Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Mathematical Equation of Faith

The Mathematical Equation of Faith and Trust [Eemaan] - 

by: Mogamat Faadiel Arnold - PTD III, B.A. PhD[HC] - Bo-Kaap Cape Town

 I = C.P.A.W.F.T = CTh = G = Gh = IP = S =1

I - Islamic Faith (may also refer to the self-"I" in search of Guidance through - I=Imaan)

C - Contemplation/ Reflection on the value of things, persons, situations and occurrences  (Ta-fak-kur) as the Marvels of Allah (SWT)

P - Piety - staying away from all forms of Evil, because it is a hinderance

A- Adab (courtesy towards Allah SWT, His Creations,which include mankind)

W - Work - sincere application of knowledge and skills to transform self and all environs - inner and outer

T = to Trust in only Allah SWT as Provider, Protector, Powerful Lord and Sustainer

F = Requesting Forgiveness in admission of imperfections

CTh - constant Thikr (Remembrance of The Creator, Allah SWT every moment

G = Gratitude for every moment, opportunity, Gift, creation, life, honour and faithfulness

Gh - Allah SWT Grants Ghikma (Wisdom) to the seeker for His Countenance/ Divine Presence (Wajh)

IP - Inner Peace = security in faith in God's Ever Presence, Help, Wisdom, Protection & Support ( thus absence of Fear of anything/ any one/ any situation - with secure consciousness of Allah (SWT)'s Nearness - and carefulness not to sin.

S - Success in this world and the Next, due to Nearness and Experience of the Presence of Allah SWT at all times - thus free from worldly attachments/ meaning to strive for worldly positions/ riches while forgetting Allah SWT (instead of appreciating the worldly Gifts from Allah SWT as Signs which reminds us of HIM and to be constantly grateful to Him for Granting us the Rizq (Gifts)) - this state of freedom from all forms of material enslavement, is thus total Freedom ( those who do not fear nor do they grieve - the Friends of Allah SWT - who are granted miracles - traversing the earth, skies, walking on water, the universe feeding them - The Perfect Human example Allah SWT has Sent us in the personality and practice of Nabie Mughammad SAW - the Is-raa (from Makka to Jerusalem) & the Mi'raaj (from Dome of the Rock through the seven heavens - Alghamdu-lilla-hi Rob-bil-'as-la-meen )- from an orphan to the leader of Arabia). Nothing can stand in the way of the Ibaad (sincere worker for Allah (SWT))

1 (One) = being in Unison with the Creator (Where the Ibaad (the adorer and worker for Allah SWT's wishes becomes The Wishes of Allah SWT, and Allah SWT does not hesitate to Grant him his/her requests and Grants him/her true vision, word and actions)- The Equation's answer is = The One and Only God - Allah SWT - Who encompasses  all creations which reflect His 99 Divine Attributes - of which the human has all the 99 Attributes of God potentially in the self - waiting to be actualised. Its actualisation is the application of the Equation above - in shaa Allah, May Allah SWT Grant us the Strength and Wisdom to traverse the Path of the Equation of Faith.

The DOTS between the letters represent Multiplication = The constant improvement of the application of the inter-related, holistic improved application of the equation creates a multiplier effect on the soul that allows it to connect with the Pure Frequencies of The Spirit Ruugh within, which allows the person to holistically transcend time and space and in this way Allah SWT Reveals various Divine Secrets to the traveller towards the inner Truth which Allah SWT has Granted all of us in His Love and Mercy for His Creations - and the Recital, Reading and Reflection of Qur'an - The ONE Resource as the Guidance to humanity to start the Process to Success in this World and The Next - in shaa Allah Aameen.

The above constitutes the Road to the Lord of Power, which allows the individual to be the representative/ vicegerent of God. Such Friends of God traverse the earth with or without vehicles, will be able to walk on water or fly through the sky at the Will of The Creator's Wish, because the Adorer of God (IBAAD) will then reflect his/her divinity inherent in the human to transcend even gravity and other natural laws that restrict those forgetful and ungrateful ones. When the seeker of God's Presence acts, he truly lives the Moment of Divine Power which overpowers everyone and everything with Peace, Harmony and Reverence.

The above equation gives sense to all acts of worship and existence and removes many doubts and allows a greater focus on our purpose in life. The Equation gives direction towards success in a short but absolutely profound way - One Ayah of the Qur'an Can lead us there -
Verily We have Created Everything with/by/in Qadr [measure, number, proportion, ratio, strength, power... etc]
Alghadu Lillahi Robbil'aala-meen.

The Above was inspired by the book of Ibn Al-Arabi - Journey to The Lord of Power, The Qur'an, Aghaadieeth, my personal reflections on the features of the book and some poignant questions from our (ICRA Comprehensive School (ICS)) Grade 10 students at our school, on delivering the lesson to all on the "Mathematical Equation of Faith". I am truly humbled by what Allah SWT has Granted me and the children of ICRA at such a crucial time of many core world changes that have shaken humanity. I have hence, based on this Holistic Knowledge Written One Textbook for All grades that unites all subjects in a reflective way entitled Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections- Alghamdu lillaah -  May Allah SWT continue Guiding us to Him - in shaa Allah.

In activating this Mathematical Equation of Faith over and over one is able to experience higher and higher orbitals/ levels of consciousness that draws us nearer and nearer to experiencing the Presence/Face of God - these are the people for whom God Becomes their, Eyes, Ears, Month that Speaks, Hand that touches, Foot that Walks and for whom Allah SWT Grants all their wishes and If they Ask Allah SWT for His Protection, God will not Hesitate to Grant it to them - as He hesitates to take their Soul at the appointed Death for He does not want to disappoint them - WOW - Hadeeth 508/9 Shagheegh Bukhari Vol 8. Ghadeeth Qudsi. We are so fortunate to be Believers in God, to an extent that the disbeliever is envious of of Divine Connection and their own inability to transcend to theses levels of experience due to their own barriers of arrogance and self-glory they are trapped in - but as believers we must still pray that God Guides them - in shaa Allah - but know that to Pray to Him for others is part of our true faith. 

Wal-laa-hoe ta-'aa-laa "a-lam

and Allah SWT Knows Best

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