Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holistic Leisure Learning:HLL

Knol will be discontinued on May 1, 2012. Learn more.

Holistic Leisure learning (HLL)

786 New Didactics for a NewMillennium 

(HLL Motivates, Integrates and Accelerates the Learning Process)

HLL is Now and Firstly applied at ICRA Comprehensive School(ICS): Cape Town - Where the "The Arts in Islam" (Algebra, Chemistry, Physics, Architecture, Medicine, Design, Cuisine, etc.) is holistically researched and practiced. At ICS we integrate diverse disciplines through the Qur'an and motivate via the passionate interest of each student.

ICRA is the acronym for "Islamic Centre for Research and Activity"- the venue where students and HLL facilitators interact to discover lasting, integrated knowledge and put it to practical use for the benefit of all - In Shaa Allah. ICRA also serves as the reflective reminder of IQRA - 'to read, peruse, study, proclaim, teach' - the first Word of The Qur'anic Revelation to Prophet Mughammad (Pbuh) on the 'Night of Power' (Lay-la-tul-Qadr).

Value of HLL
In a Question and Answer discussion between the HLL facilitator and a mixed grade of students Grade 6-12 the following profound Wisdom surfaced by the Grace of The Almighty Allah, The Exalted: 

1.The Purpose of life: Being Grateful to God and all His creations
2. The Strength to fulfil the Purpose of life rests in Belief in Allah, The Exalted, as The One and Only God.
3. The Method of life is Good Work
4. The Style of life is Courtesy
5. The Aim of Life is Success 
6. The Reward for Success is Closeness to Allah, The Exalted.
7. The Experience of the Reward is Divinely Granted Power to the conscientious believer.


Most Educational Infrastructures see the child as a vessel to be filled. HLL starts from the concept of a child's Natural Disposition of Purity and complete knowledgeability (Fitrah). Informed adults thus need to create an environment, which will unlock a child's Fitrah in a way that will allow the adult to learn from the knowledge and skills of the child as it unfolds, creating the motivation in the child to learn from the knowledge and experience of the adult. The adult and learner are thus in a common learning environment, where each one respects and values the other's God-given knowledge, talents, experience and skills. The learning process is then holistic and is arrived at in a leisurely way, which creates lasting values. HLL thus does not operate within rigid structures, but unfolds through flexibility, while constantly being aware of the unity in multiplicity and multiplicity in the unity of knowledge and phenomena

WCED's (Western Cape Education Department) Quality Assurance Department's Evaluation of ICS (26-28 August 2013)

WCED sent 4 inspectors from the Quality Assurance Department, to do a Full 3-Day  on-site Whole School Evaluation(WSE)  of ICS from 26-28 August 2013. The below summarised WCED Report was issued on 28 August 2013:

The School has a Vision and Mission Statement that translates into clear aims, objectives, values and operational plans that gives appropriate direction and purpose to address its needs.

The school has all the key policies, as well as, additional policies which comply with legislation to assist it to function smoothly and achieve its objectives.

The teaching staff display a positive, supportive spirit and show real interest in their learners' well-being and development.

As a result of the implementation of the Holistic Leisure Learning principles, it is evident from the learners' behaviour that the objectives that are spelt out in the Mission and Vision of the school, is being achieved. The basis of all lessons and learning emanates from Qur'anic verses. The nurturing environment and the bases of all lessons have inculcated a definite sense of self-respect and self-discipline in each learner, which has lead to the creation of a work-oriented ethos where learners are thriving.

The standard of curriculum planning and preparation is generally good. The principal prepares detailed lesson plans for the various subjects, including the necessary LTSM (Learner-Teacher Support Materials) to support instruction and learning.

The teaching staff make use of challenging forms of assessments such as holistic projects. They are able to give learners clear and helpful instructions, as well as, access to additional resources to enable them to complete such tasks successfully.

The principal-director, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, gives clear strategic direction to the school. He develops and ensures implementation of all school policies. 

The principal effectively models commitment to on-going professional development by actively seeking  opportunities to deepen and extend his knowledge, improve his professional practice and support the development of younger teachers and other professionals. Under his guidance, the team succeeds in interpreting the relevant learning programmes to create meaningful learning opportunities for their learners. 

There is a Finance Policy that contains procedures and measures for the effective administration of school funds. The Financial Directors apply sound financial practice for income and expenditure procedures.

The school communicates regularly and effectively with parents via letters, SMS, phone calls and invitations to quarterly and other meetings. There is a close working relationship between the school and the parents. 

parents take a keen interest in their children's school work and monitor the progress that they are making. Learners and parents are very motivated as a result of the opportunities to attain beyond 100% and that learners are not held back when they are able to attain the outcomes of lessons that are pitched for higher grades. They eagerly await their children's feedback of the work that is presented to the class. Multigrade learning and teaching allows learners to reinforce the work where they require support and provides opportunities for accelerated learning to occur.

We sincerely Thank Allah (SWT) for the exceptional positive WSE report of the Education Department. We Hope and Pray that Allah (SWT) Will Grant us the Strength, Wisdom and Opportunities to maintain and improve our service to the children and parents of ICS - Inshaa Allah Aameen.

