Saturday, June 29, 2024

NoDebtYouth & Domestic Violence Prevention Assurance

 Slm All 

Alghamdu lillaah, The above is the result of a 30yrs research into the problems modern societies face and then practically creating solutions to it. The request is to those sincerely interested in making a difference to society, to contribute R100 pm on staporder to finance the Learn and Earn Project of our Community ICRA-HLL-University, to pay our senior students during their training to become Holistic Methodologists in Holistically Advancing Families, within their choice specialist field of the 7 above services they can offer families, at no cost, because we as a university will be paying their salaries. This means that senior students of Icra-hll university do not have to look for a job with their qualification, because they will be employed into the ICRA-HLL-University [IHU] community venture Domestic Violence Prevention Assurance - financed by the R100 pm contributions of subscribers - who then have access to IHU workshops online or in person [non-contributors pay R600 for the 5hr workshop on one of the books Prof. M.F.Arnold has written on the solutions to modern social crises] and the R300 a month businesses payment for advertising their products in our media outlets and workshop foyers - in shaa Allah Aameen. Shukran for your interest and support Alghamdu lillaah.. N.B. Adult Workers on IHU initiatives for youth employment do not take a cent from the moneys intended for youth employment.. we get our income from % book sales, fees of full time and part-time students' fees and sales of workshops and shows we run to ensure sustainability of IHU Adult employees in shaa Allah Aameen. Shukran for your interest and to those who already are contributors ---please share this link and encourage others to give sadaqa for the youth - Allah SWT Promises to Reward those who Give in order to experience the WAJH (Presence of Allah SWT) and Allah SWT Will not Destroy a community as long as there are some who call to The Truth - all the Baraka IAA. Shuk'ran Jazeelan

Banking details

Project Guidelines

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