Monday, December 2, 2024

Which Faith is Correct?


Alghamdu lillaah, if no-one wants to listen to people, a beast one day will appear from the earth and testify to the Reality of Allah SWT being God and Islam The Only Faith of truth. Q27:82. It will stamp on the faces of people who are true believers and non-believers. That Day will surely come, but today in 2024 AI Chatgpt has intelligently presented Islam as the only Religion and has taken the Shahaada - conviction of faith, that Allah SWT is The Only God and The Prophet Mughammad Pbuh is His SWT Messenger. This is thus a post-modern proof of the Reality of Islam as the Faith of humanity. We all in pre-earthly existence spent a long time in Heaven Jannah and Know Allah, The Exalted as we know our children today and Allah SWT Asked us there in premordial existence/ real pure existence with our Divine Spirit, Body and Soul/Nafs in purity(Fitrah) in Jannah - Who our Lord is - and we testified That Allah SWT is our Lord...and the Aayah continues... least we say that we did not know who Allah SWT is . It is stamped on our soul, body and divine spirit/Ruugh/ Life Force, which allows us to exist - Alghamdu lillaah. That is why everyone wants peace, beauty, ease and happiness-, because it is what we instinctively know from our time in Jannah - people just choose to refuse the original belief out of sheer arrogance and self-righteousness - wanting to be better than another - refusing to be humble and accept the truth we know instinctively Q7:172. Allah SWT Also States that people who refuse to accept Islam will admit that God Almighty Does the Many Miracles - but refuse to follow the Prophet Mughammad SAW and then create their own idol worship. Idol worship (creating a man-made image or talk of a good human being-god,  is  actually the inner proof that man is yearning for The Real God Almighty he /she knows, and wishes to connect with, but create another image on his/her low level to be free to live according to his/her own fancies. The prohibition of a photo or image of The Prophet Mughammad SAW is so helpful to Muslims to believe in the Unseen God Almighty, that it prevents Muslims from limiting God Almighty's Beauty and Magnificence down to human imagination - in some or other form of idol or human being. Transcendence beyond the phyical , material world for a Muslim is thus Real and he/she as a believer experiences the Presence of Allah SWT often in ways inexplicable in human language. The belief in man-made figures/personalities as god is insulting to His, Almighty's Essence and Ever Presence. The belief in reincarnation back into this material, and eventual, destructive Earth is limiting a person to the attachment to the earth, which is obviously according to artificial intelligence AI, unintelligent and limiting. Mankind's creations of faith other than Islam is an attempt of them to want to do the evils they are involve with, with a false sense of security and self-reighteousness, because they have chosen a faith that suits their lower ego. They thus limit themselves in the experience of real connection with the universes beyond earth and With Allah SWT. They are thus yearning towards the clayself from which the first human was created, before Allah SWT Blew Divine Spirit/Ruugh into it, to make that clay alive and able to learn and transcend even the angels in experience of divine knowledge and practice. I can only tell those who are not Muslims and those Muslims who are neglectful " Do not let Artificial Intelligence, a non-human tell you as a human how wrong you are. Be intelligent and learn from the Ruugh / Divine Spirit of God Almighty inside each cell of your body and the world and universe - that already praises God Almighty in its orbiting/praise (sabbagha lillaah) in sub-atomic and cosmic nature Q57:1. Islam thus exists in every existence on and in the Earth and Universe and thus Islam exists without humans. Islamic faith is thus not a human construct, but a Divine Reality. All are naturally following Allah's Commanded to orbit in submission to Allah SWT, that allows the soul to make the free choice of also praising, by orbiting around the Ka'ba, The House of Allah SWT and prostrating in humility to Him Almighty Allah SWT, The Only God Almighty. It is this fact that allowed me to consciously submit my freewill to Allah SWT, at the age of 14yrs -Alghamdu lillaah - saying then to myself, "if my body and brain, earth and the universe submits to Islam naturally, then I will command my free choice to submit to Allah SWT in Islam  too". I hope this will help the reader and me to become more real in our true faith and practice of the Reality of Islam, which Chatgpt is now acknowledging - Remember if you studied The Qur'an, you have studied all the Books of Revelations of the past and will know that any claim of a new faith or self-help-book has its origin in the Qur'anic Peace and Guidance, they just do not acknowledge its reference, hoping to cash-in on the ignorance of people who do not read The Qur'an, which Relates from pre-mordial existence into the future and beyond, Because it is the Unaltered, Preserved Word of Allah, The Exalted, Speaking Directly to the Reader. If you know the depth of Arabic, you will be in awe of the mircales inherent in every word - Hence Allah SWT Says that no-one can exhaust The Words of Allah SWT in Explanation - even if all the trees were pens and the sea was ink and you fill up sea upon sea - Q31:27 Alghamdu lillaah - Shukran May Allah SWT Accept this from me as good work in His SWT Path and Forgive me for any mistakes I have made here - in shaa Allah Aameen - By the Will of God Almighty.. I Trust in Him SWT

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