Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Paths of The Soul Towards Divine Enlightenment

The Paths of The Soul Towards Divine Enlightenment by Mogamat Faadiel Arnold 2020
[work in Progress and readers comments are welcome to continue this Post - hopefully into a book in shaa Allah - if God Wills ]

Divine Enlightenment is the beginning of experience of The Divine Presence. It is a Gift from God, Almighty to those whom He Chooses,  not an achievement of human endeavour. This reality ensures that the seeker does not ascribe anything to him/herself through arrogance, but acquire the needed trait of humility in The Ever Presence of God. This allows the seeker the platform for experiencing The Majesty of God, Almighty. What is real is that it does become the path of trials and patience, which develops the ability and commitment never to give up - endurance - the needed quality for a successful life. It can also take various pathways needed to awaken the many potential, motivational spiritual connections and encouragements to continue the strife towards the experience of Divine Enlightenment. The experience of one window into Divine Enlightenment creates a spiritual station that gives hope to the seeker that he/she will not drop from this level of spiritual awareness, but can expect to move to higher levels or stations of spiritual awakening - the spirit's encouragement from within, to traverse the path of purification of the soul to experience The Magnificence of God in preparation for death and success in the hereafter.. God Willing.

The difference between spirit and soul is very clear.The Spirit is The Pure Breath of GOD that Keeps every cell in our bodies alive and moving. The available Knowledge of the Spirit [Ruugh] is very limited to mankind. Thus much of what we can perhaps have discourse about is but a fraction of a fraction of information about the Spirit. What is known is that the Spirit operates only by the Order of God and man has no ability to control it. The Spirit [Ruugh] cannot be tainted by evil/ dark matter. It is the 99 Attributes of GOD, which potentially offers the soul opportunities for experiencing transcendence from space and time, within realms of infinite Beauty and Tranquillity. The intention and experience of One of  the 99 Granted Divine Names of God Present in the self, secures the seeker The Everlasting Paradise. The Earthly realisation of the seeker, that one or some of his/her sincere wishes have been Granted,  opens to him/her the awareness of gratitude to The Divine. This is the beginning of the quest for the Divine Spirit within. Gratitude for Divine Favour is the beginning of the Paths of the Soul towards Divine Enlightenment of the self and ingratitude the beginning of real failure of the self. The Spirit is from the Divine and is the life force that keeps the body and soul in existence. The Soul [Nafs] is the Real, undying-Self. It is the self that has to war against the  lower desirous clay-self, which is the vehicle for the Nafs/Soul to traverse the Earthly existence. The body is the Clay capsule that allows the soul to interact with the material world of form.

Fitrah [Divine Purity] is the unitary existence of body, mind, soul in unison with Divine Spiritual Essence [Ruugh]. This  is the state of children before the age of puberty. The Shariah - the Guidance from God through purified spirited souls of Prophets and Friends of God,Pbut, offers the human soul an opportunity to stay in a state of Divine Purity/ Fitrah in its experiences of the bodily existence on the Earth.

Although all souls were Created Pure and stayed in Heaven for a while,  there are souls that are destined, by their own evil choices on Earth,  for Hell and others destined for Heaven. The choices and life-styles of the people on earth are indications of the eventual life-journey's end reward. The act in which the soul is drawn to at death determines its destiny. Thus the prayer of a true believer in God is " Oh God Please take my soul while I am in remembrance and gratitude to Thee". The paths of the souls are thus the choices of the individual owners of their souls. The soul thus has the potential to become light or heavy. Lightness of the soul can be explained as the feelings of light weight and characteristic brightness or that which shines. The soul that experiences lightness can be equated with effective comparable mind and bodily feelings of positivity, energetic vibrations, motivation, enthusiasm, bliss, happiness, friendliness and other encouraging feelings from within. Such a soul encourages the mind and body to be creative, constructive,  supportive and spiritual. Such a soul has been drawing energy from the Ruugh / Divine Spirit within. The opposite mind and body feelings of boredom, anger, aggression, demotivation, stress, lethargy, negativity, disengagement, etc., are signs of the soul being dark and tainted with bad tendencies. Such a soul has been influenced by the earthly tendencies of the clay self, which craves for earthly appetites. Transcendence from the earthly, low self thus requires of the person to keep earthly desires in balance or in check or to find the spiritual guidance from within to spiritualise the basic acts of earthly needs such as food, drink, sex, riches and survival. The unchecked desires of the earth creates negative energies that drains the body and mind and prevent the self /soul from being creative and positive, hopeful and trusting that patience and work creates positive results and impatience and laziness creates negative results. The Divine Spirit within is thus the direct inner Guidance to the experience of truth and it is the external whispers to unchecked earthly desires thus leads to experiences of falsehood. The human choices in the mind is thus the basic challenge to the individual to develop the soul from the basal self [Nafsulammarra] to the higher-self at Peace [ Nafsul-Mutmainna]. The soul's Path is thus determined by the choices the soul makes which affects the body feelings and actions. The middle-self is the Nafsul Lawwaama - the Questioning-self is that soul that has become awakened. The questioning-self thus allows the soul to make choices with our mind which either lifts the body and soul to higher experiences - named as lifting one's spirit.. should really be lifting one's soul or dropping the soul and body into low experiences which depresses the "spirit", rather "depressed soul". Thus the feelings we experience in our mind and body thus indicates the condition of our soul at a specific time and space. We thus know that it is actually our decisions we make that determines the condition of our soul, mind and body. Our Spirit within is unaffected by the decisions we make.It will support us if we choose the good and will encourage against evil thoughts or suggestions. It is only the internal positive, true, divine energy available to support us when we decide to think and do good. The negative advice thus comes from outside of the self and is an offer towards bad thoughts and behaviour. The good thoughts actually thus come from God through His Spirit within and the Bad whispers come from bad people, satanic forces and evil jinn who dwell with us in the same realm. Thus we can safely say the bad vibrations come from mind listening to evil external whispers and not from the spirit and hence we are able to withstand it with the divine spirit within. If we choose not to listen to the bad suggestions from the outside and follow the positive spiritual prompts from within, our soul progresses and become light. This makes us understand that God is always with us and closer to us than our jugular vein and that He has Given us the tools and support to withstand the world's traps - traps He has Created to allow the good, grateful souls to prosper with every positive decision and the bad, ungrateful souls to lower their possibilities of real success with every bad decision made with negative outside advice --- but this is good in that bad decisions brings hardships, which forces the soul back to the questioning self which may choose good decisions next time - as it has learnt its lesson. It is the inherent mercy in the created evil that allows the challenge to for the soul to withstand it and in that way raise the soul's purity towards the divine spirit within. It actually challenges us to improve ourselves on a moment to moment basis and experience transcendence from earthly attachments and dependency to spiritual awareness and fearlessness. Evil always aims at increasing fears which affects the rear-brain giving off hormones of fright, flight and freeze and inhibiting the frontal lobe happy-hormones for motivation, reason, holistic problem solving and creativity. Faith in God's Supports, and the declaration of If GOD WILLS, calls upon the Inner Divine Spiritual Potential to be positive, energetic, fearless and trusting in God. This allows us to understand why evil people who wish to control people's mind, body and soul create various systems to drive fears into people and why they accept/ accredit science that deny God's Existence. That is why governments and business spends so much money in science and technology to try and disprove the Presence of the Creator, only to actually Prove the Existence of the Creator's Remarkable Presence everywhere they turn, The Core reason of all efforts is to have power over people and break the the belief in God through fear of their systems - and the main system of fear is colonial education, which aims at breaking young people's self-worth through secularisation, evolutions theory and standardised examinations which creates the fear for failing and aim to create the competitive animal out of people for economic and political manipulation for those who put their trust in human systems.  The colonial education systems today fail internationally and science unveilings through internet, actually now confirms God 's age-old Guidance to the Truthful existence of many statements in the Qur'an. So rest your soul and be sure that enlightenment is a granted gift to those who see the beauty of Divine Creation in everything and everyone -even the evil ones - because their arrogance becomes a image for us not to reflect in ourselves. There are numerous good people we can imitate in our life and many of them are in our family, friends and neighbourhood circles. Good people and bad people allow the self to use our questioning self to make the right choices and right choices lead to light which shows the way to the gift of enlightenment.

