Thursday, December 30, 2021

Know Thyself by mfarnold

 Know Thyself by mfarnold

With one's Origin in Heaven
Where Body, Soul and Spirit, Divine
And Peace, Harmony and Safety, No decline,
Each knew The Real Mine -
Courteous, Appreciative, 
Gentle, Balanced and Humble 
In The Presence of The Sublime,

Descent to the Lower heaven,
With forgetfulness.. The Path is for A striven,
To reach for The Hidden
Qualities Already Given.

One Achieved Total Human Excellence, 
Others followed,
While many faltered, who cowered
Under the Tests from the cowards
treacherous, oppressors and "disregards",
unaware of the strengths inward,
Which can link with Cosmic outwards.

The Road to this success,
needs an inner beauty Dress,
That sees every creation with thankfulness,
without a stress,
Through a conscientious 
effort for gracious sacredness,
humble connectedness,
contemplative thoughtfulness,
non-prejudiced objectiveness,
with Refinement and economic acts of Fairness.
Resulting in maturation of Reflection,
Friendly volitions,
in qualitative communications
with the inner-self and companions
Achieving heavenly articulations
of Enthusiastic preservations
In every creative, productive execution
.. the aim of spiritualisation...
in every moment's actualisation,
...JOY then...
The Experiential, Living Expression !

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Cult of Academia Poem


The Academic Cult
by mfarnold

Manipulation of marks
Authoritarian trademarks
Mind-control into deliberate darks,
Destroying young beautiful larks,
Through trapped, peer-group, graded demarks.

Systematic programs for indoctrination
through standardised curricula and examinations
that marginalise large populations,
deprived of housing by politicians,
in elitists designed diction questions,
that perpetuate manipulations
of Cultish philosophies, that attack religions
to break family unions.

Fear is the main agenda
to accept its propaganda
through pass and fail referenda,
that break the self-worth from preprimary
to university
to provide mindless workers for the industry,
at the expense of dignity.

To join this Cult, wrapped in debt
Is to enter a place of soul bereft,
from teachers to ministers
blinded by evil sinister,
that destroy learning to sinders,

To the middle class, whose ego is stroked
Through degrees clocked
That damage and choke
the creative life out of every youth
Creating rebellious uncouth
desperately trying to uproot
a subtle colonial Slavery suit,

We call you out
To stop creating doubt
causing a creativity drought

Give a deep thought
To what academics brought.
And support those besought. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Farce of Adolescence: Argus

FAKE news which confuses people and disarms the truth can only be used against 
‘ill-educated’ people, says the writer. Picture: Jon Elswick/AP

#EducationWatch: The farce of adolescence

By Mogamat Faadiel Arnold Time of article published Aug 2, 2019

“Astroturf” - deceitful/satirical presentation of “facts”, using accredited individuals, organisations, institutions and state departments - to confuse people, disarming the truth, making people withdraw from the truth and become uninvolved - eventually confusing the truth beyond recognition - campaigns to disguise the truth - demonising truthful inventions/creative work/awareness and creative individuals that threaten the large corporate profits/state control/the status quo in order to exploit the masses medically/educationally/religiously/culturally. (Sharyl Attkisson TED Talk, University of Nevada).

Today we call it “fake news” - where rogue scientists and psychologists use internet profiling to target fence-sitters to switch the vote in favour of a certain party/product that will ensure large profits.

This can only be done to people who have been ill-educated.

The most destructive Astroturf educational paradigm that wrecked Western societies, aimed at reducing the self-sufficiency of indigenous societies, was the introduction of the Western construct, “adolescence - the 9-year no man’s land of youth”.

This “science” demonised the indigenous wisdom of teenage marriages. After short initiation ceremonies, these young married couples, with their elders, sustain their communities. Western Graded Schooling was introduced to destabilise indigenous cultures and drive wedges between children, youth and adults, isolating them into dependency groups for targeted consumerism of the mass- produced products of business.

Schooling makes young people lose their survival skills, isolates each young person, makes them dependent on “authorities” and drops their parents into huge debt. This is modern slavery clothed as “progress”.

City folk are sold the idea that indigenous cultures without schooling, are “backward”. It makes the general public believe the “fake news from accredited sources”.

