Core Aims of IHU
Studying the Ayaat[Miracles/Signs/ Exemplars] of Allah SWT in the self, the earth and the universes with the sole purpose of:
1. Gratitude to Allah SWT and Respect for Him SWT
2. Gratitude to Parents and respect for them
3. Serving people and nature to solve their problems and releave their stresses.
In Shaa Allah Aameen
New Course on Request
Holistic Methodologist: Islamic Studies and Practice - the length and depth depends on the student effort
One Year intensive course in Qur'an Translation
The student is required to read, study, discuss and present in a detailed discourse of the contents of the Book "Qur'an Translation - Discourse, Texture and Exegesis (Tafsir)" by Hussein Abdul-Raof,Published by Culture and Civilization in The Middle East
Holistic Methodologist
Administration of Islamic Law of Marriage and Divorce in South Africa - Based on Sh Dr Toffar's Master's Thesis
[4 years Degree Course]
One Year Certification in Real Bo-Kaap/Cape Muslim History
Certificate allows Tour Guides to officially receive an IHU Badge for Bo-Kaap Cape Muslim History
Cost: Monthly payment for online or physical lectures - It includes the three textbooks
Bo-Kaaps The Language of Colonial Resistance
Cape Muslim Islam-based Schools
Bo-Kaap/ Cape Muslims NOT Descendants of slaves really the emancipa
Holistic Methodologist: Imaamat 3yr Degree
The Student must be able to discuss and practice the following books
1. Almufeedah: Sheikh Amien Fakier
2. Manual Prayer and Fasting: Sheikh Abu Bakr Fakier3
3. Officiating Islamic Ceremonies: Imaamat: Prof. M.F.Arnold
A Honours, Masters and Ph.D in "Holistic Methodologist: Total Health" allows you to advise conventional and alternative doctors due to the holistic Advisory service The Graduate can offer - It entirely depends on how committed and serious the student is to study deeply all aspects of Total Health - in shaa Allah Aameen - Challenge yourself and make a strong intention, especially for those who are youth who want to traverse the path of Total Health. In shaa Allah Aameen.
News Current 18 June 2022
at Vanguard Madrassa Complex 20 Zenith Rd Vanguard Estate
Phone or Whatsapp 0833945701 to book a Saturday of Your Choice - In shaa Allah Aameen
Youth and Adults welcome
1. Islam's Inherent Artistry - R600 per person - Couples R750
786 ICRA
Islamic Centre for Research and Activity
Islam's Inherent Artistry Full Day Course - Alghamdu lillaah, Application for any Saturday is now open... be the first for the 4th Group of students in shaa Allah.... Simply phone me to book a Saturday in shaa Allah Ameen
N. B. All previous groups found it to be, in their word "awesome".. Alghamdu lillaah...
"Going Beyond Conventional University Standards - Entering the World of Mysticism and Interpretation of Design of The Islamic World"
12 sessions in One Saturday 9am to 5pm
Please Feel Free to Book Your Saturday, NOW
1. Introduction
2. Symbolism Part 1
3. Symbolism Part 2
4. Spiritual States
5. Spiritual Stations
6. 15 Types of Arabic Calligraphy and Themes
7. Architectural Symbols in Islamic World
8. Arabic Music
9. Numerology and Geometry
10. Arts in Islam for children
11. Concluding Session
12. Evaluative Presentation of Personal Holistic Art Piece that incorporates all session practically
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold Ph.D(HC)
1997 Arts in Islam Curriculum writer for IIUM
International Islamic University of Malaysia
Presently : ICRA Director
Cost R600 full cost for the whole course payable in advance
Venue :Vanguard Madrasa Complex
20 Zenith Rd Vanguard Estate
Phone whatsapp 0833945701 for registration details. Confirmed, Paid Registered students receive the Full Private PDF BOOK on Islam's Inherent Artistry to their phone, with all the course lectures for pre-reading,
in shaa Allah Ameen
Shukran Jazeelan
Experience a Heart, Mind, Soul Excitement.
in shaa Allah Ameen
2. Analytical Arabic Course - FREE - Allowing the person to use an Arabic Dictionary and get into word for word tafseer and deep Holistic Qur'an Arabic Experience and translation
3. How to Develop Distinguished Awareness 'ILM through Deep Holistic Reflection [Tafakkur] and being able to understand the reason why problems occur individually, familially, socially, governmentally and internationally and how to create platforms for quick development - R350 for the day course. Books available on the course at for sale @ R120 each
Celebrating The Bo-Kaap Language Heritage:
"Kanalla, Maak jou oege oepe "
Starting 2pm SHARP
All Saturdays 3rd; 10th; 17th or 24th September 2022
Book on Whatsapp 0833945701. Banking Details will be sent on the phone and when Proof of Payment is received, A virtual ticket with the full name and surname of the patron and the choice of day day picked, will be sent to the buyer, with his/her full name and Surname and the his, her date chosen the physical ticket will be given on the day - in shaa Allah Aameen.
