Wednesday, March 14, 2018
786 Understanding the west and east dilemma & offering a Solution
The destructive weather patterns, political, religious and educational worlds have caused many to spend hours in discussing their take on it, but waiting for others to fix things. Such conversationalists prefer being armchair critics - the real aim of the western educational illusion. What is clear is that we can no-longer depend on the clear-cut illusionary systems that the modern world leaders have made us believe in, to fix things. We were part of the whole trick they spun in front of our eyes - which was go to school and university, work hard and you will acquire success. For the entrepreneur it was not necessary to go to school and complete a university degree because he/she had the motivation to start a business which the rich and banks financed and then to plan to give it over to his/her children to run it, while making others beg for a job through going to schools and universities and interviews. So what was the trick? The rich and political leaders created curricula and assessment criteria's that are based on memory for those who will become medical doctors - who often succeeded because they were already talented and could afford extra tuition - thus the schools did not produce them. It is not possible for conventional schools to produce A- Grade students - A-Grade students were often chosen on their already known skills to come to "top" schools. The rest must fall out along the way to serve the doctors' needs - even to get sick from the stress of trying to climb the corporate academic ladder. Titles are created for those who succeed so that everyone else knows their place. Most academics thus became the gatekeepers of Capitalism and everyone else the support structures to keep the elite in their positions - unknowingly - rather oblivious of their contribution to oppression because they are blinded by their own ego-worship and the power they enjoy in the bureaucratic life-style that constantly feed the two blinding tools just mentioned. The elite in the business world determine the needed certificates to enter the job market and it is in this way that the academic world then becomes the gatekeepers of Capitalism - which primarily promotes individual success at the expense of the masses and in this way create a class structure that will defend the bureaucratic culture. The underlying feature that made us all fall for the trick of "leadership culture". In Capitalism "developing leadership skills" culture taps into our lower-self need to be in power over others and to do this the structure taps into on our low innate nature of ego-worship [ the satanic characteristic that cause satan to lose his place in heaven}. We thus see the egoistic, power struggles in education, politics and religious positions. Now when we want power we actually want to compete with the Possessor of Power, which only results in humiliation of different categories, even a child's rudeness is a humiliation from the Creator to bring us down a peg or two. Stress is another hurt which one brings upon oneself when one is too self-centred. In order to feed the egoistic power people drive we even go in debt to impress and subdue another person, family, friend or colleague. Degrees, possessions, votes, cellphones etc. are all traps to create dependency of individuals to systems placed there by the rich to keep everyone in wanted, by feeding the egoistic-power drive - often coated in words like "self-esteem and individual rights". This simple trick Satan practiced in refusing to submit to God and thus advises all people in one or another way to be better than another person - better blog, instagram, better tweet, car, Ph.D, school, university, etc. This is simply - getting attention that feeds the ego and this has become the life-style of West and East - competition. Now one can understand why it is reported from the tradition of the Sunnah that The Prophet Mughammad Pbuh, did not fear that his community will not believe in God, but that he fears when they start competing with one another for the world. Now for us to admit to our own contribution to the global negative changes is hard for us to face - because we have spent so much time building our "self-esteem" - the academic "trick for the traps of dependency" - where teachers and lectures pass or fail students. The moment one submits to another judging one's worth by external means, one has been a partner in the crises that is beating us up at this moment. The East has Islamised the western models and are suffering more because of that - but blinded with arrogance to see it. Most of us are all guilty of falling for the illusion of power struggles - except those who stopped and reflected on the question" Is what we accept as dominant culture, really correct?" My research has concluded that prescriptive state school curricula that squash new minds into old markets is the biggest official form of child-abuse into the Capitalistic culture that drives wedges between people and that many of us have accepted without questioning and are still supporting, while we know or can feel it is wrong - because we believe that only this accepted system will bring us success - a job. We have become slaves of Capitalistic worldviews and uphold their structures with such professionalism that the real enemies can sit back and the people will do their dirty work and destroy themselves and others while the elite gets richer and the poor gets poorer. So how do we know that Capitalism tricks everyone through the educational system - the thousands of self-help books and motivational talks that adults attend. They put self-esteem and individualism up as a target, then break it down with prescriptive schooling and high fees for tertiary education and titles. In other words they make you dependent then they sell you books in adulthood how to be independent through self help books - how dumb were we ! They own the publishing houses and then again make money on our broken self-worth which they also caused ! Let us not blame them, blame ourselves for allowing them to fool us. Now we can perhaps understand the Qur'anic Guidance than mankind suffer by their own hands, but this is a chance to return to Trust in Allah SWT. So after we have trusted in man-made institutions we soon discovered it was all an illusion and that we should really put our trust in Allah SWT. So what is the greatest driving force that allows us to be caught in the spiral of ego, power, bureaucracy and debt? Fear. The manipulators use fear as the driving force to trap us into submitting to their dependency systems, the educational system - if you do not have a degree you will not get a job, The insurance systems for education, retirement, health etc. and when it comes to paying out they take the greater portion, Medical aid cover and car insurance - when you need it you must pay out of your own pocket and then make a claim - Now the Qur'an relates that fear comes from satan. The Qur'an's anecdote is, do not fear, not even death, and to put one's trust wholeheartedly in Allah SWT - it then tells stories of those who feared and became tyrants and those who were fearless and became the protectors of the weak and downtrodden. Protectors of the weak have no fear of disappointment or death. These believers, who put their trust in Allah SWT, know that they are successful whether they live or die in establishing good [Ma;ruuf] or fighting for justice. Disbelievers fear this because they plan against an enemy who actually fights to die. So the disbeliever thus prefers attempts to disorient believers than to fight them face on. The people who have recently claimed to fight for Islam.but overstepped the boundaries of goodness/ sharia soon lost the war because it was not fought in defense of Islam, but in aggression against those other than them. Muslims do not hurt civilians - they fight a fair fight on a battle field. The attack on people by so-called "Muslims" is actually a tactic of non-Muslims to try and discredit Islam - to. prevent people from becoming Muslim - a phenomenon which creates the veil to keep the ardent disbeliever from entering Islam so that he/she faces the severe punishment for not keeping to his/her primordial promise to believe and serve only Allah, The Exalted. What I have just mentioned is a hard pill to swallow - because we know that cutting ties with the lower-self and reaching into the spirit within is truly the greater Jihad [Holy War with the self] So how do we get out of that rut? First Believe that the world and everything in it is an illusion - to test mankind's commitment to God Alone. Whenever anything or anyone is more dear to a believer, and he/she becomes dependent on it/ him/her, and when Allah SWT Love's him/her , then He takes it or him/ her away from the believer so that he/she must come back to Him, repent and rekindle his/her connection with God sincerely. The disbeliever is allowed to wallow in his /her chosen ignorance/veils and get deeper into trouble with Divine destiny - The Wrath of Allah SWT - which comes when he/she least expects it.
ADD YOUR COMMENTS I am going to continue some other time - GOD WILLING - in shaa Allah
ADD YOUR COMMENTS I am going to continue some other time - GOD WILLING - in shaa Allah
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