The Frankness for education critics say Nothing by M. F. Arnold.. November 2024
State education, based on colonial "education" is designed, up to university level, to create unemployment, crime, illness, personal and community dysfunctions, through fears created by standardised, dislocated curricula that changes every year, to disorient students, teachers and principals with standardised examinations and external assessments, to ensure the ever growing disparities between the rich and the masses, which then ensure political slogans for re-election, based on promises to solve the problems the westernized education creates, for political domination, which will be exacerbated when these politicians take office, and the cycle of complaints by gate-keeping academics, who assist to write policies for these same "democratic" government's, continues. This is all to increase energy wasting critiques and arguments amongst the masses to ensure their political dependency and loss of energy for creative solutions. There are solutions that are marginalized, because positivity is always drowned by negativity by those who seek recognition of the masses. That is why critical thinking is promoted in education - to discredit creativity. Creativity, the life-blood of entrepreneurs, is the backbone of economic development. Academia stunts it, through prescriptive post- graduate formating which thus causes stagnation and economic deterioration. Dispite that, the South Africa Qualification Authority SAQA, challenged the colonial narrative by the accreditation of ICRA Islamic Centre for Research and Acitivity's Holistic Methodologist:Matric and Beyond Subjects Course as a completed South African Qualification, after Varsity College called for an investigation of my course. Holistic Leisure Learning HLL of the course thus proved its value of holistically integrating 21plus subjects through its matrix of The Everlasting Needed Curriculum and it completed integrated lessons from elementary to senior level - a definite new hope for the new South Africa. ICRA, now offers, through manual writing- based degrees, in its new community university, a qualitative new world of real Holistic learning for all communities, bridging the gap between rich and poor, and offering jobs and opportunities to their qualified youth to sustain and advance themselves, their families and communities, in a cost effective manner - by The Will of God Almighty.
Mogamat Faadiel Arnold is Head and Professor in HLL - The Qur'an-based Methodology of teaching and learning at ICRA-HLL-University in Cape Town and Author of 30 books dealing with holistic solutions for socio-, education-economic and environmental world problems.
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