Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What is wrong with "Leadership"


Often leadership is striven for with promises that are often not kept. Why do people strive for leadership, but when in power lose most of the principles they stood for during the election. What constitute leadership, how does one become a leader and how is leadership sustained? These are questions that haunt the people who are waiting to be lead. What is the main purpose of leadership? This is the question that will determine the process, election, establishment and sustainability of good governance for an institution, country and the world.

Purpose of Leadership

To most "leadership" is synonymous with control and hence the guidelines and characteristics of control then dominates the principles of leadership. The focus of many leadership programs lies within the goal of the activity and not in the transformation of self through the activity/ opportunity of "leadership". When one focuses on personal transformation then one enters the realm of purpose of self-transformation, which in essence is spiritual and thus spaceless and timeless. The purpose of leadership is thus beyond self, the situation, and the participants - rather the satisfaction of the Divine ethics of world well-being, as an act of charity to gain nearness to the Creator - the Provider of health, opportunity, energy and creativity.

We now immediately enter the real of Divine Purpose and Choice. This then translates into leadership cannot be striven for, leadership cannot be aspired to, leadership cannot be trained for - leadership in real terms is non-existent, but that "Exemplary Servanthood - ES" is the reality. When a person has reflected of ES then the whole stage changes he/she has a brand new focus, a complete different demeanor and a spiritual light that shine from him/her that makes the task at hand creative, exemplary, accelerated and fulfilling. Now then question is how does one become that ES

Principles of ES

Exemplary Servanthood (ES) is linked to 1) Belief in One God, The Omnipresent and the realisation that mankind is His vicegerent/ divine diplomat. Without belief in a Higher Power, a person regresses into self-agrandisement - the fatal disease of the heart that destroys the inner-self and prevents personal progress and new opportunities. 2) Truthfulness is an ingredient of belief. 3) Recognition of the Divine Spirit in all irrespective of race, creed, colour or gender, which translates in a non-prejudicial essence - and this is the cornerstone of truthfulness 4) equality of people before God, and hence the person who is in a position of ES, does not have any feelings of status above those he/she serves. 5) Honours and values those he/she works with. 6) see the task for which he/she has been chosen as ES, as a test from The Creator and hence an act of worship (I-BAA-DAH). 7) Sincerity is necessary for an act of worship.

ES is thus not position that is taken, but a granted position from those who trusts their elected ES, on a track record of previous quality work, inter-personal relationships and commitment they have experienced with the person they chose as their "leader"/ ES.

Sunday, September 26, 2010



The practice of men to have more than one wife has been questioned in western monogamous societies. Western women have questioned this phenomenon with gusto. Many Eastern and Western women, rather girls, have been exploited by polygamous men. Western women have been, only since the 1970's, open to express their views. Prior to this and still today western and eastern women are generally shut up and abused. What is quite clear is that men generally have polygamous tendencies, while women generally prefer one husband. Again we need to stress that here we are not considering the desires of the evil males and females who engage in porn, extra-marital relations and open and secret flirtations. This article (or book depending on the available time) addresses people who are trying to live a righteous life and hence question the existing questionable practices around them - locally, nationally and internationally, while seeing the value of spiritually-based polygamous marriages and the lack of social strength to pursue it.

Why has polygamy been practiced?
Being a male, who constantly tries to analyze the going on's outside of myself and inside myself, and at the same time trying to be conscious of the ever-Presence of The Creator, I try to find true reasons for certain continuous practices in society. I do research and read as much as possible, but often find that most people state what is "politically correct" or commonly acceptable. It is obvious that they are trying to curry favour with their peers, social connectivity, status, bosses or sponsors. I try to be as truthful as possible and then put what I think out there for open discussion among persons who genuinely seek the truth for personal growth.

Men primarily seek the attention of women, because they are "needy". They want to be loved, accepted, cared for, pampered and find consistent sexual pleasure. That does not mean that they want sex all the time, they want to be appreciated as a sexually attractive male. When this need is satisfied, they are prepared to work their guts out to help and serve people and humanity at large. The "sexual" satisfaction gives them the needed tranquility, self-confidence and energy to serve humanity - the reason for their earthly existence - to serve, to protect, to guide, to nurture and support women and children to ensure that society at large benefits. Now you might think that is a whole lot of nonsense, because your reference points would be some monogamous men who do all these things without more than one woman's attention. In the western world there are these men and leaders of countries who do the good, but also do the evil of extra-marital relations, mistresses, porn and masturbation. They then "comfortably" function, while they had their sexual desires satisfied by evil means. What about the man who tries and does not involve himself with this evil practices? How does he find satisfaction, if his wife is less sexual, gives him less attention, does not find him attractive, etc. but she still loves him and he her without their consistent sexual attraction? Well if he cannot afford another wife, he simply has to indulge in more spiritual activities and develop his soul to be more disconnected to the earthly desires. If he can afford he should follow the guidelines to marry other women who will help him achieve the needed inner tranquility to regain his energy to serve women, children and society.