Understanding the problems in world schooling, economics, family dysfunctions or world politics calls for a critical look at how educational infrastructures function and how they have been formulated and its impacts on the individual and on the society. This will allow us to understand how we contributed to the state of affairs we are experiencing today and how we can positively change it.
My work on Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) started in 1989, after I delivered a lecture for the Muslim Medical Association at a Cape Town Conference on " The Aetiology (causation) of Child Abuse". It is through this research that I discovered that the common denominator between the abused, the abuser and the silent onlooker, was a low self-esteem. I then wanted to know where in our daily life is the self-esteem of people broken down so readily. To my horror, I discovered that most children are quite bright before they enter schools. As soon as they arrive at schools their self-esteems are slowly broken down to fit into an infrastructure that "disciplines" them to become a tool for "society" to manipulate. Later, after having been convinced in my Economics Major year, that "education" really has nothing to do with the child, but rather everything to do with the economic-political visions of market manipulative adults, I had to resigned from being a state educator - that was still during the Apartheid Era. I decided to educate my own children from home.
The development of the HLL model is still in the making in practical, flexible terms, with considerations of the social dynamics we are still slaves of. I have published the book on HLL entitled: "Transformation of Education towards Distinguished Awareness (ILM)"; IES 2001. This knol opens to us an opportunity to critically evaluate HLL's merits, while we find ourselves often in a sea of confusion, exploitation, changes and needs for sheer survival, individually, familially, socially, nationally and internationally. The celebration of freedom of speech comes with the ability of people of various nations and tribes uniting to ensure that no one nation and identity usurp the potentials of our growing children. My knol on HLL begs the contributions of the most trustworthy adults, who are keen to help all of us to realistically face our flaws, remedy it and creatively push forward with a sense of divine purpose, which will ultimately benefit all our children.
Theoretical and Spiritual Bases of HLL
The HLL model focuses on the motivation of learners, facilitators, parents and principals to enter the world of learning with an integrative awareness and a holistic appreciation that fuel the want to learn from "the cradle to the grave" (Prophetic (Pbuh) motivation ). The HLL model rests on research, activity and sharing knowledge and skills with those around the self and those who are less fortunate.It integrates the "isolated disciplines" through 7 activity areas,all inspired by Qur'anic Aa-yaat (Marvels/Signs). HLL symbolises the Arabic verb
HAL-LA which means "to testify The Oneness of Allah (SWT)" and it also means "to rejoice, to begin,
new moon". Holistic has its origin in Taugheed (Unity of Allah (SWT), Leisure has its origin in The Qur'an and Ghadeeth, that relate that Allah (SWT) Guides us to make our lives easy (Q87:8) and not difficult and that we must do what is easy for us,in the practice of belief while trusting in Allah's (SWT) Mercy and Blessings (Bukhari B2:29). HLL encourages "Activity Areas", which relate to active learning involvement, which is learner-centred and not "Learning Areas", which often relate to passive learning, which is teacher-centred. ICRA stands for "Islamic Centres for Research and Activity". Every community venue, museum, activity centre, library and recreational centre and every exposure thus becomes a item and place of exploration, research, and learning activity. ICRA Comprehensive School learners are thus not trapped in a conventional school building that often stunts development, growth and increases fears - leaving a child/ learner with a damaged self-esteem.
HLL has 7 activity areas that are naturally sequential, integrated and Qur'anically based:
1. Nature (Q57:1-4)
2. People (Q49:13)
3. Languages (Q30:22)
4. Trade (Q4:29)
5. Calculations (Q54:49)
6. Construction (Q16:81)
7. Micro - and Telescopic (Q13:2-4)
All subjects or learning area can be placed under each of the above activity areas. By placing the subject or learning area within the above activity areas, naturally integrates it into a holistic,sequential awareness of value.
Integrational Value of HLL Activity Areas
Nature is the space for People who use Languages to communicate with each other. Trade is the life-blood "language", which ensures survival, development and progress. Calculations are necessary for Trade. Construction is impossible without Calculations. The Micro- and Telescopic worlds in the universe are constructed by Allah, The Exalted, with Superb Divine Precision and Balance.
Establishment of the First School for HLL Practice
ICRA Comprehensive School (ICS) ,with its HLL methodology and practice policies, was registered by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) as an Independent School (Primary and High) in July 2009.
The Aim of ICS
To provide interesting, comprehensive, holistic education and training that enhance life's appreciation, through its entire media - spiritual, social, scientific, business and legal stimuli.
Holistic motivation, that energizes self and others to execute universally accepted good (MA'RUUF) that benefits self, the environment and fellow beings towards a progressive and dynamic peace, that translates into a holistic, balanced life-style.
The Holistic Leisure Learning model is aimed at holistically and sequentially moving through learner interests to the knowledge, skills and values needed to create the inner motivation to explore and create features of ease from the cradle to the grave.
Structure & Progress
The Qur'an and other Revealed resources will provide the Guidelines for the integration of holistic knowledge, skills and values needed in the field of learning. This will help the development of the soul/ self from its Instinctive Self to the Self-at-Peace and Security, within the world of immense challenges and tests.
Foci for Each Phase of Learning
Grade 1-3
Focus on the Fun of life with due awareness of goodness within and without
Grade 4-6
Focus on Spiritual, social, academic, scientific and political skills that form the basis for preparation for adulthood
Grade 7-9
Focus on the development of responsible and contributory adult skills to ensure the beginning of positivity in adulthood
Grade 10-12
Focus on the world of careers to enable the adult to provide for the self and their loved ones in a decent and creative way.
Core Curriculum
Learning and activity areas that holistically integrate and sequence learning along the lines of interests and needs of the learners (including WCED curriculum guidelines)
General Education and Training (GET):Activity and Learning Areas
1. Nature (Natural Science)
2. People (Social Science & Life Orientation)
3. Languages (English, Afrikaans, Arabic)
4. Trade (Economic Management Sciences)
5. Calculations (Mathematics)
6. Construction (Technology and Arts & Culture)
7. Micro-& Telescopic (Research and Experimentation) - an ICS addition for HLL
Further Education and Training (FET) Fields of Study
Core Fields
1. Science Focus (Life Sciences and Physics)
2. Art Focus (Dramatic Art and Design)
3. Business Focus (Economics and Tourism)
Learners from each Core Field may choose any one subject from the other two Core Fields as a third subject
Compulsory Subjects
Life Orientation
Seventh Subject Choice
ICS Special Examination
Holistic Integration Test
Core Foci for every ICS HLL Actvity Area studies:
1. Conservation
2. Survival
3. Clarity
4. Profitability
5. Accuracy
6. Functionality
7. Reflection
Values Central to ICS
1. Communal-interest
2. Service Assistance
3. Equality & Service
4. Social Benevolence
5. Voluntary consultation
6. Self-purification
7. Humility
8. God Consciousness
9. Flexibility with Guidelines
10. Self-evaluation
11. Mutual upliftment
12. Brotherhood & Sisterhood
13. Mutual responsibility
14. Voluntary allegiance to intrinsic truth
15. Loyalty to Goodness
16. Action-based lifestyle
17. Mutual support
18. Liberating motivation
19. Love
20. Care
ICS Self-teaching Resources
  1. Resources are designed to encourage self-motivation, exploration, and self-, family- and facilitator assessment.
  2. Resources will cover the following essentials:
2.1.Environmental Awareness
2.2.Significant People
2.3.The Holistic Self
2.4.Human Needs and Wants
2.5.The Value of Work
2.6.Dealing with disappointment
2.7.The Value of Gratefulness to God and people
2.8.Skills implementation
2.9.Assessing product value
2.10. Innovations
Continuous Evaluation
  1. Learners are encouraged to use the resources to construct self, peer and group evaluations, which are validated by individual oral tests from facilitators on a daily basis
  2. Assessors record daily progress, achievements and interventions
  3. Assessors also test per grade and phase, through standardised tests that build on self-, peer- and group assessments as well as challenging learners to higher levels of thinking an creating.
Sequential Scientic Skills-Guidelines for ICS learners
  1. Observe
  2. Identify
  3. Categorize
  4. Pattern formation
  5. Compare
  6. Evaluate
  7. Create
  8. Solve
  9. Report
  10. Analyse
Any skill, of the above, a learner achieves pre-supposes all the mastering of the skills above the specific skill achieved.
ICS Schooling Plan Focus
Emphasis is on the Holistic, Mathematical Value of existence, which unites all phenomena into the Dependence on The One Creator, Allah, The Exalted, Who created everything in measure(Qur'an 54:49), balance (Q55:7) and keeps an account of everthing (Q72:28).
ICS Ethics
The Spiritual, Essential Goodness of the human being (Fitrah) will consistently be stimulated to unfold in all thoughts, acts and interaction between learners and teachers/facilitators and staff members.
Learning Environment
All areas of learning and activity must resemble the comforts of a home and built or natiral environment, so that learning, creating and assisting each other becomes part and parcel of the whole life ethos of ICS participants. It is in such an environment that those at ICS appreciate life-long learning as a source of discovering the integrated Mercies from Allah (SWT) as exposed through His Marvels (AA-YAAT) spread through the universes.
School Motto
"Reflection leads to Spirituality & Creativity"
Guiding Principle of ICS
"From The Qur'an to the Sciences"
ICS Poems
All learning Area Assessment Criteria of the South African National Education Department (NED) are captured in "ICS Learning Area Poems", allowing learners a quick access into the core features of a Learning Area, Activity or Concept. All ICS poems also serve as holistic, integrated study stimuli,that ensures a summarised life-long awareness and remembrance of core knowledge concepts and facts..
Progress Reports
All progress reports shall reflect the learner-in-development-process. Multiple assessment methods are used to ensure that a learner's strengths are reflected such that he/she will succeed each quarter. All Assessments reflect the most appropriate percentage, based on evidence, the NED code system, as well as the symbol of achievement of the learner. The report serves as reference for the learner's advancement academically, practically, orally, socially, individually and spiritually.
Learning Motivation
An integrated grade and subject motivational lesson is presented daily, in which learners are challenged to think out-of- -the-box. This is to instill in them an acute, analytical appreciation of phenomena around them, allowing them the skills to evaluate the significant environment, drawing from it data, to understand its dynamics, holistically and thus be in a position to have problem solving skills necessary to succeed at various levels despite personal/ structural/social/political impediments.
Level of Competency
A self-assessment ethos is developed in learners linked to the Awareness of the constant Presence of The Creator, as The Ultimate Overseer of all affairs (Q57:4). This allows learners to access their own progress through levels of competency:
Level 1: Identification
Level 2: Characterization
Level 3: Application
Level 4: Innovation
The above levels, sequentially, help the learner chart his/her own progress through developing guided evidence
Key to ICS Learner Progress
HLL learners are guided through qualitative ICS processes to make informed decisions to pursue their interests, use their talents and skills to chart their individual learning progress while being acutely aware of the holistic integration of every phenomena in life. Self-motivation and creativity are thus the key foci of ICS.

To help learners attain success as a person ICS constantly reminds learners of the The ICS Pillars of Progress (POP):
1. Punctuality
2. Decency
3. Self-control
4. Responsibility
5. Dedication

Learners who achieve the above has mastered the needs to find employment/create employment and sustain a value position in the workplace.

