Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Educational Crisis and Youth Unemployment Solution


The Result of the Holistic Leisure Learning HLL exposures at IHU:

Know Thyself by mfarnold

With one's Origin in Heaven
Where Body, Soul and Spirit, Divine
And Peace, Harmony and Safety, No decline,
Each knew The Real Mine -
Courteous, Appreciative, 
Gentle, Balanced and Humble 
In The Presence of The Sublime,

Descent to the Lower heaven,
With forgetfulness.. The Path is for A striven,
To reach for The Hidden
Qualities Already Given.

One Achieved Total Human Excellence, 
Others followed,
While many faltered, who cowered
Under the Tests from the cowards
treacherous, oppressors and "disregards",
unaware of the strengths inward,
Which can link with Cosmic outwards.

The Road to this success,
needs an inner beauty Dress,
That sees every creation with thankfulness,
without a stress,
Through a conscientious 
effort for gracious sacredness,
humble connectedness,
contemplative thoughtfulness,
non-prejudiced objectiveness,
with Refinement and economic acts of Fairness.
Resulting in maturation of Reflection,
Friendly volitions,
in qualitative communications
with the inner-self and companions
Achieving heavenly articulations
of Enthusiastic preservations
In every creative, productive execution
.. the aim of spiritualisation...
in every moment's actualisation,
...JOY then...
The Experiential, Living Expression 

Alghamdu lillaah, The Below Needed Holistic Curriculum was so impressive, that the then Resource Director, Linda Rose, of the Western Cape Education Department WCED, Arranged that I introduced it to schools through GTZ, a German Agency, to their schools - The GTZ then thereafter secured a contract for me to Transform The Education of Libya (a few years before the uprise) to Learner Centred Eduaction which Gaddafi wanted implemented. That was the second International Consultancy Contract I was fortunate to receive Alghamdu lillaah 

The Holistic Needed Curriculum Matrix for all time as Guided by Qur'an for all people to flesh out while staying focused on everythings relation to Taugheed Unity of Pure Existence from Allah SWT, Through His SWT Mercy and care for His SWT Creations - Alghamdu lillaah

After a 4 year training (from 12/13yrs old) to become a Holistic Methodologist in Matric and Beyond Subjects (27 subjects Integrated), through the above curriculum,  the Young adult - by then 16-17 yrs old can specialise in any of the below Jobs to help families, free of charge, through workshops, councilling and training in his/her field of speciality;
Imaamat, Intellectual Advancement, Renovations and Maintenance, Creative Arts, Financial Acumen, Social Skills, Spiritual Awareness, Resource DEvelopers, Heritage Artists, Frial Carers, Child Carers, IHU Reps, Film makers,  Researchers, Actors, Sport and Fitness Trainers, Paramedic Support, Stress Managers, Family Counsellors, Self-subsistance Gardeners, Electrical Supply Support, Water Supply Support ... etc.. and any field of expertise the young adult wants to pursue.. Your small contribution thus helps build a really new  and prosperous country, through Family Advancement Services...from shaa Allah Aameen

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