Monday, December 30, 2024
Colonial Framework
Deliberate "Evolution"
Deliberate "Evolution"
Sunday, December 29, 2024
by mfarnold Dec 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Westernised Schools
Westernised Schools By mfarnold Dec 2024
Cause Emotional insecurity
Reduce productivity
Create immobility
Lay foundation for cheating
Develop resentment
Make competition important
Hamper confidence
Destroy cultures
Denounce religion
Highlight materialism
Ensure political dependency
Encourage bullying
Is a political tool
Ensure large unemployment
Disregard individual interest
Foster group mentality
Promote gangsterism
Disregard self-worth
Confuse identity
Stimulate aggression
Force submission
Brainwash young people
Encourage animosity
Dysfunction communication
Stunt skillfulness
Cause stress
Retard reasonability
Grow fears
Develop a mindset for suicide
Breed crime
Shatter confidence
Economic benefit in Research, Medical, Psychological, Self-help, Political,
Friday, December 27, 2024
by mfarnold Dec 2024
Marriage in teens
As advised in Ghadith.
To ensure harmonious growth.
We in the west bite our teeth
Because minds are in school sheets
That break down and beat
Youths for our adult feats.
Their divine sexual expression
Is curtailed by western impression
To keep them out of remuneration,
In stressful education,
allowing businesses extensions
Into fashion, crime protection and
Trauma units due to youth frustration.
Adolescence is not developmental stage
It is an illness created by neglect and rage
Of Youth encaged
In Education that retards and engage
In fruitless academic phase
That does not prepare needed stage
For successful marriage range.
Modern divorce rate 50%
Adults more selfish than present
In marriage duty procurement,
Due to emotional immaturity
To carry a marriage with dignity.
Violence, rudeness, indifference
And contempt cause neglect
Within partners with no respect
and intellect.
Often the culprit in evil
Gives the innocent partner refusal
In Truth, honesty, normality
And acceptability
Of one's responsibility
To care for another entity
Within humanity.
When good becomes reality
It creates harmony
To raise a new family.
With adorability.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
By mfarnold Dec 2024When self-obsessed,
ALLAH SWT Warns against,
Is the road to a satanist.
That's why charity is best,
Which grows intellect.
Capitalists focus on self-interests,
Needed for competitive profits,
Introduced through educationists,
Often unaware of being assistants
In creating individualists - Mind Colonists,
Who insist on rights,
But absent in duties,
Falling short in humanities.
Relationships then suffer,
Creating a buffer
Of becoming a meaningful conversationer
With significant others.
External, material validation
Becomes obsession,
With possessions,
While marital passion
Is ruined with aggression,
Sometimes subtle, but still oppression.
When Prophetic advice -
To see to the needs of others first
Is ignored
And the Egotistical thirst
Is 'honoured',
Then wait for Allah SWT's Revenge,
Which will challenge the soul's knowledge
To be saved from damage.
Don't live in a bubble
In the illusion "you need no one" in your struggle,
To be comfortable.
You will become miserable,
As you get older and vulnerable.
Choose with Wisdom
To prevent self-destructive individualism.
Finding Holism
Finding Holism
By mfarnold December 2024Independence was in actualisation
Only when British segregated education,
Was firmly grounded in the conquered mind
Of isolation,
Supported by prescriptive external, examination,
designed to further break
creative motivation,
Self-worth actualization,
Create group indoctrination
Family disorientation
And obedient citizen politicization,
Fooled to believe in democratisation.
It leans on fears that cause immobilisation,
Which ensures mass submission
To authoritarian deliberation
Aimed at stripping humans of core,
Free humanisation
And spiritualisation,
Through secularisation.
The greatest danger is its Islamisation.
Holistic Leisure Learning HLL
Reunites the Fractionalised learning
Back into Qur'anic revitalisation.
Allowing the soul, through unitary reflection,
To arrive at appreciation,
Of the universes' humble service-devotion
And man's need for divine connection,
While simultaneously knowing Protection
From subtle domination
And "clever" indoctrination,
Via evaluative attention,
Instead of critical destruction.