ICS Maxim for Every Moment
Learners are taught and repeat the School Maxim to help instill in them the principles and awareness that are dear to the school:

"Help one another
To have the Strength & Wisdom of The Elephant
With the Control of The Lion
Through the Speed and Agility of The Cheetah
While in Camouflage like the Tiger
To be as Huge, Caring, Cuddly, Secure and Powerful
Like The Bear
By The Endurance and Healing Power
of The Camel"

The above maxim was written by M.F.Arnold and inspired by The Holy Qur'an

ICS Student 10-Point Guidelines to Live By: (Inshaa Allah)
1. Be Proactive - Do not wait for others
2. Have a Research Attitude - find knowledge and develop skills
3. Infuse a Personal Drive - be self-motivated
4. Analyse What is Delivered to you or found by you - be Acutely / very Aware of what goes on around you - do not just accept things as is.
5. Be Creative - go beyond the common expectations and traditional thought - don't be boxed in . Think out of the box.
6. Show Commitment - have evidence of your constant involvement with learning, study, research, self-test and achievement
7. Turn Work-into-Play and Relaxation - re-design content into Fun-Loving Creative Activities that Motivate you and others
8. Do not Fall for Fads - Don't imitate others or be Trapped in what's fashionable 
9. Never Waste Time - use Time Efficiently 
10. Be Grateful to Allah (SWT) - Thank Allah (SWT) every day for the health, sustenance and opportunities He ( The Almighty) Gives you.

Flexible Time-table
One hour 40 minute sessions guide the daily activities of learners and facilitators
Session Times including Breaks Focus Activity Area
1 8h00-9h40 Science Nature(NS)
2 9h40-11h20 Communication People (LO;SS,Languages)
3 11h20-13h00 Business Trade and Calculation(EMS, Maths)
4 13h00-14h40 Creativity Construction(Art, Tech,Research)
N.B.The continuation and completion of a whole learning concept takes preference over any rigid time-table, to ensure learner understanding and necessary interventions.
What ICS Facilitators must ensure/ work towards
Learner expectation, gratification, thankfulness and physical abilities, must be inherent in an ICS daily activity. Learners must feel that they have achieved a needed personal endeavour at the school for the day and parents must feel, based on evidence from the child, that ICS is truly adding to their child's spectrum of knowledge, skills, values, belief in, and thankfulness to Allah, The Exalted.
Applications are welcome for entrance from Grade 1 to Grade 10.
Interviews are arranged by phoning the Administration at 021-4243921
Community Development Objectives of ICS
Individual Change Agents
ICS presents a learning environment which develops a positive self-esteem and personal motivation for learning from a spiritual dimension (The Qur'an) to the sciences in the heavens, earth and the self, which The Qur'an encourages us to discover, investigate and appreciate as marvels (Aa-yaat) of the Creations of Allah (SWT). Secular schooling attempts to reduce knowledge to the possession of man, while The Creator makes it clear that Allah (SWT) teaches people what they never knew (Q96:4,5) and that He is the Only Teacher of people and everyone with knowledge and wisdom was granted such blessings from Him to be a transmitter, not granter of knowledge.Being a transmitter of good knowledge is being an inheritor of the prophets ('AS), who were the first knowledge transmitters, Guided by The Only God, Allah (SWT). From this approach through HLL, seeking knowledge becomes a devotion and its discovery leads to Praise of Allah (SWT) (Q35:28) and not the praise of the self. Self-praise is the cornerstone of egotism which eventually leads to self-destruction. Awareness and praise of The Creator leads to the strength of humility and the road to success in this world and the next. An individual who comes from such a learning environment, is a benefit to the community, because his/her soul has identified with its divinely granted inner strength and hence will have the physical, mental and spiritual strength to make a positive contribution to society in which he/she finds himself/ herself. We have often experienced a person who believes he/she has acquired knowledge on his own and has no need for a god, making himself/ herself a god, being then a drag to the family, neighbourhood and community due to the personal arrogance he/she has developed disbelievingly and selfishly. The knowledge of God's Grace is the access to real freedom. Learning without spiritual awareness leads to inner emptiness which translates into various forms of stress that eats away at personal growth.

ICRA Comprehensive School caters for?

The School has been created and designed for Bright Learners and those who endeavour to Bright - In-shaa-Allah Aa-meen

Tolerance through Faith-Based Learning
While state education often regard faith as individual and democracy as a communal goal to be striven for, ICS via HLL offers all parents and children, from different persuasions of Divine Guidance, the share of a learning space that seeks to find the commonalities, rather than differences, in religious practice, because the Divine Message of the Unity of God is open to all (Q2:186). It is this goal of ICS, through HLL, that creates a community spirit of understanding and unity to gain Nearness to The Almighty God - The Provider of Sustenance. No education or degree divorced from The Creator can successfully ensure a means of livelihood and sustainability. The recent economic collapse is one clear indication of the need for man to depend on The Higher Power of God to Guide true investment in the present and future - through the truth of the past. ICS offers parents from Christian, Jewish and any faith that celebrates the Unity of God and the reality of the Final Hour, the space of unity of learning that removes fears of worldly challenges (Q2::62). An ICS requirement will be, that while Muslim children will memorise and internalise Qur'anic Aa-yaat(Marvels), non-Muslim parents will be encouraged to isolate extracts from their Books of Revelations that coincide with Qur'anic Wisdom, for their children to memorise and internalise. The truth of a learning environment lies into its flexibility, yet coherence in the purpose of life's endeavour to learn the Power of God, The Exalted, through His Creations. This opens a door to Wisdom, Grace and Success, worldly and in the Next, driven by a divine spirit of investigations, for all community members.(Q3:64)
Affrodable Quality Education
ICS through HLL, provides all learners with personal tuition, free resources, learning motivation and integration of subjects as well as physical development opportunities at an affordable price:
2015 Fees are structured at
R650 p.m. for learners from Grade 1-12
Raises in School fees for future years are negotiated with parents and discount is granted for learners from the same immediate family.
While most private/independent schools' fee structure include enormous building costs, ICS has been registered by the WCED as having many "campuses" that include functional, existing community, religious and public, sporting and indoor swimming venues, hired by ICS at affordable prices. ICS learning space is thus not restricted to a specific building. ICS growth is thus unlimited. This approach to using existing unused real estate effectively for community progress, has created a livelihood for many around ICS venues - identified by flying, large 3m ICS - HLL banners.
Youth Employment & Benevolence
ICS through HLL is able, unlike state and independent schools, to offer three streams of learning as mentioned above. This allows for a multi-dimensional approach, that if well supported by communities can create jobs for the learners at ICS through:
Drama, Theatre and Film Productions
Tourism Business Ventures
Community-based commodity sales through the increase spread of consumers, where ICS venues are
One-to-One ICS tutor service of graduates of ICS Schools.
The Financing of the above has found its beginning in the gracious sponsors of:
1. Sponsor a Learner program at R300-400 p.m
2. Youth Employment Sponsors @ R100-200 p.m.
The sponsors of the above have personally experience the wide value of the charity they are giving to the future of our learners and youth. All sponsors believe that The Creator increases the sustenance of those who sincerely give charity.
This venture creates and opportunity for those in jobs, to out of gratefulness to The Creator, sponsors the education and employment of youth members. The ripple effect of this benevolence is greater than what we can envisage, because an investment in the Path of The Creator has endless Blessings in dimensions we are unable to imagine. Arafah Fakier wrote on the potential of this idea for the broader South Africa in his feature article "Youth Upliftment - seeking the path from democratic franchise to personal empowerment" (Leadership:Oct 2004).
ICS - Investing in the Economic Prosperity of the Country
Conventional Schools normally provided needed specialised skills for limited, regional market needs. The global village requires more multi-skilled labour. ICS creates the necessary multi-skilled, holistic skills base for more multi-skilled specialists learning, creating labour that can be employed for ICS itself or for the broader global market. The accelerated computer,holistic mathematics and integrated learning skills development learners are exposed to at ICS create a learner with a wide spectrum of applied knowledge world new economies desperately need While conventional educational institutions leaves students with enormous loans, ICS sponsorship is aimed at affordable higher education for ICS learners in a ICS-business environment, allowing learners to immediately contribute to the economy without the interest-related loans and accompanying stress which often depletes real skilled labour productivity.
Giving Body to Abstract Mathematics at ICS
ICS celebrates the Muslim's contribution to Mathematics in Algebra - ja-ba-ra (to harmonise, to balance), Logarithms (of Al-Khwarizmi 800's) and the Arabic numerals, by focusing on the mathematic models that explain all sciences. This creates in ICS learners the necessary skills to succeed in the global village and marvel at the Divine Creation in numbers and pairs (Q36:36) and improve their sincerity in work due to the Divine Account kept of all human activity, for judgement in the hereafter (Q72:28).
In order to discourage capitalistic individualism, egotism, selfishness and exclusivity, ICS learners are made aware of the struggles of learners in the broader society and they are trained to learn, achieve and develop tutorship skills for co-learners and learners from other school who have problems with maths, science, accounting and general data application and interpretation in all learning areas.
Using Modern Technology to empower ICS learners from Gr.1-12
ICS trains learners how to use cell phones, netbooks, spreadsheets and video's as learning, teaching and film production tools. This sets learners in the position as producers of knowledge and not just receivers of knowledge - a practice that has done well in developing learner positive self-esteem building and a group participation-bond, beyond conventional age and grade demarcations.
Accelerating Knowledge Acquisition
HLL allows tutors/ facilitators the opportunities to complete large chunks of knowledge, to accelerate learning so that learners have a complete understanding of a concept and its integration with all other learning areas. A rigid daily, conventional school period structure often breaks up knowledge, presents it in isolated units over a long drawn-out period, which retards the learning, understanding and skills of the learners. ICS has studied the problems of various educational infrastructures and has created and adopted HLL to fast-track learning holistically. HLL of ICS thus creates an interest in learning and motivates learners through allowing them deeper and more applicable learning content and skills. Learners are often demotivated by unconnected, isolated knowledge content presented at conventional schools, by specialised teachers. ICS considers that learners are more savvy with new technology than adults, thus adults must present learning in an advanced, holistic level which keeps learners interested and more advanced than their peers at other schools.This has been possible at ICS because the learners' resources are designed and created by a writer who has majors in Physics, Biology, Economics, Arabic, Pedagogics, Cognitive Psychology, has studied Sociology, Accounting, Art of the West and the Arts of Islam, completed courses in Theatre, Geography, Music and Mathematics, while also specialising in extra-mural activities such as chess, table-tennis and karate - all of which were motivated by the holistic and multi-dimensional approach of The Holy Qur'an.
Teacher and Teacher Assistant Training in HLL
To ensure a continuance and further progress of HLL in the future and to prepare for the growth of ICS schools across the country, the Principal offers staff workshops and a teacher training program in HLL as well as the training of HLL facilitator assistants (minimum admission requirements for HLL assistants is a Senior Certificate/ Equivalent).

Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) Facilitation Course - HLL-FC
The Course That Ignites Education for The 21st Century.
Creating a Motivation for Learning "From the Cradle to The Grave" (-Ghadieth-Prophetic Statement (Pbuh)

  1. Understanding the Child in Context
  2. Knowing the Parents
  3. Building Communities
  4. Principles of Progress
  5. Formulating the Learning Day
  6. Self-teaching Resources
  7. Self-tests & Orals
  8. Effective Administration
  9. Assessments & Interventions
  10. Behavioural Transformations
  11. Subject Integration
  12. Accelerating Learning Development in:
Languages, Mathematics
Accounting.Physics & Chemistry
Content Subjects
13. Study Methods
14. Personal Learner Motivation
15. Holistic Directorship
16. Integrated School Development & Progress

Cost: R50 per 2 hour HLL-FC Session
Duration of the Course: 32 hours
Total Cost: R800

Affiliation with other Community Schools and Home Schoolers
Ghafith schools, community-based schools and parents who prefer home-schooling are offered an affiliation with ICS to ensure that their learners get the best, all-round education and learning via HLL and the official service ICS can offer such affiliated schools' learners.Such learners will be prepared to write all necessary assessments required by the Western Cape Education Department under the auspices of ICRA Comprehensive School's registration. Affiliated community schools' learners will then be registered as ICS learners with the WCED and will be provided with the HLL resources and assessments of ICS. ICS will thus have satellite schools under affiliate management. Teachers of the community schools affiliated to ICS, will receive HLL training and will have the opportunity to be guided by the ICS principal and ICS Head Office HLL facilitators. All of this will be subject to an agreement with the affiliated school's management/ owner/s.
Parents who wish to register their home-schoolers with WCED or any other internationally recognised education body, can receive ICS learning support via HLL. This again is subject to an agreement reached between ICS and the parents concerned and the necessary inspections from WCED. Remember ICS is a registered independent school with its own HLL learning and teaching methodology recognised by the WCED and hence have an enormous flexibility to ensure quality and holistic educational services to all its learners and affiliates. All inspections by WCED are only to ensure the safety and protection of rights of every child.

Learners who have not completed their Ghifths, and whose parents register them with ICS, will have the option to complete his/her ghifths under the ICS program designers via the HLL requirements - which require ghifths with understanding of the AAYAAT (sentences, marvels, signs of The Holy Qur'an), Such learners will continue with their recitals from 14h00 until 15h30. This extra ICS service will require an additional free to cover the payments to ghiths tutors and final completion assessors.
ICS Learner Access to College and University
Community members and learners are often not able to succeed at colleges and universities. ICS growth is aimed at being able to provide the necessary tutorship service for post Matric studies and practice in Theatre, Business, Science, Arts and other fields of studies while learners are registered at universities or colleges that provide the certification, but not the necessary tutorship and training. Such services for post matric learners will depend on applications with the ICS Scholar Development Program. ICS is able to do this due to its specialisation in Study Skills and Learner Motivation Techniques.
Developing Mutual Trust
While many systems operate on mistrust and monitoring, ICS promotes trust, self-regulation and personal motivation through HLL. The start of ICS is a fresh look at a traditional Qur'anic approach to learning, research, discovery and practice that is based on Trust in Allah,The Exalted, sincerity of actions, non-prejudicial practice and the benefit of all at heart. In a current climate of embezzlement of investments and schemes, where many have lost their income and necessary support, and prices are rising for basic commodities and for education, ICS offers all those adults who still believe and trust in honesty, quality and service of humanity an opportunity to network, grow and advance for the best interest of our children - in service of The Creator, Allah, The All Mighty and Wise. Contact us for further meetings, negotiations and hopefully many proactive agreements.
TA-'AA-WUN - Mutual Upliftment
Mutual trust leads to mutual upliftment - Ta-'aa-wun - a Qur'anic term that encourages fellow believers in One God, Allah (SWT), to make every effort to assist and help each other. The concept of charity is then expanded to mutual support and upliftment. Too often do educational infrastructures in the world relate to market and political preparation of young learners to be cooperative citizens, even if the general philosophy of life is skewed. HLL calls for a critical look at the needs, desires, visions and values of the child which we as adults can help materialise. Often educational infrastructures are designed to use the child for the visions, desires, needs and wants of the adults. This is the core reason why children retaliate in different ways. All the children are saying is "Look at us! We have a life to live for our future, when you will not be alive. Help us reach our dream not your out-dated dream/s". The existence of a high unemployment rate amongst school-leavers is proof of the skewed planning of adults. When learners are part of the development of their own destiny then they will easily partake and create a world in which they will succeed. All we need to do is create a space for them to explore, design and make this happen for themselves with the help of our resourcefulness. Allow the young person to be part of the economic blend without exploiting him/her and guide him/her to spend wisely. Do not teach them on loans which usurp their newest working energy to pay back a loan which paid for, often out-dated knowledge and skills. ICS offers all an opportunity to be proactive and not regressive, supportive and not exploitive.
Comparing Conventional Principles of Didactics with that of HLL
Conventional Didactics is presented as a triangular relationship between the Educant(child/learner), the Educator and the Subject matter. HLL presents a "Pentapod" where the "5 legs of Support for a Child" recognises the integral positions and necessary communication between:
1. Parents
2. Facilitators/teachers
3. State
4. Community
5. Business
This Pentapod's duty is to create a supportive Environment in which the learner recognises, interacts, sustains and grows through Marvels/ Signs (AA-YAAT) of The Creator in the Self, The World, The universe and All Nations and Tribes. The stand of the Pentapod leads, through the Divinely Revealed Books and the excellent Examples of the Prophets (Peace be upon Them) to The Love for Allah, The Exalted, The Only God.
By requesting the constant reference to Divinely Revealed Sources, every learning unit finds an integrated, holistic, divine value through which the child can constantly remember the Creator's Mercy, Power and Grace. This builds a belief in The One God, who integrates all facets of life to allow and individual success in this world and the next.
A disbeliever may ask "Why is this important?". The greatest danger to self-preservation and success is egotism. By allowing a learner, youth and adult constant reference to a The Divine Source of all aspects of life, creates in a person a barrier to self-belief, which could translate into abuse of the self and others through acts that are thought to have no accountability to any Higher Power. Belief is God is thus an opportunity for self-evaluation beyond the parameters of the mind and cultural traditions and irrational restrictions. Through belief, linked to the marvels within the self, the environment and space, a person experiences a freedom in the Presence of Allah, The Exalted, which translates into real strength and creativity for the benefit of the self and others.
Abuse, exploitation, embezzlement, stress and confusion is often the result of disassociation of life with the Source of Life, God, The Almighty. "Education" is often a manipulated infrastructure to satisfy arrogant adult needs and wants. Learner-centredness is slowly finding its ground in international state educational plans, but the specialisation training of teachers and workers still caters for Capitalist markets, which threatens many environments. Holistic integration of all previous specialists "disciplines" is needed to value natural and human resources around the world. HLL schools could offer such developmental knowledge, skills and values so desperately needed in the world.

