Saturday, December 14, 2024

Intro - IHU- Icra-HLL-University


Mogamat Faadiel Arnold Whatsapp call 0683976726 

Alghamdu Lillaah for the Opportunities Granted by Allah, The Exalted

Prof Mogamat Faadiel Arnold Icra-HLL-University(IHU)-Head
#My Majors:
Physics, Biology, Pedagogics, Classroom Management, Economics,  Arabic Grammar & Islamic Studies [Tafseer. Ghadeeth, Arab & Islamic History , Life of The Prophet Pbuh), Cognitive Psychology.
#My Minors: 
Accounting, Geography,  Sociology, History,  Mathematics, Art, Theatre, Music, Chess and Table Tennis Adjudications
#My Ph.D-HC
Pioneering Work & Publications on HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning and its international impact. I received a Honorary Doctorate from The Cape Town Campus of Beijing University of Chinese medicine [under the auspices and recommendation of Prof, Dr Mohamed and Prof.Dr Rhoda - practicing GP & Chinese Medical professionals], for 
HLL - Holistic Leisure Learning, because it deals with Whole-brain Learning which relaxes the whole being, through the integration of all disciplines into a Single Unity [Tauheed] thus accelerating healing. HLL raises Awareness of the power inherent Power in The Miracles of LIfe - aayaat of Allah SWT, thus HLL increases Reflection, Contemplation and Remembrance of Allah SWT - which leads to progress in all dimensions, beyond the horizons - of which Nabie Mughammad SAW is The Perfect Example to follow. In shaa Allah. 

Alghamdu lillaah - My Work and experience allowed me to hold International consultancy positions in Child-centred learning for Lybia during General Gaddafi rule and The Arts in Islamic Symbolism, for the International Islamic University of Malaysia, as well A Request from The Cape Argus to pioneer and write the Weekly feature "Education Watch" for 55 weeks continuously - on the New Paradigm for learning - Now desperately needed after Covid 19's negative impacts of conventional education. In 2021 SAQA South African Qualification Authority, after full investigation of my 4 yr Course Holistic Methodologist:Matric And Beyond Subjects, I offer to my students, Merited the course as a Completed South African Qualification - Alghamdu Lillaah. 

What Follows below is my attempt to motivate my students to be multi-skilled and to multi-task with holistic awareness -in shaa Allah Aameen

Some of the books I wrote presenting Socio-economic, Education and Environmental Solutions - 
N.B. One of the core advancements of IHU is that it is the only learning institute that has all the lessons pre-prepared in text form, with fully explained Questions and Detailed, Simplified Answers for students, teachers and home-schoolers from primary to senior and university levels - taking the burden of lesson preparation away from teachers - allowing them to spend time in advancing their own professionalism and passion in the own time - students can thus choose the lessons they want and teachers will be able to deliver Advanced Lessons by simply following the step-by-step presentation of the lesson in the text. Student, teacher and parent are thus on the same page - and children and parents can work in advance. The books for adults are fully explained workshops presentation-materials and the two poetry books I wrote, encapsulates all the outcomes of subjects internationally, while also intergrating it with other subjects and spiritual Guidance - N.B. During Lock-down and Load-Shedding our students were unaffected - Alghammdu lillaah

Professional Artist 
The above Collage was painted by me capturing the iconic buildings in Bo-Kaap and the Monstorous threat to its heritage that will be built soon in Bo-Kaap - The painting was commisioned and sold - Alaghmdu lillaah
Historian on The Real Cape Muslim Heritage, who were NOT descendants of slaves, but rather the emancipators of slaves and bringer of spirituality to the Cape of Storms - Alghamdu lillaah 
This is a summary of the Real History of the Cape Muslims - Who came on request as free citizens to help Van Riebeeck in 1658 - with free land, remuneration as protection of their Islamic Faith - hence the immigration of so many Muslim Scholars to Cape Town - testified by the rich heritage of Islamic Devotional scripts (Athkaar) from various sufi-orders and schools of Thought/Mathaahib

Published as Trailblazer for Community Holistic Youth Employment Initiative in Leaders Magazine  - Oct 2004

Wearing The Craftman Overall top - to break the separation that exist between academics and labourers

Sweater Artist

Pioneer in Establishing The First Holistic University that molds on the heritage of Al-Azhar University, no exams, but creative manual writing and mastery that  accelerates family insights and development directly through age integrational learning and job creation

Our Accelerated course trains students to become Holistic Methdologists In Matric and Beyond Subjects - over 4 senior years - starting from 13 to 17yrs old. Merited by SAQA - for its Quality Training, as a Completed South African Qualification (effectively replacing Matric)-without our community university applying for accreditation - because IHU is Accredited and Sustained By Allah, The Exalted Who Sends All Good to humanity.Qur'an 16:30  That is the Trust on which IHU Operates on - Alghamdu Lillaah. 

