Western, colonial education causes the social, mental, physical diseases, unemployment and threats to public health and safety. It lays the foundations for elitism, idol worship, gangsterism, bullying, hierarchical disparity, racism, stereotyping and political dependency. How? It is through the alienation of a child, using legal policy, from his parents, religion, community and cultural values, into prescriptive schools that teaches through militaristic vocabulary (uniform, rows, lines, protocol, drills, anthem, policies, management, strategies, pass, fail, assessments, hierarchy, obedience, silence, rules, regulations, authority, etc.) and the evolutionary theory, that society is dumbed-down into obedience to authority. This devalues the child by impacting on his/her individual, human freedom of expression and movement and personal identity and creates an official "open slate" to impregnate their minds with western ideas and "values". Peer group graded classrooms remove the opportunity of a child to interact gracefully with younger and older children, something that is needed in community building. Peer group culture creates within the group the negative survival, beastly desire for control through bullying and lays the foundation for gangsterism.
The pass-fail examination culture, that focuses on memory, creates fears in the minds of children which lowers their life energy and creative frequencies, which in-turn lowers their immune system, thus exposing them to viruses and bacterial infections that cause in children and adults various diseases and hence reduces their chances of completing the prescribed year's work, insuring their failures. Those who do not get physically ill, become mentally disturbed and become disruptive, aggressive or disengaged due to the fear of failure which inhibits frontal brain lobe calmness, happy hormones for reasoning from being released and excites and secretes rear-brain hormones for fight, flight and freeze. Our children are thus made vulnerable through prescriptive, militarised education. This is the mental colonialisation of young minds. The competition for marks creates a further alienation of the class group into individual fighters for achievement. This lays the foundation for capitalistic competition.
Examinations favour children with good memories and comfortable home environs. Business sponsorship for academic top students to go to university with secured jobs at the end of the academic achievement, further marginalises the masses. This places the masses at the mercy of banks, state and university loans to try and compete for the limited university placements and top jobs that are already filled by the top academic students and nepotism. Only 0.1 % of formal educated people get jobs in the formal sector. The rest of the school leavers and academics are unemployed and in debt. This unemployment figure has always increased as the western world "developed" - mostly on debt and illusionary "progress". Unemployment in schools and universities is a "needed" structural strategy to ensure the market control of the rich elite. Their charity in hard financial times is necessary to stabilise their Capitalistic markets, which is needed to keep their riches. The hierarchy is established by using memory-based-graded examinations.
The poor, naturally, talented children are head-hunted by the elite schools, out of poor communities (thus draining the poor communities even further, through the loss of their gifted children to higher class environments) to ensure elite schools the many A-passes that draw state and business investments. This head-hunting of talented children from poor areas further drives a wedge between children and their cultural identities. The British western culture is then firmly rooted in communities where the colonial education system is established.
So why do people accept this school status quo!? It feeds on the lower self to compete for power, control, status and recognition through academic prowess and titles. We have also been brainwashed through graded schooling that knowledge and wisdom come with incremental grades and age - which is contrary to Divine, Prophetic Reality -- which proves that wisdom does not come with age, because many prophets and gifted people were teenagers. Wisdom is a Divine Gift for those who are connected to God Almighty and there is no age and graded positions for the receipt of Wisdom. This notion of higher grades create more wisdom is how a middle class is created in modern societies, who form the political party supporters of the elite who are funded by business to ensure that state policies always favour the business control of land, capital and labour. The middle class academics then becomes the buffer between the elite and poor masses, who with lower income are kept in "awe" of the doctors and professors and accept their lot as a result of their lower academic grades. The poor are further depleted by having to pay the same municipal service charges as the rich. It is then the middle class academia that are often the detractors of real change by keeping the masses confused with their political agenda arguments in media and academic circles and their resistance to change in education. The most destructive Fakenews that makes people accept Schooling, is the Western Academic misinformation that there is a 9-year no-man's land adolescence stage of psychological development of people. This "stage of Development" is characterised by the confused state of the youth in western cultures that deny teenage marriages through academic structural manipulation and quasi research. Adolescence is not a developmental stage. It is a western cultural disease created by the alienation of young adults into schools and universities in unemployed positions "until they are academically qualified", but socially unqualified to marry. This is the reason for the many family and social ills in western societies that have accepted schools as "maturing grounds for youth into adulthood". The adolescence disease does note exist in indigenous societies where youth are prepared for marriage and skills early in their life to assist the livelihood of the tribe. Thus the youth as married couples alongside the older adults sustain the tribe with no social ills. Drug addiction, youth crime and "unwanted pregnancies" are social diseases of the western culture, caused by forced schooling, away from parents and communities. Indigenous societies teach their children surviving skills and creativity and thus independence. Western societies teach their children theoretical abilities and no survival skills and thus make them dependent on "authorities" to survive. The PhD student is also taught to obey previous authorities and not to be creative.