Every cell in our body possesses microscopic light. Our thoughts create vibrations that can positively or negatively affect our heart rate. Our intentions by its very nature are vibrations. Now we know from our phones and computers that if we can program, de-programme or even cause our cell phones to mulfunction if we are not careful how we use it, or are not careful what we download which will open the pathways for viruses to destroy our phones and computers. We are also aware that if we learn correct coding from professional or skilled cell-phone or computer specialists we will be able to programme our computers and cell phones in a way it can access very powerful and qualitative frequencies which allows us to use our computers in a way that baffles the average cellphone r computer uses. Well we are the same, If we are not careful what we place into our minds and bodies it can destroy the many potentials we have inside of us. If we link up with good people and take advice of people who have traversed or who are traversing the path of development of the soul, we can access enormous potentials that will ease our path to divine enlightenment. The Prophets and those who have become the beloveds of God are those specialists we can tap into. Programming the body and mind is to change the thoughts from negative vibrations to positive vibrations and it will access the field of divine grandeur that awaits our preparedness. Thus the conditions around us will not change unless we change our inner vibrations from negativity to positivity - from evil involvement to the involvement of good. Goodness draws goodness and evil draws evil. The advice to breathe when we are angry or fearful is the easiest, practical advice that re-calibrates our internal waves which will then link with the positive waves [angels and good jinn and the general divine light that is in the skies around us]. We then know that the earth and the universes are always ready to serve the one who serves God. Good doors open and evil doors closes, because evil cannot stand the strength of truth. Then one could ask "But what about those who killed prophets and good people?" The death of the good people is not a loss to the dead, good people, but rather a boon for them and an enormous loss to the killers. The internal mental strain and inner spiritual reprimand on a murderer/ invaders is the greatest punishment for the wrong doer. The reality of the Prophet's PBUH spiritual knowledge from the divine is that the murderer receives all the sins of the victim onto his/her soul that will await its eternal punishment for taking a life/lives that are sacred. And the victim enters Heaven while the murders enters Hell. We know retribution is instantaneous on a micro, cosmic and mystical level. This core information allows us to rethink our present condition and reorganise ourselves on the path of truth. The path of truth is the path of tranquillity, because it rests in the real of divine goodness which as we can see is filled with enormous beauty, magnificent strength and vastness in the space beyond earth's atmosphere. The evil and rot is limited to the earths ground and of no significance in the large balanced universes around us. Evil does not emit light and goodness does, therefore the soul that relates to evil cannot penetrate the realm of light that is overwhelmingly existent in space. Even what they call dark matter is actually absorbing light and is thus substance of light. Evil is  only operative on earth and within human vision and cannot penetrate the barriers the stars create as protection of the realm of spiritual purity.

Our eyes sees what is wishes to see. This is a fact. Which means our consciousness determines what we see because it depends on what we want to give focus to. All our senses seems to work like that. And our senses create the consciousness we perceive. So what is consciousness. To me it is the value we give to something. The greater value we give to something or someone the more beauty we see init that in our consciousness. That that creates a believe system within ourselves. What ever religion we belong to does not really determine our consciousness. The core reality is that if we wish to delve in the negativities of life we will only see negativities, dependencies, traps, problems, demarcations and limitations. That is the real of the physical world. If we wish to be positive then we enter the realm of the spirit which is boundless, creative, solutions-based, easy and exciting. Belief is thus a choice between tapping into the world or tapping into the spirit of things. The Spirit of things is the divine essence of something or someone and the World of things is the material, limited, self-destructive base of things. This is what the angels saw when God said to them He is going to create a human from potters clay. They responded with a question why He is going to create that which will be destructive and shed blood while they praise God all the time. The answer that they aware of the reality of clay/earth - its self-destructive nature. When God Blew of His Ruugh / Spirit into the clay and taught it the essences/ names of everything in the universes, the angels were unable to know what the first human was capable of. The Ruugh transformed the clay into a divine dynamic force that can transcend space and time and natural laws that govern earth and the physical universes. This confirms that the human being is a higher creation than the angels and thus has the capacity to transcend beyond the angels. This verified by the Prophet Mughammad 's PBUH, Mi'raaj - his ascension into space and reaching the realm of The Presence of God where angles could not enter.

The fact that God Almighty Created the universe with His Voice - the sound of Be and everything was - some people who have been given wisdom, they explain that the present future and past were completed in that instant and we are just living our perceptions of life out according to the time-space warp we are experiencing when we are not aware of reality. Life is an illusion . And this is easily understood when we consider that if we should look at ourselves through an electron micro-scope we will just be a cloud of waves of subatomic matter. With more powerful microscopes looking at us then although we believe we are physically here, we are actually also not here because we are actually a sea of atomic waves swirling around in the confined space of our body capsule. So yet what we experience through one level of vision then we seem solid, but through another level of vision and another medium we are actually just waves of energy. This allows us to realise that if we raise our level of consciousness, meaning the level of appreciation of the millions of possibilities , we are then able to believe that we can transcend space and time and have an out of body experience. It all depends on the amount of relaxation our bodies and minds are in. Surrender in stillness of the moment can bring heighten sensual experiences and higher levels of consciousness that in turn raises of gratitude and awareness even more and more. We seem then to spiral out of limited control of the body into a real of greater awareness of higher dimensions of existence through quantum connections with the existing field of pure vibrations in the universe that orbits in absolute praise and glorification of \God. Thus the higher conscious individual can then observe through the higher, purer frequencies of thought - all existing as vibrations...transcending time and space. Such individuals are able to converse and interact with pure souls of the past, passed on present people and communicate with people/ rather complete entities of the future all at once. The people of transcendence include all people Allah, The Almighty has Purified and raised their status. They would include the Prophets PBUT and those Near to God and those righteous people. Their station of existence and joy are results of their unselfish service to God, The Almighty in servinf humanity and not even expecting a thank you from them. The word Afwan which means pleasure and pardon, means just that - I do for you what the Creator is Granting you of goodness through the pleasure He has created in me - so if I made you feel that you must thank me then I ask you for pardon, because all Gratitude is due to Allah, The Almighty Alone. This kind of submission in service of the moment is deep belief in God, absolute Trust in Him and complete satisfaction in His Design. This absolute submission to the moment in Gratitude allows the self to act like an electron , spinning is praising God for sheer existence and opportunity. In such submission the electron and individual emits such divine light [Nuur] , strength and power and presence that everyone and everything in its true existence essence submit to the electron and individual's absolute humility is serving God. Like the electron, the individual servant/adorer of God, is able to be in many places at the same time - the quantum leaps and thus exposing partial divine quality of transcendence and omnipresence. This is the understanding of created in the image of God - The attempts of trinitarian Christians to create an idol of Jesus, their "God" and a white man with blue eyes and blond hair. is their attempt to subdue all darkskin people as their servants and creating a belief systems that gives the the opportunity to oppress the masses through disbelief away from the original Message that even Jesus brought - as pointed out in the Bible when Jesus tells his people that he will deny those who called him God and the Son of God on the Day of Reckoning, for Only he who submits is Will unto The Father in Heaven will reach the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible then confirms that Islam - Submission to The Will of God - is the Straight Path to Heaven - and thus the Path the soul should take if it wants to gain Divine Enlightenment. This statement in The Bible also confirms the statement in the Qur'an, when Allah SWT Asks Nabie Esa [ Jesus] If he told people to call him God, Which he denies and the Bible itself confirms it, because there is not one direct statement in the Bible where Jesus is quoted so say I am God. This little presentation is just to allow us to follow the path of righteousness of the Oneness of God and not to associate any partners with Him. In shaa Allah - God Willing.