Monogamy and Western Economic "Progress"
We all know that most men cannot afford another wife, within the western economic structures we find ourselves. Movies, Porn, mistresses, flings and divorce are thus on the increase, because only a few men have the power and inclination to turn to the spiritual dimensions to find solace for their glaring desires. Within a western world, where media exploit the vulnerability of men and women through female and male provocative themes, outfits and general sexual tendencies, the money makers know the best market strategies to sell their products - appeal to the lower-self and you have a majority of people(customers) responding positively to your products. We can already see that general investors will lose quite a sum of money if polygamy was a general practice. Well it is then understandable that polygamy will find quite a bit of negative media and business attention. This little point of the western economic advantage of open sexuality and the simultaneous promotion of monogamy, puts genuine, religiously-based polygamy in a better light, yet I am sure not yet in an acceptable light. We have grown use to our western "freedoms" and often choke our marriages and family securities in the process. The quickest, less challenging, irresponsible and practiced satisfaction of multiple sexual desire today is "gayism" - where all social and religious bonds are broken for selfish personal satisfaction.

Is there a present need for Polygamy?
When looking at the number of females born to males in families, and the amount of female drivers on the road, one comes to the conclusion that there must be more females than males in the country and world at large. There are also many single mothers with children at school due to divorce. We then ask where are the eligible males? You might answer gay, and what's left are married.

What is true is that married women will not easily give up their husbands for polygamy, due to the possible problems that might occur within the two families, because polygamy is not yet an accepted phenomenon in our western societies.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Does "objectivity" really exist?


Whenever someone presents an understanding and a creative response to a situation, other less creative - but more critical individuals - attempt to devalue a person's contribution to change, by stating, and often quite angrily - that what was done is "subjective" and hence not valuable. Come one! That just shows that the critic attempts to box creative, original thought into the "disarming box" of "objectivity".


A crucial ingredient of objectivity is "Observation". This is the cornerstone of "objectivity" yet it is "flawed" by subjectivity. No human being has the capacity to be objective, because he/she does not have the capacity to ignore the facts that:
1. His body occupies a specific space and time that is not shared by anyone else
2. His perceptions of the mere physical dimensions of any observed facet of life is determined by the angle and quality of tools and medium he/she personally employs to observe - which is uniquely him/her and hence totally subjective
3. The perceptions, opinions and views of any individual is unique in that his/her experience of life is not identical to another and hence will subjectively influence any interpretation or conclusion he/she arrives at.

The above realities already puts a damper on the consistent demotivation non-creative people employ to discourage people who presents work without referencing other people. As long as a person does not quote verbatim, he/she has the right to present his/her understanding of any phenomena.


Courtesy is the cornerstone of true communication. When someone creates any piece of work/ or gives an opinion, it i courteous to listen, read or evaluate what has been presented. To shoot it down because you believe in flawed "objectivity" is discourteous. This s plain rudeness. It immediately tells the creative presenter that what he/she has done is not worth looking at or considering, because it does not following the human invented criteria of objectivity. Remember courtesy has created more social bonding - the reality of human existence - that what objectivity can ever imagine to create. Actually "objectivity" more readily creates disorientation, because it creates arguments - which is the purpose of the creation of the principles of objectivity - the need to create space for new "research" which forces scholars to register at institutions owned by the Capitalistic investors - who sees learning as a product for sale - marginalizing all poor people. "Objectivity" seems to keep academia in a loop of dependence to ensure a continuous indebtedness to fees- feeding the interest-related economies. "Objectivity" encouraged by academia, is a ploy to manipulate information of others, quote them out of context to promote a subjective aim, which often mystifies simple truths in order to confuse the masses. If objectivity in research was so powerful, how is it that the financial markets crashed and the economists are not even able to identify what really caused the crash. They are not able to, because the capitalist minds are yet incapable of wrapping around interest-free financing policies. The courtesy of caring for others has diminished through the insistence of cold, antisocial "objectivity" and the rejection of warm, sociable, creative subjectivity and the respect for creative individuals.

