ICRA Comprehensive School: Life
Orientation (6-12) :Development of The Self
1. Mankind
has been Divinely programmed to seek happiness and peace through asking the
questions:” Who am I, What must I do and Where am I going?”.
2. This
challenges man to use his/her intellect to make informed decisions.
Informed decisions are made after reflecting on what influences are around us
4. The
Holy Qur’an reminds us of all good signs and answers these questions (in no.1
above) clearly.
5. We are
creations of Allah (SWT), who must adore(deeply love and serve) Him (‘i-baa-da)
to reach back to Him in Heaven, where we originally were created and stayed for a long time, before our
Earthly existence.
6. This
journey/path (Ta-ree-qah) is the effort (A-mal) of developing the Self from the
Naf-sul-am-maa-ra (lower/base/material Self), through the Naf-sul-low-waa-ma
(the Questioning/ intellectual self) to the Nuf-sul-moet-ma-in-na ( the Self at
Peace and Onenness with Allah (SWT) – The Successful Self)
7. To
make our task of self-discovery and success easy, Allah (SWT) cleansed prophets
(‘AS) to receive His Sent Guidance guided them to deliver it to each
individual, in every nation and tribe.
Everyone thus has an equal chance to succeed, according to his or her
circumstances, opportunities and awareness of nearness to Allah (SWT)
9. To
attain nearness to Allah (SWT) we Remember and Praise Him (Thikr), due to our
Gratefulness to Him.
Thikr, we use our thought, breath and sound
(unseen elements), elements of Spirit (Ruugh) that Allah (SWT) Blew into us
(through the first human being, the clay Nabie Adam ‘AS), to stimulate our Naf-sul-mut-ma-in-na
to become active.
11. The
clay-self (the nuf-sul-am-maa-ra) naturally draws us to the love for itself ,
the earthly/ material things (gold, food, jewelry , cars, sex/ procreation,
self-glory) which all have short-lived(limited) happiness and which tires the body and mind,
if we become obsessed with it.
12. The
Prophet Mughammad (SAW) was Guided by Allah (SWT), through the Sent Book, The
Holy Qur’an, to show people that it is humanly possible to attain divine
strengths, power and wisdom and achieve nearness to Allah SWT and receive absolute
happiness and success, if one has constant Taq-wa (Awareness of Allah SWT).
13. The
Qur’an contains the Sha-ree-‘a ( The Code for Success – personally and for nations
and tribes) which gives mankind the shortest method of attaining fearlessness,
strength, happiness and success.
14. The
Sha-ree-‘a is a water-hole/ code that constantly refreshes our bodies,
intentions, thoughts and actions
15. When the
Naf-sul-am-maa-ra (lower/ desirous/ earthly/material Self) is placed under the advice
(hi-daa-yah) of the Sha-ree-‘ah, then the person reaches a balance between
heavenly and earthly matters – this is ‘ILM –Distinguished Awareness)
Intellect (‘Aqal) is the active use of the Naf-sul-low-waa-ma to reach lasting
happiness in the Presence of Allah (SWT) – restraining/controlling the lower-self (‘Aqal) with regular
‘i-baa-dah (devotions:Solaah,Fasting,)
17. When
the person has focused his/her full attention and love towards Allah SWT, while
he/she does good deeds, then he/she is a Muslim (one who feels Safe and Sound
in the Hands of Allah SWT)
18. The
Muslim, who continuously shows Thankfulness and Love for Allah SWT, through
good work, becomes a Friend of Allah (SWT) - Aw-li-yaa ( those whose wishes come true because Allah
SWT Loves them).
19. When
the person allows his/her Naf-sul-am-maa-rah to over-power him/her, then he/she
loses the inner Light (Nuur), Happiness and Peace of connection with the Divine
Spirit (Rugh), and the body (Jism) and Soul (Nafs) become dark, tired and
depressed, due to ungratefulness (Kufr) towards Allah SWT.
20. When
the person’s efforts are towards the Naf-sul-mut-ma-in-na, his/her body, mind
and soul are under the command of the Ruugh (Divine Spirit) and the body and
soul then have Light (Nuur), Ghikma (Wisdom) and motivational energy that drive
him/her towards lasting happiness, contentment and peace (Islam), which the
Self really yearns for.
21. The
development of the Self is the journey towards love and service to Allah SWT
through the control of the lower self, to attain the Higher-Self in order to receive
unending Baraka (Blessings) from Allah SWT.
22. The
greatest Blessing from Allah SWT is the feeling of total entrustment
(Ta-wak-kul) of all matters in the Hands and Allah (SWT), thus feeling
confident and satisfied that all is well and there is nothing to worry or stress about, after we
have done the good work.
23. The
Naf-sul-mut-ma-in-na’s effect on the self is a feeling of divine inner strength
and to have no fears nor to grieve about any loses – this state is true Freedom
– total submission to the Guidance of Allah SWT
- because with this state is the Knowledge that everything comes from
Allah SWT and everything must go back to Allah SWT –in-naa lil-laa-hi wa in-na
i-lay-hi raa-ji-‘uun. We hear His Guidance and we obey Him, because we know He
Speaks the Truth – Sa-da-qal-laa-hul-‘a-theem.................and Allah, The
Exalted, Knows Best.
lil-laa-hi Rob-bil-‘Aa-la-meen (Praise be to Allah, The Sustainer/Lord of the
all universes)
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