The subtlety of this Astroturf was created for the manipulation of minds to steal indigenous natural resources and drive communities into the cities for survival.

The UN 2030 Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development aims to urbanise all and clear the rural areas to create city-dependent masses, controlled through power grids and water supplies.

While they drive the masses into schools, the elite invest heavily in robotics that reduce manual labour.

Frustrated unemployed youth become state soldiers, policemen and private security guards to protect the assets of the rich from the masses of unemployed school-leavers.

This information should not scare us; it just informs us to plan well and turn our country into one free from controlled education, to a land of Learn and Earn to ensure decent marriages of our young adults so that they can help the economy grow.

Adolescence is not a psychological developmental stage. It is a created false condition, supported by “research” that fools people into accepting schools.

The extended school and university years and the socially accepted extension of marital age, “after your studies”, create stresses caused by inhibition of legitimate sexual attraction, driving the pharmaceutical, medical, ammunition and fashion company profits to soaring heights and societies into a spiralling abyss.

“One must first break society before you can build a new one” (The Great Hack - Netflix). Conventional schools were designed to alienate the child from his/her parents, family, community, religious values and his/her personal identity, to impose on the child a new, individualist-materialist world view.

The adolescent no man’s land is then achieved, which, combined with structural unemployment, will leave the youth vulnerable to the exploits of any adult/group. Adolescence is actually a Western cultural disease.

It will be difficult to accept adolescence as Astroturf. To help us understand, let us consider that there are still indigenous communities that live and sustainably thrive, who have not yet met the diseases of the West.

They do not have the ills we suffer. So the question is: “Who is backward - the citizen or the indigenous - the independent or the dependent?” Identification of the underlying reasons for our school and youth issues will allow us a new window to plan qualitative change.

* Dr Mogamat Faadiel Arnold is the Director of the ICRA Comprehensive School home-based tutorship service and a local & international education consultant.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Neutralising The Cult of Academia


Neutralising The Cult of Academia - by

Specific factors in cult behaviour are said to include manipulative and authoritarian mind control over members, communal and totalistic organization, aggressive proselytizing, systematic programs of indoctrination, and perpetuation in middle-class communities.

Referring to the above quote from Google, schools and universities, with its prescribed curricula, memory-forced exams, aim at ensuring that gifted children, who have good memories, who can become doctors and general middle management ["cult perpetuants" of the middle class], succeed, while the majority are marginalised, through state engineered lack of resources, are then in this way prevented from passing the high standards of exams. 

When one looks at the characteristics of a Cult and analyse the way colonial schools, universities, government structures, banking and business policies, as well as the legal fraternity operate - especially now with Covid, then it becomes clear that The Academia is a Cult, which ensures obedience, and general conformity. That is perhaps why Prof Noam Chomsky states that Academia is the gatekeeper of Capitalism, but he fails to identify the real tools of it or to give creative solutions. 

When the Cult's failure becomes evident, suicide is promoted by its leaders. Today we can acquaint the failure of The Academia Cult it inability to maintain the exam-based institutions and the enforced vaccination to cover-up the failure of the Academic Cult, which was caused by the mismanagement of the Covid 19, through bureaucratic delays, inept scientific and medical training and in appropriate economic strategies. The Cult has failed and its members are being lead to the slaughter [vaccination], as a last resort to revitalise the Academic Cult Control, which drives the process of brainwashing the people and marginalising the real enlightened. 

The enlightened are not the doctorates and professors of the western world, because many of them, connected into capitalistic states and systems, have promoted the management of covid 19, and did their utmost to silence the awakened academics, who now see the failure of the Academic cult they were trapped in. The core trappings into the Cult of Academic Brainwashing to control the masses, through the middle class "Intelligentia" is the high fees of academic studies and research, which enslaves them and ensures conformity through DEBT with INTEREST.

