Saturday, March 8, 2025

Handling The Self

Handling the Self
By mfarnold March 2025

Know that one is not alone
Physically, but spiritually,
So care for your soul,
By being aware of your Goal.

People and unseen factors
Influence your matters,
But YOU Decide,
What to expose and what to hide.

Be aware of manipulators,
Exploiters, hypocrites and
They come from various sectors.
Your Safety Rests with your Protector.

Trust in Allah SWT, Only.
Be informed of His SWT Guidance, Only.
Make your decision, 
to Please Him SWT, Only,
THAT is Gratitude To Allah SWT, Expressly.
And Remember, you are never lonely.

Always be creative,
Never use time to be destructive.
Boredom is a self-inflicted negative.
A loser's two days are equal,
So use your mind with what is crucial.
Don't waste your time with
People who are difficult. 
They aim to let your personality catapult.
Just avoid such a culprit,
But pray for their forgiveness,
To stay in Allah SWT Graciousness

Invest in giving to good people,
Who honour your presence.
They are worth, your excellence,
Because they build your intelligence,
Harnessing both your brilliance.

Life is a journey
Of self-discovery,
And everything and everyone 
Are opportunities,
To reflect on their inherent qualities,
That will bring you closer,
To your Wonderful Possibilities.
In shaa Allah Aameen 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Who Supports?


Who Supports?
by mfarnold March 2025

Those with Hope
and do not choke,
For they are not 
the complaining folk.

They show commitment
and do not harbour resentment.
They Trust in Allah SWT,
Not in a popular fella.

They consider the subject,
and is not suspect.
They are not self-glory seekers,
But listen carefully to believers.

While many support what is fashionable,
They support what is valuable.
They have no interest to be seen
Only to help what should have been.

The drive in the west
for "individualism" quest,
has left many bereft
of the motivation that lies in the chest.

Those whose hearts are sound
and do not look for a mound
to climb to pretend to be "profound",
Are the ones who support what they found
has credibility and Astounds.

Often those who wish
to be "politically correct"
lack the decency to protect,
The vulnerable through a well-meant project.
They fail to use their intellect.

Choose now, which character you are,
And help others to become a rising star,
Because you have decided to open the jar
of potential goodness that jumps afar.  

Don't be a talker
It is better to be a walker,
Who helps those who falter,
Not of their own agenda
But victims of offenders. 

It might take a while
For you to compile
A New Self that is versatile,
Opening a new file,
That contributes to what is Fertile.   

Saturday, March 1, 2025



by mfarnold March 2025

Is it relative,
Is it subjective,
Is it objective,
Is it Real?

The answer lies 
in the inner- and outer-self.
When the outer-self claims peace,
But the inner-self is arrogant
and others are inferior - 
Causing always an argument,
Then this disharmony,
is falsehood,
Hated to be exposed,
By The Truth of Muslims.

When the outer-self is humble
and the inner-self, hopeful
and others are respected,
Then truth is unfolding,
And Expressed.

Life is to purge 
the believers from their sins,
And to deprive disbelievers
from all Blessings Q3:141 -
In Preparation for Heaven or Hell.

Fasting is the voluntary
Purging from evil,
To experience the Value of Truth -
Which lies in Reflection, Praise
Service and Commitment - the Core
Experiences of Fasting -
That is Intelligence.

Only the Ignorant
Arrogant, Resistant,
Defiant and Deviant,
Breaks The Covenant
and will end up desperant,
Losing all Hope, 
Here and There. 

To Hold on to The Rope of Allah SWT,
Is to Know Islam Is THE TRUTH.
It is to Develop The Soul's 
Strength to withstand
any whispering, despair,
Negativity and affairs
That inhibit
Growth and Sustenance,
With God Almighty's Assistance,
Which Builds Confidence,
The Real Truth Essence
Alghamdu Lillaah