Friday, December 15, 2023

Education Flaw


"Education without Spirituality is NOT Learning - It's Only a Baby Rattle - The Reasons and Its Remedy"

by Mogamat Faadiel Arnold [Prof. in Holistic Leisure Learning - A Qur'an-Based Teaching Methodology 

For The Presentation Connect through Email: 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"Bo-Kaaps"The Language of Colonial Resistance

 The Bo-Kaaps the Cape Muslims speak has stood the test of time and the Afrikaaners, whose language is dying now wants to speak like the Cape Muslims, because Bo-Kaaps as a langyage is warm, creative, spiritual, communal, has a sense of humour and a tongue in cheek kind of critical comment, within its nuance. Bo-Kaaps is heavily influenced by the Arabic grammatical sounds and structures. Bo-Kaaps like Arabic focuses on fluency , and hence will drop root letters, inter-change sounds of a word with others to ease pronunciation and shorten words to accelerate fluency and practmatism. Bo-Kaap is rich in integrating cultural words of various nations to give creativity and speed to heir communication skills. Bo-kaaps is also very welcoming in its word and sentence formations and allows other nations to want to imitate the Cape Muslim, who is on top of their language, very friendly people,The colonists could not penetrate their culture with their English language tricks, becaise the Bo-Kaap people simply refused their education.and instead taught their chuldren craftsmanship and islamic Faith, which supports courtesy, creativity and originality. This allowed the Cape Muslims to be highly respected and cause many Eurpeans to become Muslim. Bo-kaaps became the bastion against assimilation with the colonists. The Cape Muslims could then create their own economic system and language  which allowed them to dominate the trademanship. This is remarkable, because the colonists had to submit to the Muslim craftsmanship for the needs, venthough the Muslims did not speak their language, and had no certification from the white oppressors, The Cape Muslim power in the buidling trade can up till today be felt. Alghamdu lillaah. 

Monday, July 3, 2023

Islam Alive Radio 

Maybe you want to listen to me being interviewed on Islam Alive Radio tonight 8.30pm 3 September 2023 in shaa Allah Aameen

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Bo-Kaap:The Treasure Chest of Cape Town

 786 - Alghamdu lillaah, Alghamdu lillaah Aghamdu lillaah... I have just and always experience the RICHNESS of Bo-Kaap... within 10 minutes I had a plumber, mechanic and a welder serving me in solving the problems i had with my toilet cistern and car brakes, Alghamdu lillaah some were students of mine, others old friends. We know each other in Bo-kaap and we serve each other for the love of Allah SWT... Show me another community, so small, so dynamic and so skilled. We have experienced plasterers, painters, builders, ( by the way I just fixed my own roof and built my own 7m staircase Alghamdu lillaah - my father taught me so much about building and restoration). We also have exceptional cooks and dressmakers, tailors, electricians, locksmiths and more exceptional skills in one small area - all knowing each other Alghamdu lillaah. Why?. Because when the Christian missionary schools in the Cape said become Christian then you can get education beyond grade 4. Our forefathers said Hou julle education, os gat ose kinners 'n ambag leer en dan gat sy leerbaas fe hommie Deen leer - Allah SWT Gee Rizq, Algahmdu lillaah.... nie julle nie (we created our own Bo-Kaaps language which was our protection against full colonialism) and our forefather became the best in the building trade (some without being able to read and write)and still needed by the all other communities. Our fathers worked and eventually we qualified as doctors, specialists, teachers, professors, counselors, lawyers and many more, chefs, artists (I am one too and more than 80 paintings of mine were sold internationally- Alghamdu lillaah. We have the good rugby coaches, soccer and cricket teams, Karate instructors - all in one small area - our forefathers were not slaves they were citizens who built the Bo-kaap and city, even the parliament house. NOW all people are visting Bo-kaap, for the colourful houses - NO - to feel the Spirit of Bo-kaap -YES, We have Saints (whose graves were untouched by two major fires) Yes - now when LBGTQ wants to force itself on our children and youth through education- we now have our own private university and pre-university - Algamdu lillaah - with the first international Holistic Methodologist Profession, accredited on merit by SAQA as a Completed South African Qualification - so now we have our own and the new internationally needed, holistic learning culture with our own publishers, authors, and self-teaching textbooks that show the traps and give qualitative solutions - this is exciting, Alghamdu lillaah - Islam teaches when you provide people with their needs Allah SWT Will Provide for you. We even have our our singers (I am a ballad singer too), guitarists, Bo-Kaap has their own political activists and architects, draftsmen - oh. the list goes on Alghamdu lillaah. Even though Council has often not played the ball with us, we played our own game and are winning Alghamdu lillaah. The non-muslims who came to stay here, came mostly for the sound of the Athaan and to experience the practice of caring and sharing, which the Imaams and sheikhs and moulanas of Bo-kaap ensured that spirituality and ethics are prevalent in the Cape in general. Without our imaams and our masaajieds from Where Allah SWT's Name is Called, we are nothing.....some of our non-muslim neighbours and foreign students became Muslim. More who come to Bo-kaap want to embrace Islam, but are still apprehensive. For them I say - we are ready in everyway to make you our brother and sister in Islam - In shaa Allah Aameen. As Allah SWT States in Qur'an that His Friends do not fear and neither do they grieve - yes Muslims are free and safe - in this world and the next even during suffering because they know Allah SWT is with those who have patience during hardship and They know With difficulty comes Ease.. Alghamdu lillaah. To those who try to discredit the people of Bo-Kaap and the Cape Muslims, I say, for your own progress and to save yourself from the punishment of Allah SWT.... stop it and join us - we and the Athaan offers you life and success forever through Allah SWT's Care - And Allah SWT Knows Best... Shukran and thank you for reading Alghamdu lillaah - Bo-Kaap is a Treasure Chest Alghamdu lillaah.-- I nearly wrote another Book ! --- Bo-Kaap also has a great sense of humour....Alghamdu lillaah..

