Sunday, November 24, 2024

ICRA-HLL- University Intro

 786 ICRA-HLL-University (IHU)

Islamic Centre for Research and Activity- Holistic Leisure Learning University
1. Community-based advanced university-school for youth and adults... Face to face or online, affordable, advanced & holistic - The Answer to the world educational and youth employment crises, that were internationally unsolvable, because they used the wrong academic structures as their method of research. Qualified teachers, internationally, are enhancing their professionalism in a multi-skilled way through our 50hr online Holistic Methodologist course.
2. Qur'an and Sunnah focused - the pure, holistic research
3. Re-introducing all the sciences back into The Qur'an - integrating 25 subjects
4. Training students to become Holistic Methodologist in Matric and Beyond Subjects, able to tutor any age in any topic, holistically - and Merited by SAQA as a completed South African Qualification in 2021- effectively replacing Matric - Alghamdu lillaah
5. Focus on mastery through step-by-step question and answer testing , in so doing, creating 100% mastery instead of eg. 60% memory exam.
6.Removing the stresses of education by removing quarterly examinations and introducing The relaxation of learning and testing.
7. After the basic 4yr Holistic Methodologist course (up to 17yrs)the student can continue into degrees up to PhD through Self-teaching Manual Writing (we do have a pre-varsity Holistic training for children from 7yrs to 12yrs)N.B. We encourage multi-age-learning for mutual respect development.
8. Offering all courses that interest students, to allow them to find and follow their God-Given talents and skills, in shaa Allah Aameen
9. No homework or prescribed assignments, only self-motivated research and practice, hence, day students only spend 3hr x 3days of the week in class (9am - 12noon)-leaving afternoons and long weekends for personal research. Students are expected to teach someone at home, the advanced lessons they learnt and report back the impact it made on the person/s(IHU-Social Experiment). IHU's Low cost and sharing knowledge now bring high level Holistic Varsity learning to the door of family - Alghamdu lillaah. 
10. Encouraging academic, technical and craft-skills for males and females through self-teaching, detailed lessons in IHU manuals (Senior Holistic Learning 556pgs and Subject-based-Poetry Book - with all subjects and age level work 151pgs) - only difficult and deep challenges are taught - the rest is made easy for self-learning - constant whatsapp connection 24/7 available with teachers for difficulties encountered.
11. The aim is to create well rounded, holistic individuals who study The Aayaat/Miracles/Marvels/Signs of Allah SWT within the self, the world and the cosmos in order to develop Gratefulness to Allah SWT, Who Promises to increase the those grateful with more Gifts and Blessings. Learning at IHU thus becomes an Ibaadah/ sincere Devotion - Alghamdu lillaah. 
12. To serve as Holistic mediators to resolve any challenge with the student's wide range of knowledge... Thus IHU is designed to Empower families with 'ILM - Distinguished Awareness...We also cater for home-schoolers, locally/internationally who want to be trained as a Holistic Methodologist in a 50hr online course with our texts. Their children can be registered with us as off-campus students - and receive our Certificate at a basic cover cost inshaa Allah Aameen - extending our reach beyond a specific building/venue/suburb/city/country - Alghamdu lillaah.
Shukran jazeelan
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold
Prof. in Holistic Leisure Learning HLL

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