Monday, July 8, 2019

Meanings - Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections

Meaning Patterns of the “Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections” by Mogamat Faadiel Arnold
1.       ICS Maxim for Every Moment
People live by the present moments that can change their lives forever/ To value every moment is to live an exciting life. This allows one to see the value of others and the signs of great actions are in Nature – Elephants are known to have strength and can be taught to do many things because of their incredible memory. They also show to mankind in their humble demeanour and careful, calculated action the strength that comes from it. The Lion, although the top of the food chain, does not just use his power indiscriminately. He keeps his power under control and only uses it when he needs to – he is generally quiet and observant of everything that goes on around him and only steps in when it becomes necessary. The cheetah is not fat. He is slim and this slimness allows him to hunt effectively. He is then not only fast but also agile – being able to move swiftly between obstacles. From him we learn the value of eating healthily and being fit and flexible at all times and then to use it sparingly. The tiger in its ability to camouflage gives us the guidance not to expose ourselves and what we do so readily so that others can take advantage of us or that it will lead us to ego-self-worship, which is hampers personal progress. The bear is huge and furry and looks cuddly, yet it is very strong and powerful. This teaches us to be approachable for family and friends, but also strong to keep enemies away. The camel is humble, resilient [can withstand very harsh conditions and its body can also be used by people for survival in these dangerous areas. Its blood contains micro-organisms that can naturally split into nano-particles to fight any disease in the human body. This poem helps people understand that nature contains signs to reflect on to reach the high human potentials and in this way become grateful to God Almighty for all the wonderful opportunities. This thus makes a person a true believer and lover of God which ensures his/her success in this world and the next – Ref Q100 -God Willing.
2.       Energy
The potential energy is the stored energy inside every piece of matter
When it starts moving the potential energy transforms into kinetic energy and this movement proves that there was inherent/ potential energy inside the matter/thing that moves. Heat is a form of energy and it is used in war. Energy can be transferred from one form to another. Eg. Potential energy to chemical energy to heat energy to radiant/light energy to heat energy = when you switch on a torch. Energy is force and there is nothing that is better than it. Energy transformation changes things eg. melting gold into ornamentsthat are worn for beautification. Without energy everything dies. The Provider of energy is Allah SWT and when He removes the energy out of the body man or animal dies. One can then perhaps say that Spirit is Pure Energy. Ref Q13:17
3.       Sustainability
If you use coal, petrol, gas etc. without thinking of its effect on the living environment around then you can destroy life forms that can become extinct and which cannot be replaced or regrown by economic means[buying and selling]. Nature is a gift which is priceless. You cannot find a forest in a shop or mall. So people must conserve [carefully use resources] and preserve [ look after its existence] and find way which are cheaper and less destructive on nature as the fossil fuels[petrol, coal and gas] is at the moment. Using magnets, water(hydroelectric), steam, nuclear (very dangerous but clean energy source), sea waves, solar (sun), geothermal (heat from the earth, volcanoes), wind, electro-magnetic field in the air, floating windmills 305m off the ground, microwave energy from solar panels in space] and help reduce the carbon footprint [pollution] in countries. Ref Q31:20
4.       Global Warming
The greediness for money and power makes some people destroy the air by machines that use coal and smoke the air causing pollution that poisons the air. This creates a hot-house effect which traps the heat of the sun on the earth – the heat cannot escape. This causes the ice to melt and the seas levels to rise. People who stay on the coast lines are then flooded out and the animals are also washes away and other die of increase heat because they cannot remove their fur – like we are able to take our clothes off to cool down. We have to look after the environment – Q2:60, Q6:99
5.       The Cycles
The carbon cycle – people inhaling Oxygen and exhaling Carbon dioxide and Plants inhaling Carbon dioxide and exhaling Oxygen to produce starch in the leaves, roots and stems allows people and plants to eats and live. Nitrogen that is free in the air[ the most abundant 78% of the atmosphere] and soil which comes from the urine of animals, cannot be used by the living things as is. It has to be combines with Oxygen to for Nitrates and Nitrites that is needed for the soil to be fertile. To do this lightning that strikes turns the Nitrogen into Nitrates and the bacteria in the soil does that with the nitrogen that is in the soil from the animal urine. All cycles happen simultaneously and Allah SWT is the Giver of life and we must be grateful to Him
Q16:17-19 Q2:152
6.       Staying Healthy
One needs Vitamins [Fruits], Carbohydrates [breads] Minerals [vegetable] , Fibre [oats] and water to survive. Your food must have contain these elements to be healthy
Water is the most essential food because it is the medium/liquid for all chemical reactions to take place and the food to be transported to the cells and the waste matter away from the cells to the toilet. Blood is primarily and cells have water in it to ensure its life. When something dissolves in water is soluble and when it cannot dissolve in water it is “insoluble” Q2:168
7.       S A History
The Khoi people are the original people of the Cape. They were small people. They lived off
the land and sea. They lived in small families and moved around to hunt and gather food.
Their weapons to hunt for food were a bow and arrow. They were a peaceful people. The
Dutch arrived in 1652. They were tall. They were looking for places which they can take
to settle. They had guns and they killed the Khoi  and stole their land and  animals  and
made them slaves to work for them. The original Khoi [who present farm workers] are
still today used as servants and workers for those who settled here [foreigners].
The English who were also looking for land to steal to own their own farms then came
 with ships to Cape Town and conquered the Dutch and pushed them out of the Cape to
the inland Transvaal areas. After Britain found it difficult to control South Africa and
they already secured their education and business systems, they gave the Boers/ Afrikaaners
the freedom to rule themselves [1910]. When the Afrikaaners ruled, they used guns,
canons and armies against the African people Transvaal who used spears and knives
and stole the land from the Africans. The Africans were killed and imprisoned and kept
away from the fertile lands. Apartheid was established [1948] which split all people
into Indians, Whites, Coloureds and Africans to divide the masses in order to control
them. They gave the Blacks and the Coloured very dangerous areas to live in so that they
can become sick, weak and powerless. They controlled they jobs and kept Blacks
and Coloured unemployed. The Indians were a business class and they were given
certain advantages because of their business and riches. Education was used to
brainwash people into accepting their fate. In 1994 Democracy was established after
South Africa was becoming weak due to Apartheid and many Protests became
violent. Nelson Mandela the leader of the ANC [African National Congress] who lead
the protests and armed struggle in South African against Apartheid, and who was
 sentenced to life in prison on Robben Island for Treason in 1964, was released in 1990
[after serving 27 years] after He and De Klerk leader of the Ruling National Party
signed an agreement of peace for a democratic government.
Mandela was chosen as the First South African Black president [1994]. South Africa was the
Country in history where the oppressed came to power without a civil war, but
through forgiving nature of their oppressed masses leader Nelson Mandela. In real terms the
Muslim countries leaders supported the ANC with Sadaqa and intended to free everyone
So that the Muslims in the country could also be free from Apartheid. Q8:39
8.       Children’s Rights
The emphasis is on listening to children and not telling/or controlling them. But rather listening to their views and needs and to help them achieve their goals and wishes with our adult connections, skills, knowledge and resources. They must feel safe and loved and not abused. It was the children who refused to go to school when the Apartheid government wanted to force Africans to do Afrikaans. The 1976 Students’ Riots and the international world’s boycotts created lots of problems for the Apartheid government. The n started to negotiate with Mandela for his freedom from Robben Island. This eventually caused the dismantling of Apartheid and the free association between people of colour. Thus the poem calls upon adults to respect children’s rights to freedom of expression and genuine care and love for them. There is no reason for adults to be unfair to children because they should know what is right. Apartheid was a very serious and destructive law and it caused lots of deaths of the oppressed people. If the children did nit strike Apartheid would perhaps still be   implemented. Thus we have to respect the children and their contribution to our freedom in South Africa. Q66:6
9.       The Power of Language
IQRA is The first word of The Qur’an that was revealed to Nabie Mughammad Pbuh, means to read [seeing words], peruse [quick glance over], study[try and remember] teach[give knowledge over to another who has forgotten or did not know]. He said to the Angel JIbreel AS, he could not read and so he could not write [ He was umee-yuum – as clean and unaffected by any influence, as pure as a baby]. The Arabs at that time were masters of oratory skills of poetry and prose and the best poets received the highest positions and the best payments. But when the Qur’an was revealed, its sentence structure and rhyme was better and more sophisticated than any human style of writing or oratory [verbal language expression]. This was thus a miracle. That was the way Allah SWT would prove to the people that the Messengers were given Godly/Divine Inspiration [In Prophet Musa’s (AS) time the honoured people were magicians – Nabie Musa’s stick turned into a snake and ate all fake magic, his hand shone when he took it out from under his arm, he hit a rock and twelve water springs poured from it, he parted the sea and its parts were raised in the air while a pathway was there for his people to cross: In Nabie Esa’s time the medical doctors were well earned and respected – Prophet Esa AS raised the dead and put life into a clay bird by the Will and Power of Allah SWT –this was to ensure that any doubts are erased from anyone that the Prophet is from God. Anyone who rejects after that is then deliberate disbelievers. Arabic has the power that when you interchange a verbs letters it becomes other verbs that explains the first verb’s meaning better and gives one an integrated. Holistic meaning of a phenomenon/something. The Arabic thus improves a person’s home language and impresses people from various nations and tribes, It is thus important to learn because one earns the respect for things, the self, others and of God’s Almighty Power to create and teach a person the inner dimensions of life through signs in nature, humans and things. When one’s ability to understand things and experiences deeply and integratively then one has arrived at this deep knowledge through reflection – deep contemplative thinking that takes many different things into account without putting one’s own meaning to it. It means emptying the mind and letting the thing or experience “speak” to you through divine vibrations. This kind of Holistic Leisure Learning is a Granted Gift from Allah SWT Who then Gives the person wisdom. It is the wisdom that will be the peron’s protection from the evil of the world and make him or her confident and fearless of any worldly thing or person or system. If many people do this through the reflection on the Arabic of the Qur’an then they will become strong and be able to read and understand many things. This is true nation building. Peace will become a honoured phenomenon because of the deep knowledge and wisdom of its people. Progress is then inevitable.  Q12:2
     10. Afrikaans
The first book that was written in Afrikaans was written by an Imaam – Die Betroubare Woord – in Arabic Script, because the Muslims of Bo-Kaap could not read Latin script in Dutch or English. Boeta Achmat David AS was the first person to do this research and present it to the world and he received a PhD for his ground-breaking work. The Boere/Afrikaners thus developed their language from the Kaaps language of the Cape Muslims. Although they tried to hide this historical fact by calling the Kaaps the Muslims spoke as “Kombuis/Street Taal/language, it still surfaced later. They are indebted to the Muslims for creating Kaaps from which Afrikaans was derived. Kaaps is a mixed language of Arabic, Dutch, English. Malaysian, Indonesian, Java, Xhosa and other languages that were spoken by the labour class of the Old Cape. Kaaps had a specific religious mood to it and the Imaams used to lecture in this language and bring a lot of Arabic sounds and structures in the home language of the people. Sheikh Abubakr Effendi’s book Bayanudeen was the first book in Kaaps published internationally – The Turkish Ottoman empire published it. Because English and the internet is dominating and the Boere/Afrikaaners no longer rule, the Afrikaans of the boere is dying and they now want to learn Kaaps so that they can revive the life of the dying Afrikaans language. Kaaps is also fading because the new generation due to social media and education are speaking English. Afrikaans produced little research resources that can help the language’s survival,   Q30:22
     11.   Business Sense
Business people are risk takers, but not reckless. They look at various options before they decide to start a business. The do not wait for others to tell them what to do, they take advice and do their research, but they are eager to start the process. Product and service development in business requires proper research, price setting which considers the expenditure, labour, competitive pricing options. The staff needs and the skills for marketing/advertising the product or service is important. Apart from the quality of the product, it is essential to package the product in a way that is attractive, cost effective, safe and environmentally friendly. To ensure a good business you must have a secure accounting system that tracks all transactions – receipts payments, creditors and debtors and liabilities and asset checks to endure that you make a profit. A good business has a good regular and increasing cash flow. Too much debt / liabilities is not healthy for a business, For Muslims they must stay clear of overdrafts and loans that are attached to interest paying and they cannot charge interest to their debtors. Business is necessary because it creates jobs for many to feed their families. Unemployment is the greatest hardship for a community, so businesses are necessary. The Prophet Mughammad SAW, as the last Prophet to humanity, was a businessman. His honesty in business create lots of profit for his wife, whom he worked for. The Qur’an encourages us to trade with each other. Q2:276
12.   Number Sense
Everyone uses numbers. The Arabs simplified the numbers 1-9 and introduced the zero. They also created variables and established Algebra – which means “The balance, find The harmony”. Al-kharizwi also created the logarithmic tables for trigonometry, hence “garisthm –from kharizwi. The Qur’an encourages reflection, considerations, research and careful assessment, which today is called critical thinking”. To be able to multiple, divide, add and subtract allows us to use resources effectively and accurately so that there is no wastage. Variable and Algebra is more used to estimate when physical measuring is not possible such as in space and for the future predictions. Q25:2, Q54:49
13.   The Plan
It is important to plan well otherwise you will spend on unnecessary materials or waste time. Planning has certain steps to follow – aim what you want to do and which apparatus/tools and materials you need for what you designed. You must cost each factor in as well as the labour and time it will take. Only then can you start. The advantage of good planning is that it will accelerate the project and give you extra time to assess and remedy any mistakes that crept in. If you approach a job like that then it becomes so easy that it become creativity and play – something which will encourage you to do more. Q59:18
The discovery of new materials and forces in the earth and sky allows scientists and engineers the abilities [ with the skills and Knowledge Allah SWT gives humans] to create new devices and materials that make the work and creation of things possible which eases the life of people. Whatever is used of the different materials and combination of materials must be used sparingly and must not be wasted. The waste and pollution in a city can make workers and people sick, which will have a negative impact of the businesses and lower profits will be made causing business losses and then unemployment. So it is important to use technology in a safe and responsible way so that people can survive and thrive in the cities and countries.