The Islamic Ethos of Prohibition of interest and the Qur'anic Encouragement to the rich to give interest free loans, thus makes perfect sense. It is the key to unlock Cult behaviour through Debt traps and also offer the rich not to fall into the trap of cultish behaviour. Islam thus offers Peace and thus any movement that denies the peaceful co-existence, is not Islam, but another attempt by the leaders of the Capitalistic Cult, to discredit the Freedom Islam offers, by using brainwashed youths, who were frustrated and prevented in schools and universities from following their own passions, while being unemployed and prevented from marrying early, due to westernised-capitalistic-academic cult social structures, driving the into military positions.  That is one of the reasons why soldiers rape women in wars - frustrated sexual drives through cult oppression of early marriages.

Cults also have a common practice - sexual exploitation of women, without the honour of marriage. Academia extends the marriage-age to a point where women and men are "forced" into extra-marital sex and the media of the western cult culture ensures that teenagers believe in being free, means not marrying. That is why many women who marry late have problems with conception due to endometriosis - long extended menstrual blood-flow-spills into the abdomen cavity which, destroys the ovaries, due to no pregnancy for so long, while sexual stimulating media and social constraints of marriage forces abstention, thus enormous stress for the believers in God, and out of wedlock sex with different men, by disbelievers in God Almighty's Advice,  which distorts the uterus, due to the absorption of various sperm proteins into the walls of the uterus, reducing its capacity to lodge a fertilised egg. 

Whatever the cult may be, the women normally suffer the greater losses through sexual abuse of cult leaders and media over-stimulated, frustrated men - who from an early age, through schooling, are prevented from developing skills and means to marry young. It is these young, frustrated men who are sacrificed in wars -" in honour of the country" - what absolute brainwashing - which we have long believed is true, especially those who vote for the middle class western-designed cult leaders - packaged as "democracy". The Academic Cult is the creation of evil rich people who, after slavery was abolished, planned another way of enslaving people - the creation of schools and certificate-belief for job entrants, which has always failed for the masses.  That is why colonialists removed the children from the parents of indigenous people and placed them into indoctrination schools which devalued their culture and language and promoted the western capitalistic cult culture through their English language. This deprives the parents of teaching their children the skills of self-survival, and turned the parents into labourers for capitalistic companies and states. 

The off the Grid, Tiny House Culture,now gaining ground, is an attempt of people to go back to their indigenous origins, where creativity was prized and survival ensured. Creativity is unacceptable in our western Academic Cult culture and conformity to footnote referencing a norm, which ensures conformity. That is why we still lean on old western ideologies, which questioned belief in God Almighty and started all these Cult leading Philosophies through acquire prescribed academic Ph.D's, [which in reality is only an academic argument in academic circles of cult cultural practices at universities] to gain access to funding for projects, that the rich still manipulate and dictate. 

I am sure things are becoming clearer to you. To neutralise this culture one has to raise the vocabulary of the people in an accelerated way and remove examinations, replacing it with self-evaluation skills. By setting a high standard of language for exams, which require talent, opportunity and resources, [and simultaneously depriving the masses of proper housing and good wages] the masses fail these exams, which deprive them of good reading skills, which is engineered, so that policies are written, that the masses cannot understand and thus their rights are, in this way, usurped. The first stage to unlock the brainwashing, because brainwashing uses certain coded words, "mantras," that trap people into the cult, is a new holistic English. 

Ph.D's often create new terminologies to create new fractionalise groups that keep the Cult in a growing state of mass confusion and doubt, while many of the Ph D's are used by governments and companies to write policies to curtail the rights of people. The academia is expensive which keeps the academics in obedience through debt and begging for funding and the high academic fees also keep the masses out of the management structures, reserved for Cult middle-class managers. 

For us, who have gone through schools and universities and who have taught in schools, colleges and universities, it is a hard pill to swallow. When I discovered that the first form of Child Abuse is prescriptive schools, I resigned from the state teaching profession and lost many financial benefits [ the chains], But it was worth it [Praise The Lord], especially now with covid and vaccinations. My research for truth 28 years ago, has lead me to understand the traps and now can offer solutions - by God's Grace. 

One of the first things I did when I realised there is something drastically wrong with schools, was to register to major in Arabic and Economics. I felt that if I want to help people towards the truth, I must know how a capitalist thinks. Well, Praise The Lord, He, The Almighty has Allowed me to see through the smokescreens. 

