Monday, January 22, 2024


STANDARDIZED AFRIKAANS is kombuis Dutch. The Cape Muslim's *Bo-Kaaps Language* Is the creative integration of Arabic, Indonesian, Malayu, Dutch, Java, English, Xhosa and other languages as well as some deep meaning creative words and phrases, which was not understood and still not understood by colonists and their decendants. It created a resistance against complete westernization, because the Old Cape Muslims did not read the colonial LANGUAGE, and refused to send their children to colonial schools. The Cape Muslims could thus secure their faith and their spirituality and bring  decency, craftsmanship, morality, patience and sobriety to the Cape.  The colonists respected, feared them and gained from them, thus Muslims were, by Allah's Plan always protected. The Cape Muslim came as free citizens, not slaves, and were always asked to build the Cape on offer of land and work. The term Arab-Afrikaans, because it was written in Arabic script by imaams, is misleading, because Bo Kaaps is distinctly different to standardized Afrikaans, the Boers speak. The warmth of Bo-Kaaps, the language of colonial resistance, has become attractive  to Afrikaaners, whose standardized, creole Dutch language, is dying now after the fall of Apartheid. When Afrikaans is removed from schools it will die. Bo-Kaaps is also fading as a language, as internet is dominating social media.