Friday, November 29, 2024

Gentle Guidance to Some Muslim Leaders


Gentle Guidance to Some Muslim Leaders

Do not follow the Kuffaar in Critical thinking by highlighting the evils of people in your lectures. In Q 4:148 Allah SWT Guides us to cover the faults of others - especially Muslims - which is a sign of true belief. It is thus not permissible to constantly speak of the evils in our community in Jumua or public lectures, like the kaafier does in criticising and "politicing", to discredit people, for self-glory. It is not the character of the Muslim and not the Sunnah of the Prophet Mughammad SAW. He Pbuh, came as a warner to the disbeliever and a bringer of good news to the Believers and always advised towards good - A Mercy to the universes - Alghamdu lillaah. The Qur'an Instructs us that Muslim Males and Females are honoured and forgiven Q33:35, That none must despair of the Mercy of Allah SWT Q39:53. Take care as leaders to, like the Qur'an, encourage the believers and speak gently to them Q15:88 and be hard against the enemies of Islam (when they attack) (not hard to the Muslims)  Q48:29, but never be the aggressor (Q2:190). Lectures must be positive, encouraging, guiding, hopeful, sincere, loving, caring, inviting and motivational. People must leave the lecture with increased faith, thanks to and hope in Allah SWT's Mercy. Allah SWT even instructs Nabie Musa AS to speak gently to Firown/Pharaoh.  I also advise imams, moulanas, sheikhs, and professors not to qoute Qur'anic Aayaat that address the Kaafir and the Munaafik in the Qur'an, to address the Muslims with it. The general tone of the Qur'an is harmonious, caring, rhythmic and polite, even in the Aayaat that Warn. Therefore, to these negatively charged Muslim leaders, I would advise, to remove the aggression out of their voices and be more gentle and not to shout at the Muslims in the Mosque, while referring to the evil people outside the mosque. The Muslims in the Mosque came in peace, to Worship, to Thank and to Praise Allah SWT, not to suffer disquietness and be angered or disappointed. It is the duty of a Muslim leader to be kind and motherly towards the community - hence the root word of Imaam is the same as the root word (AMMA) for Umm - Mother - to be caring, to repair, to be an example of goodness, gentleness and encouraging - like the Prophet Mughammad SAW - remember from Ghadeeth literature Everyone is a Raa'in (charming, delightful, impressive, awesome guardian-shepherd for his flock)....This paragraph is also a reminder for me - in shaa Allah Aameen - May Allah SWT Forgive us all for our shortcomings and evils - Nastagfirullaah - in shaa Allah Aameen. 

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