3. New Books Published
a. "BoKaaps" The language of Colonial Resistance
b. Islam's Inherent Artistry
Current News January 2022
Salaam All... Alghamdu lillaah The South African Qualification Authority SAQA, has authenticated ICRA's Holistic Methodologist Certificate for Matric and Beyond Subjects, as a legally completed and accepted SA Qualification, [with its fully based Qur'anic HLL Holistic Leisure Learning Methodology] as an Entrance Qualification into South African universities/colleges....Alghamdu lillaah -
Please Focus on the second sentence ....
...The Documents submitted for evaluation constitute completion of a South African Qualification...
N.B. The last sentence relates to the fact that ICRA is a South African Institute and not from another country, which means ICRA applicants do not need a Foreign Certificate of Evaluation - because the applicant is not a foreigner, but ICRA's curriculum and structure is not conventional, that is why that department of SAQA dealt with ICRA's evaluation - and on the bases of South African Standards was accepted as valid for South African entrance for tertiary studies.
The Front of The Certificate that received SAQA accreditation as a complete South African Qualification
Alghamdu lillaah
Cape Argus News
N.B. Please Note a New Degree Courses is now available at ICRA - see The Top and
no. 13 .... .Available - a 4 yr Degree in Administration of Islamic Law of Marriage and Divorce in South Africa based on
Sheikh Dr Toffar's Master's Thesis
No.!4...Distinguished Awareness ('ILM) from Day course to Ph.D
1. Schools and Universities have been disoriented by the Covid Pandemic - which exposed the inappropriate educational infrastructures and examination control inabilities. The high fees and few classes and loss of teachers and lecturers due to financial crisis at schools and universities, have destroyed the old educational order.
ICRA, apart from the courses below, NOW offer students to do any courses of their interest and choice, that are freely available on internet and open source websites, Which ICRA will help them master the course through Our Holistic Leisure Learning HLL-Methodology Guidelines. Students will then become qualified as Holistic Methodologists is their specific field of interest. by completing Certificates Degrees, Honours, Masters and Ph.D certificates from ICRA as witness to their practical mastery in:
e.g. Holistic Methodologist: Electrical Engineering
Holistic Methodologist: Drone technology
Holistic Methodologist: Medical Support Practitioner
Holistic Methodologist: Graphic Design
Holistic Methodologist: Computer Gaming Science
Holistic Methodologist: Plumbing Expertise
Holistic Methodologist: Marine Biology
Holistic Methodologist: Culinary Skills
Holistic Methodologist: Inventions and Sustainability ...etc., etc., etc. or any other you choose
N.B. There are no examinations - students have to write their own HLL Practical Manual Guide in Volumes in their specific course choice .
All courses are monitored on whatsapp video and text as well as occasional meetings - at the same minimal costs as below.. Join us In shaa Allah and make it a reality for all our youth In shaa Allah Aameen.
What is a Holistic Methodologist?One who has holistically, scientifically, creatively and skillfully produced a Series of Manuals via his/her Divinely inspired passion, talent and research opportunities, that universally ease the lives of people, while impacting on 7 HLL (Holistic Leisure Learning ) activities that naturally, integrated features of Life: Nature, People, Languages, Trade, Calculation, Construction and Micro-& Telescopic.... Reflected in The Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.... as a Sincere Devotional Act of Practically Expressed Gratitude.
2. Alghamdu lillah - The success of the HLL Adult classes has created a request from ICRA to train
Pre-primary and Primary Level children in becoming Holistic Methodologists as Junior Tutors in all subjects, integratively - ICRA has now opened its doors for HLL Mastery Classes for Juniors, advancing these children's development in all skills needed for Holistic Academic and practical knowledge - In shaa Allah. The parents are amazed how fast the children are learning and the quality of the resources the primary learners being exposed to. - Alghamdu lillah - Adult students who are registered for the Degree in Holistic Methodologist: Practical Primary Mastery are thus having hands on experience in HLL Primary Tutor Training. The children are taught to work in mixed age-groups and become HLL Tutors from an early age Alghamdu Lillaah.