The main reason why the status quo is accepted and even defended when an article like this appears - Schools have been made comfortable for parents to shirk their responsibility to care and teach their children. Some parents, for whom the status quo seems fine, know that it allows them the freedom to do what they like, while the child is at school. Some even expect teachers to teach the child respect and hygiene. This becomes evident when it is holiday or during this Corona Virus emergency Lockdown situation. They cannot wait for the school to open, because they cannot cope with their own one or two or three children at home and cannot keep them creatively occupied. Schooling has spoilt them so that they just do not know how to parent creatively. They unfortunately have been brainwashed to become the defenders of the system. That is because Western schooling is actually social engineering to create this dependency of parents on schools. This social engineering is so powerful that the truth of this article could be marginalised - first by some academics and "education institutions" and then by individual educators who feels that their jobs are threatened or that an article like this activates a guilt complex that they really do not want to admit to. I was also there and when I discovered the truth, I had to resign from state teaching and was fortunate enough to start the holistic approach with my own children, who I home schooled.. be that as it may.. I guarantee you, if one holistically shows parents the value of integrated, advanced learning, they will soon see through the smokescreen and will ask the question " Why was I not taught like this?" My answer to that will be : Because you were not important as a child and used to ensure the large vision of capitalists".
The hidden tactics in western capitalistic countries are that the elite races are supported by banks to start businesses and employ the poor and middle classes that were kept from the job market in schools that promoted business focused curricula at the expense of children's talents, passions and skills development. This situation makes the rich richer, the poor poorer and the middle class confused as to what is right. Today everyone is suffering through the outbreak of the corona virus which kills many who are susceptible to it, because of lower immune system energies, that is due to our fear-based societies that were created through prescriptive capitalistic career based education that has left many youths and adults deprived of their health and personal welfare -to support the elite medical fraternity for which the major curricula at schools are actually paced at - which forces those with less academic and memory skills to fall by the way side and become the patients of the elite/ enfranchised.
The thousands of youth in Khayaletha who ignored the South African governments Lockdown Order during the Corona Virus pandemic was the statement of the youth, through defiance action - because they lack the vocabulary and are often shut up if they want to express their honest opinion - that, "Why should we value our lives and adults lives if state education and western culture, ignores our needs and enslave us through British Western bureaucratic controls in education and manipulated economic markets that favour the enfranchised?". This action of their's was a result of "schooling" that aims to dumb-down youth and break their self-esteem through oppressive, prescriptive curricula that marginalises their talents, interests and flairs, and box them into schools with no jobs, income and oppressive British Culture that denies young marriages through the hoax of adolescence, thus abusing their youthful energies to make them dependent on adult desires to control and exploit them for adult gains in armies, police, and as clerks that ensures colonial dominance. Drug addiction and crime are similar non-verbal negative responses of youth saying "We will punish you as adults by self-sacrifice because if you do not value us why should we value you, your feelings and property". They are calling out to us as adults to wake up and value them. They are saying "Change the oppressive systems that enslave us and creatively care for us properly, like the indigenous people care for their children and youth".
It was also the youth in the 1976 riots that broke down apartheid , not the dumbed down, adults. The adults came on board later to take up leadership positions, but they turned on the youth again by accepting, without deep thought the Western Colonial systems and marginalised the youth again.
If we as adults do not change towards truthful solutions we will suffer more by our own children's hands, because of our own complacency in the comfort zones of the western cultural dynamics of dependency.
States and business must recognise family values and support families through accepting the passions and talents of the children as natural means to allow them access into the job market. Expensive prescriptive educational certifications of universities that have left many students in debt, must not be made a need in the business world, if we want to survive the future which depends on new technological, practical and creative skills and passion and eagerness to work recognition is vital. The western school system worked during the industrial revolution when borders and markets were controlled and it is now useless in an internet open and global society.
Period structures in schools have been designed for the control of the labour market, monitoring of schools and the management of capitalistic specialisation curricula and not in the best interest of the children. Periods, curricula and assessment standard changes with every change in education ministry changes, destabilises the learning process and prevents teachers and children from mastering content in all disciplines. Periods also break the flow of quality, holistic learning. Periods in schools should be abandoned, because it fractionalises content and create a lack of holistic appreciation and mastery of all skills. Children must be freed from stifling disconnected periods and allowed to work together in interest groups, not age groups, to provide the needs of communities. Food gardens must be state supported and all youth must be assured employment in schools through various community based services that sustain each community's health and food supply through organic farming on pavements , roofs, patios and school grounds, essential medical care and free electrical and water supply inventions etc, to reduce the suffering of the poor. This will replenish the lost fresh air and create a healthy community that will be resilient against any infection. A healthy nation only occurs amongst those who value each other's skills, flairs and aptitudes, through paying their youth a salary to serve the communities, while learning freely through free internet instead of keeping them in segregated prescriptive schools, unemployed and dependent.
The school buildings must become venues where the needs of the communities are supplied from. Teachers need not lose their jobs, their duties will just change from assessor to assistant of the youth to achieve youth aims...to help the household income immediately. The money spent on employment of youth in schools and neighbourhoods, will create a multiplier effect in the whole economy. The self-worth of all will rise and so will the health and welfare of all citizens be ensured. The educational chasm that has been created through prescriptive memory based schools that structurally marginalised the poor, has caused a large scale disparity in income. The elite, politicians, consultants and fortunate large salary earners can free themselves from guilt by contributing monthly to a youth employment project in the poor areas.
The value for learning while earning in an atmosphere of holistic integration of children's interests that are practically and socially beneficial ,will raise the positive, healing frequencies of everyone and thus increase our natural resistance to disease - thus preventing a future militaristic war Lockdown to curb illness caused by militaristic, cut-throat educational protocol. It is my wish that we all will benefit from the above clear advise and not hide the truth or mix truth with falsehood. Our youth can only be our future if we act in the present as truthful adults with them. God Willing. Thank you. Mogamat Faadiel Arnold 25 March 2020.