Monday, February 25, 2019

One Diagram covers whole school purpose

If you would like a copy of this, give me your email address and i shall send it on email,
If you want to arrange a workshop with some of your colleagues just contact me on - in shaa Allah

Friday, February 22, 2019

My Recent poems to Reflect on and Memorise for posterity

Bo-Kaap Threats by M.F.arnold
They plan day and night
To find ways to cause community in-fights 
Through modelling, filming, coons, tourists, property rates
Disturbing many and giving some stakes
To gullible organisations and neighbours,
Desperate for small monetory favours
While earning for themselves millions for their flavours
of western lifestyles that threaten Islamic endeavours
They joke while they choke
Those disturbed in Bo-Kaap to sell to their folk
Their aim is frustrate and make many desperate
separate and disoriented
To make Bo-Kaap a European hub
For their cohorts and comfort
After having distort
The law and the court to render what they always sought...
Giving Muslims nought
See through the smokescreens and delusions
Aimed at causing confusions
So say NO to "sweet offers" to discomfort your neighbour
And stand firm to Gain Allah SWT's Favour
By not becoming a supporter
Of a subtle heritage destroyer.
Memorising this poem allows many young and older to understand the many challenges Bo-kaap faces and the hidden agenda's behind the "kind requests". This poem aims to raise the awareness of many in Bo-kaap and other areas like Salt River that is presently littered with Graffiti - their aim their is to move in with modelling and filming and disorient another Long standing Muslim Community.

“Religion” – by M.F.Arnold

1. What is Faith,
2. But deep conviction,
3. That leads to conditions
4. That open the Heart
5. To Realms that Start…
6. From nonsense to finesse,
7. Excellence to greatness,
8. eower and expertise,
9. talents and artistry,
10. Wisdom to sagacity…
11. United in all…humility
12. That one is from Divinity
13. All Powerful with Majesty.
I wrote this poem to strengthen youth and adult believers and allow them to transcend the secularists who try to discredit and marginalise religion with various academic arguments - this poem arms Muslims with the vocabulary and depth that will disarm many... memorise it and keep it at hand.

12 Personality types - by M.F.Arnold

Personalities -like brothers
Seek Connection with others
Require a Structure
With Elements of Paradise
Which leaves a Mark - The Prize

In Service as Caregiver,
Belonging of the Pleaser,
Man often subtly or unconsciously
Yearn for Control of Rulers
Power of Magicians
Yet Safety of the Innocent

For the aforemention,
We need attention -
Not Outlaw Liberation.
Rather, Explorer Freedom
Sage Understanding and Wisdom
Mixed with Joy of the Jester
Coupled with Intimacy of the Lover
To gain the Hero-Master
Via the Innovation of a creator

Each have the 12 and more
Some apparent others in store
When needed will surface
To protect from any menace

Quantum Vibrations - mfarnold

Thoughts are Energy Vibrations. 
Between 20 and 700Hz intentions,
Lie various manifestations
Shame,, Guilt, Apathy and Grief,
Break the Power of Belief.
Fear and Desire, Higher at 100-125
Often create Anger and Pride -
Courage, Neitrality, and Willingness hide.

Acceptance at 350
Brings one into connection with the Almighty
Who Encourages through
Reason, Love and Joy,
How to experience PEACE
in 700 Hz Enlightenment,

Monday, February 11, 2019

How Two Muslims saved starving communities
One Muslim's Niyah Revived an Island
This man is illiterate but  did what highly qualified academic consultants, with  funding could not do.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Rethinking Education and "Islamic Education"

When an intention is in the self to reform education and you are a believer in GOD then please copy and paste these two videos on youtube and watch them carefully. Be prepared to transform your preconceived ideas. Thereafter  read my Argus Articles and work on Holistic [Taugheed] education, which was not based on these two videos [they only serve as proof that I am not alone seeing through the smoke screens of the " Standardised Tests for the Certification Culture that controls the masses for Western capitalistic market]". My work was based entirely on researching the methodology of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Nabie Mughammad SAW and very well respected Ulama such as Sheikh Ibn Khaldun and Sayyid Abdul Qadr Jilani RA.  This is the Guidance of the Surah Fatigha - Asking Allah SWT for Help and following the Path of those whom Allah SWT Favoured. Over a period of 28 years of consistent research, practising and re-evaluation  HLL  and its effect on the minds of young and older people of all faiths and cultures, I am still passionate about its value to give hope to many broken societies and families. HLL comfortably surpasses known academic plans, simply because while the academia spend their time on critically evaluating and arguing their perspectives, I have produced advance and self-teaching resources which will give a good stand in the present a future and all this is based on Quran and AGhadeeth that are the resources of success in the Dunya and Aghirah In shaa Allah Aameen

After you have watched these videos then open the work I have done on Holistic Leisure Learning [[HLL] - on this blog and on the Youtube Channel "ICRA Comprehensive School". You will also be able to appreciate my books I have written, with the Qudrah of Allah SWT - "Transformation of Education towards Distinguished Awareness - ILM" and "Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections" which has related videos and texts on this blog. Algahamdu lillaah -hi Robbil-'A-la-meen"

Enjoy it and leave some comments or questions in shaa Allah - God Willing.

The Dumbing Down of Society by Scientific Design 1of3 -- JT Gatto

Rethinking Islamic Education with Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - IIUM

N.B. Google:The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. 

It is a good summary of the effects of western schooling and shows the danger of attempting to Islamise it . This video also allows the viewer  to value the promise of HLL to transform education which, through one textbook , holistically based on Qur'an and Practical Sunnah,  will allow posituve change to happen -in shaa Allah- 
I hope - in shaa Allah - that I will be able to produce a good video on HLL, that will open the minds and hearts of many and make them excited to venture into the new territory of hope and wisdom - in shaa Allah.