Sunday, December 15, 2024

Intro to Tafseer of Al-Qur'an


Introduction to Tafseer of Qur'an by mfarnold Dec 2024

The Various interpretations of Al-Qur'an will always be incomplete, because man cannot present the words of Allah SWT in Its Entirety (even if all trees were pens and seas upon sees are re-filled). There are also meaning in each letter and each thing has external and internal value. Everything and everyone have been Given form and Guidnace from Allah SWT and have been created in Fitrah(Pure Divine Esseance) and connected to Allah SWT, and hence praises Allah SWT in its orbital and praising (SABBAGHA) molecular and sub-atomic movements - that means our bodies are already Muslim (Praising Allah SWT in Orbits).. Only our soul have the freedom to choose with its mind b etwen right and wrong and then instruct the body to execute the soul's (Nafs) wishes. That is why the body parts will testify against the disobiedient soul on the Day of Ressurrection. Interpetation of the Qur'an in essence is when the soul is obiedient to Allah SWT and follows the Prophet Mughammad SAW's Advice and lifestyle of goodness, because He Pbuh was the perfect human example Allah SWT Created to Guide Mankind in the details of life's interaction with the self, others, earth and the universe. The interpretation and understanding of Qur'an is thus A Gift from Allah SWT's Mercy and not dependent of one own material means of learning. I know about people who studied all the known Tafaaseer of Qur'an from the earliest sources, who do not believe in Allah SWT. Nabie Mughammad SAW could not read and write, yet he pbuh was the most knowledgable and purest of character, so much so that he pbuh was taken throuugh the seven heavens and personally received the Salaah for Muslims directly from Allah SWT. That is why Salaah is the Miraaj of the faithful (ascension through space of the Faithful). While mankind can acquire knowledge and skills by learning, the proper application of it with wisdom, is dependent on whether Allah SWT Blesses the person with Gikmah/Wisdom ( putting learning together in a holistic way that draws a person closer to the Love of Allah SWT, Who will be Loved by Allah SWT and Given the ability to execute the wishes of Allah SWT with speed and success, because Allah SWT Becomes His SWT Adorer Sight, Hearing and Action by His SWT's Means). Interpretation of Qur'an is thus the purification of character and living as a sincere Muslim (who fears Allah SWT's Punishment by staying away from prohibited actions and thoughts and doing the good in shaa Allah Aameen. The fact that others think and live differently will not upset the true Muslim, because he/she knows that Allah SWT Instructs those with faith in Allah SWT, to overlook other people's issues with graciousness and trust in Allah SWT. Allah SWT Sent The Prophet Moghammad SAW, as a mercy to the universes and to make it known to everyone that good Muslim behaviour, under all circumstances, is possible, because Nabie Mughammad (Pbuh) was human and he Pbuh went through worse challnges than us, without losing connection with Allah SWT. Tafseer of Qur'an is thus the enactment of the Qur'an, because the Prophet Mughammad SAW was the personal embodiment of the Qur'an According to His Pbuh's wife Lady Aisha RA. He Pbuh was the Best Example of a human being in all stages of life - Alghamdu lillaah. To understand and practice The Qur'an and Sunnah require of the self to reflect/ taffakkur on everything and everyone as a Creation/Sign/Miracle of Allah SWT. This thus create a pure interaction with each creation and with each situation, with total awareness of Allah SWT's Presence. The life of us then becomes a full Ibaadah/ worship to Allah SWT, which leads to Deep Gratitude to Allah SWT and in return Allah SWT Promises to increase the Blessings of those who are Grateful to Allah SWT and with that comes the inner knowledge and interpretation of The Qur'an even if the person cannot read and write - in shaa Allah Aameen. Such a person thus has a creative character (Aglaaq) the purpose of Nabie Mughammad SAW's coming -  to show how to Perfect Character and thus keep in constant communication with Allah SWT, for success in this world, whatever the circumstances, and Success in the hereafter. in shaa Allah Aameen.

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