Balancing World Politics
Balancing World Politics
By mfarnold December 2024
The anti-Islamic world agendas
Is proof of its truthful successes.
Capitalism is in recesses.
White colonial race superiority
Is losing its priority,
Hence fear builds enmity,
Creating waves of confused identity.
Platforms for influence,
Fills the internet for prominence.
Whoever is lazy in intelligence,
Soon latches on to insolence,
With violence in prevalence,
Forgetting of Allah SWT's Dominance.
The body of the aggressor feels low satisfaction,
Because his soul is in dislocation,
While his Spirit calls him out for
Gender fluidity, group forced identity,
Manipulated policy
To exploit the majority,
Racism and unfair control by minority,
Through judicial inequality,
Are all but the signs of stupidity
of Death's Finality,
With Hell's Eternity,
For those who mock equality,
spirituality and God's Almighty Unity.
The winners are the defenders
Of righteousness,
With courageousness,
Against hideousness,
With gracious effectiveness.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Having worked in a bookstore
And having read Qur'an many more
It was obvious
That each book is anonymous
Use of one Qur'anic Statement
Claiming to be their procurement,
Stretched in many anecdotes
To promote
Their take on a qoute,
Without Qur'anic reference in note.
The books on various philosophies
Aim at confusing believers' strategies,
"As out of sync with realities",
Because it does not follow their
So-called scientific methodologies,
Which they actually originally
Learnt from Muslim scholarly,
Then adapted and claim as their discovery.
After breaking the self-esteem,
Through educational stream,
Self-help books are sold as beams
To the unaware, in daydream
In effective opiate,
Who now qoute and communicate,
- Really a stroked ego in suffocate,
Through years indoctrinate,
That they now need to educate
About their new cognate
While the self is desparate
In Need to abdicate,
Common stunts that cause resignate
From The Wonder of Divine Guidance.
Away from leadership arrogance,
The core reason for incongruence
With The Inner Natural Cognisance.
Be in vigilance.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Exploiting Youth
Monday, December 16, 2024
"Of Age" By mfarnold
OF AGEby mfarnold Dec 2024
Being old
Is to unfold
The greatest part to behold.
No longer are you told,
But rather positioned to be bold,
To know that ideas of old
Have much, not yet sold.
Welcome the Wisdom of repose
That opens visions untold
For generations to hold
As gems that foretold
That your memory could still fold
Diamonds and Gold.
Into packets that mould
The exquisite you, as centrefold
To a multifold,
As a stronghold
For any household,
With Blessings manifold.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Intro to Tafseer of Al-Qur'an
Introduction to Tafseer of Qur'an by mfarnold Dec 2024
The Various interpretations of Al-Qur'an will always be incomplete, because man cannot present the words of Allah SWT in Its Entirety (even if all trees were pens and seas upon sees are re-filled). There are also meaning in each letter and each thing has external and internal value. Everything and everyone have been Given form and Guidnace from Allah SWT and have been created in Fitrah(Pure Divine Esseance) and connected to Allah SWT, and hence praises Allah SWT in its orbital and praising (SABBAGHA) molecular and sub-atomic movements - that means our bodies are already Muslim (Praising Allah SWT in Orbits).. Only our soul have the freedom to choose with its mind b etwen right and wrong and then instruct the body to execute the soul's (Nafs) wishes. That is why the body parts will testify against the disobiedient soul on the Day of Ressurrection. Interpetation of the Qur'an in essence is when the soul is obiedient to Allah SWT and follows the Prophet Mughammad SAW's Advice and lifestyle of goodness, because He Pbuh was the perfect human example Allah SWT Created to Guide Mankind in the details of life's interaction with the self, others, earth and the universe. The interpretation and understanding of Qur'an is thus A Gift from Allah SWT's Mercy and not dependent of one own material means of learning. I know about people