ICS caters for Communities
The ICS academic program is so accelerated, flexible and advanced that it allows learners access to a wider range of extra activities, knowledge and exposures for added skills development. Adults and learners of ICS are thus encouraged to make new suggestions that will advance the services ICS can provide its learners, teachers, assistants,parents, community and country.
Holistic Adult Educational Services now on offer: Commencing Monday 18th January 2010
A Holistic Scholarship Program is now made available in lecture form at ICS Administration House
9 Neiderlands Lane, Bo-Kaap, Central Cape Town at 8pm-10pm
Monday Evenings: From Basic Arabic Speaking to Understanding Qur'anic Motivation
Tuesday Evenings: Holistic Health of The Body, Mind and Soul with Qur'anic & Ahadeeth Sources
Saturday Afternoons After Asr:The Arts in Islam - Symbolism, Design, Calligraphy, Numerology
The Above Scholarship Programs are available for ICS Sponsors of R150, R200 & R400 per month.
The ICS Scholarship Program is the continuous Fundraising Project to ensure the support for deserving learners and to ensure that ICS School Fees are kept within the reach of the majority of parents.
The Scholarship Program also aims at ensuring that new qualified scholars/teachers/facilitators are available to continue the work of teaching and empowering the community via the Holistic Leisure Learning Methodology for children and adults alike. The Scholarship Program aims primarily at creating a holistic awareness of mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and economic wellbeing of our growing societies in a global village.

Applicants must phone 021-4243921 to book their sessions

Comment on South African Grade 12 Diminished Pass %The uproar regarding the reduced 2009 Matric % pass rate in State school results is understandable but it is sad to see the questionable response of "professionals" . The increase in pass rate amongst the Independent school board's results in South Africa (Controlled by a majority enfranchised ) and the top matrics being majority white Afrikaaners makes government and others feel that the poor matric results thus reflect on a racial incapacity to deliver. What must be considered is that matric results in South Africa have always been centrally manipulated in line with political and market agenda's. Matric scripts have never been returned to the student, nor parent or teachers to verify fairness. This is a serious offense against the dignity of any nation and an open road for injustice. Children and parents know this, but they have no option but to submit to authority. This is a general flaw in western influenced educational infra-structures - it is not transparent regarding the future of their children. Educational infrastructures are market related and not child-family-centred, yet when the educational authorities fail to deliver quality education, they blame the parents. The following indicates the failure of old and new western educational infrastructures that have been market related and Eurocentric.
1. Only 0.1 % of the formal educated students are employed in the formal sector of the economy
2. The recent crash of western economies
3. High unemployment rate of of the matrics and graduates
4. The poor planning, management and execution of educational ministries and directorates
5. Lack of insight of many professionals who comment on the educational and economic dilemma's

There is no doubts that Apartheid has a long lasting effect on the South African Economy and hence on educational planning, execution and results. The negative influence of apartheid will continue if the new South Africa still holds on to old, outdated, subject oriented, market-related, Eurocentric educational infrastructures.
The top students of top schools are often privately tutored, because the state school itself cannot create the specialised attention per learner, however small the classes may be. I know this because I private tutored learners from top schools.

Education in the western state schools are suffering due to the reduced funding that reach schools. Old schools catered for professionals. Few succeeded into the industry while a great number who succeeded returned to the teaching profession or were taken into the administration of education (hence no traffic jams during school holidays).Those who could not succeed were taken up in factories and the building industry. During those times imports were restricted, markets were manipulated and supplies controlled to ensure high prices. Today the global economic trends and cyberspace technology reduced the power of a few to manipulate markets and exploit the masses, but this has lead to internal reduction of job opportunities leaving many school and university attendees de-motivated.

It is thus necessary to create a learning environment that motivates learners to learn beyond the need for careers, towards holistic self-fulfillment. This can be done through HLL, which acknowledges the child's spirituality, knowledge and skills and uses it to guide him or her beyond the curriculum and the self, towards greater heights of experience that surpasses restricted, manipulated market needs. In so doing learners are able to create their own markets and bring new opportunities to the fore and add to society. Building leaders in their own right, is the duty of a school. Conventional schools have become boring to learners because the children's technological skills often surpass the school's and the children's access to knowledge is wider. At ICS learners are guided to use technology morally and efficiently to arrive at knowledge holistically. The Qur'an (ICS's Principal Text of Research) provides the Guidance in challenging mankind to penetrate the universe and the Earth, but to realise that one is only able to do this by the Permission and Authority of Allah, The Exalted (Q55:33). Any educational system/model that rejects spirituality must fail. Children are more spiritual than adults (Fitrah). An educator with lukewarm or no spirituality has difficulty in communicating knowledge and motivation to learners.

Quarterly Planning of Learning Activities and Assessments

During the first two months of each quarter learners are involved in guided academic research, written and oral testing. Every learner's progress is monitored on a daily basis by HLL facilitators. Areas of difficulty are taught to learners individually and in groups. Learners are also given opportunities for peer tutoring. Learners are encouraged to take ownership of their learning progress and to ensure that all their workpieces are properly recorded by facilitators. Facilitators report regularly which learning areas learners have failed to research/ pay proper attention to. One month before the end of each quarter formal assessments are started. Learners are exposed to The ICS Mastery Program, where assessments are presented through 10 levels of increased difficulty. This encourages learners to go beyond their grade levels into higher, more challenging areas of assessments for bonus points (a built-in intervention program in the written tests). The Assessment/ examination period stretches over approximately 18-20 days leaving a day between each assessment for immediate feedback to learners and needed intervention. After examinations/assessments all learners take part in the ICS Maths-Science week/s. The maths-science week/s ensure/s the fixation of needed integrated Maths-Science skills learnt and help them enhance understanding, interpretation of data as applied in all other learning areas/ subjects. Three days before the end of each quarter learners partake in sport, boardgames and quizzes to wind down and build an enjoyment for learning and positive, active social skills development and support. Learners score points for their respective houses in a variety of areas: Sport, Academics, Quizzes, School Enhancement and Courtesy.

Successful Presentations at the WCED's Reading Conference on 29 and 30 March 2010The principal of ICS successfully presented 7 sessions on "Integrating Reading with Arts and Maths", at the above conference. All feedback from teachers and Education Advisors were highly positive, with many feeling motivated, commenting : " I see light at the end if the tunnel" ,even though most of the participants had been teaching for +/-30 years and had felt drained by the conditions in teaching. 1500 educators attended this two-day WCED (Western Cape Education Department) Reading Conference, with the over-arching Title "EVERY CHILD CAN READ". The Conference was held at the Cape Teaching & Leadership Institute (CTLI), Nooiensfontein Road, Kuils River, Cape Town.

New OpportunitiesCommunities are approaching the ICS mother-school Directorship to Open new ICS satellite campuses in their areas. The possibilities are endless when every role-player's interests are respected so that all benefit.

What are the Benefits of the Multi-Grades learning areas at ICS?
Isolated Grades create the platform for:
1. peer pressure
2. disrespect for younger learners
3. arrogance of the older learners
4. stratification
5. gangsterism
6. grade-limit knowledge
7. lack of challenging learning experience for younger learners
8. Consideration of the older for the struggles of the younger learners
9. presence of role-models from younger or older learners within one learning activity
10 ready assistance from more experienced learners in the same space
The above drawbacks of conventional, isolated grades are eliminated with Multi-grade learning activity areas and turned into positive group activities that creates a family awareness that transfers into the home for the development of a more cooperative society - instead of the individualistic,exploitive modern societies.

