Friday, April 29, 2022

Skewed Cape Muslim History

 While The Cape Muslim history, depicted mostly by non-Muslim-white-resources and funding, to fit the old colonial and later Apartheid narrative as a "colourful community of Bo-kaap of slave origin", the hidden agendas become clearer when one carefully looks at the academic and tourist language used to paint this picture. The real agendas become clear when books and films like District Six, Dickie vannie Bo-Kaap, Tracker and Barakat, that negatively depict Muslims as a skollie/ruffian-like community wrapped in a negative depiction of Islam, become "famous" internationally. It is this kind of evidence that makes sincere people, Muslims and Non-muslims, call for a careful, truthful study of Real Cape Muslim history, not that written by oppressors to create a narrative that aims at market profits at the expense of the beauty of the Muslim people of Cape Town and the Untainted, strong Islamic Heritage, which caused many to embrace Islam up until today. It could be the rate of conversions to Islam that is becoming so threatening, that every effort has been made to discredit Islam and The Muslims of the Cape, directly through some tour guides and subtly through "research papers" and the entertainment media. Often where the money lies, lies the lies

Friday, April 22, 2022



Slm and Hi All
The strict laws and timelines SET in SA Legal System that make FINANCIAL CLAIMS OF WORKERS SUCCESSFUL from bosses for physical AND OR mental damages caused by vaccinations, is PROOF THAT VACCINATIONS ARE DANGEROUS TO THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF WORKERS, IMMEDIATELY AND IN YEARS TO COME.
May God Almighty Protect us, our children and grandchildren In shaa Allah and Give us better means of living AAmeen, should our people lose their jobs due to vaccination requirements from employers.
And May Allah SWT Grant our employers and Government officials wisdom to see the traps set by those for whom profit is more valuable than the health and lives of people. In shaa Allah Aameen.