Monday, December 25, 2017
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
What is the Nafs ?
Understanding Nafs
Using reflective, integrative holistic use of the Arabic
Roots and I,II,III,V,VI Arabic Verb Forms
Nafs in its Arabic meaning relates to the soul, the psyche,
the mind, nature, essence, identity, actuality, reality, creature, human being,
desirous, spirited. From the above meanings one can deduce that Nafs refers to
the real, autonomous self that is a living creature, having a specific
identity, wrapped in a certain nature that makes up its essence due to its
desire to be spirited or not.
Within Islam the Ruugh – is the inner Divine Spirit that
energises the nafs (self) towards Divine potentials, while the bodily cravings draws
it towards earthly constrictions. The intensified effort [II] of the self,
strives towards comfort, reassurance and appeasement. To do this the self has
to dispel[II] and banish refuse to uncover its lower desires, control its means
of venting its anger, control its voice to prevent the exposure of its lower
tendencies – allowing it uncover[II] its higher positive features of the self.
The ability to do this is to see the self as precious, valuable and priceless
[I]. If not, the self will be lost and cease to exist [II, nafasa].
When the self has to relate to others [iii, vi] it has
choices to fight, involve in rivalry, contention, competition or to seek
balance through divine guidance and aspire towards innate goodness [Fitrah]
through a struggle [jihad] between good and evil tendencies.
The means to acquire a higher choice of character, the self
has to, reflectively [v] take a breather/ rest before decisions – not to hurry
with actions or reactions. Taking a breath, means that one is actually allowing
Divine Blessing that activate the Ruugh or Spirit to enter the mind via the
relaxed/ oxygenated blood-heart-pump before acting and not acting while the
breath is shallow or exhaling impurities from the lungs – characterised by
sighing and gasping [v]. Relaxed inward breath, raises the conscious awareness
of all possibilities and prevents base/ shallow reactions based on superficial
awareness or illusion.
The negative development features of the self are stimulated
by withholding the self through niggardliness, envy and to begrudge others[I].
A deeper realisation of the self is to consider the body
(space-time bound vessel) as a capsule (sanafa) that contains the self [nafs]
and the Divine Spirit [Ruugh] ( spaceless-timeless entities – the nafs, having
choice between good/evil; the Ruugh being the energising, motivating Divine, Good
Force that permeates every nucleus – waiting to be tapped).
The Nafs has basically 3 levels – The Lower
Nafsul-ammaarah stage – desirous, hasty, self-satisfying, without control,
appetite. The Middle-self or Questioning Self is the nafsul-lowwaama – the self
that starts becoming aware and starts questioning the validity/value of the
thought or action – within the context of Divine Pleasure. The High/
Self-at-Peace is the Nafsul-Mutmainna – the self that has attained the
realisation of its pure essence in total awareness of the divine attributes
within the self – thus adoring God and is totally in service of His Divine
Guidance, and experiencing His divine presence – become then “ godly “ and in
this state the self is not in opposition to the spirit of god within – thus the
nafs/Soul, Rugh/Spirit and Jism/ body acts in unison and the eye, ear, hand and
foot operates within Divine Will and the individual is now back in Fitrah –
absolute divine goodness – able to surpass space, time and operates without
lower-human-created barriers. The person now operates in pure grace and orbits
in praise of The Creator and then exhibits divine powers. It
The above reflective life, gives one the choice either to
enter the world of space/fields (Fasana) or the world of destruction [nasafa]
through pulverising/ scattering or blowing up all the self’s potentials through
negativity, hastiness and non-reflective actions.
And Allah SWT Knows Best.
MFaadiel 20-12-2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Understanding The Structural Problems in Education, Unemployment & Health by M.F.Arnold
Understanding The Structural Problems in Education, Unemployment
& Health by M.F.Arnold
Education (secular & religious) is primarily seen as a must for progress,
yet many people, including the Prophet (Pbuh) had no formal education. He could
not read/ write. He was as pure as when his mother gave birth to him
(Um-mee-yuun). Thus, he was absolutely pure in thought and action because he
was unadulterated - uncontaminated by outside influence and indoctrination. He
observed life and appealed to the Greatest Truth, Allah SWT, for Guidance and
he received it for humanity. With the Support of God, he acted fearlessly and
courteously and Arabia was transformed from a barbaric existence to the seat of
is understandable that every effort will be made by people without faith in God
to try and influence people to believe in human systems to survive. Their
constructs create fears in people to give their assets to them for protection,
progress and survival. If fears come from satan, then anyone who succumbs to
fears will become a disciple of satan, because he/she will promote belief in fear and lose the strength of
positivity, which is faith in God, Almighty, as Provider, Protector and
create fear they create systems and constructs that break down the self-worth
of people:
Standardise all through
“education” and give no credit for talent and informal learning
Group the masses
so that competition can thrive and cut-throat tactics can be employed
hierarchies to delay qualitative response to build frustration in business
& religion
Give titles
“academic achievers” to instill in people obedience in bureaucracy
Control people through
consistent monitoring by management of bureaucracy
Support Sport to
feed the aggression and group mentality of competitive natures
Create policies
for external assessments – with curricula drafted by the enfranchised - to drive
acceptance of hierarchy that drags out learning, ensures a lack of self-worth, control
the job-market, create a pool of unemployed to ensure exploitive wage offers –
the modern slavery.
