Saturday, November 30, 2024

Schooling is Fooling



Schooling is Fooling
By mfarnold Dec 2024

To accept colonial schooling,
Is to submit to their brainwash ruling,
Without realising it's manipulated fooling,
Via Peer-grades grouping,
Which ensures fractionalising
Of Natural Holistic Integrating,
Young and older communicating.

Colonial schooling is frustrating,
creating bullying -
Causing youth destabilizing,
The root of gangsterism and marginalising.

Examinations create regressing,
Due to stressing,
Leaving society into depressing,
Competitive assessing and monitoring,
Ultimately stunting progressing,
But into negative competing
Leading to individualising -

The root for Capitalising,
Deep into aggressive means of exploiting,
Victimizing and criminalising,
And the Main Aim - Political isolating,
Fueling various forms of warring,

The direct opposite to the value of caring,

Impossible then, for Islamising. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Gentle Guidance to Some Muslim Leaders


Gentle Guidance to Some Muslim Leaders

Do not follow the Kuffaar in Critical thinking by highlighting the evils of people in your lectures. In Q 4:148 Allah SWT Guides us to cover the faults of others - especially Muslims - which is a sign of true belief. It is thus not permissible to constantly speak of the evils in our community in Jumua or public lectures, like the kaafier does in criticising and "politicing", to discredit people, for self-glory. It is not the character of the Muslim and not the Sunnah of the Prophet Mughammad SAW. He Pbuh, came as a warner to the disbeliever and a bringer of good news to the Believers and always advised towards good - A Mercy to the universes - Alghamdu lillaah. The Qur'an Instructs us that Muslim Males and Females are honoured and forgiven Q33:35, That none must despair of the Mercy of Allah SWT Q39:53. Take care as leaders to, like the Qur'an, encourage the believers and speak gently to them Q15:88 and be hard against the enemies of Islam (when they attack) (not hard to the Muslims)  Q48:29, but never be the aggressor (Q2:190). Lectures must be positive, encouraging, guiding, hopeful, sincere, loving, caring, inviting and motivational. People must leave the lecture with increased faith, thanks to and hope in Allah SWT's Mercy. Allah SWT even instructs Nabie Musa AS to speak gently to Firown/Pharaoh.  I also advise imams, moulanas, sheikhs, and professors not to qoute Qur'anic Aayaat that address the Kaafir and the Munaafik in the Qur'an, to address the Muslims with it. The general tone of the Qur'an is harmonious, caring, rhythmic and polite, even in the Aayaat that Warn. Therefore, to these negatively charged Muslim leaders, I would advise, to remove the aggression out of their voices and be more gentle and not to shout at the Muslims in the Mosque, while referring to the evil people outside the mosque. The Muslims in the Mosque came in peace, to Worship, to Thank and to Praise Allah SWT, not to suffer disquietness and be angered or disappointed. It is the duty of a Muslim leader to be kind and motherly towards the community - hence the root word of Imaam is the same as the root word (AMMA) for Umm - Mother - to be caring, to repair, to be an example of goodness, gentleness and encouraging - like the Prophet Mughammad SAW - remember from Ghadeeth literature Everyone is a Raa'in (charming, delightful, impressive, awesome guardian-shepherd for his flock)....This paragraph is also a reminder for me - in shaa Allah Aameen - May Allah SWT Forgive us all for our shortcomings and evils - Nastagfirullaah - in shaa Allah Aameen. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

