Alghamdu Lillaah for the Opportunities Granted by Allah, The Exalted
#My Majors:
Physics, Biology, Pedagogics, Classroom Management, Economics, Arabic Grammar & Islamic Studies [Tafseer. Ghadeeth, Arab & Islamic History , Life of The Prophet Pbuh), Cognitive Psychology.
#My Minors: Accounting, Geography, Sociology, History, Mathematics, Art, Theatre, Music, Chess and Table Tennis Adjudications
Pioneering Work & Publications on HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning and its international impact. I received a Honorary Doctorate from The Cape Town Campus of Beijing University of Chinese medicine [under the auspices and recommendation of Prof, Dr Mohamed and Prof.Dr Rhoda - practicing GP & Chinese Medical professionals], for HLL - Holistic Leisure Learning, because it deals with Whole-brain Learning which relaxes the whole being, through the integration of all disciplines into a Single Unity [Tauheed] thus accelerating healing. HLL raises Awareness of the power inherent Power in The Miracles of LIfe - aayaat of Allah SWT, thus HLL increases Reflection, Contemplation and Remembrance of Allah SWT - which leads to progress in all dimensions, beyond the horizons - of which Nabie Mughammad SAW is The Perfect Example to follow. In shaa Allah.
Alghamdu lillaah - My Work and experience allowed me to hold International consultancy positions in Child-centred learning for Lybia during General Gaddafi rule and The Arts in Islamic Symbolism, for the International Islamic University of Malaysia, as well A Request from The Cape Argus to pioneer and write the Weekly feature "Education Watch" for 55 weeks continuously - on the New Paradigm for learning - Now desperately needed after Covid 19's negative impacts of conventional education. In 2021 SAQA South African Qualification Authority, after full investigation of my 4 yr Course Holistic Methodologist:Matric And Beyond Subjects, I offer to my students, Merited the course as a Completed South African Qualification - Alghamdu Lillaah.
Some of the books I wrote presenting Socio-economic, Education and Environmental Solutions -
Published as Trailblazer for Community Holistic Youth Employment Initiative in Leaders Magazine - Oct 2004
Sweater Artist
Pioneer in Establishing The First Holistic University that molds on the heritage of Al-Azhar University, no exams, but creative manual writing and mastery that accelerates family insights and development directly through age integrational learning and job creation
My hand Painted Sweater Art that informs of truths of Cape Muslim Heritage
My iconic daily view - that inspires my miniature art that has been sold internationally - Alghamdu lillaah
Cover Photo for Zeitz Mocca Musuem Waterfront Youtube Advert, when I moderated the interview on Arabic Calligraphy from a Local perspective - with Achmat Soni and his son.
Designer of Cultural wear
Myself promoting my Manual I wrote for our Senior Holistic Learning simplifying and deeply explaining 25 Matric and beyond subjects integratively. This book 550+ pages serves as the students' Question and Answer Series, Note book, The Board summaries and the Self-Assessment Text - Alghamdu lillaah
Schooling is Fooling
By mfarnold Dec 2024
To accept colonial schooling,
Is to submit to their brainwash ruling,
Without realising it's manipulated fooling,
Via Peer-grades grouping,
Which ensures fractionalising
Of Natural Holistic Integrating,
Young and older communicating.
Colonial schooling is frustrating,
creating bullying -
Causing youth destabilizing,
The root of gangsterism and marginalising.
Insiduous Disunity
by mfarnold Dec 2024
Gradual Imperceptible, subtle harm
Through education and charm
Basically from your hand into your arm
If one falls for the mass alarms
Aimed to drive wedges through family-disarm
Fear is the trap that leads to mass hysteria
Posed as necessary criteria
to fit into an arena
That blinds people's retinas
from seeing the Truth behind agendas
These are not new,
It has always been through
every age we knew,
That is why Al-Qur'an is of such Great Value,
It calls for unity and strong belief
In the Unseen Feat
That allows soul, body and Spirit in unity to beat
the attempts at family-browbeat
caused by confusing counterfeit
Have Confident Insight
Into Realms Bright
With what is Really, Straight, Simple, Clear and Right.
by mfarnold Dec 2024
Being old
Is to unfold
The greatest part to behold.
No longer are you told,
But rather positioned to be bold,
To know that ideas of old
Have much, not yet sold.
Welcome the Wisdom of repose
That opens visions untold
For generations to hold
As gems that foretold
That your memory could still fold
Diamonds and Gold.
Into packets that mold
The exquisite you, as centrefold
To a multifold,
As a stronghold
For any household,
With Blessings manifold.
Friday, January 31, 2025
It is Time
It is Time
By mfarnold Feb 2025Capitalism is collapsing,
Dictatorship is re-surfacing,
Unable to ever re-establishing,
Due to open-source publishing.
The time has come not to be defined.,
By common political confines,
Aimed at losing The Connection
With The Divine.
who we really are,
Based on our labour
Behaviour, fervour, outpour
And valour....
Depending on Him SWT,
To be our liberator and saviour.
We only live once,
So count every ounce
And do not denounce,
The good efforts of the profound.
Stand your ground.
Consider your great background,
Your heritage compound,
To support and create
That which resound,
And will astound.
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