The Adult students also study to become Holistic Methodologists Online over 50hrs, in Primary or Secondary Holistic Subjects. Qualified Holistic Methdologist can then tutor any topic, to any age student to Advancement his/her student's knowledge - with the focus of Gratitude to Allah SWT, The Creator of All Forces (Q48:4) in the Universe and Earth. Qualified Holistic Methodlogists are employed in IHU or become private Holistic Tutors. Conventional teachers are also doing the Adult course, but over 50hrs online to improve their professional skills - Other Adults are doing our Holistic Methdologist Course in Specific Field of their interest or passion- eg. Holistic Health, Holistic Technical Computer Consulting etc, Social Entrepreneurship, Administration of Islamic Law of Marriage and Divorce in South Africa, etc. See ICRA New Curriculum Link below- they do not write exams - they study or write detailed Manuals that are self-explanatory - a 300pg Manual Published by our ICRA-FADDS(Film-Art-Design-Drama-Studio)Publications, earns the student a Tertiary Degree and a 700pg detailed Holistic Manual a Ph.D in the students Holistic Methdologist Skills of choice -- Our students thus become professional holistic consultants in their holistically trained fields - which includes the full integration with the Qur'an and Sunnah - Our Courses Create jobs -in shaa Allah Aameen.

Some of my full-time students - I have adult online students too - Alghamdu lillaah
My students doing one of their scientific final practicals 2024

Celebrating my father's heritage as founder member of the Stars-Coledonian Rugby Charity Football Board - front of one of my art pieces I painted

My hand Painted Sweater Art that informs of truths of Cape Muslim Heritage

My Vision for Present and Future Development - In shaa Allah Aameen
My iconic daily view - that inspires my miniature art that has been sold internationally - Alghamdu lillaah
Me as a Child
My Mom, Hadljie Koelsum and Dad, Hadjie Abduraghmaan  -
 May Allah Grant Them Jannah-tul-Firdous 
In shaa Allah Aameen

Cover Photo for Zeitz Mocca Musuem Waterfront Youtube Advert, when I moderated the interview on Arabic Calligraphy from a Local perspective - with Achmat Soni and his son. 


Designer of Cultural wear

My 55 articles in the Cape Argus in 2018 and 2019 - requested by the Editior to pioneer their weekly feature article of 1800 every Thurdsay - which I chose to stop, for fear of repeating myself and asking Argus to ask someone else - I was then assured and it did happen, if I want to write for Argus i must submit articles - 4 more were published Alghamdu lillaah on issues I found needed to comment on -Alghamdu lillaah.

Myself promoting my Manual I wrote for our Senior Holistic Learning simplifying and deeply explaining 25 Matric and beyond subjects integratively. This book 550+ pages serves as the students' Question and Answer Series, Note book, The Board summaries and the Self-Assessment Text - Alghamdu lillaah

Below are books not on the group above and some recently written 
Alghamdu lillaah

The Original Book, below, I wrote in 2001,which serves as the Manual for the Writing of the individual books I wrote afterwards positions. Alghamdu Lillaah

This book,  which critically unpacks the problems in western education and the holistic solutions,  captured the interest of the Western Cape Education Department Resources Director  Mrs Rose, who arranged that I delievered workshops on HLL for teachers at the Cape Town Teacher's Centre and later for Mr Lance Abrahams,WCED City Bowl Education Chief, at The Oude Molin Technical High School Auditorium for 80 Principals. Alghamdu lillaah. The Education Circuit Manager of The Southern Peninsul Primary and High Schools, also later asked me to do Worksdops for his circuit on HLL, which included the Education Centre at Pollsmore Prison and Falsebay College and other primary and secondary schools in the South Peninsula Area. Alghandu lillaah. To all it was a breath of fresh air - knowing that there is a solution to the World's Western Educational Crisis. The World Bank in their 2017 Educction Report admits their failure in providing quality educational change and calling for a new Educational Paradigm. Covid 19 furher proved the destruction and failings of the educational system world wide. HLL and its self-teaching resources and accelerated community program thus proves to be well placed to solve the Socio-Economic-Eductaion and Environmental problems in South Africa and world wide - (which will again be a First from South Africa) - in shaa Allah Aameen - It is my involvement with WCED and my 55 Cape Argus Articles, under Education Watch, that allowed SAQA the insight to merit ICRA's 4yr youth program: Holistic Methodologist: Matric and Beyond Subjects as a completed South African Quaification, in 2021, without the student doing the conventional Matric Certificate - Alghamdu lillaah. South Africa is Forward looking, without prejudice and it is in this Light and Grace of Allah The Almighty, that we as a diverse community, who are God-fearing, peaceful and loving, need to take our country forward - in shaa Allah Aameen