In 1989 My research showed that "education" is industrial, capitalistic, social engineering of mind control, based on marginalisation of the masses, through examinations for the benefit of the state, business and ultimately for the rich. Thus formal schooling, showed up in the research as the "Father of Child abuse" opening the road to all other forms of abuse through power dynamics and competition. I delivered this Talk for the Islamic Medical Association: 'The Aetiology of Child Abuse"
Covid 19 proved that the capitalistic, industrial systems of education and management did not prepare the nations for crisis situations and that the education, economic and western systems of government are unable to sustain their education, business and state institutions in times of crisis, with the sad reality that the masses suffers the most, due to years of marginalisation
ICRA has thus since 1989 produced the needed, New Learning culture, based on Qur'an and Sunnah, HLL -Holistic Leisure that will , in shaa Allah, accelerate people's progress and create a platform that holistically transform and develop the nation, by offering a learning culture that covers all subjects and skills in a holistic integrated manner that is Advanced, Self-sustainable, Motivating and Progressive as well as internationally superior - because is is based in Qu'ran and The Sunnah of Nabie Mughammad PBUH - Alghamdu lillaah
ICRA Master Class is thus Alghamdu lillah ready to empower parents and children and youth Nationally and Internationally [at the sale equivalent currency prices] to holistically learn and be able to teach/tutor any or all subjects in Pure sciences, Social science and Business sciences as presented with Qur'anic integration - This a complete two-in-one experience, with advanced self-teaching materials Alghamdu lillah.
Applications are open to all, with no prior qualifications. ICRA welcomes you as you are and accelerates your skills and knowledge, holistically and professionally - Alghamdu lillaah.
All Certifications of ICRA are Community-based, Qur'an and Sunnah Centred, hence it Only Appeals to God for Acceptance as Righteous Works in Learning and Community Services and requires no accreditation from any human state department.
Holistic Leisure Learner-HLL has already received national and international recognition for its Quality of The New Holistic Learning Cultural Contribution - Alghamdu lillaah -
Costs are issued on request for individual and family applications
The following HLL Courses are offered and assessed orally, through regular Discussions, Q & A's and Creative Practical Expressions throughout each course. Commitment and Regular Feedback from students are paramount to attain successes in each course. In shaa Allah Aameen.
To REMOVE the FEARS in the new learning culture of HLL - NO Examinations are administered, but step-by-step, self-motivated tests are used to ensure MASTERY - Alghamdu lillaah
N.B. ICRA's Youth Holistic Methodologist Graduates can continue into ICRA's Adult Courses, right up to Ph.D. The Youth Holistic Methodologist Graduates are also qualified to advance their knowledge through Completing Internationally Accredited courses in Skills Development through many Free Online Certificates and Diplomas in IT, Foreign Languages, Science & Engineering, Health, Humanities, Business, Mathematics, Marketing and Lifestyle, whom ICRA will guide to holistically integrate their speciality with all other areas of the HLL activity and learning Areas - Nature, People, Languages, Trade, Calculations, Construction and Micro-& Telescopic. in shaa Allah
Registration is via Email and banking details will be supplied to the applicants email.
Core Application Info:
Full Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Address, Phone details, Course Choice, Special Talents, Skills, What you would like to gain with the course content, What your Passionate Wish is to achieve in the future in shaa Allah Aameen
ICRA Policy Document
1. Islamic Centre for Research and Activity is a Holistic Leisure Learning -HLL-University ,which focuses on Holistic Mastery Classes in 17 Academic Exposures in mastery of HLL university qualifications
2. ICRA focuses on accelerating the knowledge of students who wish to acquire mastery of Holistic Leisure Learning HLL skills in Academic and Islamic lessons.
3. ICRA ensures that all students attain a 100% step by step mastery of challenges in each lesson exposure - therefore ICRA does not offer term reports through examination-type assessments/ reports for accreditation by government institutions. It does encourage and train students in self-evaluation of academic skills and how to effectively teach others holistically. On Completion of each year Senior students Receive Phase 1-4 Holistic Methodologist Certificates, Intermediary and Primary Students get Progress Statements each end of year.
