Saturday, June 8, 2019

Halaal Homestay Tourist Accommodation - all inclusive - in Bo-Kaap

300 year old British House in Bo-Kaap - Open Plan - Patio Garden, Panoramic View, Relaxing Roof Decks - Original Oregon Pine floor, Original Ceilings, 1940 furniture pieces and 300 yr-old Crockery remnants excavated from the foundation of the house.Original Bo-Kaap Architectural Art and Islamic Art Exhibits and Islamic Art Symbolism Explanation -  Transport from airport and to and from visiting sites - One Stop Tourist experience with authentic Bo-Kaap and Islamic Guided tours - Breakfast included, all at the same place. Better than market prices. A saving with style and authenticity - in the company of a Muslim family, in a house where the father was actually born in in 1954. email: