Sunday, December 8, 2024

Common Mistakes of Academics

 786 Common Mistakes of Academics

The research according to western criteria often creates a colonial narrative from research, without the academic realising that he/she has been used to promote a mindset that perpetuates the colonial narrative, especially within the social sciences. Funding and external assessors of research often guides the process within the confines of western ideolology, keeping people away from faith in Allah SWT and making truths relative within western perceptions, that everything seems plausable within the context of materialsim. The lack of global reading skills of the masses (engineered by colonists, through prescriptive British educational infrastructures) - and the weakness within Enlgish translations of foreign cultures, further cements the misconceptions within research. When people from the same race or culture is taught through western standards, it becomes more difficult for people to recognise the untruths in western research contexts and systems, causing many to accept the western lifestyle and research findings as "truthful". As long as there is no reference to Revealed Texts and Prophetic guidelines, the research is flawed, because research should include all sources related to a specific topic, so if the Qur'an reference is not cited with the body of research of a western educated individual then the process is prejudicial and stereotypical and thus suspect as real truthful in its outcome.The Qur'an is the one historical book that has never changed and therefore its THE Resource that must be cited amongst all other resources of a researcher. This is true research. The removal of Divine Guidance is in itself arrogance and will lead to dangerous misconceptions that are perpetuated through time. That modern and post-modern times will move further away from the truth, as material comforts set in, can thus be evidenced from the many philosophies and "truths" that surface on internet. Stick to the basics of truth and let it guide your research, and you will discover awesome truths that will blow your minds and shake your hearts towards deeper realities that can never be attained through western standards of research... in shaa Allah AAmeen

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