I know people do not like reading a lot. Another trick of Colonial Brainwashing is to complicate things with jargon, which discourages people to read. Well, I have used Arabic to cut through the coded cult language of English and created for people a higher level of English that Neutralises the Academic Cult Jargon and accelerates people's [youth and parents] articulation, through Holistic English Skills that disarms the most "sophisticated cult management academics". We all have to take this article seriously, because our lives and those of our children and grandchildren are at stake in a new world order that aims to force conformity, even through "religious practices", that will be tainted by the new changes. The time has come for us to be honest if we want to die and find a Positive Welcoming in the Hereafter - in shaa Allah Aameen. God Willing.

For the academics and managers of companies who read this article and feel the truth of it, I would advise... cleanse your money you earn by regularly paying a youth member in your family/or neighbourhood, who are poor and still at school or unemployed, a fraction of your enormous salary, to pursue his/her passion/ talent/ interest. This assists the youths to earn, learn and become self-sufficient through a NODEBTYOUTH community care initiative. Please feel free to contact me on whatsapp 0833945701, if you wish to know the full steps of the "Neutralisation of The Academic Cult". You can also read the way forward, on this Blog entitled " The Value of Holistic Thinking" and "ICRA New Prospectus" God Willing.  

Thank you for reading, and God Bless all of us - In shaa Allah Aameen.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Value of Holistic Thinking

 The Value of Holistic Thinking 

m.f.arnold: PTD III, B.A, Ph.D(HC), HM. Holistic Methodologist

Holistic thinking integrates Social, Exact and Business Sciences through the HLL-Holistic Leisure Learning teaching and learning methodology. HLL directs thinking via 7 naturally, sequential activity areas, Nature, People, Languages, Trade, Calculations, Construction and Micro- and Telescopic. Any phenomenon is then assessed via the aforementioned criteria inherent in it. This allows individuals the ability to think reflectively. Reflective thinking asks of the observer to think beyond the obvious external features, into the natural, social, technical, chemical, cultural and spiritual value of everything and how it is connected on a micro and macro, internal and external and seen and unseen level. This kind of thinking has a profound impact on the individual, holistic thinker and those they come into contact with. .

The natural benefits of Holistic thinking creates  sustainable considerations and thus protects the natural environment. The awareness of the natural origins of things develops in the observer a realization of the importance of nature and the conservation of resources.

The people benefits of Holistic thinking create in the individual a social context of what he/she interacts with and this improves personal relationships, which strengthens social cohesion and communication. As more people value the social need of an object, the more valuable it becomes and the more people unite in a wider use of the item for social improvements.

The increased social value of something enhances the language value of anything through promotions and discussions that improve people expressions and articulations and thus improves communication on a national and international level. The product or service then finds international economic value and trade agreements that transcends borders. Nations are then connected for international trade, which increases national exports which grow employment opportunities.

The growth of employment and trade create economic growth that raises the incomes and lifestyles of people, who can then calculate a better future for all. Holistic levels of education and learning accelerates the literacy and numeracy skills development results through more holistic intellectual and social developments that benefit families and nations.

Holistic thinking thus translates into a more conscious, literate and creative society, that becomes grateful to The Creator, as Provider of all resources and opportunities to produce the needed products and services, and this awareness increases the value of spiritual consciousness in each transaction. A Divinely conscious community becomes more creative and thus builds natural and built environments that reflect Divine Unity in Multiplicity and vice versa.

The integrated social order and progress of Holistically aware societies can be equated with the absolutely beautiful universe in its unitary splendour. Holistic thinking is thus cosmic in nature, yet microscopically grateful for the value of every atom and the smallest impact of what was once an insignificant thing, that only had a utility value.
In conclusion, Holistic thinking improves the lives of all those who act on it and consequently spiritualises the concrete world into a web of design that beautifies from within the outer worlds. In a fragmented world caused by the industrial revolution, Holistic thinking is needed to mend the many illnesses that stemmed from mass exploitation of human and natural resources during unbridled capitalism. Now In a world separated and dislocated by covid 19, Holistic thinking has become necessary to invent a paradigm that can save millions of lives. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Poem The Qur'an

 The Qur'an - mfarnold

It changes the nature of work. 
It Creates civilisational connections,
Shared cultural histories and
Develops holistic, integrative heart-thinking,
Commonly known as Taugheed.

