Saturday, March 8, 2025

Handling The Self

Handling the Self
By mfarnold March 2025

Know that one is not alone
Physically, but spiritually,
So care for your soul,
By being aware of your Goal.

People and unseen factors
Influence your matters,
But YOU Decide,
What to expose and what to hide.

Be aware of manipulators,
Exploiters, hypocrites and
They come from various sectors.
Your Safety Rests with your Protector.

Trust in Allah SWT, Only.
Be informed of His SWT Guidance, Only.
Make your decision, 
to Please Him SWT, Only,
THAT is Gratitude To Allah SWT, Expressly.
And Remember, you are never lonely.

Always be creative,
Never use time to be destructive.
Boredom is a self-inflicted negative.
A loser's two days are equal,
So use your mind with what is crucial.
Don't waste your time with
People who are difficult. 
They aim to let your personality catapult.
Just avoid such a culprit,
But pray for their forgiveness,
To stay in Allah SWT Graciousness

Invest in giving to good people,
Who honour your presence.
They are worth your excellence,
Because they build your intelligence,
Harnessing both your brilliance.

Life is a journey
Of self-discovery,
And everything and everyone 
Are opportunities,
To reflect on their inherent qualities,
That will bring you closer,
To your Wonderful Possibilities.
In shaa Allah Aameen 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Who Supports?


Who Supports?
by mfarnold March 2025

Those with Hope
and do not choke,
For they are not 
the complaining folk.

They show commitment
and do not harbour resentment.
They Trust in Allah SWT,
Not in a popular fella.

They consider the subject,
and is not suspect.
They are not self-glory seekers,
But listen carefully to believers.

While many support what is fashionable,
They support what is valuable.
They have no interest to be seen
Only to help what should have been.

The drive in the west
for "individualism" quest,
has left many bereft
of the motivation that lies in the chest.

Those whose hearts are sound
and do not look for a mound
to climb to pretend to be "profound",
Are the ones who support what they found
has credibility and Astounds.

Often those who wish
to be "politically correct"
lack the decency to protect,
The vulnerable through a well-meant project.
They fail to use their intellect.

Choose now, which character you are,
And help others to become a rising star,
Because you have decided to open the jar
of potential goodness that jumps afar.  

Don't be a talker
It is better to be a walker,
Who helps those who falter,
Not of their own agenda
But victims of offenders. 

It might take a while
For you to compile
A New Self that is versatile,
Opening a new file,
That contributes to what is Fertile.   

Saturday, March 1, 2025



by mfarnold March 2025

Is it relative,
Is it subjective,
Is it objective,
Is it Real?

The answer lies 
in the inner- and outer-self.
When the outer-self claims peace,
But the inner-self is arrogant
and others are inferior - 
Causing always an argument,
Then this disharmony,
is falsehood,
Hated to be exposed,
By The Truth of Muslims.

When the outer-self is humble
and the inner-self, hopeful
and others are respected,
Then truth is unfolding,
And Expressed.

Life is to purge 
the believers from their sins,
And to deprive disbelievers
from all Blessings Q3:141 -
In Preparation for Heaven or Hell.

Fasting is the voluntary
Purging from evil,
To experience the Value of Truth -
Which lies in Reflection, Praise
Service and Commitment - the Core
Experiences of Fasting -
That is Intelligence.

Only the Ignorant
Arrogant, Resistant,
Defiant and Deviant,
Breaks The Covenant
and will end up desperant,
Losing all Hope, 
Here and There. 

To Hold on to The Rope of Allah SWT,
Is to Know Islam Is THE TRUTH.
It is to Develop The Soul's 
Strength to withstand
any whispering, despair,
Negativity and affairs
That inhibit
Growth and Sustenance,
With God Almighty's Assistance,
Which Builds Confidence,
The Real Truth Essence
Alghamdu Lillaah

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Time Wasters


Time Wasters
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Even though Revelation
Orders Not to Take notice,
and imitate
evil promoters,
Not to moan, but
Follow Activation,...
Many Pseudo Politicisation,
Choose to waste time
With argumentation,
and Rebuttal Academisation,
Using the same evil Frameworks 
for self-glorification,
While lazy in assisting
Revitalization of Real, Active Truth
Why? - 
It requires creativity, commitment,
investment, and establishment,
That need work, sincerity,
Respect and care 
for Community.