To all men and women of Bo-kaap who helped me when I needed it and all those who supported my classes and work - I say Shukran Jazeelan, without you and your children, By Allah SWT's Grace, I would not have been able to do today what I am doing Alghamdu lilaah- My sincere love to all of them and May Allah SWT Reward them Abundantly in shaa Allah aameen... And to all the people of Bo-Kaap and the Muslims of the Cape we are all indebted to all of you Alghamdu Lillaah .. all the best to you and your families in shaa Allah Aameen.
...and to our forefathers and mothers and our parents who have passed on, who created this heritage for us to hold on to and to value, Alghamdu lilaah- we ask Allah SWT to Grant them Nuur in their Qubuur and all of them High Places in Jannah - In shaa Allah Aameen Aameen Aameen
Shukran Jazeelan Salaam

All reactions

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Compulsory Educational belief in LGBTQ is Child Abuse


Slm and Hi All
The prescriptive LGBTQ curriculum inclusion into state schools, goes against the Education Act and the South African Constitution, with regard to Freedom of Religion, Cultural heritage and basic human rights. LGBTQ is a religious belief and not scientific, or a natural phenomenon, because it is not sustainable through offspring. Its prescription in curricula is thus a legal violation against the human rights of children of other Christian, Islamic and other common heterosexual marriage based faiths. Its Inclusion in state education prescriptive allows people, who do not subscribe to the LGHTQ belief, a right to legal action against any enforced manner. Any member of the public can file for a Protection Order against this forced educational LGBTQ as Religious abuse. This also means that no-one can violate the rights of an individual who wishes to believe in LGBTQ, because each one has a freedom of choice of what he/she wants to believe and practice and has no right to enforce it in any way on others who do not believe in LGBTQ. Please take care. God Almighty is Aware of all forms of oppression. Our children need our adult protection and care. Let us not force our preferences of others. The curriculum that enforces LBGTQ is child abuse


Saturday, May 13, 2023

My Linkedin Posts: Youth Marriages, Cycle of Learning, Mathematical Equation of Faith, Are schools good for our children?


Youth Marriages
Youth marriages in indigenous societies create a full brain development of their teenagers, who with their elders, sustain their communities through survival skills
taught by parents and their communities. The result is a peaceful communal existence free from crime, drugs, illegitimacy, stress, depression, gangsterism,. prostitution, homosexuality, pornography, child abuse, bullying, mass school shootings and more. These evils are the results of western individualistic, competitive ideologies that go against the natural believing of family culture.