All human being in their Edenic Fitrah state knows what is real beauty, freedom, justice, peace, happiness, care, consideration etc .. all the good qualities of life is inherent in us, because of our original divine existence in Jannah in our soul. This is the natural heavenly beauties we experienced before we arrived on this earth and these qualities are in imprinted qualities of the soul. We also love to learn and share which are also natural original aspirations and potentials that God created for us to strive for and establish in this world as His Vicegerents / Depitees. The trick is when we work for these divine qualities we want to steal it for ourselves and give no credit to God's Gifts to us. We are thus arrogant and knowingly rejecting the origin of these ethical qualities God has provided for us. In order to deny this reality ...the evil tendencies of he secularists is to devalue humans as descendants of Apes - a theory of evolution with no factual scientific base and even so flawed that is is based on one species of a bird that adapted to environment conditions and cannot be applied to cross species or even different phyla or species. This act of the ungrateful, denying of truth is to confuse the masses through their own misleading "sciences" that today is slowly being refuted. To the elite and controllers of resources such mass confusions is necessary through created man-made religions, systems and educational plans. See my article on this blog : The Economics Of Disbelief". Basically disbelief is about creating the platform for financial exploitation. But that kind of discussion is negative energy, which we can do without within this post/ deliberation. Our aim here is to try and help ourselves experience the Divine Gift of enlightenment and to help others out of the darkness of ignorance and exploitation. 

The greatest exploitation of the masses occurred with the control of knowledge in religion and the secular, academic worlds for political power in the East and West. The religions were watered down to rituals and social constructs to dumb down society in general and the academic world, controlled by the political elite, ensured that rights violations became academic papers and arguments from secular quarters that are politically funded. The lack of economic power of the academia made it the single gatekeeper of capitalistic/ political/ market manipulations for the accumulation of wealth of the elite. One knows that the elite are always protected, because we witness how easily they get away with crime while the desperate human who steals a bread is jailed. It is this outright exploitation that has driven people to seeking understanding of the reasons behind the rot. The academia presents disconnected arguments for re-defining social injustice and exploitation, but while the academic myth for progress is still intact no real progress is on the horizon. The western "enlightenment" endeavour is presently more an escapist approach to the political madness than a true enlightenment. They do yearn towards Buddhism and even modern sufism, but wishes to stay clear of Islam, because of their inherent movement away from true faith that requires acceptance of God's All Pervading Power and man's insignificant need to be His Adorer, worshipper and worker. Western attempts at enlightenment is more an attempt to be empowered. A kind of self-driven actualisation. This kind of individualism is economically viable because it can sell books, courses, movies and degrees that will trap individual success seekers into enormous debt. Individually "acquired" enlightenment through a system for spiritual guide of modern times approach, is in itself a trap. The Qur'an Warns one against claiming to be pious. Only Allah SWT Decides and Elevates a person as pious. A person who says he is an Alim is a Jahil is a famous statement made be a true enlightened person of old. The reason for this is that man must not accredit him/herself with the realm that belongs to God Alone. That is arrogance and haughtiness the two characteristics of Satan, which caused him to be ousted out of heaven when he refused to bow for Prophet Adam AS the first human created from clay, satan refused saying he was made from smokeless fire and Adam AS from clay, that he thus is better than clay. This arrogance thus caused him to be expelled from heaven and lowered to earth to be a trial for others who have the potential to be his friends. He admits that he will never be able to overpower a true faithful person, but for others he will make suggestions to evil from all sides of the potential satanic follower. This thus proves the moment by moment challenge every person has to choose between acting according to the natural goodness of the Spirit within or to listen to the evil suggestions, fears and manipulative option satan and his disciples, jinn and mankind, suggestions that wishes to detract the soul from its pure spiritual essence and in this way allow that soul to be with satan and his followers in hell. These are not stories. These are the facts of the ever-unchanging Qur'an and the words of the Prophets PBUT from their pure divine Guidance they directly received from God, because He purified them and sent them as human-form help to humanity. The Divine Revealed Books and Messengers of God brought all needed knowledge to mankind which answers the core questions Who we are and what our purpose is - We are all Divine Representatives of God on Earth who ensures that the world is managed for the benefit of all as a reminder of the gratitude we must have for God Who Created us and all resources to ensure our happiness, safety and prosperity - with His Permission. Now we can understand why the ungrateful, disbeliever makes every effort to deny religion, because he/she wants to usurp the right of ownership of the world resources and receive the glory of being the benefactor - which is the Right of of God. As God explains it is all based in jealousy of God's Ever Presence and Greatness which they want for their puny selves - One can then understand the level of punishment the disbeliever will receive in this world and in the hereafter for challenging God and in this process cause destruction and suffering in the world. It is often this weirdness in the world, the lack of faith in God to challenge such oppression that some people turn to a kind of isolated / group spiritual practice that can be equated with a kind of monasticism that is a withdrawal from the world for a period, but then to engage again in the existing man-made systems that trap the weal and empowers the elite. One even finds that it is only the enfranchised that seems to involve themselves in the pseudo spiritual group practices that even have specific identities, while they themselves marginalise the masses through the price tags attached to the leaders who offer these "empowerment/ enlightenment  courses". So how does one identity such pseudo activities? When these people see themselves as a fraternity separate from others and glorify themselves through it and their leader enjoys special privileges in dress, place to sit and he/she receives the kind of treatment and reverence that only a God should receive - even that they bow to such individuals or kiss their hand, then you will know that this is dangerous grounds for the soul. It will destroy its pure nature and lead it to illusionary belief and perhaps into hypocrisy. Never forget that Satan can even lead us astray through " excessive , or rather pseudo spirituality. Any act that can be identified as making a human look like a god figure, or perhaps son or medium to God, is a form of shirk - making partners with God - polytheism. But there is The Warning from the Prophet PBUH , that it is not for us to judge another as a hypocrite of polytheist, least we become one - that realm of judgement is only for God and our duty is to pray for ourselves and others to return to the straight path of spiritual purity and soul purification.