Please Open These links below to access the all the info related to the New Qur'an-Based Learning and Teaching Paradigm - Holistic Leisure Learning -HLL and the transformation of mindsets towards Holistic Change in society of all levels simultaneously - and please share - to make it known that We as Muslims, with Qur'anic Guiadance and Sunnah, have successfully replaced colonial education with advanced Holistic Learning that will benefit all communities internationally - 
in shaa Allah Aameen

1. The Courses Available and new format of Holistic Academic Formating

2. The many youtube lectures that discusses in detail the work and resources that wll be the change agents - in shaa Allah Aameen

3. The Podcasts of my articles that was published as the feature writer of Education Watch in The Cape Argus - Alghamdu Lillaah

4. The 15 Part series of a Drama I wrote " For All We Know" which includes various genre in one dramatisation of How HLL- Holistic Leisure Learning can positively impact the home, school, local and international arena in shaa Allah Aameen

5. The Needed Integrated Holistic Curricula that underpins all IHU courses

Below are dome recent poems I am now publishing on my blog - that to date has 133000 views to date Alghamdu lillaah - see My Blog Bo-Kaap Helper for updates - in shaa Allah Aameen - Shukran Jazeelan - Alghamdu lillaah


Schooling is Fooling
By mfarnold Dec 2024

To accept colonial schooling,
Is to submit to their brainwash ruling,
Without realising it's manipulated fooling,
Via Peer-grades grouping,
Which ensures fractionalising
Of Natural Holistic Integrating,
Young and older communicating.

Colonial schooling is frustrating,
creating bullying -
Causing youth destabilizing,
The root of gangsterism and marginalising.

Examinations create regressing,
Due to stressing,
Leaving society into depressing,
Competitive assessing and monitoring,
Ultimately stunting progressing,
But into negative competing
Leading to individualising -

The root for Capitalising,
Deep into aggressive means of exploiting,
Victimizing and criminalising,
And the Main Aim - Political isolating,
Fueling various forms of warring,
The direct opposite to the value of caring,
Impossible then, for Islamising. 


Real Awareness 
by mfarnold Dec 2024

The High Road is the Upliftment of the Poor
Often mentioned for votes, but later ignored,
Because of political lore,
Claiming it to be "awareness",
But Really armchair regress,
for hours are spent on futile conjecture
To create a self-glory spector
While close family and neighbours
Suffer in poverty capture.

Free the material, emotional, 'educational' slave,
If you claim to behave,
from the clutches of various enclaves
That the elite, through media 
and academia, 
deliberately propaganda
for mass protests
to garner "overthrowals" -
later, only to again be bamboozled. 

Food Security, Safety, Defence and Dignity
are more in close community,
Than distant political policy.
This is seen when in disaster,
When neighbours rescue each other,
while states smother 
in red-tape bother, 
unable to act with splendour.

Regular Charity to the near and needy
Is faster than political polity.
it creates intelligence, dignity, safety and continuity 
In community and society,
Instead of verbal discussion on politics,
which primarily is the platform of lazy critics,
sitting back with analytics, 
that are basically mind-trap antiques.

Break loose from these fools
that try to waste your time with political rules
making of you a mule,
to carry them up into lime-light positions 
in political institutions
That fool people from paid offices of illusions.

The people are waiting for their real inclusions
in your accelerated, practical solutions. 