who studied all the known Tafaaseer of Qur'an from the earliest sources, who do not believe in Allah SWT. Nabie Mughammad SAW could not read and write, yet he pbuh was the most knowledgable and purest of character, so much so that he pbuh was taken throuugh the seven heavens and personally received the Salaah for Muslims directly from Allah SWT. That is why Salaah is the Miraaj of the faithful (ascension through space of the Faithful). While mankind can acquire knowledge and skills by learning, the proper application of it with wisdom, is dependent on whether Allah SWT Blesses the person with Gikmah/Wisdom ( putting learning together in a holistic way that draws a person closer to the Love of Allah SWT, Who will be Loved by Allah SWT and Given the ability to execute the wishes of Allah SWT with speed and success, because Allah SWT Becomes His SWT Adorer Sight, Hearing and Action by His SWT's Means). Interpretation of Qur'an is thus the purification of character and living as a sincere Muslim (who fears Allah SWT's Punishment by staying away from prohibited actions and thoughts and doing the good in shaa Allah Aameen. The fact that others think and live differently will not upset the true Muslim, because he/she knows that Allah SWT Instructs those with faith in Allah SWT, to overlook other people's issues with graciousness and trust in Allah SWT. Allah SWT Sent The Prophet Moghammad SAW, as a mercy to the universes and to make it known to everyone that good Muslim behaviour, under all circumstances, is possible, because Nabie Mughammad (Pbuh) was human and he Pbuh went through worse challnges than us, without losing connection with Allah SWT. Tafseer of Qur'an is thus the enactment of the Qur'an, because the Prophet Mughammad SAW was the personal embodiment of the Qur'an According to His Pbuh's wife Lady Aisha RA. He Pbuh was the Best Example of a human being in all stages of life - Alghamdu lillaah. To understand and practice The Qur'an and Sunnah require of the self to reflect/ taffakkur on everything and everyone as a Creation/Sign/Miracle of Allah SWT. This thus create a pure interaction with each creation and with each situation, with total awareness of Allah SWT's Presence. The life of us then becomes a full Ibaadah/ worship to Allah SWT, which leads to Deep Gratitude to Allah SWT and in return Allah SWT Promises to increase the Blessings of those who are Grateful to Allah SWT and with that comes the inner knowledge and interpretation of The Qur'an even if the person cannot read and write - in shaa Allah Aameen. Such a person thus has a creative character (Aglaaq) the purpose of Nabie Mughammad SAW's coming - to show how to Perfect Character and thus keep in constant communication with Allah SWT, for success in this world, whatever the circumstances, and Success in the hereafter. in shaa Allah Aameen.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Intro - IHU- Icra-HLL-University
Alghamdu Lillaah for the Opportunities Granted by Allah, The Exalted
#My Majors:
Physics, Biology, Pedagogics, Classroom Management, Economics, Arabic Grammar & Islamic Studies [Tafseer. Ghadeeth, Arab & Islamic History , Life of The Prophet Pbuh), Cognitive Psychology.
#My Minors: Accounting, Geography, Sociology, History, Mathematics, Art, Theatre, Music, Chess and Table Tennis Adjudications
Pioneering Work & Publications on HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning and its international impact. I received a Honorary Doctorate from The Cape Town Campus of Beijing University of Chinese medicine [under the auspices and recommendation of Prof, Dr Mohamed and Prof.Dr Rhoda - practicing GP & Chinese Medical professionals], for HLL - Holistic Leisure Learning, because it deals with Whole-brain Learning which relaxes the whole being, through the integration of all disciplines into a Single Unity [Tauheed] thus accelerating healing. HLL raises Awareness of the power inherent Power in The Miracles of LIfe - aayaat of Allah SWT, thus HLL increases Reflection, Contemplation and Remembrance of Allah SWT - which leads to progress in all dimensions, beyond the horizons - of which Nabie Mughammad SAW is The Perfect Example to follow. In shaa Allah.