ICRA-HLL- University Intro

 786 ICRA-HLL-University (IHU)

Islamic Centre for Research and Activity- Holistic Leisure Learning University
1. Community-based advanced university-school for youth and adults... Face to face or online, affordable, advanced & holistic - The Answer to the world educational and youth employment crises, that were internationally unsolvable, because they used the wrong academic structures as their method of research. Qualified teachers, internationally, are enhancing their professionalism in a multi-skilled way through our 50hr online Holistic Methodologist course.
2. Qur'an and Sunnah focused - the pure, holistic research
3. Re-introducing all the sciences back into The Qur'an - integrating 25 subjects
4. Training students to become Holistic Methodologist in Matric and Beyond Subjects, able to tutor any age in any topic, holistically - and Merited by SAQA as a completed South African Qualification in 2021- effectively replacing Matric - Alghamdu lillaah
5. Focus on mastery through step-by-step question and answer testing , in so doing, creating 100% mastery instead of eg. 60% memory exam.
6.Removing the stresses of education by removing quarterly examinations and introducing The relaxation of learning and testing.
7. After the basic 4yr Holistic Methodologist course (up to 17yrs)the student can continue into degrees up to PhD through Self-teaching Manual Writing (we do have a pre-varsity Holistic training for children from 7yrs to 12yrs)N.B. We encourage multi-age-learning for mutual respect development.
8. Offering all courses that interest students, to allow them to find and follow their God-Given talents and skills, in shaa Allah Aameen
9. No homework or prescribed assignments, only self-motivated research and practice, hence, day students only spend 3hr x 3days of the week in class (9am - 12noon)-leaving afternoons and long weekends for personal research. Students are expected to teach someone at home, the advanced lessons they learnt and report back the impact it made on the person/s(IHU-Social Experiment). IHU's Low cost and sharing knowledge now bring high level Holistic Varsity learning to the door of family - Alghamdu lillaah. 
10. Encouraging academic, technical and craft-skills for males and females through self-teaching, detailed lessons in IHU manuals (Senior Holistic Learning 556pgs and Subject-based-Poetry Book - with all subjects and age level work 151pgs) - only difficult and deep challenges are taught - the rest is made easy for self-learning - constant whatsapp connection 24/7 available with teachers for difficulties encountered.
11. The aim is to create well rounded, holistic individuals who study The Aayaat/Miracles/Marvels/Signs of Allah SWT within the self, the world and the cosmos in order to develop Gratefulness to Allah SWT, Who Promises to increase the those grateful with more Gifts and Blessings. Learning at IHU thus becomes an Ibaadah/ sincere Devotion - Alghamdu lillaah. 
12. To serve as Holistic mediators to resolve any challenge with the student's wide range of knowledge... Thus IHU is designed to Empower families with 'ILM - Distinguished Awareness...We also cater for home-schoolers, locally/internationally who want to be trained as a Holistic Methodologist in a 50hr online course with our texts. Their children can be registered with us as off-campus students - and receive our Certificate at a basic cover cost inshaa Allah Aameen - extending our reach beyond a specific building/venue/suburb/city/country - Alghamdu lillaah.
Shukran jazeelan
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold
Prof. in Holistic Leisure Learning HLL

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Mankind's Obsessions

 786 Mankind's Obsessions by mfarnold Nov 2024

Mankind's desire for speed, timelessness, instantneous, lasting beauty, peace and deep space exploration is his/her natural innate yearning to return to his/her original premordial state of Fitrah - unison pure body (clay), soul (nafs), divine sprit (Ruugh)and Mind (free choice of the soul), in which humans were created by Allah SWT and allowed to spend a long time in Jannah, the Real Place of Peace, before we were sent down to the lower universe, to work for our Reward back to Jannah (in shaa Allah Aameen) or for others to show ingratitude and be placed into the jahannam (Astagfirullaah). .. The Proof that human can be Granted human perfection is captured in the experience of The Prophet Mughammad SAW's Night Journeys the Isra and the Mi'raaj.. mankind's choice now lie in the pursuit through illusion - drugs and technology or Reality - Rememberance and Praise of The Creator Allah SWT. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Beyond Ai by mfarnold

Beyond Ai
By mfarnold Nov '24

In a world of contrasts
Lies the value of unending constants.
Prejudice often constrains
Powers that contain,
Wonderful new domains.

While the fight against Islam
Since all Eras of its Command,
Never obliterated its Profound.

CHATGPT now with glee
Elevates Islam as the only faith to Be.

The Reality is clear,
As oppressions draw near,
Exposing western fear
for humans and the galaxies
Irrespective of disbelievers' fantacies.