kinds of systems and constructs create the structural educational dilemmas,
unemployment, crime and illness by those who feel the manipulation, but lack
the skills and support to make qualitatively changes, because the majority of
people have been brainwashed in accepting the status quo. That does not mean
that I condone anti-social behaviour, but that I understand the origin of it
and can sympathise with the victims of social, intellectual, economic, cultural
and religious abuse. This is possible, because the fear and control mechanisms
feed the lower ego of man that wants to be in charge and control others. That
is why slaves often later became slave-owners
and the abused often becomes the abusers. This simple indoctrination of fear
sells products of “security” – loans, insurance, credit, education, burials and
products and services that feed the fears. Attachment to the earthly ‘awards’
often becomes a lifestyle – and people forget to be thankful to the Provider –
God Almighty, Who Grants Gifts.
people realise that what they possess is a trust from God Almighty, which they
can share and work with, then they will help each other to achieve success
without fear of them losing position or safety. This simple Qur’anic Guideline
frees all to respect each other and help each other succeed, because there is
no better feeling in life than to know you have helped someone reach his/her
dream. This is how each one becomes accredited by Allah (SWT) and then respected by man and feels truly valued from within - the nearness to God. Crime and
exploitation will cease to exist - In shaa Allah Aameen – because no-one will
live in fear of being alone and without genuine support. This will improve health and welfare of people and reduce the many ills and crime that stem from a society that feel marginalised, vulnerable and exploited with the bureaucratic life style we have all become accustomed to and even be so blind to use the same bureaucratic tools to try and solve the socio-economic problems created by the systems - we have to think holistically and out of the box and be weary of the fractionalised education which aims to retard, rather than advance people.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
deur M.F.Arnold 2017
Die Kaapse taal, wat die
Muslims begin het, was deur die boere “versuiwer” tot Afrikaans, deur
Anglesismes en verronding te gebruik. Die Afrikaans se leenwoorde van Engels
het so voortgeduur dat om ‘n Afrikaanse boek te lees, was geen verskil as om
die Engelse weergawe te lees nie. Navorsing in die wetenskappe het in Engels
voortgegaan en die Afrikaans het nie ontwikkel nie, omdat die boere met die
politiek daarvan versot was. Die resultaat is, dat Afrikaans nou besig is om te
was gebruik om apartheid te versterk, boere kultuur te verhef en ander kulture
te bespot . Suid Afrika het aan die vlam geslaan toe die staat poog om
Afrikaans in Swart skole verpligtent to maak. Swart en Bruin leerlinge, groot
en klein, het in optogte deelgeneem. Hulle was koelbloedig deur die polisie
doodgeskiet – maar dit het nie die weerstand gekwel nie. Mandela was in die
tronk en die betogings het voortgeduur. Die buiterlanders het Suid Afrika in
sport, die kunste en in sekere produkte geboikot. Die boere het besef dat hulle
in moet gee, of oor moet gee, voordat dit te laat is. Mandela was bevry en die
boere het besluit om met die swartes ‘n ooreenkoms te maak, waarin die boere
besorg sal word, in ruil vir ‘n demokraties Suid Afrika. In 1994 word die
eerste verkiesing gehou en die ANC wen die meerderheid stemme. Mandela word toe
die eerste swart president van Suid Afrika.
vreedsame oorhandiging van Suid Afrika tot in die hande van die ondergedrukte,
het die wereld beindruk en Mandela was wereldwyd gerespekteer, as a man van
hoop en vrede. In die ooreenkoms met die boere, het Mandela aanvaar dat Afrikaans
nog steeds in skole as ‘n vak aangebied word. Op die oomblik verswak die taal
nog steeds. Algemeen wil mense nie die taal van die gewese onderdrukker praat
nie. Dit is ook ‘n moeilike taal om te bemeester, omdat dit nie alledaags
gepraat, geskryf en gehoor word nie. Die Afrikaanse taal is besig om te sterf.