Schools create adolescence, because the pass-fail fear makes young people develop their back brain for emergencies without their being any. This western illness, youth adolescence, shows the underdeveloped frontal reasoning lobe and the over developed rear brain - NOT present in pure, indigenous societies, who know how to live in harmony with each other and the environment. Western education focuses on depriving youth of their sustainable survival skills, their parental, family, neighbours and religious connections, and then indoctrinate them into unnatural dependent citizenship that forces obedience to authority... not the natural, supportive, respect for caring leaders in indigenous societies, rich with culture and faith. Westernism has no traditional culture that is creative, happy, productive and self- sustainable. Their culture is CV building, based on certificates that has little value for most, because only 0.1% graduates are employed in the formal sector... the rest are unemployed, frustrated, where their CV then turns into "Certified Vulnerability" which creates the problems listed above... The indigenous people were not affected by Covid and all other illnesses the western world suffers from, because of the stresses created by schools, universities, and media, that effectively dumbdown people into debt, to vote or strike to beg the elite for mercy. In a Godless and Skilless society, idle hands create evil. Westernised people, who believe they come from monkeys, thus have a culture that reflects the animal and lower traits. Youth marriages amongst the indigenous, gives religious value to sex. Westerners reject the  Order of God, Almighty, to indulge into irresponsible sex that makes money for the elite from the dysfunctional minds and bodies, they created on purpose for the masses. The Holy Qur'an Guides,that if we follow the masses they will lead us astray. We need to break free from top down manipulations and create a New Caring World Order...firstly creating jobs for our youth... so that they can marry... back to indigenous wisdom of self-sustainability... in shaa Allah Ameen God Willing.

786 Schools: Are they Good for our children?
In 1989 I was asked to deliver a talk for the Islamic Medical Association at their medical conference in the Athlone Hall in Cape Town. My Topic was " The Aetiology of Child Abuse"
My research pointed to the fact that the Child abused, The abuser, and the silent witness all have a low self-worth and a broken self-esteem. When I dug deeper as to where was the self-worth of these three individuals broken down? I was horrified to find, that it happens from grade 1 in presecriptive schooling through western colonial educational curricula, school management structures, the tests, exams and assessment criteria policies that are generally accepted by western society, eventhough the crises in education, the economy and social disorientation proved the opposite - schools being the reflection the society it serves. The core driving force was the stroking of the lower-self, through media, towards a competative, individualistic, egotistical pseudo-success platform, entrenched by academia and titles for job applications - that are really non-existent, at the expense of social cohesion. While business and governments drove the fakenews of "Education is Your future", wrapped in the pseudo-psychological "adolescent developmental stage', the so-called 9-year no-man's land of identity crisis (which is actually an illness created by school culture, with its monkey evolutionary theory), schools could be sold as compulsory, yet individually, socially, spiritually and economcally destructive institutions. I found that the peer groupings in grades and separate classes created the beginning of drug addiction,gangsterism, bullying, prejudice, crime, despiritualisation and now homosexuality. That the period structures break the natural flow of learning, that examinations and tests create so much fears and anxiety amongst children, youth and parents that it negatively impact on health, true performance and skills development of the nation. That schooling primarily destroys creativity and straight jackets everyone into prescribed syllabi that is often 20years behind the times - due to the old-guard education department officials. Schools create the class structures and obedient citizens - and thus exploits young minds into old markets, ignoring children's inborn talents, gifts and interests, cuasing enormous personal and social trauma - which causes wars. My conclusion was that any type of prescriptive school, secular or religious, with hidden socio-economic and political agendas, at the expense of students' health and real progress, is thus "The Official Father of Child Abuse" which serves as the precursor for all forms of other child, spouse, corporate and political abuse because children/adults learnt to obey adult/authority. I resigned from state schooling and researched a new learning paradigm - Alghamdu lillaah.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Bo-Kaap/Cape Muslims NOT descendants of slaves really the emancipators of slaves

Thursday, February 23, 2023

A journey to the Path of Wisdom


The Economic Weapon
by mfarnold

Oh! Teenagers, Marry
It is your protection -
Part of Prophetic Advice.
If disrespected... enormous strife,
into the traps of vice,
the single, young and older entice...
pornography, illigitamacy, rape,
gayism, gangsterism,
stress, drug addiction,
depression, criminalism..
Core tools of capitalism,
where the rich invest,
in arms, pharmaceuticals,
crime prevention,
rehabilitation, publications,
media, advertising, fashion,
and the biggest money spinner... formal,
prescriptive education, certification ,
examination... all part of capitalistic competition,
driven by a lack of true, emotional,
stability through Young, Spiritual, Marital Connection,
The True legal, loving relations...