The path of the soul is the path of work done to gain the help of God to revert back to our original self - Fitrah. The path includes the reflection on the beauties of life existence and becoming grateful to God for it , by praising Him Alone. Praising God allows the self to enter the movement of oscillation/ orbit,  which is the movement of all existence in it pure form.Thus praising God id the nature of things in the earth and universes. Praising God is thus the language of the universe and thus through praising God we are connected to the fields of gratitude and praise . allowing us to benefit from all of it simultaneously.

The question that prevails is what are the new wave inspirational thinkers inviting people to when they speak about. The people who introduced people quieting the mind thought and focusing on one entity of clearing the mind of external messed-up thoughts of past and future habitual thinking, has given people the opportunity to witness a sense of tranquillity that is boundless or so refreshing that they name it spiritual awakening/ Well any experience that does not bring you to the realisation of gratitude to God Almighty, is really not spiritual awakening. Their levels of conscious experience is of a taste of what is possible to the true believers who through their experience become god conscious and grateful. Reflective silence creates a vibration that leads to inner awakening of the graciousness of the inner self. Good vibrations from the outside then links with the calmed inner mind and the self then experiences the tranquillity that is experienced when the inner and outer good vibrations become entangled/ in-synced and thus experience a super-position wave that transcends space and time and hence create a real sense of freedom from attachments. The lack of gratitude to Allah SWT for the first stages of enlightenment He Gives, make the person get stuck in that first tranquil experience and cannot then transcend to more, but then becomes a believer in self transformation and self-enlightenment which the Qur'an relates that the hawa - self glorification - then becomes his/her god - a kind of polytheism - self-belief./ self-love. The what the self the says/thinks becomes Gospel. Again care must be taken that this information is only to warn the reader of the traps towards the paths of the soul and not points to judge other people. The sense of union felt with nature in contemplation is the opportunity to bow down to the Creator. The lack of thanking and praising God for Granting insight, is the beginning of self-glory/love Hawa, which become a barrier to real enlightenment.

Insight or creativity is not dependent on left lobe knowledge acquisition. Science has proven that creativity is actually an outbound/ rather a granted ability that is not determined by learnt skills and knowledge but rather a moment of intense light up of the whole brain, as if it is "sent" - because it cannot be tract in the realm of existing knowledge of the person or any other individual world wide. Insight and creativity and the application of it for the benefit of the self and mankind can thus be understood to be wisdom - the ability the Qur'an relates is a Gift from Allah SWT..and it goes to Say that whoevet Allah SWT has Granted Wisdom has been Granted an enormous Blessing. The people whose doors of intellect has been open by Allah SWT - U-LUL-AL-BAAB , people of chapters/ doors/ openings are the only people who can understand the point that I have just made. While non-muslim scientists spent hours researching, people of faith in Allah SWT are the only ones who can reinterpret the findings within the holistic/ Toughid value of such knowledge existence. Knowledge is thus brought into existence by Allah SWT through guiding the people whom He has given Insight to use the revealed knowledge in the most appropriate, truthful way. Knowledge is thus not created by mankind. It is a Gift from God Almighty. Thus realisation is the beginning of divinely granted enlightenment. All discoveries that has changed the world's landscape has come "by accident". While people research a particular feature they discover something absolutely mind-blowing [ even the terms we use indicate that what we discover is beyond our mind - it is Sent down/ Granted/ inspired]. Often the discovered scientific revelation's properties and potentials are beyond the understanding of those who discovered it. Eg. although we can all put things together for electricity and see its effects no-one has actually seen an electron and knows all its potentialities. The Quantum Physics of electron super-positioning [being at different places at the same time] cannot be explained up till today, but it is used in computers, smart phones, self-driving cars and 3D printing etc. This is proof that Allah SWT Grants, Reveals and Allows innovation, but keeps its Essence a Secret and calls on man to Praise and Worship and Believe in Him as the Only God and Creators of everything/ The arrogance of disbelievers is to ascribe the wonders they work with and the inexplicable realities of people, the world and the universe, to the wonders of "science". Science has now become the new god of the modern man. Only the believer will see the unity in all innovation and will bow to Allah SWT for its wonders. They will be Granted more Wisdom - even if other discover the facts, it will be the believer who will put it into perspective for the benefit of all. The Holistic value of things is a divinely granted Gift - Alghamdu lillah. This realisation opens the doors of more enlightenment to the believer. Now one can understand why the Prophet PBUH is reported to have said that wisdom is the lost property of the one who is faithful so he/she must search for it.. meaning it is only the faithful who will be able to receive the full gain from it and who will use it suitably - because Ghaq - means truth, right, suitable etc. We also now see that the Arabic in its reflective, holistic meaning application is in itself then pathway to higher levels of understanding, insight, wisdom and distinguished awareness [ILM]. This then confirms what the Qur'an states that He has Given mankind an Arabic Qur'an so that he/she may reflect. Reflection is the act of clearing the mind from all forms of preconceived ideas. prejudices and prior knowledge and to allow the mind/ the self simply to wait for wisdom of the object on which one is reflecting to reveal itself. Reflection Tafakkur - is thus the essence of allowing the self to delve deep into the recesses of our original Fitrah of having been Granted the knowledge of everything in the heavens and the earth , including the knowledge of God Almight Whom we already know and are yearning to meet again, after having been away from Him for long since we have been sent down from heaven to the lower heaven. Reflection can happen at any moment and any time and it is the moment when we simply submit to the moment of existence and allow it to guide us. And Allah SWT Tells us in Qur'an that He is on a New Creation Every moment. It thus in that moment of absolute submission to the Grandeur of His Existence and Power that He Grants us the insight of the moment and reveals the immense beauty inherent in something or someone. Alghamdu lillah.