Q3:14, Q53:39 Q57:25
15.   The Orbit
An atom must have 8 electrons in its last orbit to be stable. If not it will combine with other elements to make a compound molecule. If the atom only has one orbit it needs two electrons to be stable/ ssatisfied. Now Hydrogen has one electron – so it combines with many elements to form stable atoms and it even combines with itself to form hydrogen gas molecule so hydrogen is very active, An element that has two or 8 electrons in its last orbit is stable and does not combine with any other element. It is then a noble element or noble gas, Like Helium. Material science creates new materials by combining different elements, often using natural products that have inherent qualities such as water resistance, rebuilding qualities, resistance, strength, durability  etc., to create new materials for clothes and building materials. Compounds are molecules that are made up of different elements. The orbiting of the electrons around the nucleus and the orbiting of the planets around the sun and the galaxies orbiting around other stronger forces are all praising Allah SWT like the people who orbit around the Kaba – Sabagha means orbit and it means to Praise Allah SWT. All heavenly bodies and atomic particles praise Allah SWT. Thus our bodies including our brain is by its very existence praising all – it then needs only our free mind-thoughts to praise Allah SWT. That is the challenge – but praising Allah SWT as we see from nature and the universe gives strength and power to those creations that praise Allah SWT. The things in Nature and the universe are thus reminders of the power of Allah SWT and the power and strength that is given to those that praise God in its salience and obedience to God Almighty. Our nervous system is the major miracle in life. Without its energy we become weak and will die. The reason why the Creator Loves us that is why he gave us life and all of nature to serve us.
16.   The Arts
The arts are actually compositions that are written in the creative use of materials, not words. It presents a certain mood of the artist and creates in the viewer a certain mood that is unique and variant/different for each person. The idea of the artist is to send a message to the world how he/she sees it and wishes to see it through making others aware of the artistic message he/she is giving. Art is used in decorative ways, political ways and to promote ideas or products and it has a different value for each person, group or nation. The arts are flexible, yet it often has similar messages of hope, struggles, progress, imagination and expressions of love, hate, distaste or happiness.   
       17. Love
Love between people is placed there by The Creatpr. He places Mercy and Love between a man and a woman. The devil thus try to pull them apart using various means. But truthfulness between a couple strengthens their love for each other. If any one of the two lies, it does shale a good relationship, but when they can be honest, open and genuinely ask for forgiveness then it can heal the hurts they suffered. Sadaqa – charity through gifts does increase the love between a couple. It is important to tell the person you love that you love the person and not to expect the person to know through what you do for the person. Words are important, because it breaks down the ego to be controlling. The profit Mughammad SAW encourages us to tell a person of his her love for another – it is a sadaqa – a kind and very important word. It allows the brain to secrete hormones that make the person feel good and motivated to live and to find a purpose in life. Hope is a very strong motivating energy that allows a relationship to last. The Love that Allah SWT Grants a couple is to offer them tranquillity. The love allows one to experience the Spirit[Ruugh] within. In this way we experience the Presence of Allah SWT, Who is The Possessor and Granter of Love, Mercy and Tranquillity/Peace. That connection between two loves ones is a wholesome spiritual experience that allows both to find Oneness With God through gratefulness to Him for the opportunity to love and that through love for each other bring a personal joy and divine joy that is inexplicable[connect be explained in words – only within the spirit and soul of both loving couples.
Reading is the first instruction for mankind towards progress. But reading is not only physical reading of words, but also focusing on things and “reading” its value through reflection. This allows the self to dig deep into the Spirit /Ruugh which is the divine Pure Energy that Allah SWT has blown into each one of us. Reading allows one to delve and search deeply into things in and around the self. Through reading you get to know different words and styles of writing and this allows you to refer to it for your own understanding of things that others write about. It allows you to learn grammatical rules and style and teaches you the skills to analyse various messages and rework it to find out more. The best way to improve your understanding and expression of things is to write your own sentences, paragraphs, stories and books. This expresses your level of understanding the worlds around you and yourself. This broadens you consciousness/deep awareness of the deeper realms of things further than its physical attributes that you can witness through your sense. But this needs effort and work and it will call you away from all forms of sport and other worldly, lower level, mass distractions from the deeper levels of consciousness and realms of existence beyond the physical observable realms. Often one does not realise that deep reading/ reflection actually opens up doors to new dimensions of creativity and powers that lie deep in the universes and that can be accessed through high consciousness involvement of which focus and stillness with deep reflection will unveil that actually sets us free from attachment to the worldly things and people and allow us to reach the connection with God Almighty through the signs in nature, the self and in the universe that reflects pure divine power through praising Gog for its existence and the experience within the powers He he left within His creations to serve us. Reading and reflecting draws us to deeper non-tangible realms that are powerful and ready to serve each individual from the space/ skies/ universes around ourselves. That is why Allah SWT states that our sustenance lies in the skies and our love and gratefulness to Him will allows us to experience some of the spaceless and timeless realms of Divine Power and Knowledge He Grants those who read and reflect on the His Signs He left for us to return to Him with Success. So when we are encouraged to read and reflect then we must not hesitate to learn even if it means travelling away from our comfort zones. Only that endeavour of searchinh through reading especially The Qur’an will we be able to distinguish between roght and wrong, truth and falsehood. If not then others will fool us so that we can lose our inner powers and out unseen help. To read, reflect and write is to open oneself up to other talents, skills, knowledge and awarenesses and allow ourselves to be less ego-centric/ selfish and respect and value others and all creations. This is the work that will create peace and harmony amongst people, because you have deeper feelings about the needs, aspirations and achievements of others. This is needed so that you can be creative and add to the value of life and share you new skills, intelligence and wisdom with others to help them on their road to also achieve successes as you have, through appreciating the works of others who came before you, especially the prophets Pbut, who were Guided by Allah SWT to achieve the greatest levels of their awareness and depth understanding themselves and the needs of others they could help of their communities and especially the contributions of Nabie Mughammad SAW, who came and a mercy and the perfect human example of achieving absolute knowledge through pure love and serving for Gos Almighty. He not only came to know the past, present and many future events, but he also came to know the 7 heavens and much more as well as being in The Direct Presence of Allah SWT – and he could not physically read and write, but was taught directly by God and through The Arch Angle Gibreel AS. He kept himself pure, reflecting and helping people out of difficulties. To do this, you must know the various means of gratefully reading and being creative with the Trust and Help of God. In this way you will experience that reading is actually feeds the soul/nafs and body/jism through a dimension of Spirit/Ruugh of God within the self. This is real inner and outer motivation towards true success in this world and the next – in shaa Allah Aameen.
Q 96:1-5 Q33:21
To question yourself, is to move to the higher stage of the soul – the Questioning-Self. Here you do not just act out of what you just want – which is your lower/basal/ego-self – you question yourself whether what you are doing or wanting is actually necessary for your positive development. If you do that the work that you choose to do paid or unpaid will lead you to the Higher Self- the self at peace, tranquillity and divine power and protection.  Work is the reality of life and death – Allah SWT Created Death and Life to test who of us are the best in working for Him to establish Universally accepted good [Ma’ruuf] and preventing evil [Munkar]. That is because we promised Allah SWT in our pure soul form just after we were created, to be His viceroy/ diplomat [Ghaleefah tul Allah] to establish the divine good for each other in this world which we took as a trust from Allah SWT when it was offered to all creations – the mountains refused but we were arrogant enough to take the oath to look after the worlds. Thus we must be critical upon our own actions. Work is the challenge of life – and laziness is the trap of life. When we decide not to work we are unjust to ourselves. When we work whether we get money for it or not then we are doing the right thing for our ever-survival in the this world and the life hereafter – which is the better real life. This life is an illusion – the life after death is the real dimension. We will benefit for all the work we did in this life and the next. Satan always discourages us to play or put off work we could do so that we become the losers in life and the next. We must make a personal Jihaad [ Holy war] against ourselves so that we can prosper through the benefits Allah SWT Promises us – in shaa Allah – And Allah SWT’s Promise is real and the promises of satan is a lie. The wise person will always invite us to work first and discourage us to play first. These are the real investors of this life and the next. Quick satisfaction is robs the self of lasting joy. Quick “fixes” bring quick disappointments and lasting regret. Patients and work is hard at the beginning – practically for the furst 15minutes only – and then it changes into life time and life beyond joys, which are unimaginable.
Q67:2 Q9:71
The is the science of recording business transactions [buying, selling, borrowing, lending, investments] according to GAAP [ generally accepted accounting principles recognised world-wide to ease international trade and to ensure that there are worldly accepted legal systems in place so that the buyers and sellers rights are protected and that the transaction is ensured. Bookkeeping is the general method of recording transactions so that it is in specific books or journals that track each item that is bought and sold – thus having specific source documents [receipts, cheques, invoices for credit transactions, debit and credit notes for return of defective goods, petty cash vouchers for small payments, bank statements etc.]  Accounting is the drawing up of the financial statements that show the profits and losses, expenses and income and the Balance Sheet that shows the assets[what is owned] and the liabilities[ what is owed to other businesses]. The reason for these statements is to have a quick overall picture of the financial condition of the business and to be able to calculate what taxes must be paid be the business to the government that sees to the water, electricity, roads, rails and air travel, law and order services that ensure a smooth running of the businesses. The financial records/ sheets also tells the owners/ directors of the business if the business is healthy[ making a good profit] or whether it is struggling and need to cutback on certain expenses that makes it suffer loses, or whether it is necessary to make new investments to improve the business. Money must also be put aside for emergencies so that the business is secured in cases of theft, damage or natural disasters [ insurances, reserves, assurances]. If all the accounting features are well structures investors will want to buy shares into the business because it is reliable and shows that they can get big profits out of the money they invest into the business. Such a business will have sustainability [can exist and grow]. That is the wish of all – that businesses are solid. Good and thriving, because it creates jobs that sustain families and allows the country to grow and not slip into crime and general retardation/backwardness which will cause poverty and death of the nation. Everyone in the country benefits when business are successful and accounting
Q2:278,279, 280, Q2:282
         21. Misplaced Art
This analysis is in the book on page 23
Q40:64 Q32:7 Q54:49, Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Hadith No. 164 [Allah SWT is The Possessor of Beauty and He Loves beauty].
         22. Life Orientation
One must be very observant with regard to the flares [natural talents] and skills[learnt abilities] so that one can make the correct decisions what one can do to help the self and others. To make good decisions require good and solid knowledge. One must not be in an illusion that everything will go as planned. One will be tested with loss of efforts, finance, loved ones, assets etc. to ensure that one develops the strength to take on the rest of life that lies ahead. All tests and trials is to strengthen us to become very good at managing ourselves on the straight path of goodness towards the ultimate success, which is to attain the Nearness of God in this world and the next heavens that await the hard workers of goodness for the self and others. To have self-control is the best skill to develop - A skill that comes through bearing one’s trials with patience [Sabr]. To accommodate everyone lovingly [ family, friend and foe] is the essence of pluralism. Even though one is friendly, one must not be submissive to the abuse of those you are helping. You must help with humility but not with a sense of being a subordinate of another person. Therefor one must be kind but strong and assertive so that one is not abused by those you try to serve. These skills allows you to be very well suited for any career. When all people apply the above demeanour/ style of living then no one will abuse another, because everyone with respect the rights of another person and treat each other with dignity. Each of us has a responsibility to act with decency towards the self, others and the environment. Thus we must be active in work and also make sure that we keep our body and mind fit. The healthier you the better you can serve your career and jobs you tackle. A healthy nation is a rich nation. Media, Law and Sport is being used in South Africa to heal the wounds of Apartheid which the country is still struggling with. All these are attempts to prevent social, economic and natural disasters. Out attempt with Holistic Leisure Learning [HLL] is to transform conventional colonial education which causes all the problems and which the governments as yet do not realise. It is because they have been taught in that system and cannot see its flaws. With all this knowledge you can choose how you would to contribute to the well-being of the nation or world’s people. Each of us is powerful because we have Divine Spirit within us – which gives us life. To ensure that you stick to the values of faith in God will allow you to navigate through life successfully and even become a multi-faceted person – one that have become skills in many disciplines and who has the capacity to holistically understand and use it for the self and other people’s benefit. Life then becomes exciting and well-lived with happiness and contentment as the greatest Gifts from God. Our yearning towards good relations with the self, others and the environment is our Natural Goodness from within our original divine good self [Fitrah], in which we were created by God Almighty – which we have forgotten when we were born into this worldly, clay existence. But the Reminders of Godliness comes from within and outside of ourselves when we witness the excellence and beauty of the people, nature and the universes. Life is Divine, Unique and Wonderful and our aim in life is to discover it, even in the hardships we might face. We pray for God Almighty’s Help to live a life that Bask – here and in the hereafter. In shaa Allah – God Willing.
Q30:30 Q2:153: Hadeeth Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426
       23. Mathematics
Mathematics allows us to calculate relatively accurately to find a solution to a problem or calculate the amount or possibility of something occurring in our near proximity or very far off. Mathematics uses formulae, equations [equal and identical and equivalents [equal but not identical]. This allows for predictions. Algebra from an Arabic word Ga-ba-ra which means balance, harmony, reunion of separate parts, the Arabs started using variables [x, y, z etc which represents possible numbers that
can make an algebraic sentence true eg.  a + b = 10 ; in this case a and b can have different values that can add to 10 : if a=2 then b must be 8 to make 10 etc. a and b are thus variables [ it can take different values that will make the algebraic sentence true for 10. The formulae get more and more complicated but is is easy when you know what the different Mathematic signs stand for. When you have two value you can calculate the third value for the algebraic sentence/ equation : a + b = 10 or 5 x b = 10. That is when you use x = what is on the other side divided by what is on the other side. In example b = 10 /5 or 10 divide by 5 will give you the value of b=2. Mathematics also deals with finding a sequence of this by adding/ subtracting or dividing to get the next number. Eg.  2,4,6… the next number is 8 because you found that you added 2 every time to get to the next number in the sequence. Finding sequences allows you to draw graphs and predict whether the next value is goung to rise or drop. The example is the temperature of a person in hospital. It can be taken at certain intervals, like every 5 hours and the doctors can determine if the medication is working or if they must change it. So this can save a life and prevent disasters. It can also see from graphs if there is an increase in pollution, by tracking the % of carbon in the air or whether the crime rate has increased over a period of time to put certain strategies in place to remedy the situation, being health, environmental of safety and security. Maths is important. The formula’s for the parabola, hyperbola, circle, straight line allows for proper drawing of the graphs using co-ordinates x and y of the Cartesian plain. The computer works with co-ordinates that allows a program to make the needed marks on the screen to create numbers, letters, graphs or artwork. Mathematics actually creates shapes, using numbers, pairing them and then create a relationship which becomes and equation or graph that tells a story to those who can read the mathematical signs. Maths is actually telling a large story in a short symbolic way. By changing the ordered pairs movement is created and that allows letters, films and photographs on screens to come into existence. Enlargements and reductions on photocopy machines is changing the co-ordinates of the computer of the photocopier instructing it to place the dark dots on another spot to create the image. Probability is the science of prediction, based on certain possibilities. Have the formula probability is the amount of sure possibilities divided by all possibilities eg. if you have 10 black marbles in a bag the possibility of drawing a black marble is 100% or 1. But if you have 5 black marbles and 5 white marbles the probability of drawing a black or white marble is 50% or ½ chance, because to calculate both you divide 5/10 = ½ or 50%.. This can be shown in a picture form using a pie chart, bar graph or pictograph, map – Topography of fractions means that a picture is used to show a scale model of the percentage of things represented eg. The number of different nationalities in a city or the percentage of different types of energy that is used in a city, these ratios/fractions/proportions cam be shown in a graphical/ topographical/ picture way. Information that is listed can be in table form and that table of information which are sets of numbers is called data. Data is used to draw graphs from the mathematical relationships between the numbers/ axes [ x-axis and y-axis of a graph] , eg. temperature [y-axis the range – change with every hour/domain] of a person every hour [ x-axis the domain – is set]. The purpose of Mathematics is to organise the information around you so that you can use your brain and resources in a way that benefits you and others. In such a case everything is properly measured and well balanced allowing people to prevent wastage and benefit fully from the environment around them. Such a community live positively and progresses. Without the ability to calculate the exact features around yourself – whether by experience or calculations the community will stagnate/ stand still/ human froth/ become useless and die from starvation because the natural sources cannot be used effectively/ in proper measurement/mathematically to ensure survival and progress – sustainable use of resources needs mathematical excellence.
        24. Educational Crisis
Learning is the art of making something part of your life in a way that it benefits you in this life and the life after death. Having learnt something is a Gift from God Almighty, who gives us abilities and resources to learn. Education on the other hand is planned and monitored by governments to control what they want out of the people to ensure that the people obey them and that the people serve the interests of the rich investors. Not all governments have bad intentions, but those who push children to obey them in what they want to make people believe, these are bad governments or rulers. They believe that if they do not control the people they will lose their power and will not be able to stay rich and controlling. They often work with very rich people who pay them large amounts to ensure that they make laws that will allow them as business people to make maximum profits. That is why schools in these countries brainwash children and families that schools are there to ensure that the children will one day have a job and earn for themselves money to buy the goods the rich make them believe they need. That is why advertising is presented in a childlike manner to impress upon the children the need for the things so that they can put pressure on their parents to buy the items for them. This can happen because children are not taught in schools how to grow food and look after animals so that they can get free food. This is normally done by outside organisations that try to help children and communities that are suffering. The governments in the western and eastern worlds have both oppressed their people through education and stopped them from learning how to survive on their own – something the indigenous people [ khoi, pigmies, Bedouins [ Arabs that live in the desert], jungle people] do. They teach their children how to help themselves, while education teaches you how to depend on others for your survival through school and university certificates that actually make you need a job and kept in employment of the rich and fearful that they might sack you[ lose your job]. Many systems in the western and eastern worlds are there to support the rich and make sure that the larger majority serve them and if they do not, the state police is there to put them into prison or make sure that they do not get jobs. This happens to people who challenge the status quo [ the way things happen in society that ensure that the rich get richer, the poor stay poor and the middle class always try, through education, to dampen the free spirits of people to do things that will set them free]. Often religion is also used and supported by the rich to ensure that people obey the authorities who decide what they must learn, from who and when. So education is a means to control people’s minds and make them scared. In this way their frontal reasoning part of the brain cannot function properly because the back brain is secreting hormones to prepare for flight from the fears they have and the calming, reasoning hormones are restricted to save the brain energy. This is why most children do not want to go to school or refuse to learn, because they are fearful of all the rules that trap them. Their freedom has been cut off. They actually want to learn naturally from life itself, but the world is so structured to control the masses through educational certificates that they cannot find anything outside to ensure that they get food and clothing comfortably. That is the real reason behind gangsterism. It is the bad way young people “survive” who feel trapped in a society that controls the minds and makes children and people fearful. The gangster faces their fears and creates fear in the minds of those who take away their Freedom to learn and earn – effectively “stealing the life of the youth through prescriptive schools”. They are actually saying in with this bad way that they no longer care about their own life. Other people who become so trapped into western of oppressive cultures feel that that they do not want to believe in God because He is not helping them or saving them from the manipulations of the rich and powerful. In the time of The Prophet SAW the Koreish were the rich and they taught people to believe in idols and to give gifts to the idols every time. These gifts  gold, silver, food etc, things that were then taken at night by the rich and powerful who created this education to make them richer and more powerful over the masses whom they educated to obey them through idol worship. When The Prophet SAW told them not to believe in idols but to believe in Allah SWT, they first tried to educate the people that he was a mad man and they must not listen to him. When the people still started following The Prophet SAW they, the rich came together to try and kill him in Makka, because less people were putting their money and gold at the idols and the rich were beginning to lose their income. That is why Allah SWT Told him to go to Madina, because there the leaders of these people were interested in learning the truth. You then see that truthful learning and education is not necessarily the same thing. When people want to learn on their own with no control of certificates [modern idols] then they are told by those who have been brainwashed “how are you going to find a job with that?”. They forget that it is Allah SWT and not certificates that grant the needs to live, not man. The Mother of Prophet Esa Pbuh [Jesus] Lady Mariam Pbuh, as a teenager, sat in a cave in the mountain cave and just praised Allah SWT sincerely and Allah SWT Granted her food every day from the Gardens of Jannah[ food that was not yet in season where she stayed]. That is because she put her trust in Allah SWT as her Provider and not the people/ school or university certificate / idols / things/ rulers the people put their trust in. When one learns to know the truth then one draws closer to Allah SWT and He will help one in every way to get the person the best in life. Education today keeps children of the same age together to create group mentalities, fears and dependency on adults instead of freeing their minds to learn what they are really interested in. The modern schools of today was designed for the industrial factories, the schools were made difficult to pass. Most who failed then were forced into factories to do mass production items[ a lot of people make a part of something to produce a lot in a short time, not knowing how to make the whole item] so that the  goods that can be sold on the market for high prices, with wages that are low. That is why we have different subjects so that people’s minds can be broken up and be focused on just doing one small thing on a production line. Today computers do that mass production faster and more efficiently so there are no jobs for those who cannot pass the school and university studies. Holistic Leisure Learning tries to remedy this and offers children to be creative through knowing all subjects, integratively and to pay these children a wage so that they can comfortably learn, reduce their fears and love what they do and help others. To fractionalise/ break knowledge up into different subjects and test it separately cause a dislocation of minds and heart and togetherness of people which causes lots of illness and crime.
Q16:17-19, Q2:152 Q16:78
        25. Design.
To create a new design you first have to research the field in design to see what is available on the topic of you brief [ what you must do] then you have to break it down to the specific needs for your new design. The challenge is to ensure that your new design combines all the principles of design in a way that draws the attention of your client and the customers the client wants to attract for the product or service your client wishes to sell. The design sketches must solve a problem, while also creating a value for the product/ service which is advertised or promoted through the design that was done. It is not easy to make sure that all possibilities have been considered. The element of surprise and newness/ creativity is essential. The design must be beautiful and it must not disturb the goodness in the society. In opposites lie depths of meaning, values and guidance towards different forms of successes. Beauty, attractiveness and value are the main ingredients of good design and that is what the world, the universe and human-beings are – well designed by Allah
Q 27:88 Q40:64 Ecclesiastes  3:11
         26. History – Who knows?
The title indicates that the poet is questioning the truth of the existing history documentations. The conquerors normally writes the history according to their perceptions/propaganda and normally lies about the writes the conquered's  real history – so that the generations of the conquered can believe that they are lesser in stature and value than those who rule/conquered them. This is to ensure that the generations that follow has a low self-worth and hence will not be able to stand up against them as rulers. The rulers’ concocted / fakenews history is then placed in textbooks and educational planning to ensure that the conquered stay with the lie that the rulers are powerful and that they are in need of the rulers to survive. This breaks down the self-esteem of children and they try to imitate rulers in dress, culture and even religious practices. Those who do see the truth of these manipulations are soon marginalised and discouraged by their own people not to withstand the rulers’ systems and rather to submit to the status quo/ the rule of the land.  The main aim of this manipulation is to strip the indigenous people from their resources/ riches they had and to steal their land through laws the rulers create to protect themselves. The Rule of Allah SWT through the Prophets [AS] are then denied and the disbelieving rulers then create their own rules and systems that denies religion a place in their systems. The Rule of Allah SWT is fairness and respect for every people and the protection of their property and family. Disbelievers do everything in their power to deny people their human rights, steal their property through trickery laws to dispossess people from their land and they makle every effort to disrupt the family and neighbourhood unity, through education and political party politics, using media and education certificates that promote their ideas and make people dependent and indebted so that they cannot become financially free to stand up against the rulers. Each anti=God system then keeps religion out of the government and makes sure that there is a myriad/ many different philosophies/ ideas that make people believe that there is other forms of truth. This creates many arguments and causes people to split up int different groups/ sects which then fight each other and so that the divide and rule tactic can be successful and the rulers can then ensure that the people stay disunited and cannot attack them as one force. These fights  between different sects/groups with different philosophies weakens the people and allows the rulers to jail the strong leaders of each group and in this wat stay in control. Among themselves they make sure that they do not split up, even if one of them do wrong they will overlook it and support him/her to stay in the “family of rulers”. Thus the most effective way to separate people is to introduce different terms/ words that are used in society to split people’s thoughts and loyalty to each other making them argue on words and definitions. Universities and academic PhD’s are the bastions / protectors of the manipulation science , because universities and PhD’s thrive on redefining social interactions and creates ever new arguments and confusions amongst people, splitting them up further through “accredited academic authorities”. Some religious leaders also redefine and create now terms and interpretations for people and split the people into sects in religion. The Quran, The Sunnah of Nabie Mughammad SAW and Arabic has the ability to draw different meanings together again and recreate a unity of thought for people to get back to Allah SWT.   
Real freedom is to follow the example of the Prophet SAW and The Qur’an which presents a Sharia’ – “A water hole” that refreshes our memory of our original goodness in which Allah SWT has created us in the Jannah [Fitrah]. In this way we will be alive forever and not suffer the destruction of the many nations that did not follow Allah SWT’s Advice on how to see things clearly and truthfully. Love one another out of respect for Allah SWT, Who always Sees what we do and say. All these previous manipulatory systems is based on feeding our lower Nafs’, our lower ego that is very selfish and greedy. That is why sadaqah/ giving is central in the Qur’an, because that decreases ego and increases community goodness. If we do not take this advice we will destroy ourselves in this world and the next.
Q4:29. Surah Baqarah, 2:215, Leviticus 25:14 Proverbs 14:31.
      27. Tourism 
To travel needs a lot of guts. This is because one leaves one's home and secure country comforts  and opens oneself up to experience new cultures, people, and rules. Travelling can be dangerous , because one will meet different people whom one does not know and because they know you are new there is a great possibility that they may take advantage of you. It is for this reason the the Prophet SAW has advised through the Guidance of Allah SWT that women must travel with a male Maghram - a family member who can protect her. He did though also mention that he sees a time will come when travel will be made easy and safe and women will not need a maghram for certain journeys. Thravels show how peoples beliefs created the various cultures = their festivals, ceremonies and the way they raise their children[Nutures]  and guide their spiritual awarenesses [ inner Natures ]. Travels unlocks new personalities of the self and brings one closer to God. Prejudice comes from a alck of travelling experience. The comfort of the home has to be broken when one travels. When one travels one has some expectations, some of it materialise while others are crashed and others even statisfied on a higher level than expected. What is sure is that one does have numerous rewards from the travels and one builds new relationships with new people.