Om die taal te red word spelfoute nou meer aanvaarbaar, so lank as die
betekenis duidelik is. Die werkwoord word ook nou, soos in Engels, in die
middle van die sin geplaas, in plaas van aan die einde. Engelse woorde word nou
deel van “‘n korrekte Afrikaans taalgebruik” en die boere begin nou terug loop
na die Muslims om hul hulp te vra om die Afrikaanse taal te red. Die Muslims se
bydrae tot Afrikaans word te laat gewaardeer, omdat die Muslim kinders nou
Engels sprekend is. Die internet, selfone en media se Engelse inhoud, verdoem
die Afrikaans nog verder.
skool handboeke, wat vir Afrikaans voorgeskryf is, is nog steeds ras-gebonde en
vooroordelend. Dit word dan afstootlik vir denkende mense, omdat hulle die
stereotipering uit kan ken. Wanneer skole nie meer Afrikaans as ‘n vak aanbied nie,
sal Afrikaans onmiddelik sterf. Die
Engelse media maak die Afrikaanse-gesels van hedendaagse onderwerpe moeilik.
Engels word meer gretig deur die Muslim kinders en grootmense gebruik. Die Suid
Afrikaanse “wit” media het ook, met sukses, die land oorreed om te glo dat die
skollie straattaal die Muslims se taal is – dit was gedoen om die Muslims se
geloof se invloed te verminder en die Muslim te versleg as terroriste en
skollies, met die gedagtes van toeriste en ander Suid Afrikaaners. Die
Afrikaanse skoolhandboeke is dus ‘n bydraer tot die verslegting van die Afrikaanse
taal se kans om te oorleef.
Afrikaans te red, moet die rasisme en stereotipiese aanmerkings uit die
Afrikaanse skoolhandboeke verwyder word, en ‘n nuwe, kreatiewe, skone
taalgebruik en onderwerpe geproduseer word. Die Afrikaanse taal sal dan meer as
‘n kuns bestudeer en gebruik word, maar nie noodwendig as ‘n leertaal nie. Die
Bo-Kaapse “Kaaps” moet erken word as ‘n huistaal en nie as ‘n “straattaal”
aangespeek word nie. Dit sal dan mense meer gretig maak om Kaaps te praat – Kaaps is aanvallig, warm,
gelooflik, ordentlik, kreatief, vloeibaar en bondig. Die boere hou van die
“Kaaps” van die Bo-Kaapse Muslims, maar die opsetlike verwarring van Kaaps met
die skollie se taal in opvoerings en boeke, maak dit moeilik om Kaaps te
aanvaar. Navorsers begin nou goeie Bo-Kaapse mense vra om hulle van die
waarhede in te lig. Dit mag lei tot ‘n waardevolle kommunikasie wat Kaaps as ‘n
ware huistaal erken. Indien nie, sal Kaapse Afrikaans maar as ‘n komediese taal
gebruik word en almal sal dan die Kaaps as “komieklik” beskou, en Afrikaans sal
met dit begrawe word.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
M.F.Arnold [PTD III,B.A.Ph.D.(HC)]
Change is natural /Verandering is natuurlik. Change is
needed/Verandering is ‘n nodigheid.
Change is necessary/Verandering is
noodsaaklik. Change is exciting/Verandering
skep opgewondenheid. Change is newness/Verandering
is ‘n nuwigheid. But change is hard for those who fear/ Verandering is moeilik vir die wie vrees
. Change is hard for those in a comfort-zone/ Verandering is moeilik vir die in ‘n gemak-zone. Change is hard for
those who love to control/ Verandering is
moeilik vir diegene wat lief is om te kontroleer. Change is hard for those
who find following others easier than charting a new course. Verandering is moeilik vir diegene wie dit
makliker vind om ander te volg as om nuwe koers te kies. Change is hard for
critics/ Verandering is moeilik vir die
Now we know that western
education aims at developing critics/Nou,
ons weet dat die westerse onderwys gespits is op die onwikkeling van kritici .
This allows the mind and heart to enter a zone of mistrust/ Hierdie doel laat die hart en denke die zone
van wanvertroue binnegaan. Mistrust leads to separation/ Wanvertroue lei tot skeiding. Separation
leads to disunity and disunity leads to conflict/ Skeiding lei to verdeeltheid en verdeeltheid lei tot konflik.
Conflict calls for control, policies and policing that become necessities to
keep “law and order”/ Konflik lei tot
kontrole, beleid en ‘n polisiemag wat wet en orde moet handhaaf . Law and
order feed the lower-self to maintain power/ Wet en orde voed die lae-self om met geweld dinge te handhaaf .
Politics is thus the art of ensuring the power to control the masses that have
been trained and educated to be critics and dependent/ Politiek is dus die kuns hoe om die massas , wie opgevoed is om kritici
en afhankilik te wees, met geweld te kontroleer.
