Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Compulsory Educational belief in LGBTQ is Child Abuse


Slm and Hi All
The prescriptive LGBTQ curriculum inclusion into state schools, goes against the Education Act and the South African Constitution, with regard to Freedom of Religion, Cultural heritage and basic human rights. LGBTQ is a religious belief and not scientific, or a natural phenomenon, because it is not sustainable through offspring. Its prescription in curricula is thus a legal violation against the human rights of children of other Christian, Islamic and other common heterosexual marriage based faiths. Its Inclusion in state education prescriptive allows people, who do not subscribe to the LGHTQ belief, a right to legal action against any enforced manner. Any member of the public can file for a Protection Order against this forced educational LGBTQ as Religious abuse. This also means that no-one can violate the rights of an individual who wishes to believe in LGBTQ, because each one has a freedom of choice of what he/she wants to believe and practice and has no right to enforce it in any way on others who do not believe in LGBTQ. Please take care. God Almighty is Aware of all forms of oppression. Our children need our adult protection and care. Let us not force our preferences of others. The curriculum that enforces LBGTQ is child abuse


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