They spend time Criticizing,
Demonising, Character Assassination,
But never with solutions.
These are the Time wasters,
Who are often self-endulgers,
Dragging others down into dangers.

Turn Away, Give Salaam,
Pray for their forgiveness 
and overlook their folly,
To recapture unity.
They might see the beauties,
But if they don't, don't have enmities,
Just Remind them of New Possibilities, 

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Imaam


The Imaam
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Is he the Leader
In a western perceiver?
No ! He is In Arabic Wisdom,
One who Serves 
His people with steel nerves -
Fearless and creatively supportive
of What will give directive,
Towards a progressive

He is one who see to, 
Cares for, repair.. is the Foundation
of a his community,
Creating unity.
for collective prosperity.

He is the "Mother Figure"
Who knows the needs of his people,
Uses his Mosque as the Government
House, That when The Athaan
Calls for "The Meeting",
Is Ready to inform his Congregation,
To address the specific needs
of different families,
Because He regularly visits 
The Neighbourhood... and knows!

Anything short of the above,
Is passive, exploitive
Regressive, Oppressive, 
Destructive, Corrosive,
Subversive and sedative.

When a community struggles
It rests on the Imaam, who Is the Example,
To provide in ample,
To Create a Community of Example.

The Practical involvement
of The Imaam procurement,
Sets a community into real improvements,
Because he represents
The Prophetic agent,
In these days of recent,
and not the western "leader", 
Bureaucratic "ruler",
Hardly ready as a "server". 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Moving Forward

Moving Forward
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Forward moving,
Requires deconstructing,
The previous debilitating
Systems that prevented progressing -

Prescriptive, Eurocentric,
Competitive Education,
Destroys inner global motivation,
breaks down world collaboration,
coordination, personal, moral inspiration,
and world aspirations. 

It destroys self-evaluation,
needed for cooperation
and generally ignores inner revitalisation,
The core needs for dialogue 
and sincere communication,
to ensure sustainable reliance,
that counter unfair dominance.

Holistic Qualitative resistance,
Without ignorance and violence,
Lays the Foundation for Resilience.

HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning,
Which removes fears of examining
While promoting,
non-graded, steps-based excellence,
with holistic intelligence,
creates the platform for resurgence
of Lasting Peace, 
Inclusive Growth,
Progressive Sustainability,
for a Supportive Humanity.

HLL Changes mindsets from:
Specialisation to Holistic Integration,
Control to Regeneration,
Bureaucracy to Diplomacy,
Intolerance to Forbearance, ...
The Requirements to Ensure
Gracious Deliverance
From poverty and oppression.

The above are Serious Suggestions,
That Need Committed Expressions
from All Individuals,
Sectors and Persuasions.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Political Tricks


Political Tricks
by mfarnold Feb 2025

So many political parties,
Drive enmities,
Perfect for the controlling financial elite,
Who created it, for others to compete,
While they laugh at how the masses deplete.

Politics is a hoax
Letting Analysts think 
Their "awareness" evoke,
But actually are in a choke,
Created for the ignorant bloke,
Who is holistically broke,
Not able to see through the smoke.

British Meeting Procedures,
Government Infrastructures,
and Educational culture,
Are designed for enclosure
of the minds to reduce pressure,
for true, judicial superstructures,
That will topple western empires,

Don't get involved,
Rather work with those who solve
and dissolve,
family and community problems, with resolve -
These are the practical, creative solutions,
Political delusions aim for exclusions,
So that all systems serve the enfranchised,
Increasing poverty and middle class confusions.

Uplift families and communities
Through charities and practicalities
Create employment in localities,
For youth to provide in emergencies.
Become Change Agencies
and leave the political stupidities.

Remember, real politics lies 
With the Secret Service of every Country,
And Media gets the paltry.