The general society often reflects the level of individual consciousness. Consciousness is basically the level of appreciation of the divine "interconnectedness" and interdependence of life and universe, The Qu'ran Relates that Allah SWT has subjected everything in the earth and the universes in service to mankind as a Gift from Him to us. Its service is thus unconditional whether we believe of not in the existence, ever-presence and control and power of God over everything and everyone. The human and society grows from the baby-wanting and unaware destructive self [wild west], to the building yet selfish self [Industrial Revolution]to the pubescent possible self [war expansion colonial], the questioning young adult  self [united nations] to the creative adult self [technological computer age] and the old self in submission and peace [present world peace initiative stage]. Meanwhile some individuals who were not drawn into the worldly, political expansionist consciousness, removed themselves from the rat-race and entered into meditative group dynamism/ monasticism/ "spiritual enlightenment "programs to try and escape the wild world of consumerism. These movements Buddhism, Sufism, Esoterism, Meditations, Yogi, etc. created a following and guru's that have become youtube celebrities at present. The integral philosophers and healers and scientific field theorists are presently making its appearance through internet tapping into the gaps of personal development created by the western-industrialised educational system that leaves many personalities disoriented and depressed because its core focus is developing an obedient citizen that submits to political party politics that ensure disuniting the masses for economic exploitation. The academia, media and business, so trapped into the political arena for funding, then becomes the torch bearers of modern slavery of the mind. Even the new wave empowerment youtube channels like TED Talks have become the new money spinners that tap into the gap in the markets left by education. The audience have now become the educated elite that pay enormous ticket money for "enlightenment". Individual success stories now become the new draw-cards for the educated broken self-esteem patients yearning for answers to the world-wide-web of disempowerment through educational hierarchy and popular book author gurus. These books have made the middle class the new armchair patients that need intellectual remedies through the self-help culture. All of the self-help books have taken one or more of the Advice of the Qur'an, without mentioning it, and turned it into a book, that with some life changing narratives - turning readers into passive, unaware participants of intellectual oppression that marginalises the poor. They, with the political elite,then continue through blinding unawareness of the tricks of academic hierarchy. Even talented young minds who invented groundbreaking scientific discoveries that will save society millions and save many lives, are trapped by academic peer reviews and research stagnation. This reality is hard to swallow, because many the academia ego-worship, theoretical Doctoral and Professorship beliefs are so ingrained that conscious blindness has become a protected arena. The real material answer is: The academia, in the present drop in the productivity and economic prosperity, is the new money spinner. The internet is challenging the control of the academia control, and schools and universities now need state protection for their continued existence through international accrediting bodies. Soon society will be free from industrial control through internet and Artificial intelligence. But with caution. What will still be needed is spiritual wisdom. Without spiritual wisdom no-one will be able to survive the evil challenges of the soul, especially when society is no longer physically working and sitting on their phones and computer desks and the basic needs for material advancement is present. Switzerland is a good example of self decay, through rising levels suicide, divorce, depression, mental illness despite their  material and political success in their country. The country is spiritually deprived of deep, real religious and spiritual enlightenment due its belief in secular democracy and statesmanship. Many western and eastern countries who believe in the western systems of education and politics have lost their enlightenment and are desperately trying to regain the old control it had during pre-internet world of border and physical market controls. Internet has freed people from intellectual bondage, but has also opened the road for more access to evils. The control of the self becomes more needed when social, religious and state controls have lost it grip. People are now individually responsible for their thoughts, beliefs and actions and hence the need for divine enlightenment has become more of a necessity. The status quo through mass media indoctrination is being challenged by good people who are sharing their wisdom on internet. Personal motivational talks of empowerment, self-actualisation and "enlightenment" is raising its head more and more and are helping individuals out of their slumber, but there is a reluctance to promote religious faith for fear of losing crowd and financial support. Spiritual guidance has also become a financial commodity and that is the danger zone. When spiritual information becomes a business then it becomes dangerous. They way I try and save myself from making my work attached to economic aims is to keep my fees accessible to any family and allow some who cannot afford to have access to my work through free internet access or even negotiated bartering with their service. I also encourage those who can afford the fees to assist the poor in their family and neigbourhood as their charitable deeds. I do not go out for sponsors for the work i want to give free to the community. I believe that that is poverty pimping - using poor people to gain money for the self. This a common practice of the post modern times. Therefore funding and funding proposal writing has become a profession. I call it professional academic begging. The other method I use to help myself stay clear from making learning a service-payment feature entirely is to sell books and offer those that sell the books a percentage of the profits. Business transactions is an encouragement in the Qur'an for those who are serious about developing spiritually, and become enlightened. That is why the Last Prophet PBUH was a businessman.  What is very important to share with people, is that no-one is in need of an institution/ or to attach the self to a thikr group to become enlightened by Allah SWT. Pure intention and hard work to improve the lives of people is the road to enlightenment and true success. It is the high road towards the Path towards God Almighty.

So what is enlightenment? To the non-believer in Religion of Truth, enlightenment is the personal, meditative experience of a realm of connectedness with a new peaceful inner-reality which allows the self to silently enjoy a sense of bliss and psychedelic mind experiences . This is possible because mediation quietens the minds external racing of thoughts and allows the inner vibrations of breath to lower the frequency of thought  so that one's heart beats at a tranquil pace that allows the mind to slow down to the frequency that connects with the inner frequency of higher existence of self, because it resonate with the inner, relaxed, good, divine inner frequencies - thus increasing the level of consciousness of more realities beyond the hustle and bustle of the material world of mind and body - rather connecting with the higher inner vibrations of the same, but non-material self-existence, and deeper into its inner universes that is beyond its external form - rather the essence of divine goodness that exists within each of God's Beautiful people He has created. This kind of connection through the frontal cortex relaxed vibrations is a very first stage of transcendental meditation connection with the deeper world of self-existence -often mistaken as full enlightenment. What has actually happened is that the fear reptilian brain has been silenced through meditation and the frontal cortex then secretes relax , happy hormones that connect with the penal gland which is responsible for connecting with the field of waves of the inner and outer positive vibrations of life. When pictures are seen that are still and no movement is visible then these visions are not visions of the outer consciousness, but rather the stored memories of inner consciousness. When there is movement in the vision while in a state of meditation then it is connection with a higher level of awareness of existence other that the physical self-existence through physical sense consciousness. The pure/good vibrations of the self is then connecting with the existing good vibrations of the field around and will actualise the pure intention of the seeker. It is my belief that to seek a path of soul enlightenment as a personal intended aim, is very self-driving and hence possibly full of lower ego desires. In this case one seriously need a sheikh who can see the pitfalls of such a quest for other than normal awareness/ consciousness. Because satan lies in wait for those with these 'spiritual desires', a sheikh of insight is needed. It is my belief and experience that when one only lives the normal life of Praise of God in service of mankind in one's true effort towards goodness, one is Granted inner and outer increase of conscious awareness of the beauties of life and its possibilities, which then makes the person humble and ready to receive more Gifts from God. Such people are not in any illusion about their spiritual experiences and are able to help others on the path of truthful service. I do not see myself being in that position as yet, but do believe that what I have experienced will help others, and myself in becoming more sincere in Praising God, being Grateful to Him and help others with more sincerity - God Willing. We are all in a process of becoming enlightened through of living of this life. Those who are arrogant will deny God Almighty in public opinion, but in their private moments know their dependence on God - actually - desperately trying to deny it with attempts to "enlighten the self" with meditative practices or plain disobedient behaviour to drown the natural Call from the Divine Spirit within to transform and become the better part of the self. This is an inner self-punishment that the person struggles with. When the level of ingratitude to GOD - kafara - become so intense then the person will be closed up forever and lead away from the Calling to Goodness and head self-convincingly straight for the inner and outer hell, here and in the hereafter, unconsciously. In spiritual unconsciousness one becomes blind to real truths and sees the truth in that which satan proposes. We Appeal to God for His Mercy not not land up like that and to constantly be of the Grateful Ones - God Willing.