Critical thinking is the
cornerstone of the academia to acquire a Ph.D., but the Ph.D. restricts
creative solutions, because creativity does not rest on referencing the old,
but establishing new uncharted grounds of possibilities – a feature often only at
the end of a Ph.D. thesis with an added possibility for new research that can
question the current written one. Kritici
is die kernkrag van die akademie om ‘n doktoraal te bekom, maar die Ph.D bestry
kreatiewe denke omdat dit nie deur oud verwysigings geondersteun is nie –
Kreatieweteit word slegs aan die einde van ‘n Ph.D tesis aangemeld as ‘n moontlikeheid
vir verdere navorsing vanuit die huidige tesis. The academia’s reference-requirement has made it
a dependent science, while creativity creates an independent science –often
becoming a business from which the academia appeals for funding/ Die akademie se verwysings-benodigheid maak
dit ‘n afhanklike wetenskap, waar kreatiewetiet ontwerp ‘n onafhanklike
wetenskap. Business is the cornerstone of development for academia, but the
academia often aims at marginalising the creative spirit, the basis for
business. Besighede is die ontwikkelingsfondasie vir die akademie,
maar die akademie marginaliseer die
kreatiewegees, wat die basis vir besigneid is. There thus seems to
be a hypocritical sense of survival of the academia – who derides creativity as
not academic, while appealing to creative business entities for funding of
their academic research/ projects to keep the universities alive. Daar is ‘n sin van skeinheiligheid in die
bestaan van die akademie, wie kreatiweteit ontmoedig as nie akademies nie, maar
wie aansoek doen vir fondse van die kreatiewe besigheidswereld vir akademiese
Our present strikes at tertiary
institutes are gut-feeling responses by responsibility-free students who
subconsciously realise that they are being marginalised by infrastructures and
debt-burdened in the hope for a career. Ons
huidige betogings op tersiere instansies is innerlike-gevoel-reaksies van
verantwoordelikbevryde studente, wie onbewustelik bewus word dat hulle deur
infrastrucktuur gemarganiliseer word en skuldbelas word in die hoop vir ‘n
loopbaan. They want change, but
having been schooled in western ideology, they too are seeking solutions/
change in present-yet-old infrastructures that ensure that the rich gets
richer, the poor gets poorer and the middle-class stay confused as to what real
change is for the better. Hulle wil verandering
beleef, maar deurdat hulle in westerlike ideology geskool is, soek hulle ook
vir oplossings in die huidige-oud infrastructure wat seker maak dat die rykers
ryker word, die armes armer en die middle-klas verward is aangaande ware
veranderings. These disoriented facts are the result of
putting too much trust in man-made “systems” and ignoring age-old prophetic
advice calling mankind to actively serve fellow humans and not to exploit
fellow humans. Hierdie disorientasiefeite
is die resultaat van die plaas van vertroue in menslike sisteme en ignoreering
van profeetiese advies wat mensdom aktief roep om mense te dien en nie mense te
misbruik nie. Unfortunately when systems feed the ego on how to be better
than others, human low-desires overtake their rational minds and the
animal-self takes over, seeking systems for self-actualisation at the expense
of others. Ongelukkig wanneer sisteme die
ego voed hoe om beter as ander te wees, oorweldig die dierlike-self die
menslike-self in die poging vir self-aktualisering ten koste van ander. This
is the road to self-destruction – the age-old warning of the prophets (Pbuth). Dit is die eeu-oue waarskuwing van profete
(Vrede op Hulle).When religion is seen as archaic then mankind is in for a
surprise - Self-annihilation. Wanneer
geloof as argaies beskow word, dan wag ‘n verrassing op mens –Self-uitwissing .
So, how can we save ourselves? Simple –
save others from all forms of slavery ! So,
hoe kan ons onsself red? Maklik – red ander van verskillende vorme van
The power
of charity is scientific – when you give to others your brain neurons fire
impulses that grow the frontal lobe that improves rational and ethical
thinking. Die krag van liefdadigheid is
wetenskaplik – wanneer jy ander help, vuur jou brein impulse wat die voorbrein
laat groei om beter rasionaliteit en etiese denke te ontbloot. The absence of charity deprives the brain
from neuron firing and the reptilian, back-brain increases in animalistic
tendencies that make the person psychotic. In
die afwesigheid van liefdadigheid word die brein ontneem van voorbrein neuron vuring en die reptile, agterbrein
vermeerder in dierlike tendense wat die person psigoties maak. Forms of
psychosis create stresses that translate into depressions of various sorts,
resulting in different forms of anger and the expressions thereof. Verskillende vorme van psigosis veroorsaak
spanning wat tot verskillende depressies lei, wat dan lei tot verskillende
vorme van woede en die uitinge daarvan. Health deteriorates, crimes
increase and dependency on more man-made structures becomes evident. Gesondheid verswak, misdaad vermeerder en
afhanklikheid aan meer mensgemaakte strukture word sigbaar. In this state
of dependency, political promises are made and people become gullible. In die afhanklikheid word politiese beloftes gemaak en mense word
liggelowig. When the delivery of political promises do not materialise,
people get angry, but because they have fallen for all the man-made systems
that control the minds and hearts of the masses, they have no tools to fight
the rot which they were part of forming and then chaos is the result. Wanneer politici nie hul beloftes nakom nie,
word mense kwaad, maar hulle het die mense-sisteme aanvaar wat die massa se
harte en siele nou kontroleer, en wat dan veroorssak dat hulle geen gereedskap
het om die vrotheid te bekamp nie, omdat hulle deel van die gaos is. For
Real Change to occur, a choice must thus be made either to feed the ego or work
hard towards ensuring the feeding of others. Vir ware verandering moet ‘n Keuse
dus gemaak word – tussen die voed van
die ego of harde werk om ander te voed.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Educational Crisis and unemployment
The Crisis in education and unemployment has grown because solutions are sought by the people who have been victims of unwitting self-destructive systems and these victims use the tools that enslaved them to the elite few that ensures that all resource richness flow towards the rich.