Q29:20 Psalm 121:7,8
        28. Spiritual Growth
The western education have long tried to separate body, mind and spirit to create a materialistic world and the opportunity to exploit people and make religion something outside the realm of world governance ' Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasars and Give unto Gos what is God's. With this mantra they could have the freedom to do what they like and use religion as a tool to subdue people - to obey them. This lead to Carl Marx the founder of Marxism to state the Religion is the opiate [drug] of the people - which lead to the belief that their is no God in Communism and Marxism. These are all manipulated tricks of materialistic thinkers and many believers who want to enjoy this kind of toying \playing politics somewhat play inti their hands. It is thus important to bring back to mind that body, mind[soul] and Spirit are one in Fitrah [Essemtial unity of divine goodness in which Allah SWT has Crated everthing] . Thoughts of fun also clouds our minds to be serious about our life and the lives of others. It is often the yearning for money that makes us forget the value of spiritual growth - which is bring mind [soul] body and Spirit im unison again to experience the Fitrah state we had as children - which made trust in Allah SWT completely and submit to how He decided things to be at a certain moment and find happiness and vlaue in the moment of good, appreciation of what Allah SWT Has Given - without losing hope, without making effort to improve and without losing enthusiasm - that is the childlike/ Fitrah Nature of divine confidence. Alghamdu lilaah. It is thus good to remind each other of this wonderful journey towards Allah SWT through rediscovering the Real; Fitrah Self. This stste of Fitrah - divine qualities the links directly with the Lord of Power and Allah SWT then Grants us freedom from all attachments and allows such a person to enjoy every second of the day in spiritual growth and extacy. The growing of the body, mind, soul towards Spirit ir reale freedom. Such a person does not feel tired easily - for tiredness is an expiation of many sins. Working with the energy of Divine Spirit [Ruugh] is absolute creativity. Look for the spirit within, by concentrating on the good thought and actions and understand which features restrains one's achievements - feelings of boredom, compeition with others, depression, complaining, laziness, the want for earthly things like money, sex, influence, power, control etc. turThese are all traps of satan. It will be an effort. But a worthwhile journey that will leave on with satisfaction within the heart that Allah SWT has Blessed one with so many abilities. So the true spirit within the Self Knows it all we just have to tap into its offers from within. ' He who knows himself Knows his Lord".The ability to calm the self through solaah and Rememberance of Allah SWT - Thikr - allows the self to vibrate on frequencies that the world and the universes vibrate at in their different forms of thikr - as Allah relates in the Qur'an that all creations make ibaadah - worship Allah SWT in the way Allah SWT has guided it. So depending on the level of our vibrational purity through thikr - the world and the universe will then serve us as it has been commanded to do and then Allah SWT Will Provide for us what we wish for, grant us protection and raise us up in ranks so that we are able to see the Real reality of things, because the various veils will be lifted as our body takes on the spiritual vibrations of the Ruugh, which is in direct contact with Allah SWT. So the person we experiences spiritual growth starts see past, present and future as one in a second and then his/her knowledge become acute - because he/she no longer seess with his/her own eyes , but with the Sight of Allah SWT.. These are the miracles that accompany those who are on the Path towards the Inner Spirit - which is the true yearning for the nearest to Allah SWT, experiencing His Presence. The spiritually awake thus often cries out of gratitude or fear of not doing enough to Thank Allah SWT for the one and many Divine Blessings he/she has received and are enjoying. Spiritual Growth is actually the growth of the body, mind and soul towards the existing Divine Spirit within the self that has the 99 Names of Allah SWT in the Breath He has Given us - we just need to change our vibrations to become synchronised wth the vibrations of the Ruugh - it is a waiting for us to start the journey - the Jihaadul Akbar[ The Great holy war with the self JihaadunNafs] - The War with the self is to remove one's dependence and trsut on people and things and turning to dependence and trust in Allah SWT Alone
Q5:23 Psalm 62:1.2
         29. Educational Solution
To respect a child is the most important feature in helping a child to learn. HLL is about helping a child see the self as a reflection of the Grace and Oneness of God. This is necessary because a child is closer to God than the adult because before puberty the child is in a state of Fitrah [absolute cleaniless and divine light and beauty and totally submissive to the dictates of the Divine - absolutely forgiving, patient and appreciative of what he/she has] This value of a child will allow the child to have the strength and trust in God that will help him/her through the trials of life. No-one will be able to subvert a person away from his/her purity of belief. Presciptive curricula, assessments puts fear into the child and blocks the flow of natural learning and inquisitiveness. Teachers need to learn how to trustin God's Children to be able to show them as teachers what they need to progress according to their interest and then do their utmost to help the child achieve his her goals in the school, home or neighbourhood environment. Schools should become extentions of the home and not the other way round. The 7 activuty areas of HLL are naturally interlinked and creates a template which can be used to link every item holistically - for everhthing an each of the 7 elements present in it. Thus allows the motto of HLL to find its goal - by integrating everthing holistically one becomes motivated to value everthing and it automatically accelarates learning as well as activity. The 7 activities thus allows everyone in HLL to dig deep into the Fitrah ]Divine Essence within the self]  and thus act and produce extra-ordinary things and services which enhances personal and community life. in shaa Allah. If poeple take HLL seriously they will be able to identufy the traps in conventional, colonial, controlled education fools people about the fakenews that it "enhances" life while it actrually subtly disorientates the lives of children and adults. HLL in its origin realates to the eliptic movements of electrons, planets, stars and galazies [from the root word HAL-LA (which means to say the Kalima and to rejoys - of the Arabic word for Elipse- IH-LEE-LAJ - the natural movement of all orbiting bodies - which the word in Arabic SAB-BA-GHA is used and the same word means to Praise Allah SWT]. It is in the Name of this leaning methodology that the poet wishes to motivate the learners spirit in learning the marvels [AAYAAT] of Allah SWT.
Q7:52   Acts 17:11

   30. Graphs 
Graphs are pictures that are drawn from information that changes in time and space with regard to anything one wants to find the pattern of its behaviour.  Plotted and allocated in ordered pairs of a two [x nnd y] or three [x, y and z ]dimentions plane information can be graphs to reveal a trend of an occurence. When things go well is will show either an upward or downward trend. The graph can tell the reader what action needs to be taken to rectify a situation when there is danger or to slow down if something is over extended [ or too fast]. Graphs help people see information in a quick and powerful way. It helps people plan and predict, remedy and improve, when to withhold and when to allow things to happen. It is often accurate in the information it reveals and often respected for the picture it presents. There are 44 different types of graphs [Bar, Histogram, Line, Scatter Plot; Pictogram,Pie Chart; Moziac; Pyramid; Flow Charts; Guages; Bubble Charts; Area Graphs; Doughnut; Funnel chart etc. - there are numerous free graph graphics on internet which you can use to graph data]    that has different effects of people viewing it. Graphs create a discipline in people to keep records and the plot the changes in data regularly. It allows people to enjoy using information and teaching people quickly. The algebraic formulae and logarithms allow computers to create various kinds of information quickly.
Q36:36 Sirach 42:24,25

  31. Biodiversity
The interdependence of all living and non-living elements of life calls on us to care for all and everything. If we are unaware of the interconnectedness of nature then we will destroy the very things from which we derive pleasure and sustenance and which cannot be easily reproduced. We have to speak out against the destruction of nature by the greedy industrialists. Biodiversity allows a country to have a diverse amount of products with which they can trade nationally and internatonally. If the biodiversity is destroyed it will reduce the resources needed for good and sustaining businesses, which inturn cause unemployment. Buring the forests also destroys the habitats of different animals and insects and in this way reduces the quality of the land and country/ We have to watch the data and statistics that keeps us informed of the threatened natural resources and animals. The poem asks us to be acutely aware of the way we use nature.
Q31:20 Psalm 140:24,25
      32. Balance
Life is in opposites and pairs and in this way Allah SWT stimulates our intellect and our resolve/ commitment to waht is corrext and right. It is a holy war [Jihad] that faces us in every moment of the day to make a choice. There are also constant whisperings of evil forces and peoples ideas that aims to distract a person from doing what is right. A good act or thought is the result of a balance that is searched for in doing what is in the best interest of the self and others. The prophets AS showed us how to strike a balance between difficult choices and how consciousness of and trust Allah SWT makes things easy for us to choose. The main purpose of trust in Allah SWT is to remove fears that satan and the evil whisperers place in the mind. To make the right decision requires knowledge of Qur'an and the Sunnah of Nabie Mughammad SAW. What is important is to know that when one makes a choice that has a greater good then it is a balanced choice.