The road to growth of the soul is vested in following the Prophets Pbut and the rightly their guided disciples. Primarily soul growth is about helping people out of all forms of oppression and slavery - physical, emotional, financial, political and all forms of addiction - the example Prophets (Pbut) set for man to follow. They all challenged the status quo and some of them were assassinated. Soul growth is wrapped up into the growth of others and the establishment of universally accepted good - Ma'ruuf and then, thereafter when goodness is established then to be firm against any evil that threatens the established good. Often "religious leaders" lectures and education works at removing the evil, while the rot in society institutions are still prevalent. This is walking backwards. It often happens when the elite and enfranchised enjoy the marginalisation of the masses, by subtly supporting oppressive systems of government, education and economic systems and pointing fingers at the social decay created by these systems, blaming the poor people and creating social oppression. This allows them the leadership positions through which they gain financially. The masses on the other hand are often so battered and bruised by systems that they submit to authority to rescue them, through political structures, and forget the power they exist from within - the Divine Presence of the Spirit within. So why did religion land up as separate from economic, social and political change? This is because some spiritual leaders were bought by political leaders to subdue people into a kind of spiritual dogma that is not threatening to power. This happen more or less in the 1600 when true religious guides showing people the way to freedom and opposed oppression and were executed, jailed and banished from their countries of origin. State friendly "spiritual leaders" were then paid to subdue the people's fervour of faithful strength and turn ii into spiritual seclusion that did not threaten state control. Many sufis were executed by legalists religious practitioners were turned religion into a pure esoteric practice. We now sit with the shell of faith and lost the inner dimensions of faithful strength that transforms societies, as it did in the years of the prophets. Faith is an active process of self and social change, not a monastical self-indulgence through personal religious dogma or personal "spiritual quest" to find personal peace without the consideration of the people who suffer. The Prophet Mughammad PBUH secluded himself in search of a contemplative solution for the kinds of oppression that existed in his community. Personal purification is linked to good work in alleviating the hardships of the people. Hence the Qur'an always link the faithful with amalan sooligan - good work that are righteous - of which feeding the poor and oppressed is the high/difficult road to personal soul development. Personal soul improvement is the prerequisite for social change, but social change is the aim of existence - that is why we are created to be the deputies of Allah, The Exalted, who endowed us with divine attributes to do His work on earth as our road to success in this world and the next in shaa Allah / As God Wills.

The words "spiritual enlightenment / illumination" are incorrect in that the Spirit within is already that of God and thus it is Pure and is already The Light. It is the soul's effort to reach the vibrations of the Spirit that is being transformed, or which seeks enlightenment. The evil we do darkens our central heart of the soul which spreads the whole soul and veils us from the Light from the Spirit. Removing the evil of ourselves and being pardoned by God allows the veils of darkness to drop and allows the light and purity of the Spirit to shine through. We thus then see with the same eyes, bur with the light of the Spirit and not with the reflected shadow of evil barriers we have created with our own endeavours. The person then sees clearly the reality of things, because there are no egoistic, preconceived, dark veils of illusions the renders vision unclear and distorted. The spirited soul now become enlightened by the Light and purity of the Divine Spirit within the self, now believed to be housed in the "empty" tubules that spread through every cell, which can possibly be the spirited soul that is removed at death which weighs 21 grams - the lost weight of all human beings. That the soul and Spirit exists is thus scientifically proven - it has substance even though it cannot be seen or physically detected. Their are youtubes available today that actually capture the instantaneous wisp of existence of souls, leaving the body within an instant and rescues done by other than human forces that operate beyond seconds. 

The seekers of Divine Enlightenment must be truthful people. Because only through seeking the Truth will one's soul experience enlightenment of the Divine Spirit within. It would thus be more appropriate to call this work "The Paths to seeking the Truth". Truth is A Name/Essence/ Attribute of The Almighty Allah. Thus the true seeker of enlightenment should seek The Presence of God through truth from within and around the Self. If thus one has psychedelic experiences but deny the Existence and Grace of God, then He/ she has  discovered an element of the divine dimensions of self  which somewhat releases  an aspect divine inner peace which will bear witness that one is a liar on the Day of Judgement for claiming that the experiences came from the self without the energising and motivation of the Divine Inner Spirit that dwells integratively in the body, This is a sense of disbelief that has a natural outcome of disaster for the self - body and soul. Real Enlightenment brings humility which truly allows the total self to recognise the Majesty of God Almighty. It is by the Mercy of God that even disbelievers are Given the Opportunity to experience inner peace and visions of inner universes through silent contemplation. This is their divine inspiration to Truth. Some go further and  return to their Original Faith Islam [The Peace], while others refuse to believe and then this peace and tranquil experience will be a witness on the Day of Reckoning as the chance God called them through the inner experience of Peace and Truth and they refused the wholeheartedly acceptance of Islam. This is not scare tactics of self-righteous words, but simply a word of caution to those who do meditate and experience The Peace they are yearning for. The Peace translated into Arabic is Al-Islam. All people yearn for Divine Essences Truth, Justice, Peace, Beauty etc. because we were Created by God's Word and Breath which Contain all the Wonderful Attributes of God. These Divine Qualities thus naturally resonate with us and drives us towards it. We individually choose to accredit ourselves or others with the honours instead of God, taking the chance which can bring us to destruction in this world or the next. We are always reminded within and from truthful elements in life outside ourselves to have intentions that are true and actions that are sincere and make choices that are valuable. This kind of energy is the beginning of divine light from within. The first stages of the soul to divine enlightenment is the feeling of gratitude to God for small and big blessings we enjoy in life's living.

When answering the questions Who am I, What is My Purpose and Whereto is my Destination, The Qur'an and The Prophetic Traditions/ reports reveal the following answer; Everyone is an embodiment of Divine Spirit [Ruugh] with all the potentials to ensure good governance of the Earth and universes as vicegerents/ deputies of God Almighty. operating on the same frequency of everything in the universe and on earth in Praising God and in this way orbits as one, strengthening each other and as such keep all universes in constant orbits and expanding to unveil more and more possibilities for everyone and everything - in the quantum field existence and string universe connections, thus raising the human consciousness onto higher energy orbitals towards the outer and inner horizons - witnessing The Magnificence of Divine Creations and its holistic interconnectedness. We have given our word to work towards this state of absolute service to God Almighty, at the instance of our creation as individuals in our unitary spirit-soul existence in heaven, thus promising to do what God Advises. Thus death and life is to test who will keep their Promise and work wisely with The Guidance God had sent with people He Purified, to show us how - the Prophets Pbut. The Last Prophet Pbuh, excelled in excellent character and complete consciousness of Spirit-soul-heart-mind-body unity - Fitrah - and hence, by God's Permission travelled through time and space to receive The Gift for all - Solaah, which is not only our opportunity to experience our own mi'raj- ascension through space, but The Way to give universal charity, of Praise to God that ensures the continuous functions of the universes that serve mankind. The Day no-one Praises God Almighty, the universes will implode, for it exists to serves people who serve God Almighty. Our purpose is to follow the deep special interests/ passions and use our special talents Allah SWT Gave each one of us to achieve higher whole-beingness and consciousness to experience the extra Gifts - Deeper Visions, Abilities, Achievements, Inventions and Successes that will make us more Grateful to Allah SWT, our God.. Who Grants us new life everyday, to experience The Grandeur of His Reflections in ourselves, the world and the universes. For this we need no spacecraft. We only need to tap into The Divine Spirit/Ruugh within, through the good thoughts and resources He Gives us to work with.
 Those who waste their time and are ungrateful to God Almighty for the Favours He Gave us all, will be the losers in this life - through fears, stress, depression, illness and losses..and losers in the hereafter - by entering the everlasting Fire of Hell. We pray to Allah for His Guidance and the Motivation to do all good things He encourages us to do, every moment of the day. Success in this endeavour is , that we become tranquil within ourselves, enthusiastic to work, happiness from within, and fearless, irrespective of the conditions outside of ourselves. We will actually the see the goodness that is present in everything we experience and everyone we meet. Now that is Real Freedom and Felicity, because when we do good, we are in The Presence of Allah SWT, Who has Power over everything and has Vision of Truth of everything. That is Pure Success. In shaa Allah [God Willing].

