The Holistic Methodologist(HM)by mfarnold
Armed with Qur'an and Sunnah
HM sees science as Signs and Marvels,
not verses, for Qur'an is not poetry,
but Unity
of All The Forces, Owned by Divinity.
Able to integrate all sciences,
HM, trains Holistic Facilitators,
not brainwashed educators,
who, so specialized, became
manipulators, without ability
to connect the dots in utility of unity.
HM teaches how to teach holistically,
with loving passion and humility,
taking from 21 separate subjects,
the integrated beauty of a single concept,
to create an understanding depth
that transforms the young
into a respected profound,
whose Gratitude, Respect and Service is common ground,
whose confidence breaks
conventional youth, deprived song..
The "Holistic Music and Art of Life" ,
is the Curriculum of a HM,
that translates an average human
into an enlightened, practical agent,
who changes environs
into icons
of transformation
for better communication,
to ensure a new destination,
that gives a new orientation
for all investigations,
into Real Solutions,
that removes all western confusions,
into an exciting, new Constitution -
Through HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning,
that makes studying an earning,
that Aims at Divine Love and Yearning.
whose confidence breaks
conventional youth, deprived song..
The "Holistic Music and Art of Life" ,
is the Curriculum of a HM,
that translates an average human
into an enlightened, practical agent,
who changes environs
into icons
of transformation
for better communication,
to ensure a new destination,
that gives a new orientation
for all investigations,
into Real Solutions,
that removes all western confusions,
into an exciting, new Constitution -
Through HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning,
that makes studying an earning,
that Aims at Divine Love and Yearning.
by mfarnold
The negative
caused by educative
has been a directive
by the powerful
to reduce the grateful
towards pitiful,
so that the critical
can claim the pedestal
at the expense of the creative.
The aforesaid is the job
of colonial styled schools and universities,
funded and supported
by the rich, who become
richer by the casualties
created in their faculties.
Rejection of the Prophets(pbut)
is aimed at creating Academic
Theorists who are anarchists
that teach to devalue religious virtue
through competitive that argue
without divine truth, misconstrued
and conjecture through incomplete pursuit.
Gratitude, Respect and Service to
God Almighty, create these values
for parents, which post-modern learning
crash, through individualistic, narcissistic
rhetoric, aimed at market competition.
to sell the soul to fit fashion mould
and lose self-worth, the cornerstone
of frustration, that kills the soul before the body, due to complaint, control and payroll,
looking always for ways to discipline and monitor, the already broken souls prepared
for the slaughter roll.
Wake up before you lose your active, creative role, in a sea of broken scrolls -
that is the Transcendence call,
Moving away from mundane
profane and disdain,
Into the Realm of Humane
before you become insane.
by mfarnold
The negative
caused by educative
has been a directive
by the powerful
to reduce the grateful
towards pitiful,
so that the critical
can claim the pedestal
at the expense of the creative.
The aforesaid is the job
of colonial styled schools and universities,
funded and supported
by the rich, who become
richer by the casualties
created in their faculties.
Rejection of the Prophets(pbut)
is aimed at creating Academic
Theorists who are anarchists
that teach to devalue religious virtue
through competitive that argue
without divine truth, misconstrued
and conjecture through incomplete pursuit.
Gratitude, Respect and Service to
God Almighty, create these values
for parents, which post-modern learning
crash, through individualistic, narcissistic
rhetoric, aimed at market competition.
to sell the soul to fit fashion mould
and lose self-worth, the cornerstone
of frustration, that kills the soul before the body, due to complaint, control and payroll,
looking always for ways to discipline and monitor, the already broken souls prepared
for the slaughter roll.
Wake up before you lose your active, creative role, in a sea of broken scrolls -
that is the Transcendence call,
Moving away from mundane
profane and disdain,
Into the Realm of Humane
before you become insane.
The Economic Weapon
by mfarnold
Oh! Teenagers, Marry
It is your protection -
Part of Prophetic Advice.
If disrespected... enormous strife,
into the traps of vice,
the single, young and older entice...
pornography, illigitamacy, rape,
gayism, gangsterism,
stress, drug addiction,
depression, criminalism..
Core tools of capitalism,
where the rich invest,
in arms, pharmaceuticals,
crime prevention,
rehabilitation, publications,
media, advertising, fashion,
and the biggest money spinner... formal,
prescriptive education, certification ,
examination... all part of capitalistic competition,
driven by a lack of true, emotional,
stability through Young, Spiritual, Marital Connection,
The True legal, loving relations...
Graded schools, with long 12 yr stressed
curricula.... often empty of substance and misplaced...
The first stage of youth frustration
for manipulation,
into armies and riotous indoctrination
that kill millions of youth in politicization.
Marriage, strengthens teens
into well respected, caring,
young adults who are supporting
family life with, exciting
new possibilities and creativities
with strong, healthy mentalities,
stimulating growth, productive economies,
reducing all forms of criminalities
and medical casualties.
Current late-marriage-culture
in materialistic "nurture"
trapped in a sea of school-induced structural unemployment,
stresses older couples into marital annulment or childless selfishness,
in generation-gap-madness.
The older generation, who refused
secularization with youth craft-cultivation ,
wonderfully encouraged young marriages and enjoyed long family and
and community unity and sustainability,
because they were not impressed
by egoistic, individualistic,
materialistic "dress",
that fool the spiritually numbed,
academic, craft-deprived,
who spend their hours in
theoretical, unsustainable policy
argumentative polity,
the foundation of new idolatry,
the real underlying problem
of modern and post- modern society...
educationally induced, confused identity,
through discouraging youth matrimony.