Q2:143 Bib Philippians 4:8

33. Creativity 
Creativity is from the Creator through people. The artist of thinker submits to the reality that he/she must let things flow - after he/she have tried all humanly possible. In the sumbission to Divine Control the person submits and allows the mind and heart to find stillness. It is in this stillness that Allah SWT Allows the ideas to flow into the person. Thus the person then says it came as a flash, in and instant, through a dream, just all of a sudden. This is the proof that mankind is not in control of the world, but that Allah SWT is and He gives ideas to people who strive to find solutions. Mans own solutions has no lasting effects , but the solutions that Allah SWT Grants has everlasting effects and often new life changing ideas comes to different people, in different parts of the world at the same time, without them being in contact with each other. Thus this is knowledge provided for those who reflect / contemplate/ meditate and relax with full trust that God will provide the answers through the forces He isstructs - the Angels that assist man all the time . " Field that wields [Powers that Allah SWT Allows to be released at the time the world is ready to receive in with Gratitude] the creative vibrations, which is all based in good intentions[ niyyaat] . Bad intentions bring about satanic ideas that eventually destroys the bad pople[The controlling Dumbed]. They are dumbed by satanic evils. Allah SWt makes evil people deaf dumb and blind to their own traps they set for themselves in their effort to control and exploit the people who they are suppose to serve. Evil people do not have hope in God. They have hope and trust in themselves. Creativity comes when one in humble to try and search. while being honest and decent.Examinations and certifications were created to control peoples creativity and make them dependent on givernement institutions. All state control is aimed at drawing people away from trust in God so that they can make money out of fearful, stupid people who belieave that certificates brings you money/ The corona virus pandemic in 2020, broke all systems that depended on man-made systems and called upon everyone trust in God to create new. wholesome lives. The poem then calls the reader to wake-up in inner spirituality and creativity that is awaiting to be released and asks the reader not to fall for the traps of man made systems that are created to hurt people can keep them obedient to authorities and not to God. To be creative one must choose to follow the paths left by prophets and good people who choose to rely on God for their sustenance and not on man-made systems.
Q28:56 Bible Proverbs 16:9

34. Water - The analysis is in the book pg 45

35. Geography
Longitude lines are imaginary lines on the Earth Sphere that are drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole in 2hr intervals [according to the time the sun rises from the east [rather when the earth turns into the rays of the sun] Latitude parallel linesthat are lines drawn on the Earth Sphere indicating a 35 degree North and South direction starting with 0 degrees at the equation.Refer the internet to get some visuals on it, as well as further explanation videos. This allows us to find a specific city of river but knowing its geographical coordinates. The sun is directly over the equator and hence it is very hot there. It also has the most dense plant growth. There is a lot of transpiration and hence evoparation, which causes a lot of clouds and rain which further encourages plant growth in the heat. Because it is so hot the indigenous people do not wear normal clothes only wears a lion cloth to cover their private parts. The thick forest houses diverse insects, animals and bird in the Equatorial Rain Forest. Futher away from the Equator it gets milder and colder until into the poles where it falls below zero degrees celcius. The people's dress the adapts to the climate and they eat
the foods that are available in that region. The main elemenst that determine plant, animal species, soil status and mineral deposits/ resources are Temperature, Wind, Moisture and amount of rain. The level and types of products available in a country is dependent on the preparedness of the people to work and be creative [tarries]. All people work with the resources available [environmeny hives] to survive and feed their children so that the children can have something to live by/ heritage  when the parents die.The way the land of the country is formed determine the rules people live by[norms] and the religion / faith of the people determine how and what the eat, drink, rear/teach  their children, marry, bury the dead, build their houses, make vehicles and roads [infrastructure]. To find places the infrastructure and land forms shows directions[navigation]. Instrumentations compass and GPS helps us find places on earth and satellites spot new resources deep underground which increases the potentials for new resources and business.
Qur'an 16:15 Bible Isaiah 41:18

36. Economics
Goverments use various political systems to satisfy the umlimited wants of people with the limited resources they have...and they try and convince their people through propoganda that it is the best way to "help" everyone [That is "Politics"]
Protectionism, policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions or handicaps placed on the imports of foreign competitors - This iinhibits free trade
Administered priceprice determined by an individual producer or seller and not purely by market forces. Administered prices are common in industries with few competitors and those in which costs tend to be rigid and more or less uniform. They are considered undesirable when they cause prices to be higher than a competitive standard, when they are accompanied by excessive non-price competition (efforts to increase sales without enhancing the value of the product), or when they add to inflationary tendencies—either by failure to lower prices in response to cost reductions or by increasing prices to maintain a given margin of profit in the face of rising costs.
Headline inflation is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices (e.g., oil and gas), which tend to be much more volatile and prone to inflationary spikes. On the other hand, "core inflation" (also non-food-manufacturing or underlying inflation) is calculated from a consumer price index minus the volatile food and energy components.[1] Headline inflation may not present an accurate picture of an economy's inflationary trend since sector-specific inflationary spikes are unlikely to persist.
hyperinflation is very high and typically accelerating inflation. It quickly erodes the real value of the local currency, as the prices of all goods increase.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures monthly changes in prices for a range of consumer products. ... The CPI can also be used as a cost-of-living index. HOW IS THE CPI MEASURED? The prices of goods and services consumed by South Africans are used to calculate an inflation rate for the whole economy.
The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a family of indexes that measures the average change over time in selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services. PPIs measure price change from the perspective of the seller.
The term “economic pie” refers to the amount of wealth in a given state, country, or even the world. Support for protectionist policies, such as tariffs, can come from a belief that economic growth is a zero-sum game; that is, that in trade, one nation always gains at the expense of another
Gross Domestic Product meaning: Gross Domestic Product, abbreviated as GDP, is the total value of goods and services produced in a country.
Gross National Product (GNP) is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) plus net factor income from abroad. Description: GNP measures the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced by the country's factors of production irrespective of their location.
Households make consumption decisions and own factors of production. They provide firms with factor services in production, and buy finished goods from firms for consumption
The private sector is the part of the economy that is run by individuals and companies for profit and is not state controlled. ... Companies and corporations that are government run are part of what is known as the public sector, while charities and other nonprofit organizations are part of the voluntary sector
Multiplier effect. An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and consumption greater than the initial amount spent.
Written out in full, the equation reads: aggregate Income (Y) expenditure (E) = household consumption (C) + investments (I) + government spending (G) + exports-import balance (NX)/ (X-M). Aggregate expenditure or Income are a methods that is used to calculate the total value of economic activities, also referred to as the gross domestic product ( GDP )
In economicseconomic equilibrium/sustainability/stability is a situation in which economic forces such as supply and demand are balanced and in the absence of external influences the (equilibrium) values of economic variables will not change.
The balance of payments (BOP) is a statement of all transactions made between entities in one country and the rest of the world over a defined period of time, such as a quarter or a year.
If a country has a lot of resources and products other countries want then its exports will be high, creating a lot of jobs for everyone in the country. If the government is fair then this will  help people. Often the country's management does not ensure that all people benefit from the richness of the country. 
When a A government believes in God Almighty and follows God's Guidance in managing the resources for the betterment of all then the country will grow and be prosperous and more businesses would want to invest in the country for their profits also.