Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Linkedin Posts

 Praise God Almighty - ICRA is able to teach years of work, holistically within One Day - Islam's Inherent Artistry is one such course that advances a participant's deep, distinguished intellect of a myriad of subjects, holistically in ONE DAY - beyond conventional specialist professorships in Arts, Science and Philosophies - Alghamdu lillaah. Join us on Saturday, 4th June 2022 at 20 Zenith Rd, Vanguard Estate, Cape Town - 0833945701 to book your place - It is worth it - Praise The Lord Who Grants Wisdom.

English translations of The Arabic Qur'an, makes Islam look British-Militaristic. At ICRA we use the Broad Arabic meaning patterns to raise the English Language to a Depth that unites Soul, Body and Spirit. This transforms students from 13 yrs old, who do the ICRA Holistic Methodologist 4yr Course (Merited by SAQA as a South African Qualification 2021) to Distinguished Awareness {ILM} of the Holistic Value of All Forces of Nature - We integrate 17 conventional academic and creative subjects - Alghamdu lillaah. ICRA has attracted youth and adults from other persuasions as well, Alghamdu lillaah - ICRA courses break down barriers and release the Spirit from within - Praise the Lord of Power - Alghamdu lillaah - Come Join The New "Generation for Deep Reflection - DR" - "The New Doctors of The Age of Awareness" - "A Post-COVID Holistic Need"