by M.F.Arnold
Fire or Cold wars
The Results of Resource Manipulation
The Origin of Indoctrination
The Tools - Media & Education.
Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Fanaticism,
All boils down to Extremism
Coated in various forms of Euphemism.
Is it Freedom or Market Tricks of the Rich?
Is it interest for All or Benefit for the Controlling Few?
Is it Apartheid or Good Neighbourliness?
Is it Democracy or Consensus for Personal Interests?
Only the Secret Police Knows,
And Media gets what It throws.
Control has many Guises
Fools get many prizes,
Even for selling the wise.
Informants rule real news
and nobody can really choose.
What Freedom exists if the Ego gets Fed?
When God's forgotten, all will be Dead.
Tourism by M.F.Arnold
A Leap of Faith
That's what it takes
To Travel to a Foreign Place.
New Religions Reflect in Cultures
Arts, Festivals, Ceremonies and Nurtures,
A true growth of Inner Natures
A new Self it brings to Light
A step in a destined flight
Prejudice for fight
A stereotype with no right.
Travels DO Enhance Insight
Near to God is a traveller's heart
Out of comfort from Home did he start
A journey with expectations
That Rewards a Multitude of New Relations
Educational Solution by M.F.Arnold
Holistic Leisure Learning
Aims to Motivate the child through earning
Respect for Self & Spiritual yearning,
To prevent the current subverting.
Prescriptive Curriculum and Assessment Guidelines
Detract from True Learning Paradigm.
Trust is Needed
Monitoring has ceded
the flow of learning
Necessary for nation churning.
Nature, people, Languages, Trade.
Calculations, Construction, Micro-Telescopic,
Seven Activity Areas
Unifying Vast Arenas
Motivate, Integrate and Accelerate,
The HLL Moto debunks "educate"
for children and facilitators know the inner-self can extrapolate
With Guidance, towards Extra-ordinate !
Give HLL a Chance
So that its Stance
Can take us all out of the trance
that prescriptive ways can enhance.
Awareness by M.F.Arnold
Critical Skills, without interconnected Value,
Is like isolating ingredients, but Missing the Meal.
Duality, without Complimentary Necessity,
Is like a Mother and Father forgetting their Parenthood.
Science & Maths, as separate subjects,
Denies their Interdependent Processes.
Multiplicity is Unity
And Unity Creates Multiplicity.
This Awareness Builds Communities,
Through Individual Consciousness
of Divine Connection,
Who Grants Personal Growth & Social Benefit.
Schools have longed to individualise, to create
Competitive animals for cut-throat profit drivers,
To serve rich manipulators.
The market Crash in 2008/9,
Demolished "It is all mine !"
Ushers in the Need for The Divine.
Charity came to Save
the Chaotic Waves.
Research now proves Divine Order.
Submission, Attains Permission,
Refuting Evolution
and Establish the Ever-Present Revolution:
"all for One and One for all".
The Prophets, be Blessed,
who long taught how to Assess
The Value of True Success.
Educational Crisis by M.F.Arnold
Learning is not Education-for Education Control
Calls Monitoring for every Role,
A Mistrust of the soul.
External Assessors "evaluate" what markets Dictate
The Place where no child rate
Only investments instigate.
Learning is Freedom,
A Divine Gift for a human,
Often resisted as - "informal, mundane, no structure"
Yet discovers New Raptures
From which Progress Matures.
Learning- Trust - Inherent
Assessors Redundant
Progress a Given,
Respect a Proven.
Education Group Peers,
Creating Fears,
Letting Gangs be revered
Education, a human construct,
Bound to Destruct.
Self-learning Enhance,
Prescriptive Schools a Dumb Dance.
Periods Fractionalise.
Holism Revitalise.
Holistic Leisure Learning, The New Paradigm,
HLL, The Solution Sign.
Design - by M.F Arnold
Deconstruct to make a Sign,
That is part of De-sign.
Ideas, Shapes, Colours, Surface, materials, Font, Dimensions,
A Challenge that requires Attention.
Inspire, Delight, Appeal and Feel,
The Brief to Capture the Deal.
A "Problem-solving" - so analyse, select, critique, revise, reflect, produce,
From sketch on instinct to infuse
A Value that Imbue
Iterative Process - Judges variations for intended use.
Worst-cas-scenario, parameters, gauge, expectations - not a cruise.
Is it Bold, Vivid, Unusual and Clash ?
Making it act like a Flash?
That illuminate, reflect, inherent beauty - divine,
Making it Shine.
Inner Logic to engage
Creative Freedom without estrange
Appropriate attempt
For Novelty that exempts
From boring, over-indulgent, sloppy Pre'sents
Success has Limitations and Freedom,
Guidelines and Rules,
Exploration and Expectations.
Design that Jump out at us, Sustains Multiple Interpretations.
History - Who Knows by M.F.Arnold
Fire or Cold wars
The Results of Resource Manipulation
The Origin of Indoctrination
The Tools - Media & Education.
Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Fanaticism,
All boils down to Extremism
Coated in various forms of Euphemism.
Is it Freedom or Market Tricks of the Rich?
Is it interest for All or Benefit for the Controlling Few?
Is it Apartheid or Good Neighbourliness?
Is it Democracy or Consensus for Personal Interests?
Only the Secret Police Knows,
And Media gets what It throws.
Control has many Guises
Fools get many prizes,
Even for selling the wise.
Informants rule real news
and nobody can really choose.