4.High morality, courtesy, self-motivation, task orientation and camaraderie is expected of the ICRA community - no rudeness of students or parents will be tolerated.
5. ICRA does not arrange parent meetings to discuss a student's progress, because students achieve 100% at every stage of the lesson presentation. Parents must make it their duty to arrange meetings with ICRA Lead Facilitator in order to show an interest in their children's progress. Failure to communicate with ICRA re; their children, will be interpreted as the parents have no interest in their children's progress at ICRA, which will result in deregistration of their child/children at the end of a specific term - with no Progress Statement
6. Parents who wish ICRA to give government standardised reports for school/ varsity application, are advised to see registration elsewhere - ICRA offers Tutorials for mastery, not graded conventional education. ICRA focuses on acceleration of knowledge and offers mixed aged sessions for mastery.
7. ICRA students are trained to become Holistic Methodologists that can tutor other students and parents who wish to do home-schooling holistically
8. Parents of ICRA Students must regularly pay the monthly fee (over 12 Months, by Stop Order} for ICRA services. Failing to do so will result in a period of grace, dependent on the parents providing reasons ahead of non-payment - if Parents do not come forward regarding non-payment the student will be de-registered.
Parent/ Guardian Pledge
We, the applicant, parent/guardian herewith accept the above ICRA policy and promise to fulfil the requirements as set out above as a voluntary member of the ICRA Community. in shaa Allah Aamen
Algnamdu lillah = ICRA has 12[Twelve] MasterClass Courses on offer
ICRA Holistic Methodologist Courses on Offer Below:
1. Youth Holistic Methodologist
Available for Youth From age 12/13 Years Old- Full Time or Part Time
(Three Times a week from 9-12noon Tuesdays to Thursday at Vanguard Madrassa Complex, Vanguard Estate Athlone Cape Town
Youth Holistic Methodologist
Senior Subjects Tutor
(4 yrs)
Simplified, Advanced Pre-University/matric Subjects and Life Coaching
(Biology, Life Orientation, Islamics, History, Psychology, Philosophy, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Design, All Arts, Computer Technology, Experimentation, Astronomy, Navigation, Principles of Research, Sustainable Studies [Gardening, Home-based Electricity and Water Supply Inventions])
Introduction to HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning (7hrs)Topics Dealt With In this Course:
1. Why Western Education failed
2. Why Constant Increase in youth unemployment
3. What is Needed
4. What promoted my research
5. What I Did
6. The Mathematical Equation of Faith
7. What is HLL
8. The Necessary Curriculum
9. The Cycle of Learning
10. Needed Cyclical Topics
11. Purpose of Learning
12. What is Reflection [Tafakkur]
13. What is Consciousness [Ilm]
14. What is an Ayah
15. Qur'anic Warning
16. HLL Seven Integrated Activity Areas
17. How to move from Fractions to the Whole
18. The One Textbook for All Ages
19. The Power of Arabic
20. Scientifics in Al-Qur'an
21. How to memorise Qur'an Quickly
22. Learning Arabic Fast
23. Improve Writing Skills
24. Improve Maths Skills
25. Simplifying Physics
26. Accelerating Junior and Senior academic and artistic skills
27. Teaching 4 yr olds how to read in two weeks
28. Maths Magic Squares
29. How to analyse texts
30. Describing Characters
31. Power of Self Assessments
32. Improving Oral Presentations
33. HLL's National and International Potentials
34. Creating Youth Jobs
35. The Arts of Living
36. Unleashing The Spirit Within
ICRA HLL - Longer Courses
The following HLL Courses are offered and assessed orally, through regular Discussions, Q & A's and Creative Practical Expressions throughout each course. Commitment and Regular Feedback from students are paramount to attain successes in each course. In shaa Allah Aameen.
NO Examinations are administered.
3. HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
( One Full Year)
a. Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections mastery, incorporating and simplifying all Matric subjects through holistic integration of knowledge and skills
b. Holistic Integrated Texts - Junior and Senior
c. Introduction to Classical Arabic Grammar and Holistic Qur'anic Arabic Translations
4. . HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
(Two Years)
First Year.
