Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Real Progress - Alghamdu lilaah


Introductory Free Workshop ICRA - One Hour
Islamic Centre for Research and Activity - "
"Taking Ownership of Our Progress IAA"

1. Holistic, All subjects and core skills Mastery Classes for children and youth
2. Marriage workshops that boost couple and family dynamics
3. Certification courses, right up to practical Ph.D's qualifying as Holistic Methodologists, which includes a" Total Human Health" Stream
4. Exciting new affordable books that simplify and remedy educational, social, economic, political and health problems
5. Creating a new, post Corona society that is Self-sustainable and Advanced

in shaa Allah Aameen
Shukran Jazeelan
Dr Faadiel

What Nonsense in Schools now

 What Nonsense  - mfarnold

Is this gender fluidity, 
That forces educational legality,
Of utter stupidity,
To encourage homosexuality !

It is not natural.
It is cynical and satanical,
Radical and Non-committal,
To the challenges of The Marital,
Where men and women
Learn through children,
In a Home, The Path to Enlighten.

Departments of "education"
In worldwide desperation
For funding accreditation,
Is bullying the incorporation
of transgenderation -
A complete No-brainer,
To any Maintainer
Of Sensibility,
That Femininity and Masculinity
Is a Natural Affinity 
To The Innate Identity
of any Human Community.

The thought and policy re: Transgenders,
Is based in Devilish Whispers
For those who open evil doors,
Who question God's Guidance,
Towards Real Family Abundance,
Significance, Nurturance, Cognizance,
And Absolute Brilliance.