The general weakness of all western systems is its reliance and goal to satisfy the self first. The great tragedy is that the systems were created by the few rich who ensured that the masses bow down to there control, without really realising that they are trapped. In tis way the rich became richer the poor poorer and the middle-class the agents of the rich. The political, banking, economic, educational, justice, business, entertainment, sporting, media and welfare systems all ensure that the masses become dependent on the systems of the rich and oblivious of the traps that they, the masses so eagerly fall into and even support. How did they rich get this right, is the big question and how do they manage to continue their control?
The answer to this question is simple. Feed the ego of people and create a competitive arena and the masses will fall for it , support it and even defend it if the truth raises it Head. What is education - it is the science of mass control to create obedient citizens that will believe in the power of accredited certifications to have a future. These "believers" will forego their talents and skills and invest their resources in man-made-securities. They even believe that the state education will give them a job even if the certificates have become valueless.
The government joins with business and together they dictate the terms, curriculum and systems thinking that will keep the wheel of bureaucratic hierarchies turning. Equality is only a political slogan for the masses to believe that they have a vote what matters. What the masses do not realise is that by voting they dis-empower themselves from taking personal responsibility for change and that by voting they legally give government and business the right to control them and their children's lives to entrench systems of inequality that drive the wedge deeper between the rich and the poor and ensures that the middle class promote it - by being one foot with the rich, through debt and a hierarchical position they have been given in the system that entrenches disparity.
Did you know the following of South african Education ( Basically Euro-centric, capitalistic System)
1. The spreadsheet for all subjects is statistically arranged to favour memorisation and examinations - so that if your child gets 90% for a practical/assignment but get 40% for his/her exams his 90% practical mark is reduced to 50% to ensure their prejudiced so called statistical "truth" that their "show only be a 10-15% different between a child's practical ability and test score - otherwise it is an inflated mark" does that sound sensible to any reasonable parent/ adult? NO. It is a violation of a human right of a child's legitimate mark being reduced by "authority" based on a mistrust of advisers of teacher and student abilities. This so-called statistical "rule" also ensures that exams weigh more than assignments in its automatic programming. This practice favours the memory-strong students and disadvantage the creative children in the core subjects of MATHS AND SCIENCE - the subjects that gets the enfranchised the sponsorships to already capitalistically driven Universities that are sponsored by large corporations. You can now see how the capitalists entrench their goals to make the biggest profit and use the masses to help them achieve it. Noam Chomsky states that the everyone has to make sure that the rich folk are happy and that power is increasingly concentrated in unaccountable institutions. In the 2008/9 economic crash the Bank CEO's, who mismanaged the resources were given bonuses, when governments bailed the banks out. Their mismanagement earned the CEO's bonuses while the people they fooled could not pay the loans lost their houses and their jobs.
2. That changing the curriculum and assessment criteria has nothing to do with improving education, but rather to ensure that children move through the system, because their is no money to pay for a child who fails a grade. Curriculum changes is the CORE destruction of learning because IT MOVES THE GOAL POSTS While the teachers and students are trying to run with the ball of learning - No one can score a goal. Changing the curriculum and assessment criteria also cancels out good resources, methodologies and growth that have occurred in learning and wastes Millions of Rands in outdated materials that have to be thrown away. The teacher and student thus cannot improve and develop continuously, because there is a break in the flow of learning with official changes. This reduces the moral of teachers, students and parents and makes bureaucratic principals more authoritarian. But when the crash occurs the principals and teachers are blamed , not the department of education for having no true clear vision of true progress.
3. That the period structure of schools destroys the flow of learning and extends the time to learn a skill from 2 hours to 10 months ?