"Transformation of Education towards Distinguished Awareness ILM"
(This book is a Critical evaluation of current educational flaws and the Remedies inherent in Qur'an and Sunnah that gives rise to HLL)
Second Year
"Origins of Islam-based Schools in the Cape" and Current Assessment of the quality of present learning culture at these schools
(This book deals with the Original history of the Muslims' Struggle to teach their children during colonial oppression and the history behind the establishment of the Cape Muslim Primary schools under Dr Abdullah Abdurahman and the way forward through HLL)
"Reflections for Mindful Adults"
(This Book Deals Deep Insight into Core Social, Educational, Economic Issues that haught Westernised societies and poses solutions to the various challenges - Alghamdu lillaah)
5. HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
(Three Years)
First Year
a. Critical evaluation of All Arnold's "Education Watch" articles in Cape Argus
b. Critical evaluation of All Arnold's Bo-Kaap Helper Blog entries
c. Ibn Khaldun
d. "Sexual Courtesy in Islam" and its impact on parenting
e. Community Awareness of The Need for Educational Transformation towards ILM Distinguished Awareness
Second Year
a. Sayed Abdul Qadr Jilani
b. Dr Fazlu Rahman Ansari
c. Youth Empowerment through Nodebtyouth referring to Leadership Magazine Article and strategies for implementation
Third Year
a. Ibn Al Arabi
b. "Beginners Guide to Islam"
c. Raatibul Gaddad analysis
d. Imaamat in practice Sheikh Amien and Abubakr Fakier
e. Holistic Practical Facilitator at targeted poor schools (holistic practice teaching)
6. HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
Integrated Islamic Teaching Degree
(Three Years)
First Year
a. Classical Arabic Grammar Analysis
b. Tafseer of Qur'an
c. Life of The Prophet Mughammad PBUH
Second Year
a. History of Islam in context of World History
b. Islam at The Cape
c. Islamic Thought and Practice Historically and Presently
Third Year
a. Critical evaluation of world teaching methodologies
b. Holistic Islamic Teachings through the Sciences - The Aayaat (Miracles / Marvels) of Allah SWT and The Prophet's Character - Analysis of his Adieeyah (duaas)
c. Holistic teaching practice at Islamic School of Local Children / Adult Madrasa
7. HLL - Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
. (Two Years)
First Year
a. Understanding the Arts in Islam
b. Theatrical presentation of "For All We Know" - 7 part series written for Theatrical or Film production
Second Year
a. Project giving effect to Nodebtyouth
b. Community awareness program re: importance of ensuring youth employment within communities
c. Effective Holistic Parenting Strategies
8. HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
(Two/Three Years)
a. Present a proposal that would holistically address and solve a community/ social problem
b. Implementation of the proposal
c. Write a 250 page 5000 word report on the holistic project you implemented
9. HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
(Three-Four Years)
a. Design a proposal that holistically addresses and offers a tangible solution for an international social problem
b. Write a 700 page 1500 word Report/Manual on the development process and practical experience of the project.
10. HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
Early Childhood Development Certificate
(One Year)
1. .In Vitro Development and Influences on Foetal Development
2. Western Educational Misconceptions of Early Childhood Development
3. 0-5 years: Holistic spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental awareness, needs and development needs and processes
4. Holistic Spiritual-Psycho-Creative needs of Holistic Methodologist needed for pre-schoolers
5. Developing Cost-effective Holistic Learner-centred Resources
11. HLL - Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
Total Human Health
(Three years)
First Year
1.In-depth Study of "Reflections for Mindful Adults" - accompanied by Impact Trials Research
2.Study and Practice of the Book Traditional Psychoethics and Personality Paradigm (God's Will Be Done, Vol. 1) -by Laleh Bakhtihar
3. The End of Illness - Dr David B.Agus with Kristen Loberg - This study is to judge its Modern Scientific content with Islamic Medical Advice
4. Futughal Gayb - Revelations/Openings of the Unseen - Sheikh Abdul Qadr Jilani
5. In Depth Study of Brave New Medicine Dr Synthia Li - Over the three years
Second Year
1.In-depth Study of "Ishtiqaaq" - Integrative Qur'anic Arabic Psycho-socio Impact - accompanied by Impact Trials Research
2.Study and practice of the Book: Moral Healer's Handbook The Psychology of Spiritual Chivalry (God's Will be Done, Vol. 2) [Laleh Bakhtiar] by Laleh Bakhtiar