Building families, IS community,
And Real Leadership, Serves,
With The Nerve,
To Provide Free Medi-care, Water, 
Electricity and Holistic, Learning Quality - Leisurely,
For the country's Real Prosperity. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bo-Kaap:Always Protected


Bo-Kaap: Always Protected Alghamdu lillaah

By mfarnold Feb 2025

Not descendents of slaves,
A post-apartheid, white narrative,
To stem Islam's Effective.
Many White Origin from Criminals,
(see:  The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant:Youtube)
Their arrogance, understandable.

Bo-Kaap 'Top of City'
Descendants of Indonesian Mardykers,
"People of Earthly Thikr"
Uprighteous, believing community,
Known for challenging injustice,
Feared by colonialists,
Requested by Van Riebeeck,
To help him establish
The Cape station of Refreshment,
In return for citizenship,
Land ownership,
Freedom of Islamic Worship
Protected by Van Diemen Plakaat
Since 1657 -
An Islamic haven,
Opening doors for international 
Muslim Family Settlement,
Spiritualising The Cape Escarpment. 

Dutch, British, Muslim inter-marry,
British-Ottoman Treaty,
Release of Tuan Guru,
Established Owal, with ease,
First, world public school,
Successful Islamic Madrasa pool
Of Resources and Birthstool
Of a Rich Islamic Tool.

Conversions to Islam at the Cape,
Called upon state,
For Christian missionary schools,
That barred Muslim children
From their education,...
Our forefathers' acceptance
And rejection, 
Then Trust in Allah SWT,
caused the rise of 
And National Party Protection
Under Malay Quarter seclusion,
For fitting on in Bo-Kaap Muslim homes,
their tailored dresses and suits,
-The Creator's Pursuit
That Ensured Islamic Root,
Now, The Cape Most Important Tourist Route.

When DA provincial delayed
Bo-Kaap Heritage enclaved,
ANC national ensured,
Heritage secured.

Bo-Kaap's own language, property,
Surname identity,
Freedom of Muslim Spirituality,
Prove Bo-Kaap was never in slavery. 
Free for Divinely Inspired Creativity,
Now Valued by many a Nationality

Don't Ask Colonists


By mfarnold - Feb 2025

If their origin is - dropped
British criminals on shores
Of colonies,
With faked heritage and identities,
It is understandable,
That their systems will be questionable.

So today, do not ask their
'Credible', because it will
Be prejudicial,
To ensure their own survival
via mass deprival.

Their systems are crumbling,
Causing widespread grumbling,
That expose their insincere rambling,
As a last ditch from drowning.

So do not ask them for credit,
With what you have created,
Because their aim is to keep
Non-Europeans begging
For their authorizing,
constantly rejecting,
so that we lose respecting
our own innovating
Products for freeing
People from their expensive
Energy grid and transporting.

Water-powered cars,
Free electricity for all,
ZIMS radio-wave powered
Cars and motorbikes,
Never to refuel or charge,
Even providing electricity
To homes and communities,
Are threats to western exploitive economies,
Then Poisoning And killing
The innovating,
 is to them 'exciting'.

Only share with those who care,
Not with those who thrive to scare
The innovators, from the oppressed,
 who dare.

Saturday, February 1, 2025



by mfarnold Feb 2025

The media
Promote hysteria
For money mania

Success there
Is often not fair
For its selectivity
based on economic activity

Sponsors create hype
Which often select a type
That promote western tripe.

Don't be fooled 
There are many others who rule
fields not western and cool,
But vested in real talent,
By people silent,
but brilliant
In fields prudent,
Spirtually excellent,
and holistically sufficient.

Media aims to mind occupy
To rob you of creative rely
That can be your supply
beyond western common tie
Don't look for credit
Do with merit
What you deem beautifully inherent

Friday, January 31, 2025

It is Time


It is Time

By mfarnold Feb 2025

Capitalism is collapsing,
Dictatorship is re-surfacing,
Unable to ever re-establishing,
Due to open-source publishing.

The time has come not to be defined.,
By common political confines,
Aimed at losing The Connection
With The Divine.

who we really are,
Based on our labour
Behaviour, fervour, outpour
And valour....
Depending on Him SWT,
To be our liberator and saviour.