Graded schools, with long 12 yr stressed
curricula....  often empty of substance and misplaced... 
The first stage of youth frustration
for manipulation,
into armies and riotous indoctrination
that kill millions of youth in politicization.

Marriage, strengthens teens
into well respected, caring,
young adults who are supporting
family life with, exciting
new possibilities and creativities
with strong, healthy mentalities,
stimulating growth, productive economies,
reducing all forms of criminalities
and medical casualties.

Current late-marriage-culture
in materialistic "nurture"
trapped in a sea of school-induced structural unemployment,
stresses older couples into marital annulment or childless selfishness,
in generation-gap-madness.

The older generation, who refused
secularization with youth craft-cultivation ,
wonderfully encouraged young marriages and enjoyed long family and
and community unity and sustainability,
because they were not impressed
by egoistic, individualistic,
materialistic "dress",
that fool the spiritually numbed,
academic, craft-deprived,
who spend their hours in
theoretical, unsustainable policy
argumentative polity,
the foundation of new idolatry,
the real underlying problem
of modern and post- modern society...
educationally induced, confused identity,
through discouraging youth matrimony.


The Holistic Methodologist(HM)
by mfarnold

Armed with Qur'an and Sunnah
HM sees science as Signs and Marvels,
not verses, for Qur'an is not poetry,
but Unity
of All The Forces, Owned by Divinity.

Able to integrate all sciences,
HM, trains Holistic Facilitators,
not brainwashed educators,
who, so specialized,  became
manipulators, without ability
to connect the dots in utility of unity.

HM teaches how to teach holistically,
with loving passion and humility,
taking from 21 separate subjects,
the integrated beauty of a single concept,
to create an understanding depth
that transforms the young
into a respected profound,
whose Gratitude, Respect and Service is common ground,
whose confidence breaks
conventional youth, deprived song..

The "Holistic Music and Art of Life" ,
is the Curriculum of a HM,
that translates an average human
into an enlightened, practical agent,
who changes environs
into icons
of transformation
for better communication,
to ensure a new destination,
that gives a new orientation
for all investigations,
into Real Solutions,
that removes all western confusions,
into an exciting, new Constitution -
Through HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning,
that makes studying an earning,
that Aims at Divine Love and Yearning.

by mfarnold

The negative
caused by educative 
has been a directive
by the powerful
to reduce the grateful
towards pitiful,
so that the critical
can claim the pedestal
at the expense of the creative.

The aforesaid is the job
of colonial styled schools and universities,
funded and supported
by the rich, who become
richer by the casualties
created in their faculties.

Rejection of the Prophets(pbut)
is aimed at creating Academic
Theorists  who are anarchists
that teach to devalue religious virtue
through competitive that argue
without divine truth,  misconstrued
and conjecture through incomplete pursuit.

Gratitude, Respect and Service to
God Almighty, create these values
for parents, which post-modern learning
crash, through individualistic, narcissistic
rhetoric, aimed at market competition.
to sell the soul to fit fashion mould
and lose self-worth, the cornerstone
of frustration, that kills the soul before the body, due to complaint, control and payroll,
looking always for ways to discipline and monitor, the already broken souls prepared
for the slaughter roll.

Wake up before you lose your active, creative role, in a sea of broken scrolls -
that is the Transcendence call,
Moving away from mundane 
profane and disdain,
Into the Realm of Humane
before you become insane. 

by mfarnold

In a world geared for feminine dominance
both male and female lose continuance. 
belittling and bullying get predominance, 
which rests in ignorance.

Women use sexuality in arrogance
Males use strengths for rights insistence 
All due to conversation absence.

Mothers belittle non-voilent fathers in the children presence
by refusing adult communication - 
closing ears, silence, walking away, , shut-up-not listening to you-telling , hand-flipping, insulting, police threatening, 
abuse claiming, when husbands touch and hold wife for attention, 
creating enormous tension, 
that children suffer father apprehension.

Father's need for comfort 
makes many reluctant to confront, 
The result, demasculation on the home front.

Some husbands, in words retaliate. 
child, especially girls, imitate the mother's trait, abuse father, inconsiderate, 
leaving families desperate
and grandchildren isolate, 
ready for next generation fate 
and a growing gayism rate.

Let's necessitate - true compassionate
considerate, affectionate,
concentrate, collaborate, accommodate and 
contemplate for goodness to proliferate.