What Freedom exists if the Ego gets Fed?
When God's forgotten, all will be Dead.
Tourism by M.F.Arnold
A Leap of Faith
That's what it takes
To Travel to a Foreign Place.
New Religions Reflect in Cultures
Arts, Festivals, Ceremonies and Nurtures,
A true growth of Inner Natures
A new Self it brings to Light
A step in a destined flight
Prejudice for fight
A stereotype with no right.
Travels DO Enhance Insight
Near to God is a traveller's heart
Out of comfort from Home did he start
A journey with expectations
That Rewards a Multitude of New Relations
Educational Solution by M.F.Arnold
Holistic Leisure Learning
Aims to Motivate the child through earning
Respect for Self & Spiritual yearning,
To prevent the current subverting.
Prescriptive Curriculum and Assessment Guidelines
Detract from True Learning Paradigm.
Trust is Needed
Monitoring has ceded
the flow of learning
Necessary for nation churning.
Nature, people, Languages, Trade.
Calculations, Construction, Micro-Telescopic,
Seven Activity Areas
Unifying Vast Arenas
Motivate, Integrate and Accelerate,
The HLL Moto debunks "educate"
for children and facilitators know the inner-self can extrapolate
With Guidance, towards Extra-ordinate !
Give HLL a Chance
So that its Stance
Can take us all out of the trance
that prescriptive ways can enhance.
Awareness by M.F.Arnold
Critical Skills, without interconnected Value,
Is like isolating ingredients, but Missing the Meal.
Duality, without Complimentary Necessity,
Is like a Mother and Father forgetting their Parenthood.
Science & Maths, as separate subjects,
Denies their Interdependent Processes.
Multiplicity is Unity
And Unity Creates Multiplicity.
This Awareness Builds Communities,
Through Individual Consciousness
of Divine Connection,
Who Grants Personal Growth & Social Benefit.
Schools have longed to individualise, to create
Competitive animals for cut-throat profit drivers,
To serve rich manipulators.
The market Crash in 2008/9,
Demolished "It is all mine !"
Ushers in the Need for The Divine.
Charity came to Save
the Chaotic Waves.
Research now proves Divine Order.
Submission, Attains Permission,
Refuting Evolution
and Establish the Ever-Present Revolution:
"all for One and One for all".
The Prophets, be Blessed,
who long taught how to Assess
The Value of True Success.
Water: By M F Arnold
A miracle it is.
With ease it can freeze. Half in the Sun. With it, enormous Fun. Simple in
structure. High in Stature. No-one can make. What The KING Has Stake! To Give
or to Take. Thanks is Paramount for those of character – Sound. Commonly
wasted. Rarely appreciated. Lost…emaciated. A thought – Who Brought? Without –
absolute naught ! Those who see, Care will be, To exist and to be Free
Graphs by M.F Arnold
Graphs - pictures from data
Maxima and Minima
Low and high
Can cause a sigh
Excitement it shows
When potentials grow
For flexibility in life
With its strife.
Info captures Delight!
It easily reflect
In pairs select
Dotted, Spotted, Allotted.
In space and time
Speed and distance
Each on axis
X and Y
Calibrated, Stipulated, Manifested.
Showing a trend
That often bends
With Expectations - to defend.
– by M.F.Arnold
Animals, Plants, Insects, Man
All together in the same “Stand”
Growth and sustenance
On inter-dependence
A Vision to keep on hand
Ignorance destroys
The many joys
It brings to all
Who stand tall
Against those who maul?
Ecosystems conserved
Ensures and preserves
The markets that flow from each deserve
Jobs are scarce
If many flares
The destruction of habitats
Consider the Stats
And be one who acts
In the interest of all – to be exact !
Creativity by M.F.Arnold
Creativity and Divinity
Is the reality of Unity.
Allowing the flow
Is to know
That self can delve
In the Field That wields
The creative vibrations
For great intentions
Creativity is stumped
By the controlling Dumbed
Where systems grope
To Dope
Who refuse hope
Creativity is Ready
When one gets steady
To submit to the many
Possibilities of plenty
Certifications of Frustrations
Meant for manipulations
To benefit a few in hierarchical nations.
Wake-up to inner search
That creatively merge
The many talents we so often subvert
To satisfy those aimed to hurt
No more waiting
Others’ creating
What we could do
If we only choose
The Field that waits
For one to enter its Straights.
Balance by M.F.Arnold
Two extremes
Calls for choice
Creating discomfort
Of some sort
Thought is guidance
Within a distance
Brought near
When no fear
Is brought into the equation.
Balance to take
Is based on intake
Of the greater good the choice will make
Accounting by M.F.Arnold
the GAAP
Ensures a TRAP
no Financial Mishap
Economic Advances
Time, Disclosure and Materiality
greater reliability
going concern
the Result in turn
Governments yearn
all to benefit and earn.
by M.F.Arnold
Longitude and Latitude
Gives direction
For place perfection
The angle of the sun’s
Where the land lays
Definitely influence how
people stay
Dress for weather
Eat what’s nearer
Plants and animals
Food in intervals
Temperature, wind
Moister and rain
Affects the resources for
Production varies
As Population tarries
To survive the drive
For heritage thrive
In environment hives
Set the norms
While Culture and
Develops through religion
Tells the stories of
Of all nations in many
Infrastructure helps
Through land, sea with
Space spots new possibilities
Mapping new realities
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