Faint Signs of the Demise of Objectivity

History, often written with "objectivity" was found to be politically biased and socially discriminatory. The acceptance of Oral History is a sign of the importance of the individual subjectivity to arrive at truths of life. When a professor can write a research article call "Black Education in Transition". supporting Apartheid policies using "verified data" then all "research" articles, with supportive data and analysis, become suspect. When another university lecturer advises his student that it is not about reading the whole text, it is just about quoting from text and referencing it, then the academia itself is questioned.

Purpose for the insistence of Objectivity

"Objectivity" in essence is an attempt to neutralize spirituality. Spirituality is feared by the capitalists, because it has the potential to free the mind from market enslavement. Markets are supported by research, which "convinces" the uninformed mind of the validity of a product's "effectiveness, based on research" only to find later that other research negates previous findings. This proves that objectivity is often determined by available technology and such technology determines the conditions of objective "truths". Faith on the other hand has stability and develops inner confidence, while objectivity develops external, tangible slavery to the material.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Can gayism be justified?


No. Gayism cannot be justified. If such a choice behaviour can be justified, then all other crimes and sex prefernces in society can be justified, because all deviant people have quite elaborate "reasons" for the deviant behaviour. What gays are trying to tell us, through their bombardment of media coverage, is that their choice of sexual partner is natural. If a society cannot spring from the union of two people of the same sex, then it is not natural. If gayism was correct then tears will not flow from their eyes when they try to express their innermost feelings about their sexual preference. If homosexuality is accepted by law then all deviant sexual dehaviour should be accepted and none can then be criminalised. That everyone of civil society knows is impossible.

Gay Productions

What gays are able to produce is an enormous amount of media coverage to try and convince the public to accept them as normal. They are not normal. Their sexual behaviour is anti-social. They can never be accepted as part of normal society. The first Aids victims that died were white gays in America. How gays managed to transport it as an African scourge, still evades the public. The homosexuals took the heat off themselves and made their product an African concern. No one can be asked to support their plea for their sexual preference.

Why is it unacceptable?

It confuses society, especially young people. It definately stems from a fear of dealing with the challenges that face hetro-sexuals. It is an easy way out to get sexual satisfaction without the responsibility of marriage, which is obviously an institution in society which only the strong men and women can face square on. Gay movement and speech does not even fit in the realm of women movement and speech. They are often odd, boisterous and loud - the characteristics of people with a low self-esteem.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When Educational Policies Change


When this happens it sounds a bell that
1. the adults who are in charge of education did nor think deep enough in the first place
2. their educational thought is not holistic
3. that politics seems to take preference over quality service
4. that every new person in charge, due to democratic structures, needs to show something new in order to gain votes
5. general lack of interest in children and parents
6. that there rather seems an attempt to create jobs for policy makers and their entourage for the next 5 years.
Whatever the sounds, it does indicate a lack of credibility of those in charge of education, of all the political parties and academia for they are surely not able to ensure the sustainable success of learners in a continuous and growing manner. The chop and change confuses the principals, teachers, pupils and parents for the next 5 years.

Flaws when trying to mend Education failure

Educational planners often think that having more tests and monitors constitute better education. If your teaching methods of school planning and management of learning are archaic then no amount of tests and curriculum changes are going to make any difference. The following are the core reasons for the consistent drop in the quality of educational delivery all over the world
1. period structures and compartmentalization of learning content
2. Disregard for the knowledge, excitement and energy of learners who have surpassed the adults in available global learning access.
3. Lack of knowledge of principals to motivate staff, learners, parents and communities to go beyond the narrow visions of educational authorities, who inevitably are hamstrung by the policies of their political parties.
4. lack of knowledge of the real global economic trends and needs
5. The crash of the old economic model of free-enterprise and market-interest-related economic thought has simultaneously killed the old market-related educational infrastructures that fed the illusionary market trends and bases.

Without the realisation of the above all systems of education must fail in its implementation, because its goal and structures have rusted and are not in tune with reality. If children of a society have no work after they finish school and university, then the government, business and all its structures have failed that society.It is difficult to motivate a child to go to school when there are no jobs for the youth in the market place or in state service. How can you motivate a people if some races are given preferences over other and all the children/ youth and not seen to, with sincerity,while we are all aware that they are the drivers of economic progress - economic force of a nation? A country with a high unemployment rate has failed its people.