Thursday, August 18, 2016

'n Klein Storie vir Beeldspraak

Die Mees interessante story – M.F.Arnold

Op ‘n dag sit ‘n man soos ‘n boemelaar (vergelyking). Vir ‘n oomblik trek ‘n helder ster (metafoor) sy aandag. ‘n Baie ordentlike man staan voor hom. “Hoekom is jy so verlore, verlee en verward? (Alliterasie)”; se die man. ‘n Groot, stoot van hoop (assonansie) gryp hom aan. “My probleem is so groot soos ‘n berg” ( hiperbool). Die boemelaar voel ‘n burgerlike oorlog binne homself afspeel ( oksimoron). Hy wil soos die man wees, maar hy is te hoogmoedig (ironie) om te verander. Die man, wie se naam Koos is, se aan hom ; “ Wanneer jy gretig is om te leer dan is jou ongeletterdheid ‘n sterkte ( paradoks). Die kners (klanknabootsing) van sy tande ,uit woede, kan deur almal gehoor word. Sy hond lag (personifikasie). Dit voel soos ‘n geraas van ‘n atomiese bom ( Onderskatting). Hy is besig om in ‘n sekonde die groot verandering te maak. Hy het nie die ABC van die lewe gewaardeer nie (sinektokie). Hy voel om die wereld te verlaat (Eufemisme/ verbloeming). Hy moet opgroei (woordspel) want hy raak oud. Die aandag wat hy geniet het, het hom verander. Hy staan op, bedank die man en loop na die publieke baddens om homself verewig reg te ruk. Hy Sy verandering  het hom  soos ‘n kroon laat voel (metonimia).

Monday, August 15, 2016

Holistic Miniature Story for Figures of Speech

An incredible story by M.F.Arnold

One day a man behaving like a dog (Simile) met a sparkling star (metaphor). She was packing pennies in packets for the pockets of people in poor places (alliteration). As she was talking and walking she was unaware of his stalking (assonance). Her goodness was to him as big as a mountain (hyperbole) and he felt small. His inner-self had suffered a civil war (oxymoron and pun), when he saw such beauty, because he recognised his inner ugliness. She turned around and said: ‘Are you looking for someone?” (irony – he is looking at her and for her). He looked at her as if she was a crown (Metonymy).  “A mouse (metaphor) I am in your presence, my dear.”  Her cat smiled (personification). The clatter (onomatopoeia) of his teeth showed his nervousness. She calmly told him: “Ignorance is strength (paradox) when one is open to knowledge”. This was to him like a noisy atomic blast (understatement). He realised that she saw through him. He knew that he felt her status with his first glance and he knew that change for him is now instantaneous. As he realised that he had fallen for her, he dropped dead (pun).   He might not have known the  ABC’s (synecdoche) of a good life. He might have lived like a brother of the bad, but he did not die with them like a fool (antithesis).  He passed away (euphemism) a valiant gentleman.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Back to the Origin

Assalaamu ‘alaykum

Dear Parents, Guardians and new Applicants

It is our pleasure to announce that, although the children and parents were shocked to hear that we will no longer offer the national senior certificate examination and CAPS curriculum per se (due to the enormous  Government  Price for accreditation R56000 for independent schools),  our children want to continue as far as possible with ICRA Comprehensive School. The reasons given were:
1.       1.They love the Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) curriculum and methodology , teachers’ support and the Qualitative Resources
2.       2. They value the freedom and autonomy they enjoy at the school to push themselves beyond grade requirements and to follow their talents.
3.       3. They feel like a family, being at ICRA.
4.        4. The Qur’anic recitals and Tafsier in the mornings are valuable to them
5.       5. Some parents have indicated that they would like their children to finish the Holistic Senior Coaching Certificate (HSCC) at ICRA. We are encouraged by this commitment. They are putting their Trust in Allah SWT to Grant their children success in the future with the HSCC – in shaa Allah. May Allah SWT accept their intentions and dua’s.
ICRA Comprehensive School will holistically offer all the standard subjects on Grade 12 and above for the home school purposes 

The ICRA Business News:
ICRA will offer those who do not want to complete the academic Grade 11 and 12 or those who  finish matric elsewhere , to become  a partner in ICRA’s business - The ICRA Film-Art-Design-Drama Studio  (ICRA-FADDS) at only R200 a month. Other Designs schools’ monthly fees are from R2000 upward for only one type of art form. The ICRA-FADDS –in shaa Allah-will offer practical exposure and skills development in  the above productions – Film, Art, Design or Drama. The idea is, in shaa Allah, that ICRA youth will be able to earn through their artistic talents from shows,  exhibitions and sales – in shaa Allah.
Design students at ICRA have already offered to be part of the skills development team for the ICRA –FADDS, after they finish Matric at ICRA or else-where. That spirit is heart-warming.
We are all looking forward to the full roll-out of Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) and the establishment of the youth employment future plans of ICRA-FADDS.
A most important development of HLL is that we are moving away from conventional full-scale June and Final Exams. Exams and Tests will be happening on a continuous basis, but Reports/Assessments will still be issued quarterly – and it will include the students’ achievements in each quarter.
Please be prepared that more orals and practicals will be expected  from ICRA students to qualify for the Holistic Foundation, Junior [equivalent to Grade 7] and Senior Coaching Certificates [equivalent to Grade 12]– in shaa Allah.

My new Publication: Holistic Curriculum-related Reflections [HCrR], which has now been featured in the Argus 19-9-2018 as The Book for a new International Educational Model that answers the international education and youth employment needs, now Alghandu lillaah allows Muslims to guide all people towards international success personally and communally - in shaa Allah. The Book is perfect for home-schooling and as an additional, progressive resource to accelerate children's academic abilities. Schools that have just had a 20 minute taste of HCrR reported that their children in transformed into articulate students immediately thereafter - Algahmdu lillah.  The HCrR  will also advance madrassa education to a very high level. Students who do The Community-based HSCC with ICRA full-time or part-time, will have 17 subjects integratively, holistically shown, on their Progress Report which will allow them to have an edge on their CV's . ICRA is now focusing on its Youth Employment Project, after having all the HLL resources and learning program completed, Alghamdu lillaah. Your support will, in shaa Allah, make a new progressive city possible where people of all faiths and persuasions will together progress as a family. Cape Town can do this because of our history of tolerance and respect for each other's strengths and faiths. in shaa Allah. Let's become the attraction for True Quality Holistic Education and Tourism - In shaa Allah 

Shuk’ran for All your support and Dua’s
Keep well – in shaa Allah