Friday, February 21, 2025

The Imaam


The Imaam
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Is he the Leader
In a western perceiver?
No ! He is In Arabic Wisdom,
One who Serves 
His people with steel nerves -
Fearless and creatively supportive
of What will give directive,
Towards a progressive

He is one who see to, 
Cares for, repair.. is the Foundation
of a his community,
Creating unity.
for collective prosperity.

He is the "Mother Figure"
Who knows the needs of his people,
Uses his Mosque as the Government
House, That when The Athaan
Calls for "The Meeting",
Is Ready to inform his Congregation,
To address the specific needs
of different families,
Because He regularly visits 
The Neighbourhood... and knows!

Anything short of the above,
Is passive, exploitive
Regressive, Oppressive, 
Destructive, Corrosive,
Subversive and sedative.

When a community struggles
It rests on the Imaam, who Is the Example,
To provide in ample,
To Create a Community of Example.

The Practical involvement
of The Imaam procurement,
Sets a community into real improvements,
Because he represents
The Prophetic agent,
In these days of recent,
and not the western "leader", 
Bureaucratic "ruler",
Hardly ready as a "server". 

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