Modern Science and Mathematics,
Chemistry, Algorithms and physics
Truly rests via scholars of Islamics,
Without which no logistics
Will cause fruitless economics.

The west dabbles in senseless logics.
Impossible for solution for ailing academics

A local education, Holistic critic,
Created from out of Qur'anic
And Prophetic Lyric
A new infinite
Road to erudite -
HLL(Holistic Leisure Learning)
Answering everyone's yearning
for a qualitative, creative, 
non-restrictive Learning

Making Real Progress Active,
and truly evaluative
For all times' elevatives
Towards successful initiatives. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Demasculation The Poem

Demasculation by mfarnold Nov 2024

Strong youth sacrificed at altars,

Western education's deliberate falters,

And WOKE, wacky cultures,

for legal family ruptures -

Aim to demasculate society's protectors.

Open your minds

and become conscientise

That those who colonise,

Economise on family demise.

All this is possible

When secularism

Replaces spiritualism

and the masses fall for political sloganism

That only entrenches nepotism

for prejudicial "monetarism".

Establish regular charity

And see with clarity

That political policy

Aims at mass, male exclusion,

To cancel out strong opposition

Through docile, educational illusions

with oppressive women and gay rights

for family fights

to remove father's Light

That ensures his fight

against prejudice

of the elite's influential injustice.

Take Back Sincere Masculine Practice !

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Purpose of Learning


The Purpose of Learning

This is a question not often asked, but so essential. It often happens that one has an aim but fails to think deeply about the purpose and impact of the aim. When one is not grounded in true faith and Know not The Presence of God Almighty, it is often that one misses the real purpose of learning. With reference to truth and not self-actualisation, it is possible to find the correct purpose. Without Distinguished Awareness 'ILM, one often faulters in decision-making. With Artificial Intelligence AI, one can assess the general world perspective on something and then re-define it within a context of 'ILM

So What does AI say with reagrd to The Purpose of learning?

I posed this question to ChatGPT and the following answer popped up.

ChatGpt: Purpose of Learning:

1. Personal Growth

2. Adapting to Change

3. Social Connection and Contribution

4. Cognitive Development

5. Economic and Professional Opportunities

Assessing this answer from Chatgpt, the following becomes clear:

1. It does not promote creativity 

2. It drives the individual to fit into an existing society

3. It is individualistic within an existing social context - fitting in

3. It is thus stressful, because it forces conformity to the existing status quo

4. It has no Divine, Truthful guiding principle 

So, How do I respond to The Question on What is the Purpose of Learning ?

From the platform of the Qur'an-Based Methodology, Holistic Leisure Learning HLL, I devised the following as the answer to the question above.

The Faith-based/Imaan:The Purpose of Learning:

1. To Develope Gratitude to Allah SWT through deeply studying and reflecting on the Miracles, Marvels, Signs (AAYAAT) He SWT Calls our attention to.

2. To value everyone and everything in and around the self as miracles of God Almighty

3, To Detach the self from external attachments and identify where its limits are, while attaching the self to the Awareness of The Presence of Allah SWT, which ensures truthfulness, honesty and creativity. 

4. Connecting with the Divine Spirit (Ruugh) which energises and motivates towards Goodness and Clarity for successful decision making - Using the Question "Will Allah SWT be Pleased with me if I do or say this".

5. Finding Peace (Islam) within the self, in unison with the Guidance from Allah SWT, whatever the circumstances and trust in Allah SWT for the outcome of learning and practicing what is Divinely Guided, as Good. 

Assessing the Above answer with reference to HLL, The following becomes clear:

1. The person is connected to Allah SWT in a profound way and hence connects with nature, people and things from a perspective of gratitude, that fills the heart with openness and goodness

2. The person is less stressed to fit in, and ready to be creative, within the context of what's best for the self in the world and the next

3. The answer is rooted in truth and thus and an inner happiness and creates a stressless mindset, not to be competing, but rather to creatively help the self and others. 

And Allah SWT Knows Best. 

Alghamdu lillaah

Shukran Jazeelan

Mogamat Faadiel Arnold November 2024.(Head:ICRA-HLL-University)