Insiduous Disunity 

by mfarnold Dec 2024

Gradual Imperceptible, subtle harm

Through education and charm

Basically from your hand into your arm

If one falls for the mass alarms

Aimed to drive wedges through family-disarm

Fear is the trap that leads to mass hysteria

Posed as necessary criteria

to fit into an arena

That blinds people's retinas

from seeing the Truth behind agendas

These are not new,

It has always been through

every age we knew,

That is why Al-Qur'an is of such Great Value,

It calls for unity and strong belief

In the Unseen Feat

That allows soul, body and Spirit in unity to beat

the attempts at family-browbeat

caused by confusing counterfeit

Have Confident Insight

Into Realms Bright

With what is Really, Straight, Simple, Clear and Right. 


Exploiting Youth
by mfarnold Dec 2024

Teens - Marry, If you can afford it.
Wise words narrated from The Prophet (pbuh).
No, we listen to what brings profit
for adults who are educationally misfit
and take youth for their benefit.

Schools and Western university
retard maturity,
Create animosity
Drive insecurity,
Conflict and disunity,
to foster obedience to authority
That prepare a dependent voter for political polity.
This is sheer exploitive adult-superiority
Resulting in some youth defiance of parents and society,
Who they feel are their enemy. 
Others suffer emotional and physical disability.

Prescriptive education
with no secure remuneration
Creates frustration
That leads to retaliation
from years of youth manipulation
through compulsory education
and forced examination.
exacerbated - After Grade 12 - War Conscription
To Kill the innocent to get rid of "education" frustration.
Then blame youth for social disorientation !
What a clear exposition
of adult exploitation !

At icra-hll-university
We are aware of the above discrepancy,
So, Introduced free choice literacy
with guided holistic proficiency
Aided by youth employment strategy
Developing confidence, with decency
Emotional intelligence and dignity
To encourage advancement of community
because we emphasise courtesy, creativity,
sincerity, honestly, consistency, reciprocity,
flexibility, humility, responsibility, reliability,
care, empathy, Spirituality
and graceful, collaborative connectivity -
The Needs for socio-economic, education 
and environmental progress and sustainability.

by mfarnold Dec 2024

Euro-centric Control of education
Has left many believe they have jurisdiction
over our learning and education,
Simply because they use oppression
in job application,
of Colonial Bank Loan benefaction
to ensure European business possession.

In days of old 
Cape Muslims were told,
for school, beyond grade 4 position hold
Turn Christian !
Our forefathers then created a bastion
By refusing school manipulation,
Removed their children from that education,
Taught them crafty occupation
and put their trust In Allah SWT for Remuneration.

Alghamdu lillaah: The Best Craftsmen and women
Are still the Muslim self-taught journeymen 
Even Though then, no reading acumen,
But proficient crafts-position.

All Good Comes from Allah SWT
Therefore Recognition is Only from Him, The Exalted,
Who Gives whatever mankind wants created. 

State controlled education has internationally faultered
Leaving many unemployed, indebted, frustrated and abandoned,
Who put their trust in government accreditation,
Instead of God Almighty's Recognition.
This is where ICRA-HLL-University rests its Application,
In Allah SWT's Satisfaction -
The Result - Sheer Joy, Advancement and Promotion
of Natural skills, talents with holism
Changing education into Learning Leisurely
Developing students who are happily
Moving beyond conventional standards, Gracefully
Simply, because HLL (Holistic Leisure Learning) is Connected Spiritually. 

Out-reach - IHU Local and International Vision - In shaa Allah Aameen

by mfarnold Dec 2024

Being old
Is to unfold
The greatest part to behold.
No longer are you told,
But rather positioned to be bold,
To know that ideas of old
Have much, not yet sold.

Welcome the Wisdom of repose
That opens visions untold
For generations to hold
As gems that foretold
That your memory could still fold
Diamonds and Gold.
Into packets that mold
The exquisite you, as centrefold
To a multifold,
As a stronghold
For any household,
With Blessings manifold. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

It is Time


It is Time

By mfarnold Feb 2025

Capitalism is collapsing,
Dictatorship is re-surfacing,
Unable to ever re-establishing,
Due to open-source publishing.

The time has come not to be defined.,
By common political confines,
Aimed at losing The Connection
With The Divine.

who we really are,
Based on our labour
Behaviour, fervour, outpour
And valour....
Depending on Him SWT,
To be our liberator and saviour.

We only live once,
So count every ounce
And do not denounce,
The good efforts of the profound.
Stand your ground.
Consider your great background,
Your heritage compound,
To support and create
That which resound,
And will astound. 
In shaa Allah Aameen

________________________________Shuk'ran Jazeelan_____________________________

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