4. That teachers are expected to set papers with half of its mark allocation to be 1 mark, based on comprehension of long drawn-out sentences that only the bright child who has good reading ability can cope with. This is the reason there are so many straight A's of memory-strong students and so many failures because you need more knowledge to answer a ONE mark question than an essay type question. Thus the failure-rate reasons are structural
5. Did you know that Finland has abandoned standard examination goals and made the understanding of the concepts by any method the true goal of their education, that is why they have the highest maths-science scores in the world- not because they homogeneous, or smaller in community - they simply took the stress of test results out of "education" and allowed learning to take place in a relaxed non-competitive way.
6. If there are no jobs for the youth why still apply the weeding out system of examinations to " skei die kaf van die koring"?
7. Did you know that the "normal Probability curve" has nothing to do with learning it is simply the trick to ensure that examinations are set to determine who are the cleaners, producers and managers - those that can ensure that the capitalistic system wheels are turning.
Now why is there so much unemployment? The educational institutions are always 20 years behind for the real world - this is understandable because its the same old elite people who are at the top of the educational realm - They are out of touch with reality and hence are unable to plan effectively. The educational system also ensures that there exists a pool of young people looking for a job so that the parents can be exploited at low wages - that is the Capitalistic systems. The 9-year adolescence period of a "no-man's land" has nothing to do with a psychological developmental stage, but is rather a well-thought out trick to discourage young marriages and exploit the growing sexual needs through fashion, crime, and general frustrations that create unreasonable reactions that can be controlled by force, while schools are the "holding grounds - educational jail"- to control, energetic youthful minds) to ensure machine driven mass production at low wages and large profits can continue to be made from modern slavery wages and salaries - have a pool of unemployed youth in schools, colleges and universities competing for the few jobs available ( which have already been given to the elites children who often have no degrees or qualifications.
The Crisis in education and unemployment has grown because solutions are sought by the people who have been victims of unwitting self-destructive systems and these victims use the tools that enslaved them to the elite few that ensures that all resource richness flow towards the rich.
The general weakness of all western systems is its reliance and goal to satisfy the self first. The great tragedy is that the systems were created by the few rich who ensured that the masses bow down to there control, without really realising that they are trapped. In tis way the rich became richer the poor poorer and the middle-class the agents of the rich. The political, banking, economic, educational, justice, business, entertainment, sporting, media and welfare systems all ensure that the masses become dependent on the systems of the rich and oblivious of the traps that they, the masses so eagerly fall into and even support. How did they rich get this right, is the big question and how do they manage to continue their control?
The answer to this question is simple. Feed the ego of people and create a competitive arena and the masses will fall for it , support it and even defend it if the truth raises it Head. What is education - it is the science of mass control to create obedient citizens that will believe in the power of accredited certifications to have a future. These "believers" will forego their talents and skills and invest their resources in man-made-securities. They even believe that the state education will give them a job even if the certificates have become valueless.
The government joins with business and together they dictate the terms, curriculum and systems thinking that will keep the wheel of bureaucratic hierarchies turning. Equality is only a political slogan for the masses to believe that they have a vote what matters. What the masses do not realise is that by voting they dis-empower themselves from taking personal responsibility for change and that by voting they legally give government and business the right to control them and their children's lives to entrench systems of inequality that drive the wedge deeper between the rich and the poor and ensures that the middle class promote it - by being one foot with the rich, through debt and a hierarchical position they have been given in the system that entrenches disparity.
Did you know the following of South african Education ( Basically Euro-centric, capitalistic System)
1. The spreadsheet for all subjects is statistically arranged to favour memorisation and examinations - so that if your child gets 90% for a practical/assignment but get 40% for his/her exams his 90% practical mark is reduced to 50% to ensure their prejudiced so called statistical "truth" that their "show only be a 10-15% different between a child's practical ability and test score - otherwise it is an inflated mark" does that sound sensible to any reasonable parent/ adult? NO. It is a violation of a human right of a child's legitimate mark being reduced by "authority" based on a mistrust of advisers of teacher and student abilities. This so-called statistical "rule" also ensures that exams weigh more than assignments in its automatic programming. This practice favours the memory-strong students and disadvantage the creative children in the core subjects of MATHS AND SCIENCE - the subjects that gets the enfranchised the sponsorships to already capitalistically driven Universities that are sponsored by large corporations. You can now see how the capitalists entrench their goals to make the biggest profit and use the masses to help them achieve it. Noam Chomsky states that the everyone has to make sure that the rich folk are happy and that power is increasingly concentrated in unaccountable institutions. In the 2008/9 economic crash the Bank CEO's, who mismanaged the resources were given bonuses, when governments bailed the banks out. Their mismanagement earned the CEO's bonuses while the people they fooled could not pay the loans lost their houses and their jobs.