What ICS, through experience, has seen is more effective, is grouping Grade 1-3, Grade 4&5, Grade 6-9 and the planning of Grade 10-12 together. These groups are important for the following reasons;
1. Grade 1 + 2 learning accelerate from being in the working presence of grade 3's
2. Grade 4 and 5 need specific focus and building of their linguistic, mathematical and scientific skills of expression
3, Grade 6's learning accelerates remarkably in the presence of exposures with grade 8 and 9, they understood, and force themselves to work on the levels of the seniors. Grade 8's and 9's in turn want to express themselves as helpers and role-models.

These groups are assisted by holistic qualified facilitators that are ready to integrate their learners' experience, needed knowledge and excitement and who are readily in contact with each other and with each other's groups. That is the holistic atmosphere that drives the excitement of learning at ICS.

HLL integrates All fragmented Knowledge from the 20th century educational modelsThe focal features of every HLL activity area indicates towards re-integration of the holism of knowledge.
each HLL activity area has a specific focus that characterises/ underpins/ supports the whole activity area and which introduces the basic knowledge of the activity area for further analysis.
Conservation ( Nature) - to preserve, look after, protect, to save resources of nature, heritage and health of all people. This ensures the continued biodiversity and skills of a people for survival and progress. Basic Conservation can occur through ;
1. reduction or cessation (stopping) of all forms of pollution
2. not wasting water, electricity or materials
3. Support/ Create National parks/reserves
4. Run environmental awareness programs, arbor/ garden days
5. Re-cycle
6. switch to alternative energy sources - solar, wind, wave power
7. reduce petrol consumption - cycle, walk, have lift clubs, use public transport
8. water plants with water from the downpipes, dish washing,
9. do not let taps run. drip unnecessarily
10.respect cultural artifacts, by having exhibitions, discussions, festivals well, exercise and don't smoke and drink wine and display valuable memorabilia
Survival (People) - to go on living, to continue, to be sustained, to have enough to survive.A human being needs water, warmth, food, shelter, air, to relieve the self, movement and clothing. A person will die without water for 6 days, food for 9 days, exposed to more than 3 hours of extreme heat or cold. The Boy's Scouts add mental needs for survival - stop, think, observe, plan. Maslow adds - safety + security , the need to be loved, to belong, to feel good, to achieve, to rest and sleep. When traveling and in preparation for any emergency one needs - water bottle, dried food+fruit, nutrition bars, first-aid kit, torch, extra batteries, toiletries, medication, blanket, waterproof cover, matches, pen+paper, pocket knife and a whistle. Basic human food needs for healthy, sustained body are carbohydrates ( breads), protein (meats), minerals (vegetables), vitamins (fruits), Liquids(water), vibre (bran). Today a cell-phone and charger has become necessary. The ultimate survival needs are a job and faith and trust in Allah, The Exalted.
Clarity (Languages) -to speak clearly, well, courteously, directly, not ambiguously (confusing/ dual meanings), understandably. A smile, a firm handshake, confidence, friendliness, full attention to what is being said to you, and genuine interest in what others have to say helps with clarity of language use. Ask about the other person's view/opinion. Listen carefully, project a positive image of the self and the situation under discussion.Remember all situations leads to progress, when you approach it with an open mind and with a preparedness to help. Keeping up to date with what happening on around you give your conversations substance. This will allow you to have intelligent conversations that lead to problem solving or creative outcomes. It is imoportant to be relaxed, at times being humourous when speaking to people. Ensure you are able to contribute in a variety of topics and discussions. Be polite/courteous and use "hedge word" that helps to indicate to your listener that you are not dogmatic/ self-centred and opinionated - "maybe, perhaps, possibly, it may be that, my opinion is.." Think before you utter a word. Do not say others want you to say - be trusthful but considerate to the feelings of others. Use your emotional intelligence. Respect the other person at all times. Consider diverse opinions. Remember there are as many opinions as there are people. Be tolerant with others.Acknowledge the points made by the other person. Try to understand it fully from the speaker's perspective. If you are not sure, check with the speaker by repeating what was said in the way you understand it so that the person can verify whether he/she is clearly understood. This creates an opportunity for mutual agreement and prevents unnecessary arguments. There will be clarity of expression and understanding when these basic principles of language communication are followed.
Profitability (Trade) - When Income exceeds Expenses in a manner that allows for growth -. Profitability is when business or any venture yields revenue (profit/ surplus). Such a venture is then has valuable. Profitability is when Income (sales) is more than the running expenses (salaries, stationery, repairs, insurance, fuel, electricity etc. The profit must be substantial enough so that the business / venture can invest from such profits for expansion/ growth. Income-Expenses=Profit. The main aim of a business venture is to make a good profit. Profit is the return/worth of an investment of factors of production (land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship). Profit is the earnings of the owners for personal use and for business expansion in order to yield bigger profits. A successful business is a profitable business. A profitable business creates more and more jobs. Increase jobs creates stable communities, which in turn develops a country.
Accuracy (Calculations) - Being on the spot/ correct/no time was wasted/ on target/ well aimed.
The value of accuracy is that no resources go wasted. Accuracy needs skills for proper calculations. Being exact needs focus, number and relationship skills. Accuracy/ precision is used to successfully work as an engineer, scientist, data processor, surgeon, chemist, teacher, doctor etc., to help people succeed. Accuracy help people reach their goals, achieve success and progress faster with greater value.
Functionality (Construction) - usefulness, high utility, works well, fits perfectly, can benefit from it, it has purpose, good reasoning in its creation. High performance depends on successful functionality. A product must do what it is intended for. Everything has a function. The function of something relies on it having all the specifications (measurements, guidelines) required to serve the purpose/ object of its creation. Each item has its own/different specifications. Specifications include size/measurement, shape(volume), weight, durability(last) or flexibility, stiffness. Functionality of something depends on the intention of the producer/ creator/designer/architect/engineer. The most functional item becomes more marketable and will then have greater sales, income and hence creates more and more jobs. Functionality brings about customer satisfaction and bigger profits for the investors/ owners/ business.
Observation (Micro-&Telescopic) - careful when looking, taking careful note, focusing, intention to learn through seeing. Characteristics, differences, similarities , dimensions, relationships, new species or discoveries are found with careful observation. New knowledge is acquired through observation or specific/ existing knowledge confirmed. Observation requires focus, dedication, care, direction, consideration, patience and a sense of adventure.
Purpose of HLL through the above foci of each HLL activity areasHLL Foci encourages value-based decision-making based on acute knowledge and purpose for individual and communal progress in this life and the hereafter.
Effective Decision-making rests on:
Identifying the chellenge/ problem
2. knowing the potential of existing resources
3. Consideration of social dynamics
4. Awareness of the impacts on the environment/community of each decision option
5. Contingency plan for any hitches during the execution of the decision
6. Successful outcome of a good decision must create a new resource
EquationEach decision hopes to achieve a successful result from the combinations of different inputs/resources/elements.
Decisions are thus based on careful reasoning. Such decisions are perfectly calculated/mathematical precision. Decisions like mathematics deals with variables/ possible resources/values/ combinations to achieve desired results/ solutions.

