Sunday, February 23, 2025

Time Wasters


Time Wasters
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Even though Revelation
Orders Not to Take notice,
and imitate
evil promoters,
Not to moan, but
Follow Activation,...
Many Pseudo Politicisation,
Choose to waste time
With argumentation,
and Rebuttal Academisation,
Using the same evil Frameworks 
for self-glorification,
While lazy in assisting
Revitalization of Real, Active Truth
Why? - 
It requires creativity, commitment,
investment, and establishment,
That need work, sincerity,
Respect and care 
for Community.

They spend time Criticizing,
Demonising, Character Assassination,
But never with solutions.
These are the Time wasters,
Who are often self-endulgers,
Dragging others down into dangers.

Turn Away, Give Salaam,
Pray for their forgiveness 
and overlook their folly,
To recapture unity.
They might see the beauties,
But if they don't, don't have enmities,
Just Remind them of New Possibilities, 

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Imaam


The Imaam
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Is he the Leader
In a western perceiver?
No ! He is In Arabic Wisdom,
One who Serves 
His people with steel nerves -
Fearless and creatively supportive
of What will give directive,
Towards a progressive

He is one who see to, 
Cares for, repair.. is the Foundation
of a his community,
Creating unity.
for collective prosperity.

He is the "Mother Figure"
Who knows the needs of his people,
Uses his Mosque as the Government
House, That when The Athaan
Calls for "The Meeting",
Is Ready to inform his Congregation,
To address the specific needs
of different families,
Because He regularly visits 
The Neighbourhood... and knows!

Anything short of the above,
Is passive, exploitive
Regressive, Oppressive, 
Destructive, Corrosive,
Subversive and sedative.

When a community struggles
It rests on the Imaam, who Is the Example,
To provide in ample,
To Create a Community of Example.

The Practical involvement
of The Imaam procurement,
Sets a community into real improvements,
Because he represents
The Prophetic agent,
In these days of recent,
and not the western "leader", 
Bureaucratic "ruler",
Hardly ready as a "server". 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Moving Forward

Moving Forward
by mfarnold Feb 2025

Forward moving,
Requires deconstructing,
The previous debilitating
Systems that prevented progressing -

Prescriptive, Eurocentric,
Competitive Education,
Destroys inner global motivation,
breaks down world collaboration,
coordination, personal, moral inspiration,
and world aspirations. 

It destroys self-evaluation,
needed for cooperation
and generally ignores inner revitalisation,
The core needs for dialogue 
and sincere communication,
to ensure sustainable reliance,
that counter unfair dominance.

Holistic Qualitative resistance,
Without ignorance and violence,
Lays the Foundation for Resilience.

HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning,
Which removes fears of examining
While promoting,
non-graded, steps-based excellence,
with holistic intelligence,
creates the platform for resurgence
of Lasting Peace, 
Inclusive Growth,
Progressive Sustainability,
for a Supportive Humanity.

HLL Changes mindsets from:
Specialisation to Holistic Integration,
Control to Regeneration,
Bureaucracy to Diplomacy,
Intolerance to Forbearance, ...
The Requirements to Ensure
Gracious Deliverance
From poverty and oppression.

The above are Serious Suggestions,
That Need Committed Expressions
from All Individuals,
Sectors and Persuasions.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Political Tricks


Political Tricks
by mfarnold Feb 2025

So many political parties,
Drive enmities,
Perfect for the controlling financial elite,
Who created it, for others to compete,
While they laugh at how the masses deplete.

Politics is a hoax
Letting Analysts think 
Their "awareness" evoke,
But actually are in a choke,
Created for the ignorant bloke,
Who is holistically broke,
Not able to see through the smoke.

British Meeting Procedures,
Government Infrastructures,
and Educational culture,
Are designed for enclosure
of the minds to reduce pressure,
for true, judicial superstructures,
That will topple western empires,

Don't get involved,
Rather work with those who solve
and dissolve,
family and community problems, with resolve -
These are the practical, creative solutions,
Political delusions aim for exclusions,
So that all systems serve the enfranchised,
Increasing poverty and middle class confusions.