The challenges of the soul in its attempt to traverse the experience of Divine enlightenment is very challenging. For those who seriously want to cut themselves off from the worldly attachments consciously and seclude themselves from the world, it is necessary to seek a Sheikh of leader who has experienced the trials of the Path. They will be able to advise them of the tricks of satan who lies in wait on the path to subtly detract the believer from the true path by suggesting acts that are not allowed by The Divine as a way to continue on the Path. Remember Satan's offer of everlasting life to our first parents Nabie Adam and Sitinaa/Lady Gouwa [Eve - for the English speaking]. They approached the forbidden tree and became aware of their nakedness - which caused us all as inherent in these parents to start the journey down to the lowest universe/ heaven which is full of trials and tribulations to sort out the jewels from the coal.  For those who do not deliberately tread the Path but just live a normal life, there is also enormous challenges - so the challenges do not stop - it is part of life's purification of the soul to arrive at the beauty of the inner divine spirit so that it can merge - for purity can only merge with purity and not with impirity. The soul is then challenged to leave every act, thought, desire, person, situation, job, family, company, friends, neighbours etc. that creates impurities in the soul and then the soul is pointed to the right conditions to follow the path of truth. Correct Choices are thus paramount to a successful journey of the soul. Choices that cause us to show arrogance, resistance to correct character/ behaviour are evil choices. Choices that cause us to be humble, create openness for dialogue and  proper conduct of engagement are choices that leads us away from the good path. To tell others they are evil and in the process elevate yourself as the good one is one of the greatest flaws in our discourse and conversations with others and within ourselves. When one is in a situation of disagreement, anger, resentment and loss of control of one's calmness is an indication that one is now in the company of the Satan and not in the company of the angels that are always there to assist you in your. When we are calm, requesting decent engagement, honesty and conversation then one is in the company of the angels and taking advice from them, who points you to the correct path. The greatest challenge in life is marriage. It is the one area where satan is the most busy in disturbing peace and creating animosity to make sure that the children from that family becomes disrupted in their journey to truth. It is often that spiritualists leave their family to find themselves and then get back to them with a better constitution, but if leaving them without the care of correct support while you venture into the path is not the right path. It is a path of illusion. Men often leave their family to "find themselves" simply because their constitution is volatile and aggressive and are unable to control their physical strength which was given to protect the family and not to harm them. Women are closer to spiritual union because of the womb. But if they abuse the womb then they lose their path easily. But the Mercy of God is Wide. As long as there is life there is hope for a successful ending and a place in heaven. One must just not give up.

Women are one of the greatest challenges in human existence. They are powerful in drawing men into the realm of goodness and close to God as well as powerful in drawing them away from goodness into the net of satan. So what is the advice for women and men. Lower your gaze and be loyal. Husbands do not use your strength to abuse your wife and wives do not deprive your husbands from sexual warmth and comfort - those two misuses of the power is the greatest swords that cut through the fabric of a marriage and family and makes our Path towards experiencing divine enlightenment difficult. The ingredients for the easy path to experience Divine enlightenment are humility, consideration, mercy, compassion, charity, friendliness, amicability, courtesy and care. The lack of these takes us to a weird path that detours towards endless strife. Remember that satan is always between two people who differ and encite discord. Discord is the detractor from the path, because it disturbs The Peace - Islam - inherent in all of us.  Maintaining inner peace is the best remedy to stay on the path of righteousness which is the fuel for treading the path of enlightenment. The best method for maintaining inner peace is to remember God's Existence and to Praise Him. Because praising Him within the inner self creates the needed vibrations which calls upon the angels to come near and assist the individual in his struggle for peace. Everyone wants to establish Islam - The Real Peace within and without, because we are yearning to be one with the universe from which we all are part of. This is evidenced by the silence/peace in which the electrons and heavenly bodies orbits in praise of God, But we witness that in this humble orbit rests enormous powers. We actually yearn for the inner divine powers inherent in us that wants to materialise in us, but is hampered by our own barriers of evils we create within and outside ourselves. We must relax, God is In Charge. We are only experiencing His Mercy as it unfolds, even in the hardships we suffer, because it humbles us to draw away from the arrogance, resentment and anger which stands in our way of experiencing the Grace and Presence of God. "Silence is Golden" is the mantra that gets us into meditations, which is focused, quiet emptying of the mind through appreciating breath, life, nature or any valuable existence to shut out all the noise of material life's worries and stresses. It is giving oneself over to God as the executor and turning ourselves into grateful observers, submissive participants in life's living.

Do want we can in the best way we can, is the most real method for entering the path of enlightenment. Work is the real reason for death and and life. So why is death mentioned first? It is because from our heavenly existence before arriving into this life we had to die to enter inter this world of the body grave which allows us to operate in this space and time zone. Our second death when the body capsule is removed we will then enter the spaceless and timeless zone in the after life. Those people who are able to see the other dimensions of existence jinn, spirits and angels, are people who have been granted momentarily suspension of the limits of the physical vision and the are able to see with their soul-spirit eye. This is because for a second or so their bodies are in complete unison with spirit and thus acts like a porous sieve allowing the inner spirit to see. These are moments of raised consciousness and awareness. Our experience of dayshavoo, is one such experience on another level- when we experience a feeling that we were already at a place with all its surrounding features including the words being uttered. This is the experience of our soul-spirit that already experienced what our body is still slowly getting to know. Because Time and space is owned by God and He can length, shorten and remove it, He Completed the whole life cycle of existence at the time of creation - saying be and we all were in His Presence and returned back into His Presence , but either in damnation or felicity, depending on having kept our promise to believe and serve Him and follow the straight Path. Our experience in heaven and on earth is only the Mercy of God to give us the time and experience to perhaps repent for the evil intentions and practices we will do in our existences - in heaven and on earth. 

The Mathematical Equation of Faith - 

by: Mogamat Faadiel Arnold - PTD III, B.A. PhD[HC] - Bo-Kaap Cape Town

 I = C.P.A.W.F.T = CTh = G = Gh = IP = S =1

I - Islamic Faith (may also refer to the self-"I" in search of Guidance through - I=Imaan)

C - Contemplation/ Reflection on the value of things, persons, situations and occurrences  (Ta-fak-kur) as the Marvels of Allah (SWT)

P - Piety - staying away from all forms of Evil, because it is a hinderance

A- Adab (courtesy towards Allah SWT, His Creations,which include mankind)

W - Work - sincere application of knowledge and skills to transform self and all environs - inner and outer

T = to Trust in only Allah SWT as Provider, Protector, Powerful Lord and Sustainer

F = Requesting Forgiveness in admission of imperfections

CTh - constant Thikr (Remembrance of The Creator, Allah SWT every moment

G = Gratitude for every moment, opportunity, Gift, creation, life, honour and faithfulness

Gh - Allah SWT Grants Ghikma (Wisdom) to the seeker for His Countenance/ Divine Presence (Wajh)

IP - Inner Peace = security in faith in God's Ever Presence, Help, Wisdom, Protection & Support ( thus absence of Fear of anything/ any one/ any situation - with secure consciousness of Allah (SWT)'s Nearness - and carefulness not to sin.

