Saturday, January 18, 2020

Understanding the Dilemma of Change

Understanding the Dilemma of Change

Comfort is the greatest killer of change..and status quo is the weapon of comfort. If our two days are equal, we are losers [Prophetic Advice]. This calls upon us to be creative. If we are not creative, our natural creative potentials in ourselves will drive us to see the creativity of others in movies, videos, play-stations, youtubes, magazines, galleries, shopping and tours. Our bodies and minds need creativity and movement. Media taps into our natural desire for creativity and steers it towards their own products, services and agendas. In this way high profits are generated through mass manipulations. The rich are able to enjoy the expensive creativities, the middle class goes into debt to rub shoulders with the rich and the impatient steals to join in the niceties of the rich and famous. The majority of people choose not to be creative and become consumers due to the comfort zone of their laziness. To follow the masses leads many astray [Qur'an]. Laziness turns into the desire to control the creativity of others through bullying, criticism, backstabbing for corporate positions and political rivalry. These are actually all forms of moaning [which the Qur'an questions are the moaners the same as those on the straight path]. Through moaning the Straight Path is lost. Others who fail in using their creativity, strive to control others through seeking position through academic certifications and titles. In this way they help to control the man-in-the-street, they term the "commoner". Lazy people, chain themselves in incapacity and this drives them to stunt the creative spirit of others which will free people from their control. Now it becomes clear that oppressive people are actually fearful of others, because the creatives remind them of their own laziness and stagnation. The Lazy people often become insulting to creative people through snide comments to discredit the creatives. Strong creative people are free, because they are not controlled by media, politics and negative comments and conversations. Creatives are self-reliant and often very spiritual. Spirituality with creativity, which in real terms is problem-solving creates true leadership for change. Laziness makes one a loser in that one the becomes a slave of manipulators. This creates an enormous amount frustrations that causes mental, physical, familial and social ills. Losers become the supporters of the status quo and they find joy in supporting the systems and slogans of the elite, especially political wrangling. Politics can be equated with Brand Names which is part of the status quo, which gives the lazy people a sense of false security and status. The most effective way to stunt mass creativity and hence real freedom, are standardised academic institutions that use examinations for ego-worshipping certifications to stratify people into hierarchical positions in the academic and business sectors. These are the real tools of capitalism, which eventually depletes all resources, land, labour, capital and entrepreneurs to serve the elite few at the expense of the creativity of the masses. The institutionalised academics frames the status quo of a dependency culture. Standardised schools and universities thus entrenches the dependency status quo which aims to destroy creativity and enslave the masses. The destruction of individual creativity through standardised education which controls the labour market, causes shrinking economic markets, increased unemployment and underemployment, illness, crime and a widening of the divide between the have and the have-nots due to remuneration disparities based on academic levels. The real culprits who create this dilemma is the large, uncreative, critical minded middle-class who through debt imitate the rich and with certifications help the elite to control the masses with low wages for those who could not afford the expenses of standardised education. Stunting creativity through standardised education is thus the real reason behind the capitalistic woes. Standardised education that inhibit individual creativity destroys the potentials of diverse markets, thus drops the country into an economic downward spiral 

The recognition and remuneration of individual interests, talents, skills, aptitudes, create a vibrant society that becomes self-sufficient. Creativity creates work which diversifies products and services, which thus translates into the growth of diversified markets, which generally stimulate the economy a wider trade network and a growing international trade will increase. when governments remunerate talent and not certification then growth will happen. if governments do not then the larger society of middle-class can individually contribute a small amount monthly to pay youth in a learn and earn and other projects [see "NodebtYouth" and "A New Learning Culture" on this blog]  in self sustaining and developmental, the multiplier effect will cause markets to grow and change and unite society in a constructive, progressive way. A GOLDEN AGE of CHANGE of MODERN SOCIETY WILL ERUPT without slavery...This will happen if we realise that following the status quo kills qualitative change... Change in society will only come when individuals change the inner self [Qur'an ref] to be more God Conscious through the consciousness of becoming change agents to help others and not to be selfish by hiding under the status quo .....God Willing.

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