Alghamdu lillaah - My Work and experience allowed me to hold International consultancy positions in Child-centred learning for Lybia during General Gaddafi rule and The Arts in Islamic Symbolism, for the International Islamic University of Malaysia, as well A Request from The Cape Argus to pioneer and write the Weekly feature "Education Watch" for 55 weeks continuously - on the New Paradigm for learning - Now desperately needed after Covid 19's negative impacts of conventional education. In 2021 SAQA South African Qualification Authority, after full investigation of my 4 yr Course Holistic Methodologist:Matric And Beyond Subjects, I offer to my students, Merited the course as a Completed South African Qualification - Alghamdu Lillaah.
Some of the books I wrote presenting Socio-economic, Education and Environmental Solutions -
Published as Trailblazer for Community Holistic Youth Employment Initiative in Leaders Magazine - Oct 2004
Sweater Artist
Pioneer in Establishing The First Holistic University that molds on the heritage of Al-Azhar University, no exams, but creative manual writing and mastery that accelerates family insights and development directly through age integrational learning and job creation
My hand Painted Sweater Art that informs of truths of Cape Muslim Heritage
My iconic daily view - that inspires my miniature art that has been sold internationally - Alghamdu lillaah
Cover Photo for Zeitz Mocca Musuem Waterfront Youtube Advert, when I moderated the interview on Arabic Calligraphy from a Local perspective - with Achmat Soni and his son.
Designer of Cultural wear
Myself promoting my Manual I wrote for our Senior Holistic Learning simplifying and deeply explaining 25 Matric and beyond subjects integratively. This book 550+ pages serves as the students' Question and Answer Series, Note book, The Board summaries and the Self-Assessment Text - Alghamdu lillaah
Schooling is Fooling
By mfarnold Dec 2024
To accept colonial schooling,
Is to submit to their brainwash ruling,
Without realising it's manipulated fooling,
Via Peer-grades grouping,
Which ensures fractionalising
Of Natural Holistic Integrating,
Young and older communicating.
Colonial schooling is frustrating,
creating bullying -
Causing youth destabilizing,
The root of gangsterism and marginalising.
Insiduous Disunity
by mfarnold Dec 2024
Gradual Imperceptible, subtle harm
Through education and charm
Basically from your hand into your arm
If one falls for the mass alarms
Aimed to drive wedges through family-disarm
Fear is the trap that leads to mass hysteria
Posed as necessary criteria
to fit into an arena
That blinds people's retinas
from seeing the Truth behind agendas
These are not new,
It has always been through
every age we knew,
That is why Al-Qur'an is of such Great Value,
It calls for unity and strong belief
In the Unseen Feat
That allows soul, body and Spirit in unity to beat
the attempts at family-browbeat
caused by confusing counterfeit
Have Confident Insight
Into Realms Bright
With what is Really, Straight, Simple, Clear and Right.
by mfarnold Dec 2024
Being old
Is to unfold
The greatest part to behold.
No longer are you told,
But rather positioned to be bold,
To know that ideas of old
Have much, not yet sold.
Welcome the Wisdom of repose
That opens visions untold
For generations to hold
As gems that foretold
That your memory could still fold
Diamonds and Gold.
Into packets that mold
The exquisite you, as centrefold
To a multifold,
As a stronghold
For any household,
With Blessings manifold.
Friday, January 31, 2025
It is Time
It is Time
By mfarnold Feb 2025Capitalism is collapsing,
Dictatorship is re-surfacing,
Unable to ever re-establishing,
Due to open-source publishing.
The time has come not to be defined.,
By common political confines,
Aimed at losing The Connection
With The Divine.
who we really are,
Based on our labour
Behaviour, fervour, outpour
And valour....
Depending on Him SWT,
To be our liberator and saviour.
We only live once,
So count every ounce
And do not denounce,
The good efforts of the profound.
Stand your ground.
Consider your great background,
Your heritage compound,
To support and create
That which resound,
And will astound.