We only live once,
So count every ounce
And do not denounce,
The good efforts of the profound.
Stand your ground.
Consider your great background,
Your heritage compound,
To support and create
That which resound,
And will astound. 
In shaa Allah Aameen

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Who needs AI?

 786 Who Needs AI? by mfarnold  Jan 2025

To many AI is needed
For Market heeded.
Yet it generates info feeded
From existing fractionlised educated,
Which proves to be outdated
To deal with the post-modern minded, 
who is so isolated,
due to the computer-dislocated.

It may make millions in revenue
But lack deep value.

The Qur'anic Arabic is so Deep
That it surpasses AI with Steeps
Showing Advancements in Leaps.

Those not connected to electronics
Seem to create more lasting economics
With self-dynamics,
That proves to be more sustainable
Because it is dependable,
For it can function without electric cable.

Creativity is Real Identity
with simple materials, used in unity,
with its inner potentiality,
Profoundly mesmerising,
For those who value enterprising,
without computerising,
With simple, readily available visualising,
That deeply excites the soul from within
To tap into the Spirit's Unique Transcendence,
That surpasses Artificial Intelligence.

Friday, January 24, 2025

The Path


The Path 
by mfarnold Jan 2025

The way towards Nearness To Allah, The Almighty
Is about re-creating The Original Personality,
Which we had in The Place of Felicity,
At The Dawn of Divine Creativity -
Fitrah - Body, Soul and Spirit, all in Divine Unity.

With Guidance, we are Promised, Safety,
Even during trials and difficulty.
It is all about Purity,
Of Thought, Speech and Activity
That resonate with Empathy,
Sincerity and Reciprocity,
in and out of community.

Growth rests on Generosity,
Without expectation, but with humility.
It translates into Serenity -
The Core Value of Spirituality.

Stay in good company,
Never submit to negativity.
It drains Your Potentiality,
That darkens clarity,
in your Gracious Journey.

Reciting Qur'an and other Liturgy,
Bring Calmness and Liberty,
From the attachment to materiality,
which brings about abnormality,
That threatens Human Tranquillity -
The Goal for Connecting with Divinity.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Imposed Eurocentric Culture


Imposed Eurocentric Culture
By mfarnold Jan 2025

Idle Individualism -
Is the cornerstone of capitalism
Which rests in competition
Introduced to children
Through examination,
Which builds frustration
And then isolation -
The careful plan of extortionism
creating fear and confusion
In young and adult minds through
Western education of regurgitation.

Packaged as "progress"
Is actually personal regress,
Via institutional stress,
That breaks family nearness
And disconnection with faithfulness
Into an academic culture that is spiritless,
Posed as intellectualism,
Giving rise to criticism and cynicism,
Leading to dislocation of personal identity
Into group mentality,
To feed exploitive political insecurity
Culminating in social disunity,
The engineered foundation
For drug addiction,
Gangsterism, gayism,
Hedonism, pleasure seeking
To escape prescriptive educating,
And dumbed media consumering,
Cash Cows for the Rich Investing. 

Faith in Allah SWT is illuminating.
That is why materialists
Attack spiritualists.
Because it threatens
The coffers of lobbyists.
Who make money on theorising
And politicising,
Giving rise to bullying and antagonism,
Away from Realism,
Into confused illusionism,
That leads to idolism.

Now, one can see the need
To take heed,
Through religious, practical treats
Of actions that defeat
And raise community
Into Divine Destiny
Through productive creativity. 



by mfarnold Jan 2025

Q45:18 - A Clear Path,
Towards Peace and Progress
To prevent desirous regress,

Without Compromise, wrapped in Clemency
Leniency and Agency,conditionality -
The Water Resource for Refreshment,
Of one's commitment
To ensure Fitrah-attainment- mind-body-spirit compliment,
That Enjoys Divine Reestablishment
Freeing the self from disappointment.

An Opportunity to unite
With Divine Guidance that Ignite,
Our full potential to take flight,
Transcending commonality, with insight.

It prevents untruths from taking hold
That corrupts the soul,
Placing one into a Disbelieving mould
That prevents humanity to positively unfold.