It offers locational advantage,
Professional-entrepreneurial expertise -
Commonly called Sunnah.

It Gives everyone a holistic approach
to analyse any given issue 
from a multiple perspective,
Commonly called Shariah.

It removed one from mental isolation,
competitive aggression, violence and
expediency, commonly called Sadaqa, Zakah and Nafaqa.

It gives a global perspective of foolishness of "leadership" agenda's
And rather creates in mankind the value for community-servanthood 
based in mutual and Divine Love, 
called Constant Divine Servicers - Ibaad -
The working adorers/servants of God Almighty, 
who frees the self and others from mind-body slavery - 
through inter-cultural-development Responsibility,
called Universal Brotherhood - Ummah.

It encourages trade, rather than theory,
It opens the mind and heart to the universe 
and nature as the Practical Areas of learning
And questions the policy makers who do not act righteously.

It is The One Textbook and Detailed Universal Constitution
That creates value in everything and everyone 
through the process of Remembrance of God Almighty
In every thought and action, called -Taqwa and Thikr.

It is The Integrative, Holistic Vision - 
All are desperately calling for, when in a crisis,
[Which we actually created with our own hands]
Being  the inherent, heart's call to return to God Almighty,
Which Is His Mercy - Raghma to Humanity He Created, Guides
and Loves - but who mostly seemed to forget that they were just clots, 
whom He Cared for and Raised - Alghamdu Lillaah.

It is only in humility that one is able
To appreciate The Majesty of God Almighty and His Book,
And it is in Refusal and Arrogance that one loses all value in life.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Participation- Confusion - mfarnold

Participation-Confusion - mfarnold

Life's journey
is essentially harmony,

confused by strategy
imposed through academy
that poses as honesty
with hidden fraternity
that favours not the majority,
but the elite few through insincerity,
wrapped in words of fancy,  
that only focuses on money,
through career--education
that rests in economy,
Yet, No job security,
only huge financial liability,
eating away at humility and spirituality
hence little benefit for humanity,
for it is purely focused on polity,
drawn from political expediency,
masked as progress and democracy,
but actually designed "legal" hypocrisy.

Anything not based in Qur'anic Transparency
with its Holistic, Practical Mastery,
which is Absolute Creativity,
denounced by standardised, academic
peer-review stupidity,
that rejects Divine Talented Dependency,
leads many towards confused psychology.
aimed at man-made systems Slavery. 

Only work based in Qur'an, has Sensibility.
All works must seek IT's Guidance for legitimacy
and true justice exists only in its active literacy. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Real Progress - Alghamdu lilaah


Introductory Free Workshop ICRA - One Hour
Islamic Centre for Research and Activity - "
"Taking Ownership of Our Progress IAA"

1. Holistic, All subjects and core skills Mastery Classes for children and youth
2. Marriage workshops that boost couple and family dynamics
3. Certification courses, right up to practical Ph.D's qualifying as Holistic Methodologists, which includes a" Total Human Health" Stream
4. Exciting new affordable books that simplify and remedy educational, social, economic, political and health problems
5. Creating a new, post Corona society that is Self-sustainable and Advanced

in shaa Allah Aameen
Shukran Jazeelan
Dr Faadiel

What Nonsense in Schools now

 What Nonsense  - mfarnold

Is this gender fluidity, 
That forces educational legality,
Of utter stupidity,
To encourage homosexuality !

It is not natural.
It is cynical and satanical,
Radical and Non-committal,
To the challenges of The Marital,
Where men and women
Learn through children,
In a Home, The Path to Enlighten.

Departments of "education"
In worldwide desperation
For funding accreditation,
Is bullying the incorporation
of transgenderation -
A complete No-brainer,
To any Maintainer
Of Sensibility,
That Femininity and Masculinity
Is a Natural Affinity 
To The Innate Identity
of any Human Community.

The thought and policy re: Transgenders,
Is based in Devilish Whispers
For those who open evil doors,
Who question God's Guidance,
Towards Real Family Abundance,
Significance, Nurturance, Cognizance,
And Absolute Brilliance.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

New Vision