3. Towards Total Health my new book of raising the vibrations of the self with the universe.
Third Year
1.In-depth Study of "Sufi Healing" with Medicinal Preparation within foods and delicacies
2.Study and Practice of the Book The Sufi Quest by Laleh Bakhtihar
3.Moral Healing Through the Most Beautiful Names: The Practice of Spiritual Chivalry Vol 3- Laleh
12. HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
Practical Primary Mastery
[3yr Degree Course]
First Year
1. MasterClass Practical 1: HLL Skills Development in All Sciences for Mix ages 3-11yrs
2. Course 1 : Development of Appropriate Self-teaching Integrated Learning Aids
3. Writing of Personal HLL Prep Manual - Part 1
Second Year
1. Master Class Practical 2: HLL Skills Development in All Sciences for Mix Ages 3-11 yrs
2. Course 2: Development of Appropriate Self-teaching integrated Learning Aids
3. Writing of Personal HLL Prep Manual- Part 2
Third Year
1. MasterClass Practical 3: HLL Skills Development in All Sciences for Mix Ages 3-11 yrs
2. Course 3: Development of Appropriate Self-teaching integrated Learning Aids
3. Writing of Personal HLL Prep Manual- Part 3
13. HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
Administration of Islamic Law of Marriage and Divorce in South Africa
[4 years Degree Course]
The Course will show oral competency to discuss the full case of knowledge of the above as presented in The Masters Thesis of Sheik Toffar - in shaa Allah Aameen
The Full PDF Thesis is available on internet on Academia
14. HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning
Holistic Methodologist
Distinguished Awareness Day Course, Diploma, Degree, Honours, Masters and Ph.D
Textbooks to master- From Introduction in each of the below books right to full Public Presentations of the books content and critique for Ph.D Certification
1. Transformation of Education to Distinguished Awareness- 'ILM
2. Adult Reflections
3. Ishtiqaaq
4. Drama "For All we Know"
All Published by ICRA Alghamdu lilaah
1.Adults who wish to focus on Adult Learning features (not school subjects for tutoring children / youth) may choose from the HLL courses on offer, those that interest them. They can thus still acquire a HLL Holistic Methodologist Certificate or Degree in Holistic Adult Education..with their personal Choice of courses from all the courses offered In shaa Allah Aameen.
2. All Degree courses can holistically be integrated for a Practical Holistic Methodologist Masters and Ph.D within the specific interest and choice of the student - in shaa Allah Aameen
Shuk'ran Jazeelan
Thank you very much for your interest
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold
Head: ICRA-HLL University
(Islamic Centre for Research & Activity-Holistic Leisure Learning University)
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold Professor in Holistic Leisure Learning The Qur'an-based Methdology of Learning and Teaching Icra-HLL-University (IHU)-Head
#My Majors:
Physics, Biology, Pedagogics, Classroom Management, Economics, Arabic Grammar & Islamic Studies [Tafseer. Ghadeeth, Arab & Islamic History , Life of The Prophet Pbuh), Cognitive Psychology]
#My Minors:
Accounting, Geography, Sociology, History, Mathematics, Art, Theatre, Music, Chess and Table Tennis Adjudications
#My Ph.D-HC
Pioneering Work & Publications on HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning and its international impact. I received a Honorary Doctorate from Beijing University of Chinese medicine [under the auspices and recommendation of Prof, Dr Mohamed and Dr Rhoda - practicing Chinese Medical professionals], for HLL - Holistic Leisure Learning, because it deals with Whole-brain Learning which relaxes the whole being, through the integration of all disciplines into a Single Unity [Tauheed] thus accelerating healing. HLL raises Awareness of the power inherent Power in The Miracles of LIfe - aayaat of Allah SWT, thus HLL increases Reflection, Contemplation and Remembrance of Allah SWT - which leads to progress in all dimensions, beyond the horizons - of which Nabie Mughammad SAW is The Perfect Example to follow. In shaa Allah.
Alghamdu lillaah - My Work and experience allowed me to hold International consultancy positions in Child-centred learning and The Arts in Islamic Symbolism, as well A Request from The Cape Argus to pioneer and write the Weekly feature "Education Watch" for 55 weeks continuously - on the New Paradigm for learning - Now desperately needed with Covid 19 negative impacts of conventional education.
2)Imam Dr Achmat Salie: Islamic Studies Head
Alim Fadil, HDE IV (Hewat), Islamic Studies BA and partial Honors in Arabic (UNISA), MBA, DBA (doctorate in business leadership), PhD (2nd) on Islamic legal philosophy
Alghamdu Lillaah
Shuk'ran Jazeelan
September 2020
#My contacts:
For any further information.