Shariah is Divine Guidance
For mind clearance
From disturbance
Of whimsical interference,
For Attainment of
Exceptional Intelligence. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Power of Faith


The Power of Faith
by mfarnold Jan 2025

That Faith can move mountains
Is the Reality of a Powerful Fountain
that spreads for all who maintain
The sincerity to remain,
Steadfast and regain 
The Fitrah in Origin Sustains.

The Believers - Mus-li-muun
The Faithful - Mu'-mi-nuun
The Piously Devoted - Mut-ta-quun
The Abstinent -Toaa-ri-kuun
The Inheritors of Prophets AS - Waa-ri-thuun
The Knowers -'Aa-ri-fuun
The Practitioners - 'Aa-mi-luun
The Sincere - Mugh-li-suun
The Good - Mugh-si-nuun
The Grateful - Shaa-ki-ruun
The Patient - Soaa-bi-ruun
Those who Trust in Allah SWT - Mut-ta-wak-ki-luun...
All Constantly, Divinely Guided 
for Worldly and Heavenly Boon.

The Angels 'AS eagerly Support
The ones who resort,
to Good Intentions sought.

Everything Orbits in Praise of Allah SWT,
Allowing the Above's Divine Spirit (Ruugh)
To Magnify the Soul and Body,
That makes them steady
and always ready,
To face any adversity,
With The Help of Allah SWT, The Almighty.

No-one can stand in The Way,(Q3:160)
of Those who Pray
and Do not stray
From Trust in Allah SWT's 
Promised Pathway.

Even their clothes, places and connections
Are filled with The Divine Light of Abundance
And their hearing, actions and sight
Penetrate and create Divine Delight,
For all who respect their Granted Insight.
Alghamdu lillaah


Tuesday, January 7, 2025




by mfarnold Jan 2025

From The root JA-WA-DA -
We learn Tajweed is to better,
And Free The Self from fetter
That causes doubts that cover
Truth to discover.

Tajweed helps to dispel the ghosts -
internal hosts
That aim to toast
A soul that boasts. 

Its varied tonal frequencies
Calm the soul into ecstasies 
That experiences the generosities
Of Allah SWT's Creative Immensities.

It is Sadaqa that mould
Easing the goal,
to be Consoled
by The One Who Holds
The Destiny of all souls.

Tears well up in the eyes,
Of the one who tries,
To be sincere in Strives.

It is an experience, 
free from critical expedience.
Appropriate and relevant,
To the true supplicant.

Excellent in Artistry,
Opening new knowledge of variety
That improves the destiny
of the Believer In The One in Unity,
Who Bestows Liberally.

No haste in Recital,
Its slowness is vital,
to improve the Self in Total,
For Allah SWT's Mercy in The Inventual
In shaa Allah Aameen

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Walk the Talk


Walk The Talk

by mfarnold :1st Jan 2025

When the solution is ready
and a request is made steady
to change the destiny 
of oppressed community
with effective strategy,
The book-reading Analysts of polity,
choose not to join the new unity,
but continue moaning about illegitimacy
of western tricked "democracy".

Academics complain, but they stay in the loop
that marginalises the masses into a stoop
of a confusing hoop.

Is the one who moans 
the same as the one who follows the Path of Power? -
The Question Qur'an Relates,
That wake armchair critical state,
which only creates
empty talks, but no readiness 
to follow new dictates,
that will redirect States
into the new way that stimulates
a new mode that holisticly educates,
To free the minds from blind postulates
that have done nothing but regurgitate
empty political critical "communicates".

Holistic learning with practical implementation,
Immediately connected to youth remuneration,
is the way forward to stimulate,
family revitalisation
which ensures economic stimulation,
for global progression.

One can only invite towards a new realisation,
that replaces education
With Real Holistic integration,
Towards Spirited Motivation,
for successful illumination.

So let a Good Group
Unite to Holistically Establish
Universally Accepted Good,
Ma'ruuf, to confidently
build resistance against immorality -
Advice from Qur'anic Enlightment
for the Truly Intelligent.
