The Qur'an reminds man what he was (Created in Fitrah /Complete Goodness in Jannah and knowing the essence of everything), how he became ( forgetful on arrival on earth), what he possesses (low and high tendencies and possessing all The Divine 99 Attributes to choose from to actualise, in his life), how to use it (with Distinguished Awareness -ILM, following the examples of the Prophets AS and awliyaah assaaligeen /Righteous Friends of Allah SWT, RA)and what the purpose of his journey in this world is( to work and assist people who struggle to establish justice and in so doing, receive the divine cleansing of the self from impurities ) and the rewards of all good efforts man make (to experience the Nearness to God's Presence (Wajjah) in this world and in the hereafter)
Allah SWT then tells the stories of the unsuccessful ones, the ungrateful (kaafir), who failed and will fail (irrespective of their positions, skills, abilities, knowledge and richness) and Successes of the sincere believers (ibaad) in their time and in the future (through Divine Help and Unbounded Sustenance in this world and the next, without even the ability to read or write) because of their complete trust in, and unselfish service to, and Love for Allah SWT, Who Grants them the means to do excellent work, of which the highest work is ridding the world of all forms of oppression, feeding the poor and establishing peace and justice for all so that man can be free to praise and worship Allah SWT)
He, Allah SWT, states that the best example of human Success is Prophet Mughammad PBUH, and the best style of living is the tradition (MILLA) of Nabie Ebrahim AS, who through questioning, research and passing the severe tests Allah SWT Gave him, was Granted the Insight of the Divine Forces (malakuut) that govern the universe and how everthing interacts and submits/ orbits ( Sabbagha) in Praise of Allah SWT, in its natural state( Fitrah), the state everything was created in (hence his confession.. My salaah, my asceticism, my life and death is for Allah SWT, The Sustainer of The universes - which has been codified in our daily salaah, after the Takbeeratul Ighraam - through the sunnah/ practice of Prophet Mughammad PBUH ).
The prophets AS, who witnessed the Certitude of Allah SWT's Existence and Power - that trascends space and time - showed mankind that humans only have strength if they submit their wholeself to Allah SWT, and work with sincerety. Allah SWT then Provides them with ILM (Distiguised /acute awareness of life's phenomena), Give them exceptional abilities and Provide for them Unbounded Sustenance (Rizq).
Allah SWT, in this, Teaches mankind that reflection (tafakkur - deep, appreciative integrative focus) on the existence and forces in nature and the universe is the key to being Granted wisdom and being able to effectively use the elements of nature to improve the earth's value for others,(sadaqa) and in this way become the Divinely appointed Deputy, Representative of Allah SWT.(Khaleefa) on Earth. To enjoy this status, efforts must be made to ask questions and search the holistic integration(tauheed) of all phenomena (ayaat/miracles) in the observable and unseen features, in the self and the environment around us. This endeavour becomes then an ibaadah (practical devotion to, and adoration of Allah SWT ) as the wonders of life unveils itself in learning as much as possible through reading, researching, traveling and experimenting.
It is thus the duty of some, who do not physically fight in jihaad for justice, to create opportunities in which they remind people of their forgotten knowledge inherent in them, through exposing them to all sciences of life (ayaat), devotions and contruction techniques that ensure progress, with divine Sanction and Help. That means that every act of search and indication to knowledge, is a jihadun nafs(fighting the inner war against greed, self-glory) to rid the self from forgetfulness, that is caused by materialistic and egoistical blindness. The way to this knowledge is found in the natural humility, yet divine strength and power, that exists in all the elements, molecules and heavenly bodies in and on earth and in the skies.
The natural outcome of such a life, is Gratitide to, and Love for Allah SWT Alone and safety from ingratitude (kufr). This ensures, for those who Love Allah SWT,receive clear, divine insight into the needs of others and how to provide it and then as a result receive from Allah SWT, what they need and desire in this world and the next.. In shaa Allah Aameen..
THE ABOVE IS BEYOND CONVENTIONAL EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT. IT ENCAPSULATES EVERYTHING THAT MUST BE RE-LEARNT AND PRACTICED IN A HOLISTIC, DIVINELY INSPIRED WAY, TO TAP INTO THE THE DIVINE FITRAH (Ruugh/ Spirit within -ABSOLUTE GOODNESS THAT ALLOWS ONE TO LIVE INSINCT / IN UNISON WITH UNIVERSAL ENERGIES THAT WILL THEN SERVE EVERY SUCH A PERSON - idaad- those who adore and serves Allah SWT Alone). Such people are Granted insight and skills that conventional systems of education cannot reach, and which then, often tries to discredit such intuituve knowledge, because such knowkedge from God is Real Freedom, while conventional, state driven education aims to trap the human spirit, through fear-based examinations, monitoring, and terminologies, aimed at creating confusion and then create obedient citizens that are dependent on state institutions. The aim conventional colonial education is to reduce human trust in God, Almighty.
Holistic Leisure Learning-HLL thus requires of its HLL Methodologists to make all efforts to present to their students as many information from many disciplines integratively and offer skills exposues so that their students can tap from such large, advanced expdures to have the means to venture towards their own interests and endeavours and confidently and leisurely achieve their goals in shaa Allah Aameen.
...wal-laa-hu ta-aa-laa 'a-lam...and Allah SWT Knows Best..
10-6-2020 Bo-Kaap, Cape Town
Alghamdu Lillaah
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold (PhD - HC)
References: The scholars of Qur'an will know that the above is purely based in Qur'anic content and ethos, which encapsulates the personified practice (Sunnah) of the Prophet Mughammad PBUH. The above also refer to the newest scientific research in epigenetics and Quantum Physics which is beginning to confirm truths in The Qur'an and Sunnah. Furthermore I have also been fortunate to meet individuals adults, youth and children who have been granted beyond human senses...which confirms the reality of the unseen sources that exists to help us Alghamdu Lillaah.. Sharing this information to others also requires from me a sense of experience that assists me to validate what I am sharing. The depth of Qur'anic Classical Arabic also revealed a lot of what is said above.. This is based on Allah SWT Statement that The Qur'an's Revelation in Arabic allows mankind to Reflect on higher snd deeper levels of consciousness . Alghamdu Lillaahi Robbil Aalameen.