Awareness by M.F.Arnold
Critical Skills, without interconnected Value,
Is like isolating ingredients, but Missing the Meal.
Duality, without Complimentary Necessity,
Is like a Mother and Father forgetting their Parenthood.
Science & Maths, as separate subjects,
Denies their Interdependent Processes.
Multiplicity is Unity
And Unity Creates Multiplicity.
This Awareness Builds Communities,
Through Individual Consciousness
of Divine Connection,
Who Grants Personal Growth & Social Benefit.
Schools have longed to individualise, to create
Competitive animals for cut-throat profit drivers,
To serve rich manipulators.
The market Crash in 2008/9,
Demolished "It is all mine !"
Ushers in the Need for The Divine.
Charity came to Save
the Chaotic Waves.
Research now proves Divine Order.
Submission, Attains Permission,
Refuting Evolution
and Establish the Ever-Present Revolution:
"all for One and One for all".
The Prophets, be Blessed,
who long taught how to Assess
The Value of True Success.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
The Value of Faith
In the day of open communication and extremist behaviours, personally confused readers and listeners are swept away from faith while sincere seekers enter the faith of Islam. Evils are veils to truth for the ungrateful egotist and openings to the grateful seeker of goodness. There has always been a time when enemies of God try to discredit Him - at the time of the prophets and up until today and it will be so in the future. This is understandable, because the ego of mankind will always exist and that must go through stages of questioning and arrival.
Good intentions are the key to truth. Evil intentions naturally lead to confusion and evil actions whatever the sources of learning may be. When so-called liberalists and secularists try to discredit a faith on the basis of the evildoers it is obvious that they were looking for a reason to excite their inner agitation to be a disbeliever/ ungrateful human to God. Any human who refuses to believe in God as his/her Creator is obviously oblivious to his existence as a human body, as a creation that does not operate by its own will, but through the Grace of God.The "involuntary" God-given functions of all his/her organs including his/her brain (he/she wishes to use) to refute its Creator, are marvels of God's Mercy. The human body and the universes existence are the proofs of the existence of A Supreme Power that regulates and moves each atom. The simplest question - where do "I" come from and where do each predecessors come from, will naturally lead to the Origin being from One who is Infinite, Uncreated, All Powerful and All Present.
The actions of evil-doers are fuelled by ungrateful, egotistical self-absorption, which stems from critical thinking, which has its origins in mistrust and doubt. For a believer he/she starts from a position of faith, sincerity, certainty and learns to integrate all existence into an holistic appreciation of goodness and thus increasing in faith in God. The disbeliever's time is spent trying to convince himself/herself that he/she is right to disbelieve and in the process alienates himself/herself from the people and world around him/her while secretly feeling the agitation of inner faith which he/she is trying to quell. This results is an accumulation of dissatisfaction and disharmony that translates into self-delusion - deaf, dumb and blind to any form of truth - a kind of empty peace with no-one to thank except him/herself for being arrogant. To the believer, he /she basks in certainty, which translate into discovering of new arena's of amazement and extended feelings of gratefulness and appreciation for The Creator. His/her world expands into multidimensional universes of experiences that leaves him/her in awe and wonder of the Magnificence of the Creator's bounties. His/her life is filled with nearness to worthy people who are quietly enjoying every moment and not spending his/her time arguing with people about his/her personal view, but rather joining with people of certainty that enhances the value of goodness and creating harmonies through which all can benefit.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Comparing HLL with Conventional Schooling
Comparing HLL (Holistic Leisure Learning) and Conventional School Systems
Core Issues
Holistic Leisure Learning
Known/Possible effects
Conventional Schooling
Known/Possible Effects
Central Focus
Holistic Student Development via integration of subjects and grades in open interconnected spaces
Sees the value of self, others and subjects in broader holistic integrated context, seeing the value of young and old developing a sense of extended family values
Capitalistic Career driven via
Fractionalisation subjects, peer groupings
Individualistic competitiveness within group mentality creating the basis for bullying and gangsterism
Position of the child
Child Central with regard to personal interests, talent, skills, knowledge and choice
Positive self-esteem and self-image and value of others’ talents
Grade and prescriptive subject curriculum central
child’s personal interests, talents, skills, knowledge oppressed – only academic skills determine pass – loss of self-esteem – increase aggression /inhibitions/ disengagement
Integrated matrix that give value to continuous learning
Holistic value of all subjects
Subjects fractionalised into periods and lessons and the holistic value and no integration with other subjects
Students and teachers lack knowledge of the holistic integrative value of all subjects
Learning exposures
Resource driven – summarised posters and videos covering months and years of work in one day exposures, student free to engage with the resources and teaching is on demand when students have difficulty.
Each child gets personal attention. Flash-drive lessons and cell-phone pictures and recording are constant references
Self-motivated student that takes responsibility for his/her learning and developing a confidence in approaching others and trust in being assisted when needed. Reading and critical skills develop through interaction with resources, performs well due repetition of the whole through the year.
Supply Teaching –centred through fractionalised lesson presentations that stretch small amounts of unrelated knowledge over a 10 month period – often teachers do not complete the syllabus leaving the rest for homework. Even technology use is restricted to period availability and teacher skills. Child fades away in the group. No personal attention. Class group dynamics
Students become dependent on teachers, losing their self-motivation, forgetting basic knowledge over the long stretched-out periods thus not being able to perform well at the end of the year when all the knowledge is tested. Learner reading and critical skills are lacking because teachers drive the process. Student become a passive learner with no confidence to ask questions
Needed state Curriculum completed in 3 months. Flash-drive lessons available for student’s interventions 24/7
Allows research. Time available for students’ personal interest development as part of student’s contribution to school content. Students become personally motivated to strive.
Curriculum needs take 12 months.
Students no opportunity to follow personal research to add to the content of the school. Frustration sets in
Freedom to study, explore
Little time to study/explore
Holistically integrated
Personal transformations
No discipline problems
Spiritual deterioration, school crime increases
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