Results must bring about progress. The methods to acquire success create new resources with which to build new possibilities. New possibilities occupies new spaces which create new patterns. New patterns have new effects on the minds of people. The effects changes human behaviour and can in turn create eaze / comfortable living. Increased comforts is progress. If anything creates discomfort, then retardation has occurred.
HarmonyEquations that create progressive results, were based on sound decision making. Progress is development and development is only possible when there exists harmony in interaction, which brings the needed results of the combinations of resources. Harmony creates a pattern that translates into the art of living, caring, loving, working, creating, establishing, developing and sharing that which lays the foundation for new establishments, to form new businesses and hence new jobs.
sharing requires knowledge of fractions, ratio's, area and percentage. Sharing also requires emotional intelligence. This is the awareness of the feelings of others and the impact decisions can have on their lives. Sharing creates joy and feelings of togetherness, unity and 'humanhood'. Decisions based on the welfare of the self and others are the ingredients of faith in a Higher Power that Oversees inner human intentions and outer action - whether there exists a harmony between them.
Spirituality (beyond physical satisfaction) stimulated by sharing. Consideration for others is based on knowledge and belief in a Compassionate God, Who Himself granted gifts(resources) to people of various natures, so that they can communicate with each other and share, sell and transfer their specific Granted Gifts, skills and specialities. This communication and awareness creates the need to know the history, culture and beliefs of others whose resources we need.
HeritageThe knowledge of a people is embedded in their culture, art, architecture, festivals and religious beliefs. This awareness creates an appreciation for the value of the heritage of ones own society and others. This translates into a behaviour pattern that respects others and people in general. Through respect comes love, care and proper interaction and marriage between nations and tribes, which in turn create new blended cultures for new times.
InnovationThe mix of cultures of nations create the platform for innovation. Innovation is the creation of new products that open new frontiers (possibilities). Such new products are only possible through respectful sharing of resources from different heritages. Innovation does happen in a vacuum, but is a result of past, present and future beliefs, intentions and practices.
AdvancementInnovation leads to advancement and advancement creates a power that allows for the use of new resources. This creates brand new industries, jobs, lifestyles and enjoyments. Advancements are thus the quest for happiness. But such happiness rests on consideration of old and future generations.
The wise use of resources, skills and human potential create a platform for continued existence of a people, and hence humanity. Here greed has been kept in check, selfishness discouraged and foolishness not tolerated. Serious spiritual awareness has thus succeeded and materialism has become a tool for holistic, human progress.
The Holistic Leisure Learning (HLL) model's Activity Areas with its foci, thus successfully completes the cycle towards conservation and survival - the first two foci of HLL's Activity Areas. This awareness of the integrated nature of all knowledge, specialities and peoples, creates in the learner, facilitators and parents the gratefulness to The Creator, Allah, The Exalted, who created the unlimited resources, minds and spirit of people to transcend time and space and return to Him triumphant.
"And He (Allah (SWT)) has subjected/ordered everything in the heavens and earth to serve you (all) from Him (as a Gift). Verily in that are marvels/signs for those who reflect(think deeply)" Qur'an Surah 45:13

The cycle or holism of HLL is evident in the above integrated exposition:
1. Conservation
2. Survival
3. Clarity
4. Profitability
5. Accuracy
6. Functionality
7. Observation
8. Purpose
9. Equation
11. Harmony
12. Sharing
13. Spirituality
14. Heritage
15. Innovation
16. Advancement
17. Sustainability
18. Gratefulness
19. Orbiting and back to 1, above
" Everything in the heavens and the Earth expresses Praise to Allah(SWT) through Orbiting, and He is The Mighty and The Wise" Qur'an Surah 57:1

2010 WCED Principals Conference
The Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute convened a successful principals conference on 30th September & 1st October where 200+ principals and advisors attended. The principal of ICS successfully presented "Holistic Motivational Management of Schools" for 3 well-attended sessions. The general comments were that the sessions were:
1. Breath of fresh air
2. Demands complete mind shift
3. Needs to be used to transform non-performing schools

The core points driven by the ICS principal at the conference were:
1. Principasl must serve all stakeholders at his/her school as an informed service provider - not as a "leader/manager of a group", because these terns engender a hierarchy that disturbs general motivation of all at school
2. Principals must create opportunities for him/her to provide all teachers with prepared integrated subject contents and assessments - copies were provided of the work already done at ICS to share with other schools
3. The holistic happiness of the child at school must be the focus of the service delivery while the real needs of the children and families of the school community must drive the integrated content, projects, work and assessments of the school - eg. if food is scarce in the community the school must use all its resources, time, activities and tests around sustainable food production, sourcing and servicimg
4. Principals must not keep an open door policy which makes a school community ask/beg for his/her help, but go to the teachers and help them within their situations - their buy-in for help from the principals will then be automatic - "serve and you shall be served" -the natural, divine spirit of life.
5. Serving a school holistically, with the aim to help make everyone happy, allows for the acceleration, integration and increased achievement standards of the school - this can only happy if principals are creative and not enslave themselves to frameworks and systems that have already proved itself a failure.

ICS links with the International Islamic Online University (IOU)

Alghamdu Lillaah, ICS is presently one of the recognised examination centres for the IOU as from 2011. The ICS principal is now a IOC registered Proctor, who oversees the final examinations of students of Cape Town that are registered with IOU for diploma and degree courses in Islamic related subjects such as Aqeedah, Arabic, Tajweed, Seerah, Fiqh as well as English and Computers. The Diploma and Bachelors Degree in Islamic Studies (BAIS) are internationally recognised. The courses are free. Google "Islamic Online University" for more details. You can also see ICS on the IOU websites as an Approved IOU Examination centre in the world.

ICS's New Islamic Advisory-Mediator's Course (IAMC) for Adults (Males and Females) now available
A brand new Adult education program will start at the ICS Head Office of Thursday Evenings after Eshaa Salaah on the IAMC in two-hourly sessions per
IAMC aims to provide students with exposure to:
1. Analytical Arabic
2. Selected Qur'an and Aghaadeeth memorisation
3. Shariah Studies based on an International Acclaimed Professor Doi's Text
4. The Motivational Character of The Holy Qur'an
5. Counseling techniques for various situations - using holistic, Shariah-based acquired skills

IAMC will be delivered as an integrated, holistic program. Students will be issued with a Certificate of Attendance and Competence in IAMC according to the number of years he/she completed - Inshaa Allah. Aa-meen - no lessons will be repeated. The longer the student stays in IAMC the more skilled he/she becomes Inshaa-Allah.

IAMC will commence on Thursday night 8th September 2011 after Ieshaa. Students are welcome to fall in at any time of the year. They will be expected to catch-up on their notes from previous students, but will be presented with a certificate of competency in IAMC only for the number of years they physically attend, when they leave the course.

The course is Free, but students must have an A5 notebook/hardcover and will have to buy some books the presenter advises.


Assalamu Alaykum

I was a student of Mogamat Faadiel Arnold at his Holistic Leisure Learning Centre in 1989. I just found this knol and became so excited !

Attending the HLL, I was able to skip 3 grades and later received distinctions in some grade 12 subjects, whereas in 'normal school', I was considered average.. Looking back it was because I was bored and while attending the HLL, I felt free, learned what I enjoyed at my own pace, and succeeded, not using the 'normal' school curriculum. We studied all subjects, and I enjoyed every subject, learning how the subject was connected to my faith.

I am currently a computer programmer in Australia, aiming to study towards an MBA or something similar soon. If I had only attended 'normal' school, I would not have been aware of what I could bring in this world and what is possible of me..

Also I learned the appreciation of the Almighty in everything we do ! Alhamdulilah. Keep up the great work, you will be rewarded, Insha-Allah.


Last edited Jun 27, 2010 5:55 PM

Teacher Training


I enjoyed the morning with your class. And after chatting to Marwaan, I'd really like to do training. Please keep me updated on that. Regarding Aasiyah, we are going with her age and will enrol her for Grade 1 in 2011. You can contact me at

Shukran and well done !


Valuable ideas
I admit to only skimming through this Knol, but I find the concept and methods to be of great value. As a non-believer, I would naturally make some changes, but frankly, they would be few. Positive values transcend religion.

for Foundation & Intermediate Phases: 

Dear Parents

ICS has written its own reading materials for all subjects in the Foundation and Intermediate phases, in the form of Short Poems: These Poems are written in such a way that it completes the curriculum requirement-knowledge of a learner, orally thus also allowing the child to have a holistic knowledge and appreciation of learning areas and subjects. Please help your children by ensuring that they memorise these poems, with understanding of the context of each verse in the texts and its wider implications. Also ensure that your children are able to spell each word in each poem and are able to use the words in creating their own sentences, poems, paragraphs and essays. The Poems, by The Grace of Allah(SWT), has been extremely motivational and finds its origin mostly in the values and view of The Holy Qur'an - yet it can universally be used by a child in the world, from any faith/ persuasion.

1.New learners that join the school, at any grade, must ensure that they are able to know these poems.
2.It is important to acknowledge the Poet in each memorisation - to stem/ control plagiary.
3. These poems can be set under the 7-HLL activity Areas (Nature , People, Languages, Trade, Calculations, Construction, Micro-and Telescopic.