2. That changing the curriculum and assessment criteria has nothing to do with improving education, but rather to ensure that children move through the system, because their is no money to pay for a child who fails a grade. Curriculum changes is the CORE destruction of learning because IT MOVES THE GOAL POSTS While the teachers and students are trying to run with the ball of learning - No one can score a goal. Changing the curriculum and assessment criteria also cancels out good resources, methodologies and growth that have occurred in learning and wastes Millions of Rands in outdated materials that have to be thrown away. The teacher and student thus cannot improve and develop continuously, because there is a break in the flow of learning with official changes. This reduces the moral of teachers, students and parents and makes bureaucratic principals more authoritarian. But when the crash occurs the principals and teachers are blamed , not the department of education for having no true clear vision of true progress.
3. That the period structure of schools destroys the flow of learning and extends the time to learn a skill from 2 hours to 10 months ?
4. That teachers are expected to set papers with half of its mark allocation to be 1 mark, based on comprehension of long drawn-out sentences that only the bright child who has good reading ability can cope with. This is the reason there are so many straight A's of memory-strong students and so many failures because you need more knowledge to answer a ONE mark question than an essay type question. Thus the failure-rate reasons are structural
5. Did you know that Finland has abandoned standard examination goals and made the understanding of the concepts by any method the true goal of their education, that is why they have the highest maths-science scores in the world- not because they homogeneous, or smaller in community - they simply took the stress of test results out of "education" and allowed learning to take place in a relaxed non-competitive way.
6. If there are no jobs for the youth why still apply the weeding out system of examinations to " skei die kaf van die koring"?
7. Did you know that the "normal Probability curve" has nothing to do with learning it is simply the trick to ensure that examinations are set to determine who are the cleaners, producers and managers - those that can ensure that the capitalistic system wheels are turning.
Now why is there so much unemployment? The educational institutions are always 20 years behind for the real world - this is understandable because its the same old elite people who are at the top of the educational realm - They are out of touch with reality and hence are unable to plan effectively. The educational system also ensures that there exists a pool of young people looking for a job so that the parents can be exploited at low wages - that is the Capitalistic systems. The 9-year adolescence period of a "no-man's land" has nothing to do with a psychological developmental stage, but is rather a well-thought out trick to discourage young marriages and exploit the growing sexual needs through fashion, crime, and general frustrations that create unreasonable reactions that can be controlled by force, while schools are the "holding grounds - educational jail"- to control, energetic youthful minds) to ensure machine driven mass production at low wages and large profits can continue to be made from modern slavery wages and salaries - have a pool of unemployed youth in schools, colleges and universities competing for the few jobs available ( which have already been given to the elites children who often have no degrees or qualifications.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Towards Experiencing Divine Presence
Aa-yaat(Signs/Marvels) in The Qur’an that can be memorised to recite during Solaah
to Seek Nearness to the Wajh of Allah SWT – The Presence of Allah (SWT) – in shaa Allah
Qur’anic Surah: Verses
2v284-286 – Allah SWT Knows the secrets of people and the dua for forgiveness and help
3v1-6 – The Revealed Books
18v107-109 – Cannot exhaust Allah’s SWT Words
15v85 – overlook the faults of others with a beautiful overlooking
16v90 – how to be: fair, do good, give to family and those near to free them from any difficulty
29v45 – Greatest thing in life is to Remember Allah SWT
30v37-39 – seek the Presence/ Face of Allah SWT through Sadaqah
14v31-34 – Nafaqa and Solaah before it’s too late and reflect on creation
14v35-34 – Nabie Ebrahim’s (AS) Prayer
45v12-15 – The creation is subjected to serve mankind as a Gift from Allah SWT)
16v30,31 – All Good done by anyone, comes only from Allah SWT – people are only mediums
16v80-81 – Awareness of all the things given to us