Uplift families and communities
Through charities and practicalities
Create employment in localities,
For youth to provide in emergencies.
Become Change Agencies
and leave the political stupidities.

Remember, real politics lies 
With the Secret Service of every Country,
And Media gets the paltry.

Building families, IS community,
And Real Leadership, Serves,
With The Nerve,
To Provide Free Medi-care, Water, 
Electricity and Holistic, Learning Quality - Leisurely,
For the country's Real Prosperity. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bo-Kaap:Always Protected


Bo-Kaap: Always Protected Alghamdu lillaah

By mfarnold Feb 2025

Not descendents of slaves,
A post-apartheid, white narrative,
To stem Islam's Effective.
Many White Origin from Criminals,
(see:  The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant:Youtube)
Their arrogance, understandable.

Bo-Kaap 'Top of City'
Descendants of Indonesian Mardykers,
"People of Earthly Thikr"
Uprighteous, believing community,
Known for challenging injustice,
Feared by colonialists,
Requested by Van Riebeeck,
To help him establish
The Cape station of Refreshment,
In return for citizenship,
Land ownership,
Freedom of Islamic Worship
Protected by Van Diemen Plakaat
Since 1657 -
An Islamic haven,
Opening doors for international 
Muslim Family Settlement,
Spiritualising The Cape Escarpment. 

Dutch, British, Muslim inter-marry,
British-Ottoman Treaty,
Release of Tuan Guru,
Established Owal, with ease,
First, world public school,
Successful Islamic Madrasa pool
Of Resources and Birthstool
Of a Rich Islamic Tool.

Conversions to Islam at the Cape,
Called upon state,
For Christian missionary schools,
That barred Muslim children
From their education,...
Our forefathers' acceptance
And rejection, 
Then Trust in Allah SWT,
caused the rise of 
And National Party Protection
Under Malay Quarter seclusion,
For fitting on in Bo-Kaap Muslim homes,
their tailored dresses and suits,
-The Creator's Pursuit
That Ensured Islamic Root,
Now, The Cape Most Important Tourist Route.

When DA provincial delayed
Bo-Kaap Heritage enclaved,
ANC national ensured,
Heritage secured.

Bo-Kaap's own language, property,
Surname identity,
Freedom of Muslim Spirituality,
Prove Bo-Kaap was never in slavery. 
Free for Divinely Inspired Creativity,
Now Valued by many a Nationality

Don't Ask Colonists


By mfarnold - Feb 2025

If their origin is - dropped
British criminals on shores
Of colonies,
With faked heritage and identities,
It is understandable,
That their systems will be questionable.

So today, do not ask their
'Credible', because it will
Be prejudicial,
To ensure their own survival
via mass deprival.

Their systems are crumbling,
Causing widespread grumbling,
That expose their insincere rambling,
As a last ditch from drowning.

So do not ask them for credit,
With what you have created,
Because their aim is to keep
Non-Europeans begging
For their authorizing,
constantly rejecting,
so that we lose respecting
our own innovating
Products for freeing
People from their expensive
Energy grid and transporting.

Water-powered cars,
Free electricity for all,
ZIMS radio-wave powered
Cars and motorbikes,
Never to refuel or charge,
Even providing electricity
To homes and communities,
Are threats to western exploitive economies,
Then Poisoning And killing
The innovating,
 is to them 'exciting'.

Only share with those who care,
Not with those who thrive to scare
The innovators, from the oppressed,
 who dare.

Saturday, February 1, 2025



by mfarnold Feb 2025

The media
Promote hysteria
For money mania

Success there
Is often not fair
For its selectivity
based on economic activity

Sponsors create hype
Which often select a type
That promote western tripe.

Don't be fooled 
There are many others who rule
fields not western and cool,
But vested in real talent,
By people silent,
but brilliant
In fields prudent,
Spirtually excellent,
and holistically sufficient.

Media aims to mind occupy
To rob you of creative rely
That can be your supply
beyond western common tie
Don't look for credit
Do with merit
What you deem beautifully inherent