The Poems below were written by M.F.Arnold in 2009

1. ICS Maxim for Every Moment

Help One Another
To have the Strength and Wisdom of the Elephant,
With the Control of the Lion,
Through the Speed and Agility of the Cheetah,
While in Camouflage like the Tiger,
To be as Huge, Caring, Cuddly, Secure and Powerful
Like the Bear
by the Endurance and Healing Qualities
of The Camel

2. Global Warming

The Glut of Man for Money,
Made Factories Dull The Sunny.
Poison Gases Increase,
Melting Many a Freeze.
Sea Rises, People out of Houses.
Animals Lose their Way,
For Climates no-longer Stay.

3. Energy

When it's Inside, it wants to Move,
When it's Released, it can be Proved.
Energy is Heat and can Defeat,
Transfer from Here to There.
It's a Force without Compare.
It Causes Changes in the Main.
Without its Presence All's in vain.

4. Sustainability

Resource Use without a thought,
Can Destroy, what can't be Bought.
Trees, Rivers, Animals,
Are Precious Gifts, not found in Malls.
Save the Air and be so Fair,
For Generations to bear.
Conserve, Preserve
and Find Alternatives.

5. The Cycles

A Cycle of Carbon,
for making Food,
A Cycle of Nitrogen,
for Soil so Good.
While the Cycle of Water
is There to Soothe.

The Cycle of Life,
From Birth to Death,
Relies Entirely on Clear Breath.

All Cycles Integrate
at Specific Time and Date
All Designed by The One So Great,
for All of Us to Appreciate.

6. Staying Healthy

A Balanced Diet, Feeds Body and Mind,
Makes Good Sense, to be Fine.
Lots of Fruit and Vegetables,
Give Needed Growth and Minerals.
Some Fats and Carbohydrates,
for Energy and Needed Weight.
Water is Essential,
for Transport of Soluble.

7. Children's Rights

They have a Voice, that We Must Hear,
For Safety, Care and Nurture.
Education is Their Right.
For Freedom did They Fight.
Association is now Free.
Apartheid made many Flee.
Refuse Abuse.
There's No Excuse for Adults not to be Fair.

8. S.A. History

The Khoi were Here,
The Dutch they Feared,
Who later Shot Their Spear.
The English Broke the Dutch Control,
And Later Gave the Boers the Role.
Apartheid Fears by All Dark-Skinned,
Turned to Fighters, Highly Skilled.
Democracy in '94,
United All, Not Seen Before.

7.The Power of Language 

Read, Peruse, Study and Teach.
This is the First Instruction for Each.
Poetry, Prose stood for a While,
Were Totally Deposed by Qur'anic Style.

Arabic, The Language to Reflect,
Develops Acute Intellect.
English sentence Broadens Deep,
Through Arabic Roots, Interchanging Leaps.
Word, Phrase, Sentence, Feat,
Bring Messages from Many a Seat.

Learn to Earn and Do Not Spurn,
The Reading Power of Constant Churn.
Language Builds a People's Pride,
Who Stands Firm and Do Not Hide.

8. Business Sense

Entrepreneurs take some Risks,
Well Calculated and Often Swift.
Initiatives they Take,
For Product is what they Make.
Price-settiung, Marketing.
Personnel and Packaging.
Management Accounting,
Make Profitability Exciting.
Unemployment would have been,
If Businesses were Never Seen.

9. Number Sense

Everything is in Number,
Used be Everyone, even the Plumber.
Multiply, Divide, Add and Subtract,
Create a Science that is very Exact.

Arabic Numerals we all Use,
For Qur'an and Science are Holistically Fused.

Shape, Volume, Depth and Height,
Bring Capacity into Sight.

Algebra and Logarithms, The Arabs Brought,
Allowing Balance, Harmony and Critical Thought.

10. Technology

Discoveries and Inventions,
Use Materials in All Dimensions.
Plastics, Glass and Metals,
Composites, Ceramics and Whiskers.
Carbon Fibres, Nylon,
Bakelite and Teflon.
All Combined and Some Waste,
Caused Environ Dangers in the Haste.
Care is needed with its Use,
To Prevent a Human Noose.

11. The Arts

Creative Edge Presents a Mood,
Through Colour, Line and Pattern Smooth.
Tone, Texture and Design,
Make Compositions Clearly Shine.
Dimensions, Angles, Pitch and Plot,
Send Messages to Audience a Lot.
Displays, Ads and Promotions,
Bring Response to Nations.

12. The Plan

To Plan Cuts Costs,
You would have Lost,
By being too Carefree.

An Overview is what it Needs,
To Start a Process with a Speed.

Creative Juices Start a Spree,
With Aim, Tools, Design and Make,
Review, Report and Right Mistakes,
Expose Ideas from Thought to State.

Lets Not Delay,
What we can Say,
Through Work Well Planned
is All Child's Play.

13.The Orbit

Centred, The Nucleus,

Electrons around,

With Energy Levels, Absolutely Profound.

The Octet Rule for Electron Share,

Makes New Substances for Those Who Dare.

Elements so Pure,

Molecules a Mix,

Give New Materials a Constant Fix.

The Atomic Orbits,

Like Heavenly Bodies -

In Total Service from The One Who Loves,

The Needy Humans and The Doves.

Flight, a Miracle,

To Observe,

For those who want to serve,

The One Who Gave all Nerves.

14. Comments on ICS Poems by Prof. Yasin Mohamed
(Professor in Arabic & Islamic Studies (UWC)

The Poems Capture
The Essence of Each Science.
They are Suitable for Young and Noble Minds.

The Impression They Make
On Innate Human Nature,
Will Ultimately Lead
To Knowledge of The Creator.


15. Life Orientation

To be aware what Skills and Flair,
Could make for you the Success you Dare.
Life Roles rapped in Decision Making,
Calls for Solid Foundations in your taking.

Stress is Sure through life's Curves and Swirls,
Develops Coping-Mechanisms and New Worlds.
Self-Control and Responsibility,
Removes Abuse, Stereotyping and Gender non-reasonability.
Environment Does form Part
In Creating Everlasting New Charts.

Benevolence, Equality and Ethics,
Create a Pluralism that lays the Basis.
Consideration, Tolerance are High on the List
of Solving Social Issues that could Draw Fist.

Assertiveness Prevents Abuse,
While giving Quality to Careers you Choose.
Transformation of Self and Others
Saves The Bill of Rights from Smothers.

Body Fitness and Health Concerns,
Bring Health Promotions with its Earns.
Re-dress through Media, Law and Sport,
Builds a Nation through Safety Sought.

Finance is Needed for Market Trends,
Where Learning, Tasks, Jobs will Mend
a Society that Controls when on a Bend.

Your Contribution as Prospector
in Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Sector,
Brings Conditions in Sight
for a Nation in Flight.

Use Power Wise
and you will Prise
Values, Commitment and Knowledge
of How to Economise.

Flexibility and Multi-Task,
Will surely Bring a Life that Bask.

16. Mathematics

An Exact Science?
Is it Number?
Is it Shape?
Is it Relationship?

Formulae Creates Equivalence
That Draws the Platform for Excellence.
X is Equal to what is on the Other Side,
Divided by What Next to X,
Is the Constant Issue in Maths Texts.

Finding a Sequence allows Predictions,
To Solve a Problem or Prevent Afflictions.
Graphs from Data, as Quick Glance Reference,
Can Prevent Predominance.

Change is Inevitable,
But Algebraic Balance so Comfortable.

y=ax squared + c, the Parabola,
While xy=k, the Hyperbola,
Differs from x squared = y squared = r squared, the Circle,
and y=mx+c, the Straight Line.
On a Cartesian Plain, they all Reflect,
In Symmetry, Translate and Rotate -
This Science is Called Isometry,
Where Areas change with Ordered Pairs Entries.

Scale for Enlargements and Reduction,
Bring the Photocopy into Production.
Probability is Chance clothed in Percentage Dance.

Complete the Table, Factorise,
Find The Product and Summarise.
Topography of Fractions for Expansions,
All's but Practice for Brain Growth
to Prevent Human Froth.

Investigate is the Core Agenda,
In Real Life Context Splendour.
Math Location and Productions,
Give Measured Opportunities
for Positive Communities.

In Support of The Value of Holistic Leisure Learning HLL

"Theologians, philosophers, historians, psychologists, and other scholars may categorize. In doing so, they distort the whole. Nevertheless, by dividing things up, they may give us what we need in order to put things back together again and come to a fuller understanding"

Professors: Sachiko Murata and William C. Chittick (1994) 'The Vision of Islam'; Paragon House, St.Paul, Minnesota. Introduction xxxiv.

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