17v23-26 – be kind to Parents and give to family and those in need
19v96,97 – Allah’s Love
34v1,2 – Praising Allah SWT
17v78-85 – Recited often by Hadjie Abduraghmaan Arnold (RA) and old Imaams – Seeking Help
17v110,111 – Calling through Allah’s Names
18v44-46 – Allah SWT The Only Grantor of Success
20v112-114 – Reason why The Qur’an was sent
20v130 – what to do to have joy
21v104 – the Soligeen will inherit the earth
22v6 – Allah SWT Explains Who He is
23v78-80 – “ “ “
22v74 - Praising Allah SWT
30v17-19 “ “
40v46 – Who Allah SWT is
59v22-24 – “ “
42v1-5 – Allah SWT’s Attributes
22v5 – Growth of a Baby
22v18 – everything make Sujud to Allah SWT
22v35 – hearts filled with consciousness of Allah SWT
33v32 – Prophet’s wives must speak out for universal good (Ma’ruuf)
22v40 – Allah SWT’s Name Praised in Mosques, Churches and Jewish Temples
22v46 – Travel to receive Wisdom from Allah SWT
22v78 – Make Da’wa
29v22 – space travel
30v30-32 – turn your face steadily and truly to Deen (Realisation of indebtedness to Allah SWT)
30v38,39 –Giving to family and needy in Seeking The Face/ Countenance/ Presence (Waj-hal-laah)
23v1-11 – Qualities of the Muminuum (sincere believers)
29v52 – Allah SWT as Witness for a believer against those who believe in vanities
59v18-24 – Plan for the future
23v57-62 – the foremost people
23v96-98 – asking for protection against satan
23v109-111 – success for those who are patient with those who make fun of them
23v115-118 – Do not think that you were created for a joke
29v30 – seeking help against mischief makers
24v35-38 – The Light of Allah SWT and who He Provides Rizq without measure
33v35 – the status of men and women
25v63-77 – those who adore Allah SWT
26v77-85 – Nabie Ebrahim’s relationship with Allah SWT
27v19 – Nabie Sulaiman’s (AS) Prayer
27v59-65 – Praising Allah SWT Who Creates and Listens to the soul in distress
75v37-40 – Birth and Death
46v13-16 – Parents
39v71-75 – Reward for evil and good
41v30-32 Reward and Protection for the good
29v10 – the universe has hearts
28v16,17 – Nabie Musa’s (AS) Prayer
42v23-27 – Love your family
42v36-39 – Convenience of life and the strength of the believers who hold shuraa and who defend themselves
Whole of Q87, Q93, Q78, Q76,Q86 and Q32 ( Surah Sajjda (Prostration))
37v180-182 – end of dua’s
49v11-13 – clear Advice what to avoid
65v11,12 – seven heavens
62v1-4 – The Mission of Prophet Mughammad SAW
33v40-48 – The Position of Prophet Mughammad SAW
53v33-44 – be serious
73v20 – Tahajjud
39v10-14 – commitment of The Prophet Mughammad SAW
50v37-40 – What to do for Success
63v9-11 – Don’t let your pre-occupation with your children make you forget Allah SWT
60v4-9 – Example of Nabie Ebrahim (AS)
39v33-35 – Reward for the Muttaquun
40v15 – Ruugh/Spirit can be sent to anyone to warn him/her of the Reckoning
40v7-9 – The Angels make duaa for the believers
50v6-11 – purpose of the Earth and Universe
64v1-4 – Allah SWT Abilities
50v31-35 – Reward for believers
47v19 – Asking for forgiveness
61v10-13 – Helping Allah SWT – The Great Trade
52v17-28 – People of the Jannah
51v20-23 – where our Rizq is
51v15-19 – The Way to Righteousness
62v9-11 – For Jumu’a
39v53-55 – Prayer of the ones who sinned
55v1-13 – Favours from Allah – or recite the whole surah (Surah – Arraghmaan)
41v33-36 – The Best in Speech
48v27-29 – Vision Granted to Nabie Mughammad SAW
57v1-7 – Who Allah SWT is and the importance of nafaqa
2v21-22 – Love Allah SWT
2v127-129 – Prayer of Nabie Ebrahim (AS) and Nabie Ismail (AS)
2v177 – What is Righteousness
2v255-257 – Aya-tul-kursee and Allah SWT’s Protection
3v26 – Who Allah SWT Gives Power to
3v132-135 – be quick in asking for Forgiveness
3v198-200 – those who fear Allah SWT including those of the People of the Book who are humble believers
47v35 – don’t be faint-hearted crying for peace – make it happen
42v37 – avoid big sins and don’t get angry, but forgive
51v54-57 – turn away from bad people, but do not stop teaching/reminding believers
48v8,9 – Purpose of The Messenger and The Qur’an
39v22,23 – those in Whose hearts Allah SWT Places Nuur (Light)
58v22 – The Successful Ones
66v6-12 – Save yourself and family from Hell
48v7-9 – Allah SWT Owns The Forces of The Heavens - Celebrate, Assist, Believe and Honour Allah SWT
45v12-15 – Everything is Subjected in service to mankind as a Gift from Allah SWT
30v20-27 – Of Allah SWT’s Signs/ Marvels
N.B. It is better to recite two Aayaat that are in Qur’anic sequence in the 1st and 2nd Raka’a or One and Kul-Huw-Allah
Al-gham-du lil-laa-hi- Rob-bil-‘aa-la-meen Please make dua for me – That Allah SWT Accepts it from me as ‘A-mi-lan Sao-li-ghan – (A Righteous Deed) – in shaa Allah Aameen - for any extra help : mfarnold@gmail,com or 021-4243921
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