S - Success in this world and the Next, due to Nearness and Experience of the Presence of Allah SWT at all times - thus free from worldly attachments/ meaning to strive for worldly positions/ riches while forgetting Allah SWT (instead of appreciating the worldly Gifts from Allah SWT as Signs which reminds us of HIM and to be constantly grateful to Him for Granting us the Rizq (Gifts)) - this state of freedom from all forms of material enslavement, is thus total Freedom ( those who do not fear nor do they grieve - the Friends of Allah SWT - who are granted miracles - traversing the earth, skies, walking on water, the universe feeding them - The Perfect Human example Allah SWT has Sent us in the personality and practice of Nabie Mughammad SAW - the Is-raa (from Makka to Jerusalem) & the Mi'raaj (from Dome of the Rock through the seven heavens - Alghamdu-lilla-hi Rob-bil-'as-la-meen )- from an orphan to the leader of Arabia). Nothing can stand in the way of the Ibaad (sincere worker for Allah (SWT))

1 (One) = being in Unison with the Creator (Where the Ibaad (the adorer and worker for Allah SWT's wishes becomes The Wishes of Allah SWT, and Allah SWT does not hesitate to Grant him his/her requests and Grants him/her true vision, word and actions)- The Equation's answer is = The One and Only God - Allah SWT - Who encompasses  all creations which reflect His 99 Divine Attributes - of which the human has all the 99 Attributes of God potentially in the self - waiting to be actualised. Its actualisation is the application of the Equation above - in shaa Allah, May Allah SWT Grant us the Strength and Wisdom to traverse the Path of the Equation of Faith.

The DOTS between the letters represent Multiplication = The constant improvement of the application of the inter-related, holistic improved application of the equation creates a multiplier effect on the soul that allows it to connect with the Pure Frequencies of The Spirit Ruugh within, which allows the person to holistically transcend time and space and in this way Allah SWT Reveals various Divine Secrets to the traveller towards the inner Truth which Allah SWT has Granted all of us in His Love and Mercy for His Creations - and the Recital, Reading and Reflection of Qur'an - The ONE Resource as the Guidance to humanity to start the Process to Success in this World and The Next - in shaa Allah Aameen.

The above constitutes the Road to the Lord of Power, which allows the individual to be the representative/ vicegerent of God. Such Friends of God traverse the earth with or without vehicles, will be able to walk on water or fly through the sky at the Will of The Creator's Wish, because the Adorer of God (IBAAD) will then reflect his/her divinity inherent in the human to transcend even gravity and other natural laws that restrict those forgetful and ungrateful ones. When the seeker of God's Presence acts, he truly lives the Moment of Divine Power which overpowers everyone and everything with Peace, Harmony and Reverence.

The above equation gives sense to all acts of worship and existence and removes many doubts and allows a greater focus on our purpose in life. The Equation gives direction towards success in a short but absolutely profound way - One Ayah of the Qur'an Can lead us there -
Verily We have Created Everything with/by/in Qadr [measure, number, proportion, ratio, strength, power... etc]
Alghadu Lillahi Robbil'aala-meen.

The Above was inspired by the book of Ibn Al-Arabi - Journey to The Lord of Power, The Qur'an, Aghaadieeth, my personal reflections on the features of the book and some poignant questions from our (ICRA Comprehensive School (ICS)) Grade 10 students at our school, on delivering the lesson to all on the "Mathematical Equation of Faith". I am truly humbled by what Allah SWT has Granted me and the children of ICRA at such a crucial time of many core world changes that have shaken humanity. I have hence, based on this Holistic Knowledge Written One Textbook for All grades that unites all subjects in a reflective way entitled Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections- Alghamdu lillaah -  May Allah SWT continue Guiding us to Him - in shaa Allah.

In activating this Mathematical Equation of Faith over and over one is able to experience higher and higher orbitals/ levels of consciousness that draws us nearer and nearer to experiencing the Presence/Face of God - these are the people for whom God Becomes their, Eyes, Ears, Month that Speaks, Hand that touches, Foot that Walks and for whom Allah SWT Grants all their wishes and If they Ask Allah SWT for His Protection, God will not Hesitate to Grant it to them - as He hesitates to take their Soul at the appointed Death for He does not want to disappoint them - WOW - Hadeeth 508/9 Shagheegh Bukhari Vol 8. Ghadeeth Qudsi. We are so fortunate to be Believers in God, to an extent that the disbeliever is envious of of Divine Connection and their own inability to transcend to theses levels of experience due to their own barriers of arrogance and self-glory they are trapped in - but as believers we must still pray that God Guides them - in shaa Allah - but know that to Pray to Him for others is part of our true faith. 

The Path of The Soul is for me now the Path towards sincere humility, submission of the Will of God and the Gratitude for just being given another day to live and attempt to draw nearer to Him, through acts of worthiness - Alghamdu Lillaahi Roobil 'Aalameen - Praise is only due to God, Sustainer of the Universes .
So how do I start my new day - or Divine Chance Given to me -- Ask ourselves the question - who and how can I make someone happy today? What can I give and how can I sustain it. A smile is a good start - It is a sadaqa - it helps the self enter the zone of healing and reason. The more we give the greater the capacity of the Frontal lobe and hence the more reasonable we become and by its nature increases our reflective abilities and in turn increases our gratitude which increases our own blessings that comes our way from God, Him making our Path to Divine Enlightenment Easier - in shaa Allah. If we are grateful He will grant us more - based 
on Qur'anic Advice - The Word of The Lord. 

Our fear to speak about God freely is based in our fear of losing human contact and connection with those who are not spiritual. Why? We must not make them our Gods that we should fear. What definitely must not do is to overdo the "God Reference in Words" , because we must strike the balance. What we can do, like the Prophets [PBUT] Their actions were Proof of the Existence of God and a higher level on communication with our inner self and with others about the Mercy of God. Supply people with their needs and Allah will supply us with our needs - Ghadeeth Reference. 

A higher consciousness means that one is able to appreciate more things in and around the self. Appreciation leads to a kind of telepathy conversation with the existent object of interest, thus allowing its essence to speak to the heart of the self, thus revealing its benefits and harmful effects, directly without conventional speech, but through consciousness/ awareness. This kind of communication can be drawn from Nabie Sulaiman's [AS] ability to communicate with the insects, animals, birds, jinn and satans and even use them to build dams and palaces, thus leaving a heritage of buildings that man knows today could not have built by human beings. The ability of Nabie Ghithr AS in knowing the future of events. These are people of reflection due to the higher consciousness Granted to them for their sincere connection they had for the Lord of all things in the heavens and Earth. So we are left with stories of the elite of human existence to draw reference from in The Qur'an which Allah SWT has Preserved Unchanged for ever - thus leaving in life a direct Seech of God , by which people can always find Guidance towards the Path of Excellence as practically shown by The Elite of people God chose to help us all on the journey into the Divine Spirit within that will aid the Soul towards success.